So funny because I hovered over the follow button for him thinking "well I guess I have to...?" and then remembered how energetically I would scroll past his /245 post threads on the bad place.
Apropos of nothing in particular, did you know there is a pretty good grifter started pack around here somewhere? To help avoid all those pesky folks who annoyed on Xitter?
The minute Seth appeared on this site he blocked me, without my ever having interacted with him, and I was very puzzled for a long time until I realized that I wrote this comment *a year ago*:
I assume most of US on this site are information refugees from Twitter. You know what it was like. Doesn’t it make sense to block those you remember who are against reading your threads trying to inform Americans of the dangers that await US?
The guy is certifiable. He posted this stream of consciousness, evidence free, claiming that Peter Thiel (as evil as he is, he’s not this evil) wants to turn people into goo to fuel busses. I wish this was a joke. It’s not. He believes it. Nutcase.
BREAKING 🚨🚨: Blocking Seth Abramson makes you complicit in a coordinated effort to silence a finely tuned, sober legal mind. Settle in, folks, this is going to take awhile. 1/743
Yeah, he has no more idea of what's going on than the average well informed person and then jumps to outlandish conclusions that will only get your hopes up.
So let me get this straight, you are upset at a guy because he found a way to make money that anyone could have done if they had his type of content !!!
I don't see a problem with it, are you mad because he thought of it and you didn't ???
I feel slightly elite, in that I was around when we turned on him back in like 2005? during the poetry blog wars. I’ll never retain exactly why I don’t like someone but I’m perfectly capable of holding a gut grudge.
I enjoy that I can follow all different kinds of people that I’d never have the opportunity to hear outside of BlueSky. I learn and it makes me think. It’s a connection to other humans.
Why tell them... just do it. In a way you wonder how long it'll take them to notice they are shouting into the void but then why bother giving them a piece of your time.
I know. It's been a little game I've played over there and I've gotten better at just blocking without the schoolyard taunting. I hope to go cold turkey here.
Complete joke of a list. Many of those people are absolutely wonderful. Who the hell gives this person the authority to say who is or isn’t follow worthy.
Anybody can make a list- there’s no “authority” about it. There are obviously people who agree with the list and will use it, but the beauty is you don’t have to and it won’t affect you at all.
Lots of grifty folks I blocked on Twitter on that list, some that I would constantly reply in their threads that they were basically the same a QAnon.
Not sure I would lump Keith Olbermann into that list though.
But, hey! It’s your list, I’m just happy these lists are a thing!
So. Like basically every liberal Starter Pack account is on that list. Where to find better sources? I’m just a rando human trying to keep up, and apparently no one but myself & my rabbits are trustworthy, and it changes daily. Which is life, I realize, but damn.
Stewartson is a crank who thinks he knows everything and regularly attacks many of the people doing actual, good research on the extreme right just because they’ve disagreed with him on certain topics.
Def conspiracy/paranoia ridden. I follow for QAnon/ Mike Flynn summaries since I’d rather not know about QAnon but try to read between paranoid rants to find out how insane + radicalized the right is getting. His tinfoil hat thing gets old, I guess if you don’t take him too seriously it’s fine
This is cool, subscribed! I was so tired of seeing these left wing grifters and conspiracy theorists on twitter. Many people don’t realize that they’re getting grifted by the people on their own side.
I will still follow him because 1/5 tweets isn’t about how we are all doomed and the bottom has fallen out. But agree, 80% of his tweets make me think he believes all of us need to serve as his therapists and bring him back from the ledge. 🤷🏾♂️
I blocked him on the other app (now here too) because all he was doing seemed to be taking breaking news from AP and trying to say he was breaking the news. Just him thinking he was doing something. I don’t need more people in my life taking credit for things they have never done
I swear he was the guy who started the trend of using BREAKING way too much. Trying to lend his tweet threads way more journalistic weight than they actually had. All these blueanon grifters do it now
Wait, publishing a book of one’s own tweets is a crime? Tweets he stole from no one? And you want this man you accuse (Abramson) ostracized? This makes you look like a stalker, seriously
I know that this is incredibly funny, but also incredibly real. My brain is trying to figure out how to live in a world where Trump is President again, and I almost jumped back on the wagon. Thank you for giving me social license to opt-out of the rabbit hole!
Seth was literally my first follow here.
He does good work, and his tweet threads are / were incredibly informative.
If you’ve got a meticulously sourced and incisively organized take on global geopolitical shenanigans I’ll be happy to follow.
But TBH I have no idea who you are.
I admit I followed him and thought well of his work. Then I read an article written about him from The Atlantic, I believe, and felt stupid. A journalist like me, falling for curated news as he does it. But one has to give him credit that he's turned his writing style into success. Still, blah.
I've been following him for a long time, and admittedly he's a bit... Extra. But I see regularly a lot of passive aggressive hate. What drives that? What am I missing?
I actually don't know this specific account, but in general, I've been trying to ween my social diet of accounts that solely focus on outrage at the latest cabinet appointment, or rally quote, or whatever. It rots the brain. I try to find real people who also support joy and community.
I'm not saying that you can't be outraged, but if I scroll a feed and that's all it is without an occassional "I cooked this fun things for lunch" then I start to suspect you're what's been called a "resistance grifter."
"Do your own research" to borrow a now terrible phrase. Examine accounts that people side eye and ask yourself how they make you feel? Do they offer any solutions like community organization or do they just constantly churn news clips and articles that keep you glued to your screen and angry
I hate to sort people on vibes, but when most of what people do is yelling with no useful action attached, that’s neither journalism (it’s an op-ed) or activism (which would enable action). It’s just depressing and paralyzing. Also, a lot of those people are terrible to people who disagree a little.
He's shoddy, alarmist, often inaccurate, and the tone of doomy breathlessness encourages despair and conspiracy thinking rather than any sort of political action
He's not often inaccurate. He regularly points out just how dizzyingly accurate I would learn that he actually is if I would just purchase all four of his NTY bestselling books.
Clear way to tell is if the action they are asking you to take is to follow them, boost their posts, or they are asking you to sign up for ballot curing, assist with canvassing, take a distinct action that is helpful, or amplify their doom that has no concrete measure to curtail. He is a grifter.
Abramson was already past critical mass for tedium when I was still at the bad place (a few years removed now).
Beyond the grift, though, he did offer martyrdom and the thinnest skin. So he had that going for him.
I get what you are saying. He’s a bit extra.. but conversely I don’t want it’s going to be ok. It will be.. but first we have to post point out mock ridicule and shine light. He’s pretty good at that.
That’s far too. Kinda what I was trying to get at. Call to action but also we can pivot and contract anything he throws at us. Vigilantly confident? Maybe?
Well maybe our press should have been a WHOLE LOT MORE DOOMY and maybe you all were the wrong ones. Please take a look at my post from this morning. Please, I know these things for a fact. We could have used a TON more gloomy, but now...
So he's not trying to take over the country or eat the children? Just long winded and self centered? The only people who actually have a complaint are the people that bought the book? Thanks for the clarification
I don't know how you came to that conclusion, I am guessing you brought it with you because that's not relevant to my criticism. His analysis is poor, like I said. Cheers.
I’m struggling with P almer report right now. Wikipedia literally says he’s “fake news”, but he was here the other day campaigning for support and seemingly getting lots of it? I can’t keep up with who’s trustworthy & who’s sensationalizing any more.
It's the dilemma of our time, just think how much people on the other side are struggling because most of what they are being fed is fake. The rise of the unwitting MAGA voter is perfectly understandable in this info environment.
Yes. And it’ll be worse before it’s better and exponentially since we’re hyper-connected now. The pendulum WILL swing; trouble is how long this will take what with that info/mis-info environment. Our data & eyeballs for $$ are everything. For now.
Thank you! Abramson is a poseur. I've been active in NH politics for much of my life, and Seth has never showed up at legislative hearings, town meetings, or involved himself in any boots-on-the-ground capacity.
I don't hate him and he doesn't make me mad, but I found the constant quite self important announcements tiring.
And when I tried to correct him on a point of fact that he was pushing, he ignored it and repeated it - so didn't seem overly interested in finer details.
This site has felt so freeing. I know I didn’t have to follow anyone there over at the bad place. But starting fresh just feels different. You get sucked so far into the toxicity you start to forget that you can actually get out of it.
LOL he was nasty and misogynistic to me on FB almost a decade ago. Not as misogynistic as Bill "I'm reposting your entire comment verbatim without your name so it looks like it was mine" Palmer, but pretty close.
Oh man it was a whole thing. He released at least books worth of his Fox Mulder corkboard tweets with titles like "Proof of Collusion" that bore as much relationship to reality as Mike Lindell's "documentaries"
He was one of too many “blue” accounts that were either overly positive and were gonna win.. or.. T is going to jail any day now… both not healthy or preparing people for reality
I was an unpaid subscriber, but I got tired of the sensationalism and the "breaking news" always behind the paywall. Any real "breaking news" of importance was free everywhere else.
Frankly I don’t need this on Bluesky. Why attack one person on here? Go back to Twitter Talia. Don’t bring that in here. I can decide who I’ll follow, not you.
I don’t follow but I’ll never block him. Sometimes I like to see his gloomy little face pop up with a sprinkling of dire superlatives and a nice 1/??? at the end
I bought into his nonsense for the about the first year after I started on Twitter in 2016, but I eventually realized I was better off without him.
Jojofromjerz is in the journo starter pack.
in the Jersey Shore starter pack.
He was in a list
I didn't know it was happening,I swear
Wait, that still just makes him look worse. Guess he's just indefensible.
Reminding me.
Seth was one of a gang of miscreants who spread ridiculous disinformation that undermined legitimate investigations. It did real damage.
I decide on my own who I follow, and while I take recommendations, I give a rat‘s ass about the opposite.
I don't see a problem with it, are you mad because he thought of it and you didn't ???
Did him doing that affect you in any way ???
Ten more units sold!
It's just like people complaining about the 3 assholes they met this morning. If you've met 3 assholes before noon, you're the asshole.
Not sure why you think it's appropriate.
No thanks.
Not sure I would lump Keith Olbermann into that list though.
But, hey! It’s your list, I’m just happy these lists are a thing!
Among about a hundred other things. He once accused me of doing black magic on him. WTF is that?
He also is a paranoid schitzo because he thinks people who disagree with him were hired by Russia or Mike shithead Flynn to go after him.
When you update your blocklists — does that automatically update to everyone that previously subscribed prior to any future updates?
Bee tee dubs he's an attorney
He does good work, and his tweet threads are / were incredibly informative.
If you’ve got a meticulously sourced and incisively organized take on global geopolitical shenanigans I’ll be happy to follow.
But TBH I have no idea who you are.
He was my first block.
Beyond the grift, though, he did offer martyrdom and the thinnest skin. So he had that going for him.
I don’t get it. Why does he make so many so mad ???
And when I tried to correct him on a point of fact that he was pushing, he ignored it and repeated it - so didn't seem overly interested in finer details.
I think people give him too much shit for that, given how much other free media is repackaged by the author and then sold, but he did exactly that.