what’s the longest time you’ve spent creating something for the smallest possible reward?
Reposted from
Child of Prog
I spent a day writing a web-comic thing that got 12 likes but an exasperated "Christ, that's shite" comment on some AI nonsense has 300+ likes and counting.
I lost so much sleep and didn't come close to winning because it was a popularity contest...but the creator of the game voted for my comic!
Novelist here.
Although the novels not placed and novels not completed have been part of the journey. But they did not provide cash or recognition.
228 views so far.
*To the side camera*
It was a lot more than nothing.
I was paid.
The company had value.
3 months for 5 years work.
i thought we were real.
Does that count? 😅
I got a small uptick in LinkedIn searches for me
Rod’s bombed badly, no one cared. The other single went to No.1
Meanwhile, a typo-laden comment I made on Twitter got 450k views and over 30k likes...
I already own a normal battleships set
Hahahaha good job we do it coz we love it!
The answer is that for this project I did an entirely manual word frequency count of certain words in both poems.
I think five people have seen it. And their reactions have been largely just "huh."
*I know, we are grown-arsed adults, not five
"As an AI, I don’t create things or experience rewards in the same way humans do. However, I can understand the concept of investing a lot of time into something with minimal immediate payoff."
I regretted every moment.
The day I launched Zoom quizzes became a meme of bored hatred. Made less than £200 and shut up shop.
PowerPoint and KeyNote versions.
25 years of therapy engagement??? (Well, I'm still alive so I guess something has gone OK, even if it was frustratingly slowly)
Just started a research PhD so ask me again in 5 years...
Crew smashed all the bulbs in first rehearsal and diva headline act refused to push motorbike because it was ‘too heavy’.
A whole week wasted. 😕
I never wrote another.
I mean, "creating" is certainly pushing it when you travel down and back to Plymouth to watch Burnley draw 0-0
I got a “thank you” for making her realize stuff about herself.
I’m better now.
Good luck 🫡
Tricky when summer doesn’t have any summer in it.
This kicked me right in the soul.
Publishing is fucked.
The hummus was... Fine.
It is delicious though.
no but actually, I wrote two-thirds of a book when I was a student that I always intended to get around to finishing (making readable) and getting feedback on and so it's probably that. input, yet to be realised.
Couple of family and friends have enjoyed it, but never done anything else with it.
(Time has passed and I now have several others on the go in the same way)
Oh, oh I see.
43 years creating the illusion of Experience and Work 🤥
(also, he didn't say it live on air.)
And I’d have to check dates but I’m fairly certain that’s when it happened. We had written it about six months before, they broadcast it and it went down well. And then things changed.