I believe in science in the first place. I believe in math and statistics in the second place. And third, I would never intentionally cause my child to suffer needlessly for something that has a proven vaccine! Choosing otherwise for your child is sadistic.
Measles resets the immune system much like standing down cyber prep against Russia will make us openly vulnerable to attack. Or firing IGs will disable protections against insider threats. Or eliminating 18F will fail to vet and call out bad IT contractors.
Most informed rational people do. We are in a world with the misinformed neanderthals that will ignore medical science until they are at the ER to get help from medical science.
It just dumbfounds me that these people would treat their children's lives so cavalierly. They were probably vaccinated as children and they survived. I would never be so selfish with my child's life.
It's airborne - not "splatter" just breathing
As in, if someone contagious for measles was breathing in a room two hours ago and you go in there you can catch it
... that's why the exposure announcements are so particular
They are things like "the Starbucks at *address* Tuesday afternoon"
In 2014 one infectious person walking around Disneyland in led to literally hundreds of cases:
131 in California
16 in other US states
159 in one Canadian community
One in Mexico
... lots of hospitalizations (it's a bad virus) but luckily no deaths that time
More so in the sense on average each person infected with measles infects ten times as many as each person infected by flu. So yeah. A lot more infectious.
The Wikipedia is really short
Seems like the most open and shut case for a vaccine ever
If 95% of people aren’t vaccinated basically everyone without the vaccine will eventually get it. It seems perfectly designed to make you look like an idiot for not getting vaccinated
The virus is so potent that it's still contagious for a couple of hours, in air that someone's breathed out -- long after they've left the room. So a place with poor air circulation could infect a lot of people. https://www.cdc.gov/measles/causes/index.html
measles is wildly contagious and airborne. some estimates have put the R0 at … close to 200 in some cases. also spread through direct contact but more likely airborne. I need to get my titers checked 😭
Pretty sure R0 is an average: some people will pass to only a few, others to an entire stadium.
But give a bunch of viruses a shot at a stadium full of people, & measles will succeed far more than the others.
Every one of the Musk/trump billionaires are vaccinated for every deadly virus that appears.They just foment the gullible anti-vaxxers stupidity to eradicate the poors from their future plutocracy.💰💵
Imo this person has the right to take this stance.
Ths person also has the right to:
Be banned from schools
Be banned from public facilities
Be banned from parties
Be banned from air travel
Be banned from countries
(You get the point)
Accept your choices and consequences, anti-vaxxers.
“But it was time for me to move on to what the Lord designed me to be, a physician who believes that our body is designed perfectly and knows how to heal itself if given the opportunity”.
Yup. Only a minority of anti vaxxers are real tin foil hat wearers. The rest are just selfish fucks with a poor ability to evaluate risk. Some of those might suck it up and vaccinate if they get up close and personal enough to an outbreak, but not before. The rest is defensive posturing.
Wait until they found out what happens when pregnant people get rubella (also in the MMR vax) per CDC “If you get rubella during pregnancy, you are at risk for miscarriage or stillbirth. Your developing baby is at risk for severe birth defects with devastating, lifelong consequences.”
Oh yep well aware. I still remember kids at school getting "German measles" - this was pre MMR and rubella vax rates were sub par - and the fear of them coming into contact with pregnant women.
I’m an old nurse. In the days before the vaccine, one of my colleagues contracted rubella from a child brought to our hospital before the rash erupted. She had a baby with congenital rubella….
This happened to my grandmother in the mid 50s. "There is no more unsettling feeling than walking in there very pregnant, and walking out alone. You feel the child's ghost in your arms until you put his things away".
This used to happen a LOT and society has simply forgotten.
Since the decision makers are men in these redneck counties, it will not matter. Danger to women and children will not move the needle closer to any arms.
‘Merica!!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 This is functionally our foreign policy as well now. Every man and every country for themself!!! The weak suffer what they must.
The freedom of expression fostered by individualism has made us a global beacon of art and culture, while also completely destroying the sense of community that makes life fulfilling and joyful. Rebuilding community is the most important thing to reclaiming society from the grip of fear and hate.
Another thing that would help: reining in the cost of that first new home for newly adult people. Home ownership is an anchor, especially when the build quality is decent (not great, just livable)
It kinda reminds me of people who egregiously park in handicapped spaces NOT just because they like parking close to the store (but it doesn’t hurt!) but also they politically believe those spaces shouldn’t exist and justify this action as something like civil disobedience. (Yes, these exist)
I sincerely hope everyone who says this or acts on that belief has a child of their own or someone they know die of measles. Personal experience is the only thing that gets through to these monsters. Pure evil.
Unless and until there are severe financial and legal consequences for not vaccinating their kids, they won't care. Far too many people don't care until they are personally harmed; and for many, their children suffering still won't be enough.
That's what I don't understand. Do they think their kid simply won't get measles? Do they think it's "mild" and they can just rely on their kid's "natural immunity"?
JFC measles caused immune system AMNESIA-- all these "immunizations" by "God" are leaving these children to dangerous secondary infections that they were previously prepared for. A cold could knock them flat like the flu, flu or COVID could EASILY kill them. This is so unnecessary and cruel!!
And the infected person could've left the room awhile ago, I'm not sure exactly how long. The nasty measles virus lingers in the air.
I got measles in the early 1960s, quickly followed by chicken pox and mumps. Measles weakens your immune system, making you more susceptible to other illnesses.
Hey, we got measles together! Didn't get chicken pox until my little brother brought it home from school for my 10th birthday.
Mumps diagnosis was "eh, your throat glands are swollen,
might be mumps or something else, have some penicillin in case it's bacterial", so I got my MMR recently for RFKjr.
Boomers didn't just get measles before the vax.
We also learned about nuclear chain reactions,
demonstrated with mousetraps and pingpong balls.
Here's what R>1 looks like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlcjtWp4vAA
The reason Andrew Wakefield moved there. A bunch of rich Texas antivax housewives calling themselves "Thoughtful House" supported him until the UK struck him from their medical register
This motherfucker is acting like our ancestors treated disease like, "it's just vibes, man." when in reality disease and the fear of disease has been one of the biggest factors in the shaping human history for several thousand years!
I wish we didn’t treat child abuse as as a precious right in this country. That “it’s their kid attitude” smacks of saying “it’s their house they can paint it however they want”. Kids aren’t possessions !
Yeah Winn barely escaped being treated like property in most states, there’s a lot of people out there not at all interested in children having rights either. It’s …tough to think about.
As I understand it, one of the problems with measles is it can wipe out immunity for other diseases, which makes it the exact opposite of mass immunization.
Pretty sure when our ancestors saw green liquids they knew it would kill them to drink it. Fucking green juice, really? Doesn't even matter what's in it, just if it's green it's good for you?
He's wrong anyway, blue has the most anti-oxygens.
I know this nihilistic view of reality has always been there and seems especially pervasive right now, but it still shocks me that things like the hippocratic oath were always just formalities to chuds like this.
Texas medical board is a bit notorious for being very ... how to put this nicely? FUCKING USELESS when it comes to action against doctors. Christopher Duntsch is my go to example.
His website implies that his efforts transformed his county clinic in Garza county from grossly in debt to financially thriving. Ummm, that happened due to the oil boom, not this doctor.
Just another grifter. He isn’t representative of the 99.99% of the rest of doctors we have in Lubbock. His clinic is just another attempt to get rich on the latest fad.
What you mean indiscriminately killing kids you fucking shitstain... Oh wait... no he's right, that's totally a thing the Old Testament God would do, my bad.
I HATE these people SO FUCKING MUCH, "doctors" like this need to have their licenses revoked.
these people who want to go back to the stone age woudnt last long. Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle are factors that make respiratory diseases have a worse outcome. YEA THEY DIDNT HAVE CARS AND MCBEETUS KEVIN. YOU HAD TO HUNT FOR YOUR FOOD
This is my one hope in this fascist uprising: these fuckwads die in greater numbers from entirely avoidable problems so they kinda control their own population.
I’m 68. Literally every kid I grew up with had measles. And some had siblings born deaf because of measles exposure in utero. If most folks getting measles kept us safe they wouldn’t have worked so hard to get a vaccine.
In medical school I was taught that only two options existed for patients: Option 1, suffer with symptoms or Option 2, manage the symptoms with a medication or surgery.
I found a number that works. they're open at 8am local Texas time.
(855) 365-6009
one question to ask: who is the supervising physician for the physicians assistants at veritas medical? https://veritaswellnessmember.com/about-contact
I don’t think they want it back, they’re living in an alternate reality in which vaccines are more dangerous than diseases and have been convinced that if they “purify” their bodies they won’t get sick.
Maybe human sacrifices could be brought back. Something more formalized than this random podcaster commenting on predictable illness from international travel and low vaccination rates. Something like "make a public prediction, be proven wrong, and name goes onto the list of candidates."
Every person who achieves billionaire wealth can be forever enshrined as a sacred deity, afeter which we’ll ritually sacrifice them in a televised spectacle so as to appease the wiles of The Economy :)
Apparently this “doctor” has never looked at his family history. Generations of his ancestors lost their children and siblings, as well as parents. And no, I sincerely doubt they were okay with that being “God’s will”.
In Spanish, for those infectious illnesses that you catch only once, the traditional wording is that you "passed" it - like it was a rite of passage or a videogame level.
The implications being that a) you can leave that behind and b) you might *not* have made it.
God bless vaccines.
Correction: he did graduate from medical school, or at least claims to on his website https://veritaswellnessmember.com/. I don't know why it's not on his LinkedIn.
He is a physician and has an active license. Now, people need to understand that being a doctor doesn’t make you a genius or a good person. You don’t have any idea how many physicians dedicate themselves to being grifters.
That is a very weird place for his “office”. Across from the federal courthouse, near the entertainment district, surrounded by lawyers and bail bond offices.
He’s a doctor who has a wellness membership club thing where you pay $35/month + to learn how to not “need a doctor”. Also, cancer and Alzheimers disease is our own damn faults, apparently.
our ancestors also tried eating and drinking and all kinds of crazy things, not just "have some water and chillax". their treatments might not have worked, but they were definitely open to trying things, a LOT of things, to try and cure their diseases
he's not entirely wrong in that relaxing in nature and taking your time is very good for the soul. the problem is all the external factors that make that inaccessible for so many.
there is no medicine that can be prescribed to cure being crushed capitalism
When these people talk about natural immunity what they really mean is that everyone susceptible to it catches it and dies. It’s choosing mass death over medicine.
So the strategy here seems to be "rather than having less kids, people should have more and let easily-preventable childhood illnesses save us from the resulting population explosion"
We got a “doctor” in our village trying to source raw goat milk for her sick cat. Advised of the whole bird flu thing, she’s all, I drink raw cow milk with no problem. That dummy should even be allowed pets, much less patients.
I absolutely agree that the benefits of mass vaccination far outweigh the harm.
Still, the comparison is with the 1960s, not the 960s. Everyone I knew caught measles as child. There were 127 deaths in England and Wales in 1963, the year I caught it.
And of the children who didn't die, how many were left with damaged eyesight and/or hearing? How many children died or were severely harmed by the infections they caught after measles (it wipes your immune memory so you lose previous imnunities)?
Would be a real shame if there were complaints submitted to the state medical board regarding this public statement (and if he uses this advice in his formal practice), as it clearly violates established medical ethics.
It should be noted that life expectancy was not "like 32" because people died at 32. Its because kids died so often from diseases that we now prevent through innoculation. If you made it through childhood you lived a nice long life... problem is a LOT of kids didnt. So excited to go back to that
I’m not exaggerating when I say that this was THE greatest achievement in human history since the discovery of fire and these people treat it like some sort of civilizational failure.
My grandfather was one of three brothers before the 1918 influenza pandemic and one of two brothers after, for an example of "what our ancestors knew".
Same for my maternal grandfather. I'm not even sure what my paternal grandparents died of. All gone before I was born. Dad was something like 10th of 11 kids, and of those 11, only five were still alive by the time I came along.
My parents are buried in a graveyard from the 1700s.
Our ancestors knew WAY too many babies and young children dying,
often multiples from the same family at the same time,
and their gravestones are still very readable if he wants to go look.
My grandmother never met her older sister, thanks to what was probably scarlet fever, now easily treated with antibiotics. Guess a bit of green juice and saltwater and sunlight and birds chirping was something her parents hadn't thought of.
FFS. It's not even true. Measles vax is far safer than measles. You don't have to give a shit about anyone other than yourself for it to be entirely rational to get it.
This specific quote is just a special case of all-or-nothing fallacy. In the mind of a 4-year-old, things either work or they don't. So when I hear, "Masks don't work" I know what I'm dealing with. Presumably seatbelts, condoms, sunscreen, bike helmets, etc just "don't work" either.
This case comes down to, either I take this risk or you take that risk. All risks are the same, since things either work or they don't. So I won't be pressured to take a 1-in-a-million(1) risk so that everyone (incl. me) can avoid a 1-in-a-100 risk. The deep innumeracy is only part of the problem.
PS: (1) I don't mean to imply that there really is a 1-in-a-million risk of some identifiable negative outcome for common vaccines; in fact I think the risk is much lower. Even lower if we assume that people can understand and respond to questions like "Are you allergic to eggs?"
Eugenicists believe that "genetically superior" people naturally resist all disease and that vaccines were invented by bleeding heart "gene traitors" so that "degenerates" would be protected instead of dying of disease like they believe God and Nature intended.
I was an anti-vaxxer for a couple of years. I came around when I had my first baby. Anti-vaxxers believe they're highly intelligent, their children will be superior to yours because "natural", and they feel special. What they won't admit is they need you to vaccinate yours to protect theirs.
A lot of anti social and selfish behavior is oozing out. I'm trying to remember if it was this bad before the pandemic? I think it might be worse now but many people voted for #drumf for selfish reasons in 2016, so maybe not.
Aside from being anti-social, this statement makes no sense. By saying "so that we can save yours" aren't they acknowledging that children can die from measles? Do they think their children are somehow exempt from that fact?
I'm guessing the word "prayer" will be involved in their explanation somewhere or, even worse, should something happen to their own child that it's just "God's will".
They know what we know, that with enough herd immunity there can be a few unvaxed people at pretty much no danger because measles wouldn't spread. They just all think they called dibs on being the <3 percent of unvaxed instead of cancer patients and newborns.
But also they are deeply selfish people and every time someone on our side appeals to their community spirit to change their mind it is an utter waste of time. Talk about measles induced lifelong blindness if you want to change their mind.
what's really insane about this is that this isn't even a prisoners' dilemma where everyone has to choose "cooperate" to avoid a bad outcome. the person whose odds of death lower the most when you get your kid vaccinated *is your own kid!*
These folks need better risk analysis. Measles scares me more than Ebola, Marburg, or even Covid (which are all scary!), because of the risk of encephalitis later in life after infection. That’s usually fatal, and always, _always_ degenerative first.
And we’re not even talking about Rubella (aka German measles) — which can cause birth defects if exposed during pregnancy. Is there no concern for expectant moms?
These people are saying that they will not take a share of responsibilty for the health of the general community, if it means taking even a very small risk to the health of their own child. But they are also refusing to protect their own child against a much greater risk. Measles is a killer. 1/2
They live in the privileged world of universal vaccinations & have no understanding of the devastation of severe illness & death due to preventable illnesses
My grandmother & her sister both lost young children to disease. That was common even in the 20th C.
We're PRIVILEGED to not have to see kids die on the regular from (now) preventable childhood diseases, the other side of that is that people now don't REMEMBER what it was like "before".
The developing world knows, and they will travel huge distances for the CHANCE to be vaccinated.
My great gma&her oldest daughter died from TB caught from helping a neighbor, ill with TB. My gma was 3yo when She lost a loving mother&oldest sister. She was never truly mothered as a result. My GMA was a very sickly adult &died @47, 6wks after my birth & mom was 22. Generational harm still exists
We desperately need to seal up Texas to keep it from further contaminating the country. Not just from measles, but from its deadly malicious mass ignorance.
and please don't put the medical staff at risk by bringing your unvaccinated children to a hospital or clinic when they get sick - stand up for your principles and die on that hill
The selfish fool who said that had just endangered their kids.
And with measles, if a lot fewer than 5% are unvaxxed,
you CAN be selfish and protect your kid from real or fake dangers by trusting the herd immunity the rest of us provide;
with TX's 13% unvaxxed you need to vaccinate them for safety.
This has always been the foundation of vaccine opposition. They’ve calculated they can get a free ride on herd immunity without having to get their own child vaccinated. The rest of it — the scare tactics, the bad science, the conspiracism — it’s all just a smokescreen to hide their sociopathy.
I agree, you don’t have to take them on in your practice. Find a denier dr and see if that serves you well. The good dr will meet up with them in the emergency room
That’s chilling, because that person is basically admitting that they *know* vaccination saves lives, but they are still willing to sacrifice their own children to prove that they can’t be forced to care about other people
Also these assholes rely on everyone else being vaccinated to MASSIVELY decrease the chances that their kid will get measles. If everyone were unvaccinated, their chances would be astronomically higher.
So they benefit from other people caring, and won’t return the favor.
She also treated her child's measles with lavender scented beef tallow. I'm thinking there are a whole lot of things wrong in that person's heart, mind, and household.
This is EXACTLY what my step sister told me during covid and then she blocked me on FB. We haven’t spoken since. (Mind you, I wasn’t even telling her she should vax her 5 kids in PA, I was just saying how lucky we all are it was available.)
These people deserve to be destroyed. It feels weird to say, but taking this attitude violates the social contract, and people who do cannot be part of a functional society.
I TOLD you to stop sending different anime goatse girls whenever they asked for pics of hole, now you’re stuck on Christian Mingle where they all think they can change you
selfish and delusional; civilization didn’t survive and thrive b/c of people being selfish assholes, but a whole lot of folks will FAFO soon by this attitude when we lose herd immunity for a lot of things nobody has seen for 50-60 yrs
I wouldn't presume a delusional diagnosis. But having worked with many who struggle with delusional disorder, reality testing doesn't work. It increases paranoia and fear. Alliance is difficult and a lengthy process.
Translation: "We're going to kill our children & maybe yours too, and now with a fellow fever brained idiot in charge there's nothing you can do about it."
republicanism is no longer "conservative" in any sense of the word. They are now a hate and money cult.
Only people who have no concept of pharmacology, microbiology, immununology or physiology spout such nonsense. Using their own logic they would refuse rabies treatment when their child is bitten by a bat!
Both of my parents lost a sibling to disease at a young age. It was common back in the day - vaccination was seen as something wonderful back then. But people have forgotten all of that and now they come up with all sorts of nonsense arguments for why they shouldn't vaccinate their kids.
Just as horrifying how WaPo - remember, the Watergate reporter newspaper - didn’t bother to fact check or verify the identity of these antivax morons and are leaving it out there as a “both these guys” argument.
I don't understand how people can risk the lives of their children on the basis of what their uncle's co-worker's sister's hairdresser said she heard some dumbass say on a podcast about how maybe vaccines are an indoctrination mechanism of deep state operatives hell bent on turning kids gay. Ugh.
“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.” Nah, I ain’t tryin to hear that. The needs of me outweigh the needs of anybody else. Sigh
Oh I don't have to imagine. They get abused in a myriad of other ways that are connected to the parents ignorant beliefs. Religious, interpersonal, and sexual trauma, social isolation, stunted emotional growth, an inability to function as an adult in society... 😮💨
Please, no one bully Kaleigh Brantner in Seminole, Texas. It would be terrible if anyone bullied or publicly shamed Kaleigh Brantner in Seminole, Texas.
Surely this post was written during high anxiety. I admit i have uttered tasteless, harmful, vapid statements but the amount of time it takes to type out these words surely would have allowed the author to think about those words. No grandmother i know would ever say let children die.
I stand by my statement that these radical antivaxxers have a reckoning coming & their children will be the sacrifices to the gods of stupidity. Unfortunately, others will also suffer their stupid antivaxx fervor.
Here’s the thing. Saying this, you sound just like trump supporters who say that children don’t deserve to be fed due to their parents not being “able to provide for them”. Do better.
What does that have to do with YOU wishing DEATH on innocent children? Unkund is worse than stupid. You are about as unkind as they come. We really don't need more like you. Hopefully, you didn't reproduce. Here's how is really should be: ALL adults should protect all children. It takes a village.
Hey Trudy. Was that fun to say? That kids should die because their parents are misinformed? It’s called collective punishment. Punishing children for the sins of the parents. Illegal everywhere in the world and a war crime to boot.
They are not misinformed. The science supporting vaccinations is there for all to access. Billions all over the world have been protected by said vaccines w few suffering neg outcomes. Stupid is what Stupid believes in the face of factual evidence.
And it wipes out your immune system, so all the other vaccinations you had, and the childhood diseases you had, no longer offer you any immunity protection.
So, question, Dave. Are those who have the vaccine protected? It seems a million measles cases around the country would give it a chance to mutate, so none of us are protected?
The measles vaccine is still 97%-99% effective. We haven’t reached a point where that many people are not vaccinated. That is not to say it couldn’t happen in the future, but most of the parents not vaccinating their kids were themselves vaccinated!!
Thank you Carey. I guess my question was, if we get to a point where 20%+ of the population is unvaxxed, it is possible for the virus to mutate, and for even vaxxed people to be vulnerable to the mutation?
I think it could mutate like viruses can, but with the number of people currently vax’d, I don’t think we could reach 20% anytime soon. We both know though, things we never thought we’d see in our lives are happening. As sad as it will be, a few deaths may do more for vax’ing than RFK ever could. 😢
Just let this sink in.. In a pandemic, from whom would you like to have advice? From Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Jadad, physician, epidemiologist, philosopher, or a manager without medical background. Ontario, Canada.Selected the manager. @uoftpandemics.bsky.social @who.int
My heart breaks for the children with measles.I wouldn’t wish this illness on anyone. I had German Measles in the 60s as a child & I wanted to die.The brutally high fevers, the rash, the body aches-sheer torture. I hope parents will run to get their children vaccinated.’
Knowing & caring are 2 different things. What we know about MAGAs is that they are only concerned what happens to them & their constituents. They don’t care about others.
I might try them next. Local CVS didn't have any. You know, the pharmacy chain owned by CVS Health Corp who also owns CVS Caremark, a pharmacy benefits mgr & who also owns Aetna Health Insurance .
Lol you'd think a CVS could get measles vaccines anytime with all that healthcare muscle behind them.
I have a direct solution, but no one is going to like it.
Teach your kids to bully anti vaxers. Mercilessly. Teach them that the anti vaxers don't care about their own kids, let alone them. Teach them how selfish and dangerous this is. Show them pictures of children with small pox and measles.
But the "libertarians" seem to have contempt for the very idea of contagious infectious disease. According to them, apparently, an infected individual has every right to infect others, provide a virus with the opportunity to evolve, and impose risks and costs on others.
I wish people knew is how dangerous measles is to babies in utero.
In the 60s, I babysat for a family whose youngest daughter was still in utero when mom contacted measles. She was born profoundly retarded, severely autistic, blind & had heart issues. People trivialize measles, but it's no joke.
So not only rubella does that?
I was born before MMR was mandatory in my country and got rubella when I was 2 - but my mother was pregnant and the doctor's orders were that she got the hell away from her child, so she went back to her mother's home for several days.
Me too. I caught it before I was old enough to get my first vaccine. My brother was vaccinated and didn’t catch it, but a child in his class wasn’t and brought measles home to me
97% of vaccinated folks don’t pass on measles, so I was the exception. If folks get vaccinated, those odds remain low.
Yah, I was definitely preschool with the measles, based on where we were living at the time. Chicken pox I was school aged - that vaccine came much later, IIRC.
Yeah, if it’s the same as now, I got my first vaccine for measles at a year, and a second at three. I managed to catch rubella before one as well. But it was vanishingly rare for this to happen in my childhood because most children were immunised, and I’m only in my late 30’s.
Yup. I was born during the rubella outbreak of 1962-1965. I’m hearing impaired and many children born deaf because our mothers were exposed to rubella while pregnant with us. So crazy we have to do this again.
Measles can also lead to subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), a rare but always fatal inflammation of the brain that can occur up to 7 YEARS after the initial measles infection.
Finding out that measles wipes the immune system is absolutely terrifying- and an under-reported feature of the disease. Thank you for sharing this article
Just to clarify, it doesn’t wipe out the immune system. It wipes out the “immune library” for lack of a better term.
The immune system still works, it’s just going to be working extra hard to rebuild immunities for quite a while
No, really. 97% immunity in people who've had the two doses of vaccine. Unlike with Covid, as I understand it, if you're immune, you don't get sick and you can't spread it to others.
"The first signs of infection are a fever, bad cough, runny nose, and red, watery eyes.
Sometimes red papules with blue-white centers appear inside the mouth, called Koplik spots."- VisualDx patient handout.
This is why it's so easy to spread, that sounds like allergies with a fever.
The media needs to stop focusing on the rash, which yes is a defining feature of measles, but by then you've already spread it around a couple days. If you feel sick, stay home. Stop the spread.
I think stupid is more! People just want to stick their head in the sand and not see the truth.
It’s to depressing to watch the News and read the papers social media.
I had to find my medical records as an infant. Luckily my mom who is no longer alive had documented all my vaccinations in my baby book. Then I realized I had gone back to college as an adult, and in NY it was mandatory to get the MMR vaccinations. Vaccinations work and have for decades.
I’m concerned about all the people who *can’t* be immunized against measles—namely infants and the immuno-compromised. Herd immunity is what keeps them safe. 😔
The world's deadliest infections, including Tuberculosis, Malaria and HIV/AIDS, have been considered as the "Big Three" infectious diseases (BTIDs). With leading infections and deaths every year, the BTIDs have been recognized as the world's greatest pandemics.
I am wondering if it is going to mutate into adults as well. Most of us (older adults) haven't had a measles shot since childhood. Should we get boosters? Curious about this.
Sarcasm doesn't always come across (on my part). I'm an ancient Gen Xer who wasn't vaccinated against Chickenpox. I contracted it as an adult and am now at risk for Shingles.
... and comes with 1-2 years of immune system suppression afterwards. This is a lot more severe than the 3-6 months people are experiencing after covid (yes, or did you guys think it was coincidence everyone has been constantly ill?)
I love that the guy who developed the measles vaccine cussed like a trooper, and his bosses tried to make him go to "charm school". He created something like 40 vaccines that save millions of lives each year, but hardly anyone recognizes his name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_Hilleman
Yes..and my grandfather who stayed by my crib, holding my hand. The first sign that I might live was when I held his finger and squeezed, just a little.
right! I was getting better when mine turned into encephalitis, which can happen with mumps and measles and which is a whole heap Worse and leaves those who survive (approx 60%) with brain damage….
Yikes! I haven't had it (luckily I had the vaccine) but people told me it's really painful.
I did get chicken pox in middle school, before the shot was available for it ... and I still have a couple of scars from it. I got the shingles vaccine last year because I don't want any more of that!
If I wrote a science fiction novel about a virus you could catch by breathing air in a room, a couple of hours after the infectious person had already gone -- a lot of people would say I was making it up.
When people choose not to learn from history, worse not learn it at all and worse yet, end up where we are today…criminally choosing to disbelieve it, cycles repeat! Polio, Mumps, Measles & Covid were all pandemics with dire outcomes, researchers & docs worked around the clock to find vaccines.
Literally 9/10 exposed persons WILL contract the disease. Some will get an itchy rash and fever and feel like shit for a couple weeks and then be fine, and some people will die a horrible death. Pneumonia and/or encephalopathy are not great ways to die.
You forgot to mention deafness. Children have high fevers and can,in some cases, loose hearing.
It is all so tragic and easily prevented with a simple vaccine.
I have heard about this so thank you for the article. Question - there are people born in the 50's and 60's who had the measles after receiving childhood inoculations - does this mean that their vaccines (polio? smallpox?) were also subject to immune amnesia?
Vaccines like tetanus you should get every 10 years. I’m 59 and last fall got the recommended childhood panel that wanes over time. Got the 2 shingles vacs a few months apart a year ago. That you don’t need to repeat. Check with your doctor or pharmacist about what updates would be beneficial.
The fact that measles appears to “reset” the body’s ability to respond to other diseases should scare the shit out of you (up to ~75% antibodies get nuked?).
Also how many people it has actually killed. The ongoing conditions associated with it. The safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. The devastation it has caused to populations e.g. Fiji in 1800s as one example. Killed nearly quarter population in 1875. 13% in 1911. Has killed hundreds of millions.
If you’re concerned or question your vaccine status ask your doctor for a simple MMR titer test. It measures the levels of antibodies against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) in the blood.
One thing that's extra cool about it is its ability to make our immune systems forget other immunities it previously had. Very awesome and good as God intended.
Imagine getting the polio vaccine and this fucker wiping it out and you have no idea. JFC what an awful disease and people dismiss it like it's no big deal.
And even worse for all the children under 12 months who have not yet received their first shot, and those under 4 years who have not received their second.
A thing I wish more people knew is that measles can erase the entire human immune system, including inoculations. Like a factory reset, it forgets how to defend against anything it's ever encountered.
The only diseases I know to be more contagious than measles don't spread far because they kill their subjects too quickly. As a result, measles is the worst disease in the world for risk of epidemic spread.
So easy for people to stick their heads in the sand.. This is a scary situation. Drump did nothing with Covid and you see where that went… this will go the same way!! What a DH…
Another thing people should know, sooner than later, is that in some people protection from vaccination can wane, which is why pregnant women are sometimes tested via a blood titer test. I was, in early 30s, and both Measles and Rubella antibodies were gone. Get tested & revaccinated if necessary.
The titer test is expensive and unless of medical necessity, insurance may not pay. I just got the MMR shot. My doctor suggested that I do so because I haven't been vaccinated since I was a child.
It also wreaks havoc on the immune system, making measles victims much more susceptible to infectious diseases for several years. Whatever RFK and the dark ages lunatics think, many things that do not kill us make us weaker.
Appoint a 🤡 get 🪦 results.
Darwin always wins.
I'm genuinely curious as to how that works. And what are the infection vectors for measles, anyway? I don't think I've ever checked.
As in, if someone contagious for measles was breathing in a room two hours ago and you go in there you can catch it
... that's why the exposure announcements are so particular
They are things like "the Starbucks at *address* Tuesday afternoon"
131 in California
16 in other US states
159 in one Canadian community
One in Mexico
... lots of hospitalizations (it's a bad virus) but luckily no deaths that time
Seems like the most open and shut case for a vaccine ever
If 95% of people aren’t vaccinated basically everyone without the vaccine will eventually get it. It seems perfectly designed to make you look like an idiot for not getting vaccinated
With measles you’re highly likely to infect every single person on that plane who isn’t vaccinated. Every time.
But give a bunch of viruses a shot at a stadium full of people, & measles will succeed far more than the others.
Ths person also has the right to:
Be banned from schools
Be banned from public facilities
Be banned from parties
Be banned from air travel
Be banned from countries
(You get the point)
Accept your choices and consequences, anti-vaxxers.
“But it was time for me to move on to what the Lord designed me to be, a physician who believes that our body is designed perfectly and knows how to heal itself if given the opportunity”.
This used to happen a LOT and society has simply forgotten.
How doctors like this get to keep practicing is beyond me.
“my kid’s vaccinated, let the unvaccinated parents worry”
MMR vaccines have a 93% efficacy, your kid might be the 7% unprotected. That’s why we have vaccination campaigns, to drive down R0.
I got measles in the early 1960s, quickly followed by chicken pox and mumps. Measles weakens your immune system, making you more susceptible to other illnesses.
Mumps diagnosis was "eh, your throat glands are swollen,
might be mumps or something else, have some penicillin in case it's bacterial", so I got my MMR recently for RFKjr.
We also learned about nuclear chain reactions,
demonstrated with mousetraps and pingpong balls.
Here's what R>1 looks like:
This motherfucker is acting like our ancestors treated disease like, "it's just vibes, man." when in reality disease and the fear of disease has been one of the biggest factors in the shaping human history for several thousand years!
He's wrong anyway, blue has the most anti-oxygens.
I wish I was joking.
(On account of the pogroms)
What you mean indiscriminately killing kids you fucking shitstain... Oh wait... no he's right, that's totally a thing the Old Testament God would do, my bad.
I HATE these people SO FUCKING MUCH, "doctors" like this need to have their licenses revoked.
Old joke: What do you call a D- med student? Doctor.
Of course it was a serious problem, but I fear that catastrophism hands ammunition to the anti vaxxers.
not a physician
can some things be verified?
he's a physician assistant
Just such an effing lie.
(855) 365-6009
one question to ask: who is the supervising physician for the physicians assistants at veritas medical? https://veritaswellnessmember.com/about-contact
I hate these people.
they compared the polio vaccine to the sun
The implications being that a) you can leave that behind and b) you might *not* have made it.
God bless vaccines.
*a PA is named on Google with that name in Lubbock; the phone number is invalid when I called it
seems like he was a normal doctor in 2008 then changed in 2012 and is not an integrated physician
No where near the medical district.
there is no medicine that can be prescribed to cure being crushed capitalism
Our ancestors who made it past age 5 had a good chance of making it past 50 or 60.
But close to 50% of children died before age 5.
Still, the comparison is with the 1960s, not the 960s. Everyone I knew caught measles as child. There were 127 deaths in England and Wales in 1963, the year I caught it.
Ben should have his medical license renewed for spreading this crap.
(At the very least!)
Such people would want his NPI for instance.
I will take my shots instead.
Our ancestors knew WAY too many babies and young children dying,
often multiples from the same family at the same time,
and their gravestones are still very readable if he wants to go look.
I pronounce it moron.
Measles is a fucking nasty virus.
#vaccine #antivax
The selfishness and lack of responsibility is off the charts. But these are the same people who will just have another (unvaccinated) kid.
My grandmother & her sister both lost young children to disease. That was common even in the 20th C.
My grandfather died of TB in the 1940s.
We're PRIVILEGED to not have to see kids die on the regular from (now) preventable childhood diseases, the other side of that is that people now don't REMEMBER what it was like "before".
The developing world knows, and they will travel huge distances for the CHANCE to be vaccinated.
And with measles, if a lot fewer than 5% are unvaxxed,
you CAN be selfish and protect your kid from real or fake dangers by trusting the herd immunity the rest of us provide;
with TX's 13% unvaxxed you need to vaccinate them for safety.
Hope they understand that hearing aids don't really give 'crunchy trad-kids' like linen smocks do.....
I want everything that they love and cherish to turn to ash before them.
So they benefit from other people caring, and won’t return the favor.
there is no more social contract.
everyone has gone feral.
that kinda feral maybe I could get laid
republicanism is no longer "conservative" in any sense of the word. They are now a hate and money cult.
Super-cool people.
And that’s the main driving force behind everyone in the party
Imagine hating autism so much you'll let your kid and his friends die of measles rather than risk them developing it. Hateful and embarrassing.
They are mistaken.
But they decided, better dead than autistic.
You are NOT kind, as your profile says.
USAID was on it
Lol you'd think a CVS could get measles vaccines anytime with all that healthcare muscle behind them.
Teach your kids to bully anti vaxers. Mercilessly. Teach them that the anti vaxers don't care about their own kids, let alone them. Teach them how selfish and dangerous this is. Show them pictures of children with small pox and measles.
Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me
In the 60s, I babysat for a family whose youngest daughter was still in utero when mom contacted measles. She was born profoundly retarded, severely autistic, blind & had heart issues. People trivialize measles, but it's no joke.
I was born before MMR was mandatory in my country and got rubella when I was 2 - but my mother was pregnant and the doctor's orders were that she got the hell away from her child, so she went back to her mother's home for several days.
Everyone my age and older has a chickenpox or measles or mumps story. And then they just stopped.
Like polio did for our grandparents.
I am so baffled by the hatred and fear.
97% of vaccinated folks don’t pass on measles, so I was the exception. If folks get vaccinated, those odds remain low.
The immune system still works, it’s just going to be working extra hard to rebuild immunities for quite a while
I'm very grateful to you for this ghastly info, but I also: how dare you give me facts that I didn't ask for and hate with all my heart.
COVID was R3.3, meaning that each person with COVID was likely to infect 3.3 others.
Measles is R18.
Sometimes red papules with blue-white centers appear inside the mouth, called Koplik spots."- VisualDx patient handout.
This is why it's so easy to spread, that sounds like allergies with a fever.
Source: https://asm.org/articles/2019/may/measles-and-immune-amnesia
It was a significant cause of childhood hearing loss and vision loss: https://hachyderm.io/@shafik/114072531290895428
It’s to depressing to watch the News and read the papers social media.
Also, it makes sense that the survivors of a disease survived, if you think about it
One dose of the MMR vaccine is about 93% effective at preventing measles.
Second dose increases effectiveness to about 97%.
For most people, immunity is lifelong after receiving the recommended two doses.
I did get chicken pox in middle school, before the shot was available for it ... and I still have a couple of scars from it. I got the shingles vaccine last year because I don't want any more of that!
It is all so tragic and easily prevented with a simple vaccine.
1in 600 for infants up to 18 months
after that, well viral encephalitis 1:1000 risk.
if thats survived, usually with long term damage or disability.
oh yeah I dont think they have a treatment for that one besides symptom management, right?
RFK can go suck it.
18 X 1 = 18
18 X 18 = 324
324 X 18 = 5832
Need I continue?
Makes you realise just how much longer bacteria have been around compared to monkeys.
With Tuberculosis and Bird Flu raging.
Not great at all.
Because weaponized small pox would be too obvious.