Makes me wanna set up a company that's all Tactical Trans Apparel, just as rugged, 100x more gay (Sparta-related stuff not included in that particular competition).
"Soy free" lmaooooo I gotta just stop being a good person & get my own grift going. Sometimes my uncle gets a box of MAGA hats cheap at a flea market & marks them up & sells them around town. He says theyre just gonna give that money to Trump's campaign anyway, he might as well take it instead.
My mum is an old hippie (but also really into science) the stories about how most of her oldest friends have lost their minds in the last 4 years are equal parts horrifying and hilarious.
So much for being "anti-woke." Imagine paying people from shithole countries a fair wage? Buncha pansies can't even commit to enslaved child labor smh...
Lots to laugh at here but I'm also gobsmacked that they used fair trade stuff, you'd think exploitation of workers would be a selling point for them too lol
And yet, they think 'Mango Spa, 'Sweet Cherry Pie?!?!', and 'Razzle Dazzle' are "masculine fragrances." At least Axe Body Spray calls it like it is with 'Really Ripped Abs' and 'Apollo XL' (what do those even smell like)...
How come every time I want to smell of lavender something gets discontinued but people can walk around smelling of *checks notes* Kingdom of the West with impunity?
Knowing those closeted weirdos, they probably have something like an "Andrew taint" a glove with five tiny penises molded on the fingers, so nothing but PURE ALPHA MAN is scrubbing it
If it weren’t so harmful to everyone else I’d be content to wistfully go “you’re making your life so much harder than it has to be” but then they’re making everyone else’s lives harder and then I wish to do violence.
There's now this big cross over between crunchy hippie organic all natural groups on FB...and maga. There's a boomer I talk to in town about gardening & growing food & he's constantly sending me the youtube clips of MAGA people hyping up the latest magical herbal supplement.
weirdly the thing that stood out to me beyond how fuckin horrible the whole thing was, was that he kept saying like, "come here big tits" and they... weren't? Just average at best? Like what frame of reference is Rudy looking at here and can I give him a stroke with someone rocking 1000cc+ implants?
All natural ingredients? You mean "crunchy" has been appropriated by the far right? (Wait, I suppose so. Remember those articles about nazis in farmers markets...)
Oh they've been doing that for decades. "Getting back to the earth" is pretty close to blood& soil.
Also a lot of these whackos unironically think modernity was invented by Jews to stop them from having kids.🙄
This is my absolute favorite. It’s a “tactical baby carrier”. What’s particularly great about this is the baby goes where the plate would. The, ummm, plate meant to stop bullets.
i once was presented by the all-seeing algorithm with the opportunity to purchase a "tactical hoodie" which presumably had some 80s detective leather holster sewn in the sleeves or?
I love how wingnuts thought Gun OIl brand was for preserving the mechanisms of firearms and went out on a shopping spree to support a "conservative" company.
They don't know how to boycott (such as check what the product really is: lube for gay sechs)
All I can think upon seeing "Razzle Dazzle" is that it's a song from "Chicago" about women playing the media and courts to let them off the hook for murdering their husbands and damn if that isn't potential irony in the making.
It's interesting bc companies often have to do a lot of research to find attitudinal customer segments, but over the past decade conservatives have created such strong, specific identities with easily recognized symbols- a startup that normally couldn't afford to find them can tap into them easily
At this point, since Republicans keep blocking student debt relief, I'm like 🤏 this close to starting my own dropshift grift like this to pay off my debt.
Every bar of man soap some dipshit buys is a dollar he doesn't spend on a gun, I guess (probably more like $10? I don't want to go look at their website to check)
I mean, it's silly, and yet the person who came up with this is just a brilliant troll and I think they're a hero.
It's not uncommon for these right-wing commentators to advertise on their own programs stuff that they own that they're selling.
Also, can't be 100% woke free if using or advertising fair trade choc (if it actually is.)
Now I'm confused.
The he side is only paired with the she side (homophobia and misogynistic "complementarianism")
"Shit, they're onto us! Burn the computer!"
How come every time I want to smell of lavender something gets discontinued but people can walk around smelling of *checks notes* Kingdom of the West with impunity?
the soaps have no titties though!
They're a creature carefully groomed in a lab designed to turn them into perfect defenseless marks.
It also could mean that they have some bizarre religious ritual that includes use of a bar of soap for a purpose that it was never designed.
I'll stick with Ivory.
🎶 Here is the church and here is the steeple, put maga soap in your hole, or else you’re a SHEEPLE! 😡🎶
Also a lot of these whackos unironically think modernity was invented by Jews to stop them from having kids.🙄
- Trad wife
(Unless the "sweet cherry pie" actually smells like... )
They don't know how to boycott (such as check what the product really is: lube for gay sechs)
...with a hint of lemon.
Only a little, because they're absolute rubes but also they're fascists so... hawhaw