Yes. Yes it is. If you're hoarding vast amounts of power you haven't earned and can't use responsibly we will be grabbing that power because it was ours to start with.
I heard someone claim that he had been oppressed for the last four years and was looking forward to that changing in the next administration. Yep, a white male said this out loud. Also reminds me of another person who said that “those people” are “pushing” and should just wait a bit longer.
People say "hey maybe don't be assholes to marginalized people" and these guys think it's a power grab. Considering the lives of others is too much for them apparently
I tend not to pay publications that might be opposed to my rights; I feel like I know the answer, but what groups is he proposing the democrats throw under the bus?
Oh, sorry. I was being silly, asking a the type of person who would throw trans people under the bus whether or not the supposed “gender ideologies” are here right now. Definitely agree with not paying for outlets that want to throw us under the bus!
FFS, “wokeness” is a synonym for empathy. Only the press can turn empathy into something that needs analyzing. Only the press could turn an synonym into a word that is somehow sinister. Let me make it simpler. It’s a power grab.
I’m surprised the person who wrote that headline and sub headline were able to do it from so far up their own asshole. Did they bring their phone with them? A full keyboard? It feels like it would be hard to type while up in an asshole. Even more so one’s own.
I wish that every time I see his name (which is mercifully infrequently) I did not immediately think of the poor dear young Romantic poet. It must be said the poet's poetry is infinitely superior to, and not really to be compared with, any of his namesake's screed.
The middle name with “chatter” in it is just a bit on the nose yet still 🤌
Once again, we see the writers were on a deadline crunch and got a little punchy at 3 am. I bet they had this as a placeholder name, and then forgot to replace it.
The version of the left/liberal coalition that actually wields power that lives rent-free in these guys’ head a) doesn’t exist and would b) be pretty fucking cool.
“What if we met the material needs of everyone in the country while honoring their differences and treating them with the respect they deserve” is just not supposed to be controversial!
Pete Hegseth might have a tattoo in Latin used during the crusades that espouses white Christian nationalism and yes today that saying is used by white Christian nationalists but meanings can change over time”
Ross Douthat.
That this guy's name is "Chatterton" shows that the writers of this season of the reality show "The United States of America" have gone off the rails. We need a rewrite.
What a stupid headline. Everything is a power grab. Politics is a means of acquiring and leveraging power. The questions are who will wield and how will it be used.
Every conservative accusation is a confession. They cannot conceive of holding a belief based on it being right, because all their beliefs are cynically held tools of securing power.
You can tell a lot about someone’s intentions by the premise they choose to argue under in articles. Define Wokeness?
Also, social justice right under words like power hungry leftist title is propaganda messaging because social justice is not a negative thing and it’s a net positive in society.
Yes it would be terrible if anyone wanted power to do things ever, it's obvious that the Republican party are completely disinterested in gaining cash or political influence. They're hoping to cede control as soon as everyone complies with their agenda, for their own good of course. Very selfless.
Thomas Chatterton Williams. No surprise this bourgeois douche bag would be threatened by diversity and equality. He’s probably named after his great grandad the slave owner
Isn’t the answer to his question “yes”? I mean, the point of progressive politics is to gain power and use it to make society better, protect the vulnerable, undo inequalities…you need power to do those things. It’s not “just” a power grab, of course, but it’s pretty important!
Seems to me it’s the same propaganda playbook the Nazis used through media and journalism to make pre-war Germans stand against the Jews, referencing to power being stolen by minorities as a trigger.
Exactly right. When you're used to being on top and having every opportunity handed to you b/c you're a white male, anyone else's claim to equality is an existential threat.
There are dozens of Black writers better than him but Thomas Williams, the Black man who can reliably speak on behalf of white supremacy, thinks he’s in the Atlantic based on merit 🙄
It's deeply racist. When a white guy gets a high position, it's earned, when a black woman gets a high position, it's virtue signaling tokenism to appeal to the "woke mob".
And they want you to not notice, that "the left" doesn't even talk about this stuff, it only reacts to the accusations.
I just loathe the misappropriation of “woke” from its original context. But as for identity politics arguendo,they don’t seem to get that it’s as much applicable to the one sseeking power sharing as it is to the ones denying it.
But hell I’m used to the Scandinavian “we”.
I don't know the context of that Onion headline (and I'm not sure if this is the right place for this discussion) but as I've gotten older and (theoretically) wiser I've found myself thinking "American Pie" is almost a MAGA anthem. Rejecting change and longing for a "simpler time." 🤷♂️
It's hard to understand without context but the actual song had more to do with that big plane crash that killed Buddy Holly and a bunch of other guys, and that representing and end of an era for him personally. But there's a ton of lyrics to that song so some of them might be kinda fashy
I agree particularly with the latter part of what you wrote. Trashing the Beatles and Bob Dylan, calling John Lennon a Marxist. I've never been sufficiently invested in the question to travel down a rabbit hole about it, but because it's a long time favorite song I have wondered about that.
Ah well, never meet your idols I guess. Once you think about it it makes sense tho, since he's pining for the kind of boring farty 50s rock and roll that had all the sharp edges sanded off from the originals.
Hot take ideology means never having to confront actual power grabs in the physical world when you can muse about perceived power grabs in online spaces.
His own echo chamber of right wing grifters prevents any sort of introspection
Trying to rank the annoying things Bari Weiss has done just makes you think more about Bari Weiss, which I think the Surgeon General warned about at some point.
Politics is supposed to be just a game, where a bunch of already very powerful people argue over trivial things. It isn't for, like, the powerless to try to actually change things.
Is there anything of value in The Atlantic anymore? They publish enough of this clickbait horseshit that I’ve stoped caring about it but that means if anyone of value actually publishes something there I likely will never know.
It couldn’t possibly be years of gerrymandering, voter, suppression, and ownership of almost all media and messaging that gave the GOP their sliver of an upper hand, could it??
Oh you silly goose, white power (and wealth, and being a man) is the default power mode. It's only a power grab if someone tries to take power away from the dominant castes. :P
Interesting and intelligent speech is free speech. So is dull and stupid speech.
The key to being a publication that advances understanding and discourse is to know the difference.
Once again, we see the writers were on a deadline crunch and got a little punchy at 3 am. I bet they had this as a placeholder name, and then forgot to replace it.
It happens.
It hasn’t even officially started yet and I already hate this second term.
Fascism sucks.
Cmon now.
It's seriously a case of "read the ̶r̶o̶o̶m̶ stadium, dude."
Ross Douthat.
Also, social justice right under words like power hungry leftist title is propaganda messaging because social justice is not a negative thing and it’s a net positive in society.
I have asked people how they define "woke" and they always define in some terms of hate of hate or prejudice.
Whitest damn name ever, lol
how dare you?
How about the Supreme Court legalizing rightwing corruption, running roughshod over basic human rights?
Such transparent, selfish bigotry; equating the demand that rights be respected with a power grab.
God, how many times I think of this... 😩
It's deeply racist. When a white guy gets a high position, it's earned, when a black woman gets a high position, it's virtue signaling tokenism to appeal to the "woke mob".
And they want you to not notice, that "the left" doesn't even talk about this stuff, it only reacts to the accusations.
But hell I’m used to the Scandinavian “we”.
"I can't believe the worst most reactionary bullshit song I ever wrote is my most popular one"
His own echo chamber of right wing grifters prevents any sort of introspection
Gotta have a backup
there's an echo in here
(And everyone who thinks that far about this question is "woke" precisely BECAUSE they thought about it that far)
It couldn’t possibly be years of gerrymandering, voter, suppression, and ownership of almost all media and messaging that gave the GOP their sliver of an upper hand, could it??
Ok it was just a regular block but it feels like throwing a shot put over here for some reason.
The white racists & trump stole the word from & turned it into a tool of oppression & silence anyone that supports the Constitution
That’s the power grab fool
is what being Woke means.
Follow me petition - calling on Congress to overturn the disastrous right-wing SCOTUS decision to give American presidents absolute immunity by passing the No Kings Act ⏬