Buffy's fight her way through an army of demons to get to the polls on time while Willow points out this is exactly why she early-voted. Meanwhile Giles would uncover the ancient text revealing Trump's true origin.
Liz’ mail-in ballot might be inadmissible because of the chocolate donut smudges that look like pen marks. Then, rehearsal runs late so she tries to Zoom in as she rushes to the polls, but inadvertently brings Jenna and Tracy along, creating live-streamed chaos as fans flood their polling place.
100%. Hank would immediately realize that Trump is a threat to Bobby, Joseph, and Connie, and Peggy would remind him of shit she had to go through as a “headstrong” woman when they were younger. The rest would be Hank talking Dale out of an assassination attempt
I feel the need to point out that Captain America is out campaigning for Kamala, and that she has scored endorsements from Iron Man and at least one Batman.
Come on, Hannibal Lecter would never vote for Trump. Rude, and what's even the good of killing him? He's obviously sick, and something would be wrong with the meat.
This list is missing the most obvious Trumper from pop culture (other than Archie Bunker, of course) - Buddy Garrity from Friday Night Lights. Owner of a car dealership in rural Texas? Doesn’t get more Trumpy than that.
Batman (Bruce Wayne) from the Animated Series is most def no Trump supporter! Ridiculous.
He'd have zero tolerance for all the lying, anti-democracy, pro-dictator rubbish!
Punching Nazis is what Steve Rogers (Captain America) and Indiana Jones are best known for. They're not voting for Cheeto Mussolini.
Trivia note: AJ Soprano wanted to work as a helicopter pilot for Trump, so Tony would either 100% back Trump or try to undermine him by revealing his mob ties.
1. Scarlett O'Hara is maybe voting for a Black woman as President? No, and I don't think that's a close call.
2. Frasier (unlike Kelsey Grammer himself) is NOT going to vote for Trump. A genteel Republican like Romney, maybe, but not so many GOP shrinks even then. A vulgarian like Trump? Never!
Right?! Whatever they're on is the good stuff. Kamala herself had to physically remove Leslie from the phone bank after 33 hours so that she could get some sleep
Y'all out here clowning on Deadpool!! Like omg, there's no way he'd even think of voting Trump. He's canonically either bi or pan, huge supporter of sex workers and women's rights, and also helps punch nazis!!
Scarlett O’Hara is 100% voting for Trump. Margaret Mitchell is 100% voting for Harris. David O. Selznick is telling everyone he’s voting Harris but votes Trump.
Hank Hill was a strong supporter of Ann Richards. Dale and Bill are all MAGA. But Hank votes Harris out of principle and Boomhauer votes Harris because it gets him laid.
No on at least Stark, Wayne and Hill. The first two know they have so much money (and it's made about as ethical as can be for that amount of money) that they prefer stability over tax cuts (plus Wayne can cover his tax bill with the Wayne Foundation easy)
Ken, Joey, Rocky, Marty McFly, Costanza, & Deadpool are non-voters, the latter bc he's a Canadian citizen. Carlton is 100% onboard with Trump, character was written to be. Indiana Jones, for one, HATES NAZIS & would never vote for Trump, never even mind that he's a COLLEGE SOCIAL SCIENCES PROFESSOR
While kelsey is Republican, I'm pretty positive that Frasier Crane supported a democratic candidate who claimed to have met with aliens. So there's no way he's voting Trump.
like. The man values his privacy! he values his reputation! Trump keeps talking shit about him publicly! He would kill and eat Donald Trump. He would not cast a ballot for president. THIS IS NOT HARD.
hannibal is european and the only canon commentary, in the books, about his political inclinations is to the effect that he thinks the lewinsky scandal is stupid
Homer would go to vote & just before he did, a thought bubble would pop up & he would think of Marge, Lisa, & Maggie, which would change his vote. If you think anything different, you’ve obviously never seen an episode of The Simpsons.
Going to call BS on Carlton, too. Sure, he’s stuck up and repressed, but he’s willing to learn his lessons in the show. Goes to one trump rally, sees the hate they hold for him. Bam, solid Kamala canvasser.
I'm hearing and seeing a lot of claims that this or that person would be more likely to vote Harris than the chart says. Is there anybody who would be more Trumpy than the chart?
I can see him being in the Rogan ecosystem and lean Trump for sure, but he's also someone the women in his life could talk him into Harris and I could actually see him actually listening.
Further proving the vast majority of people misunderstand what a moderate Texas Democrat looks like. He named his dog Ladybird after Ladybird Johnson for Pete's sake
Yeah I think Hank Hill MAYBE would have been a 2016 hold-your-nose Trump voter (because he'd never have chosen Hillary or abstained), but not a chance he would tolerate the anti-patriotism, crimes and crassness and vote for him again.
I have this headcanon of a conversation in which Bobby asks Hank to explain Trump and in the course of it, Hank realizes he has to vote for Hillary Clinton.
there was a whole episode where he had a crisis of confidence because Dubya's handshake was too limp. No way Trump would get the Hank Hill endorsement.
And even if Trump was a model president, there's still the problem of him being from New York City.
Hannibal Lecter would find Trump uncouth and rude.
He would not vote for him.
He would also find his attitude toward women and men disgusting. Man was also anti-Nazi.
Hank Hill definitely wouldn't vote for Trump. This is the same guy who had a mental-crisis over George W Bush having a "limp hanshake", & he probably views Trump like a more unstable Buck Strickland.
Too be fair, Captain America was a fascist dictator over America with extremely Trumpian policies once. (Timeline shenanigans retconned that he was manipulated by a time travelling red skull.)
Anyone that thinks Steve Rogers would vote for Trump doesn’t know a single thing about comics. Now, John Walker on the other hand would be appearing at Trump rallies.
Steve Rogers, the former 90-pound weakling who became the strongest man alive and lives to foil Nazis (and Hydra) would never in ten thousand years consider voting for Trump.
Countless GenX women like her have gone down that path. The right wing hooks them with "concerns" and twists their compassion into something grotesque.
Archie Bunker would be dead by now. Aside from that, his character arc transformed his views. He might not have gone trump nuts by the end of Archie’s place.
My headcanon is that Optimus Prime, as an immigrant, a vet and the “freedom is the right of all sentient beings” guy would go Harris, but Megatron would play Trump like a fiddle.
Bruce Wayne wouldn't vote for a Evil Billionaire that seeks to destroy the fabric of society so he can create a Autocracy. He helps Clark fight Lex every few months
Not would STEVE ROGERS vote for a MF teaming up with FUCKING NAZIS
In the Harley Quinn show, Joker became a damn near socialist progressive Left-wing mayor of Gotham. Why? Because he found out Batman was Bruce Wayne. Who is the true nemesis of the Billionaire? A socialist politician.
I mean the Joker would also probably be trying to bump him off every other week because while having an incompetent doof in power is chaotic, authoritarianism isn't
Steve Rogers would never vote for Trump, holy moly. Dude is the son of immigrants, an artist, hates Nazis, would be SUPER unimpressed with shit Trump has said about POWs...I have other disagreements but that's the big one.
Indiana Jones is the one that stood out the most to me (besides Frasier, who would be voting for Trump after performatively making calls for Harris, where, on the sly, he tries to convince an angry MAGA that he's on their side and becomes disenchanted by his own allies)
I don't know who is more delusional: the people who think Leslie Knope (Biden superfan and woman who loves to see women succeed) would vote Trump, or the people who think Biff (who is based on Trump) would vote Harris.
The idea that MISTER MIYAGI, who fought with the 442nd in WWII and earned the damn Medal of Honor, would EVER vote for Donald Trump is, frankly, disrespectful.
the Marty McFly question needs to specify if we're talking a teenaged Marty that's traveled from 1985 or an aged adult Marty who has become a sad and broken man
Adult Marty gets to grow up without getting broken when teenage Marty figures out what a loser Biff is, no way is he voting for the dipshit Biff is based on
There is literally no way on earth the world's most prudish & fundamentally decent male, Hank Hill, would vote for Donald Trump, and whoever made up this chart has never watched King Of The Hill if they think he would.
The Joker would have to register to vote, which given how much of the character's existence is built around not having a definite backstory ("I would prefer it multiple choice"), would defeat the purpose. Plus he'd be picking the stupidest candidate possible, like Randall Terry, due to anarchism.
Mr. Kotter would give a passionate but funny lecture to his class about why your vote is sacred, but then all the Sweathogs would vote Trump as a goof. They’d all express regret when Epstein’s mom loses her disability check.
Maeby Fünke would vote for Trump as a fuck you to her parents (and also to support her holistic drug business) and George Michael will be arrested for trying to vote a second time as George Maharis.
Gob Bluth would play a role in the Trump administration in exchange for incriminating video of Eric that turned out to be a mannequin. The Lucilles would cancel out each other’s vote.
George and Weezy Jefferson would vote against Trump for refusing to rent to them when they moved on up to the East side. Also, Weezy would worry about funding being cut to the Help Center.
Frank Grimes would be furious that Trump was allowed to run again and would end up dying of Covid trying to prove to people how dumb it was to not mask.
None of Breaking Bad would have happened with the ACA in place, so S1 Walter, a *science teacher* who is just trying to pay for medical care would have had strong Harris incentives…
It makes no sense whatsoever to say that someone who started selling meth to pay for cancer treatment would vote for someone who loudly & repeatedly claimed that they were going to eliminate the ACA.
Cesar Romero or Jack Nicholson? Trump
Mark Hamill? Not sure, but I could see him voting Trump and threatening to kill him afterwards
Jared Leto? Stein
Heath Ledger? Bomb
I think that literally every major character *except* Walt (even Skylar and Jr) votes Trump. No way he votes for anyone who he thinks he’s smarter than. He votes for the libertarian candidate or a write-in.
See I feel like by the end of the series, assuming they started the ACA AFTER he became a meth lord, he was such a power tripping douche that that wouldn't have mattered to him either.
probably too busy being a murderous douche to vote at all really.
that's true, but I suppose I hold more hope out for even a fictional character since Michael J Fox seems like a decent guy and, well, the Keaton parents were swell. maybe he went back to his roots. -shakes self-
Whosit the 80 year old owner who died at the very end, he'd make a lot of grand posturing noises about the sorry state of the GOP, but at the end of the day he'd vote for Trump, because taxes.
Excuse me? Deadpool is queer as hell and would never vote for a queerphobic fascist. He wouldn't worry about his guns being taken away because they're all illegal and unregistered anyway.
I don't think there's ANY WAY that Bruce Wayne, Indiana Jones, or Steve Rogers vote for Trump. Hank Hill would probably vote for Kamala but sigh and say, "Good Lord" when he did it.
Pre kidnap Tony Stark would undoubtedly have voted Trump, but afterwards Pepper would have changed his mind and he would be voting Kamala as any man who cares for a woman would
Ron Swanson would not vote for Donald Trump. He’s a feminist and would 100% vote for Kamala and never tell anyone because he would never tell anyone who he voted for.
Some really bad takes here. While some of the characters are bad/evil doesn't mean they would vote Trump because they also have some intelligence. The Joker has been outspoken against Nazis in the comics. And for some others there's a huge difference between voting Republican and voting Trump.
To those saying nearly 50/50 on Deadpool I need you to sit with the fact that he has a mixed race latina daughter, fell deeply in love with a sex worker AND Death herself, and specifically took hit jobs to protect young girls from skeezy scummy grown men. Wade Wilson would never vote for trump.
I know he's been different based on the writer, but Steve Rogers grew up in King's county, lived just long enough to vote for FDR before going in the ice, and hung out at a bar with Emma Goldman. That boy ain't no 50/50.
Phoebe would somehow think that whoever she votes for automatically wins and she would feel too pressured with the responsibility and would not vote at all.
I can't figure out why the hell a decent all American, cool, humble, hero of a pilot would vote for a far right candidate who clearly avoided his own military duties, supports Russia, incited an insurrection and is trying to break American democracy.
I doubt Captain America, properly written, would consider Trump, even and perhaps especially Steve Rogers. Isaiah Bradley and Sam Wilson are firmly for Harris. They may not like her, but they probably prefer her over him, but for Steve, it's personal.
Like... maybe with a really big knife.
So would Ron Weasley.
And Tracy Jordan would know this and rub it in that she forgot to vote and brag that he did vote, but he actually wrote in Batman.
Surprised to see Carlton Banks and Steve Rogers where they are too.
He'd have zero tolerance for all the lying, anti-democracy, pro-dictator rubbish!
Look who didn't understand the movies.
Trivia note: AJ Soprano wanted to work as a helicopter pilot for Trump, so Tony would either 100% back Trump or try to undermine him by revealing his mob ties.
2. Frasier (unlike Kelsey Grammer himself) is NOT going to vote for Trump. A genteel Republican like Romney, maybe, but not so many GOP shrinks even then. A vulgarian like Trump? Never!
And Steve Rogers, well...
Also I want to know who these 10% are that believe Leslie Knope would've voted for Trump
Policy wise he might be aligned but Stark would not be able to stand the guy and would oppose him based solely on personality.
Hill just hates people like Lardass
Nazi-punching, university professor Indy?
On the fence?
No sir, I don't think so.
I think he'd recognise Trump for the bully that he is and vote Kamala.
"Whenever feasible, one should always try to eat the rude"
But I would recommend more organic options, personally.
Probably all on the same ballot too.
do so though!
And even if Trump was a model president, there's still the problem of him being from New York City.
He would not vote for him.
He would also find his attitude toward women and men disgusting. Man was also anti-Nazi.
God, I wish I'd never read those comics.
And I don't even want to remember what happened to The Wasp. I will never stop disliking Jeph Loeb for that.
Not would STEVE ROGERS vote for a MF teaming up with FUCKING NAZIS
Also double-crossing Scarecrow, who thought they had teamed up to ensure Trump wins.
And literally poisoning the ballots.
Hell, Lecter would probably be pardoned by Trump.
But he'd publicly have supported Harris, as a suave pillar of the community. Before the arrests, anyway.
He knows all too well where Trump's BS leads.
I guess it (the show) came after the bill was signed but before it became active?
Cesar Romero or Jack Nicholson? Trump
Mark Hamill? Not sure, but I could see him voting Trump and threatening to kill him afterwards
Jared Leto? Stein
Heath Ledger? Bomb
probably too busy being a murderous douche to vote at all really.
Whereas all those other POS are just ghouls.
Whosit the 80 year old owner who died at the very end, he'd make a lot of grand posturing noises about the sorry state of the GOP, but at the end of the day he'd vote for Trump, because taxes.
End of show Pete would vote Harris.
And after the polls closed he would kill everyone in the room with Trump.
Cosby popped up. Yuck.
I can't figure out why the hell a decent all American, cool, humble, hero of a pilot would vote for a far right candidate who clearly avoided his own military duties, supports Russia, incited an insurrection and is trying to break American democracy.
Surely he's full KH!