"Walz says now he should have been doing events all through last fall. He says he offered, but was told no, and in his bewildered daze, he decided to be a team player."
Need to seriously start asking if these dem consultants are actively on the take, no other way to explain such uselessness
Need to seriously start asking if these dem consultants are actively on the take, no other way to explain such uselessness
Reposted from
Isaac Dovere
NEW - Tim Walz to me, backstage to in Eau Claire on Tuesday:
“It’s going to get very dark,” he said, running through speculation that ranged from Trump soon ordering the arrest of a political opponent to trying to anoint a son as his successor.
“It’s going to get very dark,” he said, running through speculation that ranged from Trump soon ordering the arrest of a political opponent to trying to anoint a son as his successor.
Do the opposite of this.
2. rich donors are republicans who want tax breaks, and need the democrats to lose
you are a crazy anarchist if you point out this reality thats been happening in broad daylight for decades
“You know what you assholes don't get? We're not a fucking building! We're not a fucking flag! We're not just one man! Assholes like you have been trying to kill us for a long fucking time. But you know what? A thousand years from now, we'll still fucking be here!”
Dems really need a brand building agency vs. political wonk inside the beltway folks
You can’t win by trying not to lose.
this way they get to rattle the can AND call people "unreasonable" for expecting anything out of them
The worst case of riding coattails I've seen in a while.
Favreau seems to have pundit-brained himself into some weird neo-triangulation, while Lovett acts more interested in being clever* than evolving his opinions as situations change.
Actually on second thought I don't want to see the Horniest President brackets.
For SF DA, she was endorsed by the mayor; for CA AG and Senator, the CA Dem Party. When she on equal terms like the 2020 primaries, she dropped before the race 1/
The current debate is considering the Dems lost, why weren't they more frank last year? While we can debate the issues, I believe authenticity matters for Dems, esp with the biggest liar ever in office. Being less of a liar doesn't cut it.
democrats exist to almost win, thats it
So yeah, they're almost all on-side with billionaires.
we're stuck at the mercy of billionaires who are realizing that, whoops, Mussolini didn't really make the trains run on time after all, in fact this Mussolini seems intent on replacing them all with hyperloops that explode
fascism is not a viable business model, no matter how much the techbros might suck at Ayn Rand's teat
In other words, incompetent
The consultants and managers these politicians listen to don’t know what the f*ck they’re doing.
It’s doing way more harm than good now.
I don’t think they have any faith they can win with populism, bc the page they could get the most people on is “fuck billionaires”
.....they just can't help themSELVES can they
Midterms and 2028 about to look REAL different. They are on their own✊🏾
Everyone talks about data/ focus groups, but I sincerely doubt they used market research in the right way. No one did qual on “weird.”
Then all of a sudden his entire format and structure changed, and he became the buttegieg were al familar with.
I couldn’t understand why Walz wasn’t dismantling Vance as a weirdo who couldn’t order doughnuts correctly
I’ve got a better idea, put her in a home and tell Clooney to STFU!
All the Dems really had to do was take a moderate stance against Israel & give the student protesters the time of day (instead of shutting them down)
Most of them probably don't even REALIZE this is going on in their heads. Subconscious-level shit.
Dems need "Less Gucci, more Gumshoe".
Get rid of the consultants.
And then, for much of the campaign, he was bottled up and Liz Cheney paraded around.
The instincts of the Dem campaign machine are trash. Gonna stay angry.
Dems need to clean house and stop sharing information with saboteurs.
OF COURSE they are!
The question is, who will investigate them?
They know how progressive energy gets stirred up and they avoid it, bc it threatens their donors and their own personal fortunes.
Simple as
What better Paul Revere moment in history than a teacher taking kids to see actual protest against a repressive govt? The tank running over the kid should’ve had Trump and Musk driving it.
And like...fuck all the openly angry reps who are getting way more engagement huh
The two Dems that have won told the Dem establishment to fuck off and pulled the numbers to win.
Biden won because he had pictures taken with Obama one time.
They also were probably spooked by Walz's debate performance but that's just my speculation
More of Chuck's attitude of, "Somewhere, deep down, is the Republican party I knew how to work with."
Dem donor class saw that Walz was way more popular than Kamala and they shut it down.
Instead, they "toned down the rhetoric," and went hard on the, "but responsible Republicans like Liz Cheney like us," in order to court the mythical center vote.
As per... always.
So they court the center while telling us we HAVE to vote for them, because the alternative is unthinkable.
And most of us DO, because unlike them, we care about the marginalized.
And we STILL get blamed for the shortfall.
Sweet Space Jeebus save us.
Look man, if you wanna stake that claim with MAGA voters, fine, but Liberals? C'mon man.
He can also be personally moderate but strongly anti-fascist.
(But also e.g. feeding children is broadly popular, actually.)
Whatever the results of their advice, they have remained “experts” — people the Democratic Party and the news media turn to.
Why would they change?
But it’s not. They want only to be comfortable in their position and confident in their worldview, and they will ignore any bit of reality that threatens that.
Of course they’re all on the take - Citizens United saw to that.
With very few exceptions, they all need to be banned from running from office.
I don't know how many of the consultant class are the same, but Carville has definitely used his position to hurt the Democratic party every chance he gets
But WHO CARES? Are you going to rerun the 2024 election? Is any of this going to affect who Dems hire as consultants?
Why is this a *one-sided* argument worth having?
I have numerous criticisms of Obama, but between the GOP and Joe Lieberman (may his memory be erased) he had a hell of a time trying to get any healthcare bill passed at all
Lindy Li, for example, was on the Finance committee of the DNC but voted for Trump.
Some of the PUMA Democrats are probably in the same boat but haven't held a press conference about it yet.
The USSR sucked, but at least it showed Capitalism wasn't the only way to do stuff
Starting in the eighties