The senate is now voting on the confirmation of Christopher Landau for Deputy Secretary at the State Dept, who's promoted the destruction of USAID. Amy Klobuchar just voted yes.
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Because they are spineless cowards who don’t actually fear fascism more than they do the violation of “norms.” Every one of these people needs to be driven from office and hounded from public life.
At this point and I know people might disagree with me but like. We gotta start breaking norms.
Go to their town halls and say "look you're voting like the Republicans are threatening your children if you don't confirm these people can you confirm your children and family are safe?"
Its an awful thing but it's gonna be their kids in the capital versus our kids in the hunger games so y'know get used to it now. Remind them we know they're just people. Put their lives back on the fucking table. We're playing too nice.
because for the past 40 years centrists have demanded people "vOtE bLuE nO MaTtEr WhO," so we've wound up with a party that is fully aware of the fact that there are 0 consequences for anything they do in office because people will still elect them, and because of that, the DNC won't primary them.
Because the democratic party is a coalition party, basically three kids in a trenchcoat. Some members of the democratic party have no values to speak of, and have convinced themselves that there is no such thing as "good" when "nice" is perfectly sufficient to keep their job.
Because Democrats like Amy Klobuchar are failing Democrats, failing their constituents, and failing America. And we as a country keep failing failures upwards.
Theory: They have big $$ donors who want them to play nice or act bi-partisanly, and to avoid pissing them off, they vote with republicans when they perceive little or no chance that an opposing vote will succeed.
Because they fucking suck. I've emailed Slotkin about a dozen times over all the crazy shit Noem and Rubio have been up to asking of she stands by her vote. No response...
They are consistently who they are. Complicit and in cahoots. She is horrendous. She ironically also voted to confirm Rump's head of EPA, a climate denier who will dismantle the entire agency. Isn't she just lovely, though?
they are all hopped up on the genocidal jihad. If they dont demonstrate how they hate us as much as the people they rape and kill their death cult god will tie them up and poke them with a stick on a hot day. I dont believe that crap but look how happy it makes them
It’s Carville. Why are they still listening to this guy, he’s outdated, outmoded. His Do Nothing Strategy is stunningly unwise. Yes it is a given the GOP will crumble, but it’s a missed opportunity or worse not to lead the opposition. We aren’t missing them, we want to replace them.
I genuinely can’t come up with a compelling alternative to POSIWID as explanation. Collaboration is what we’re getting, ergo collaboration is the purpose.
Maga in red or blue is still maga. If you don't hold them accountable with the power of your vote then they get to be as corrupt and unserving to the public as they please and can still count on you and others like you. Voting for the lesser of two evils only begets more evil. As we see here.
I don’t think many Dem senators follow the news in an unmediated way. I don’t think they actually know what’s going on. They are out of touch and due for a primary challenge.
Klobuchar shared this story on Bluesky and then a couple hours later voted to confirm another Trump nominee, specifically a guy at the State Department who promoted dismantling USAID.
At this point all the Senate Dems should vote No or not vote at all on any of the remaining nominations. They should have done that to begin with, but after the incompetence of the cabinet is now on full display, any yes vote is just complicit. The Republicans don’t need the Democrats votes anyways
Democratic Senators are under the impression what Americans need is their commentary on the clown show we all are watching. No ideas or plans to combat this affront on Americans and our government. Just commentary.
Democrats really are awful at slowing the collapse into dictatorship. Vote no on every fucking Trump nominee, filibuster every damn bill. Stop acting like these are normal times and seize the moment.
I used to think very highly of you and was even wanting to see you as our first female President. No more. You have betrayed us with your weakness. You’ve lost a huge supporter. Stop voting for this regime!
After going all all in on bringing in republicans while promising more racism and genocide during a presidential campaign, Dems and any of their supporters don’t get to turn around and act as if any Dem who sides with/aids the fascists isn’t a Dem.
This is EXACTLY what Dems and their cult of braindead Shitlibs swore would win Dems the presidency simply because they refused to oppose fascism whatsoever
Trump is arresting green card holders for political speech, disappearing people without trial to a foreign prison, and shutting down entire agencies established by Congress.
Democrats should be throwing their bodies into the gears to stop the machine. Instead they’re voting for Trump’s nominees.
Wasn't she in the car with #45 as part of the inauguration,
as she was in charge of the Senate committee that oversees that?
She's that white woman, we Black women know will always look out for herself & her kind
The middle of the road live long Democrat I talked to this WE said, Dems should be flying to El Salvador and knock down the prison gates to get the people out as well as blockade the ICE detention centers here and not leave until the wrongly imprisoned are freed.
They're mostly White, at least in the Senate. Only 4 Hispanic Senators (GOP has 3) and 4 Black Senators. I believe that our ◻️ Dem Senators just don't feel the sense of urgency, nor do their rich business donors.
No all democrats do is throw out platitudes word city comes from Democrats. They’re a total disgrace. And I’m really tired of them asking me for money you shouldn’t have to pay to win a seat in the Congress or Senate are the White House.
Senate Democrats and the cos play opposition. They are still voting for GOP bills and appointees instead of filibustering/obstructing/fighting. Senator Schumer and Vichy Democrats are opposition in name only.
She’s honoring the memory of her dear friend John McCain.
The fact that republicans are TRAMPLING over McCain’s legacy means nothing to Klobuchar.
The nominee is going to pass WITHOUT democratic help, SO DON’T HELP!
Lady needs to hold hands with herself and walk herself to the HOME. Israel and the IDF are guilty of genocide. I am not against the best of Israel just its genocidal maniacs. Same goes for Palestinians. WTF! Why are you or any Dem still voting for 47’s nom’s? Are you not hearing us? Are we not loud enough for you? I guess you just don’t give AF what we say. I guess our voices & votes don’t matter. Well, I’m now lumping anyone that votes for a 47 nom as MAGA. Enjoy your new family.
Guessing there’s some three-dimensional chess going on in their brains that hey, we may as well vote for this guy because the next guy he puts in there is gonna be worse.
But no Democrat should be voting for any Trump nominee. No Trump bills. Government should grind to a halt ‘til the crime stops.
So you're inferring that the dems keep voting on the basis of some supposed lesser evil, and it keeps resulting in great evil, pain, and destruction anyway?
Now I'm not saying anyone needs to examine that thought and maybe draw some parallels and conclusions, I'm just saying they could
Yes, it's possible some of these Senators feel they're making a compromise that will help their home state, or they're voting for a "less bad" current nominee vs. a surely worse future nominee. But all this is doing 2 months in is feeding the beast.
Bennet finds the balls to oppose lame Chuck Schumer but not the orange menace? How many AYEs is this now?
Fight every fucking one! There is no downside.
Hickenlooper is just one disappointment after another.
Im old enough to remember when had a future in the Senate.
Not so much now.
All these Senate fuckers who keep acting like this is 2004 gonna learn real soon that if you are cowering or collaborating w/ the GOP on anything... you are out. The voters are done w/ you.
I can't believe the tone deafness of the Democratic Party. Talk about being in a bubble they're as bad as MAGA. Read the room people, we don't want you voting for any of these people or policies. The people are fed up with govt. as it stands today, both sides Republican and Democrats.
Senator Josh Hawley aka….‘running man’….aka….’kinda stands with fist’ commented - “now we’re griping about whose on a text message, - I mean, c’mon.”
But Hilary’s emails???
If they 🐘 didn’t have DOUBLE STANDARDS, they’d 🐘 have NO STANDARDS AT ALL!
Well they can't decide yes or not based on your reason, only if they are qualified, competent, and not a threat to the nation. The other side got elected, but that doesn't mean we compromise our integrity. This is absolutely fucking UNACCEPTABLE. In WHAT WORLD do you think it's okay for you to be supporting ANY nomination of trump's? IN WHAT FUCKING WORLD? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? All these Dems have to go. All of them.
How does so admirably blast the Signalgate chat members today, then vote yea for yet another nominee to join fellow chat guy Rubio?!!!
It may not be worth focusing on the campaign now, as death is everywhere. But as long as I breathe, I will fight for my children 💔🇵🇸✌🏼
Donate for them Donate to make them stronger Donate to protect their fragile bodies ❤️🫂🇵🇸
I trust you friends 🤝
No democrat should be voting on any nominee until these jerks have all been fired. Put a muzzle on fetterman in the meantime. We don’t need grown ass men acting like 7 year olds in the senate.
I am sure they justify the betrayal with thoughts of how much good they have done with their position. What is one lil' old Deputy Secretary in the big scheme of things.
Second time in two days thoughts of 2016 spring to mind. was my immediate response when a southern republican wanted to know who I supported in the democratic primary. Silly me to think she had what it took to stand and fight for what is right for our country.
That's bc Amy Klobuchar actually sucks. When I watched her Weekly Show episode, I got very centralist-borderlining-on-reptilian vibes from her. This just kind of confirms it
For what possible reason would any Dem senator have for voting to confirm any of Trump's nominees. For fucks sake, what is it going to take for them to realize things are not normal, this is a crisis and fucking act like it.
Vichy like keep voting to confirm Trump nominees like clockwork and literally ALL are granting unanimous consent to fast-track them all into office so they can speed run more destruction.
Kaine keeps pulling this shit too - infuriating while we the people keep pounding is phone line and contact form. Kaine voted for more cabinet nominees than Warner, and Warner voted for a lot of them. stop it! Whatever you think you're achieving you're wrong!
I’ve noticed that NH Hassan and Shaheen have consistently voted for these candidates and Shaheen also voted for the final CR even when not needed. She’s retiring and she’s choosing to tarnish her legacy with this cowardice!
I can't tell you how many times I've called 's office demanding she stop voting to confirm Trump nominees. She, along with like 90% of Dems, needs to be primaried. Useless.
That’s it for me. We are toast. Amy Klobuchar? I don’t understand why Democrats are confirming anyone. Are they not paying attention? If they’re still under the illusion that they can work with Republicans, they have lost their ever loving minds. JFC
Maybe she’s giving more rope to hang themselves? But praying nothing truly serious could happen like leaking military plans on a public text service? This is maddening.
Hey fellow White folks: that frustration & disappointment we feel with Dem Senators who don't push back hard enough against their GOP colleagues? Maybe we now have an inkling of what Black Americans have known & felt for generations? Which is maybe why some Black Americans are reluctant to vote?
Let her know it's not acceptable to vote yes on any TFG nominees. She has two accounts on Bluesky. Let her hear how mad we are at her. Let them all know.
"Fellow traveler" is a phrase that has been used to describe those who were in sympathy, open or not, with groups like the Nazis or Stalinists. They weren't Nazis or Communists, but they helped those groups achieve their aims, by act or omission. is NOT reading the room. Last time she posted she asked for calls to get Senators to “do their jobs”. Why does a highly paid US Senator need a call to do what’s right. She should be primaried JUST LIKE Chuck.
Go to their town halls and say "look you're voting like the Republicans are threatening your children if you don't confirm these people can you confirm your children and family are safe?"
If the country is even remotely recognizable then.
“Vote Blue no matter who” was only ever gonna help the fascists, and Shitlibs simply couldn’t resist
They just do not see what’s happening and they just cannot vote no on certain nominees?
Why are they making me wish we had our own Mitch McConnell?
I hate that that's where we are, but that's where we fucking are.
They're all members of the bourgeoisie or proper capitalist, ownership class.
They know what's at stake for them.
That's why.
It's a good alternative to this!
Citizens United and inequality are destroying democracy.
just fantastic
If you can't find the information, did it really happen?
she's a Sinema
After going all all in on bringing in republicans while promising more racism and genocide during a presidential campaign, Dems and any of their supporters don’t get to turn around and act as if any Dem who sides with/aids the fascists isn’t a Dem.
Democrats should be throwing their bodies into the gears to stop the machine. Instead they’re voting for Trump’s nominees.
Doing nothing, lol!
as she was in charge of the Senate committee that oversees that?
She's that white woman, we Black women know will always look out for herself & her kind
note to self: don't post when tired in a foreign language
The fact that republicans are TRAMPLING over McCain’s legacy means nothing to Klobuchar.
The nominee is going to pass WITHOUT democratic help, SO DON’T HELP!
Have you ever heard the phrase, "Actions speak louder than words"?
Your actions are speaking for you and making you look like a FOOL.
There has to be a good reason.
Wonder what it was. 🤔
And no I don't think she was bribed.
None of these people are qualified.
But no Democrat should be voting for any Trump nominee. No Trump bills. Government should grind to a halt ‘til the crime stops.
Now I'm not saying anyone needs to examine that thought and maybe draw some parallels and conclusions, I'm just saying they could
Yes, it's possible some of these Senators feel they're making a compromise that will help their home state, or they're voting for a "less bad" current nominee vs. a surely worse future nominee. But all this is doing 2 months in is feeding the beast.
Bennet D-CO AYE
Bennet finds the balls to oppose lame Chuck Schumer but not the orange menace? How many AYEs is this now?
Fight every fucking one! There is no downside.
Hickenlooper is just one disappointment after another.
Not so much now.
All these Senate fuckers who keep acting like this is 2004 gonna learn real soon that if you are cowering or collaborating w/ the GOP on anything... you are out. The voters are done w/ you.
But Hilary’s emails???
If they 🐘 didn’t have DOUBLE STANDARDS, they’d 🐘 have NO STANDARDS AT ALL!
It sounds as though Democratic Senators are voting for the destruction of the U.S. in order to (they believe) benefit their party.
I don't see this as a winning strategy come the next election.
Donate for them Donate to make them stronger Donate to protect their fragile bodies ❤️🫂🇵🇸
I trust you friends 🤝
Note that AIPAC is her top contributor. She's a part of the Israel First caucus led by T himself.
"He who acts to save his country from tyranny, domestic terrorism, Project 2025, and radical right wing criminals, violates no laws.”
i think we’re being ratfucked, my man. i think we’re taking a protracted backstab from the Senate
To them, it’s just Model Congress from college - one big game where nothing matters, who cares what laws you pass because they don’t matter to you.
Well, at least the appearance of representation.
Would we vote for anybody??
The joke is on us.
That is nuts
Withhold donations and primary them all.
What is wrong with you? No Democrat should be voting to confirm a single Trump cabinet member.
No no no no
This is crazy
Ukraine, disappeared into a chair.
The Gaza Resort.
And it's only been 3 mos.
This guy has a good chance of being acting or promoted to actual Secty of State.
I'm sure a lot of staff will be headed to the door.