This Anglo-American who just breakfasted on eggs Benedict with avocado and home fries cooked with a dash of (American) bacon and endless coffee thinks that problem is already solved.
going back to Twitter to whine about how much you don’t care about Bluesky because it’s just a liberal echo chamber that sucks and you’re glad you got blocked by everyone actually so you don’t catch the woke mind virus from the triggered soyboys and what’s mo—
I went to go check that account out and it's nothing but MAGA trolling. No original skeets, all replies. It actually sent out something that threatened Fauci, so I reported it.
It's just cult behaviour with these clowns. They just want to spout their crap and repeat their mantras, and get upset at anyone who doesn't want to listen to them.
They do it in real life too because my mom is the same way sadly. She consistently talks about how great Trump is and says the same variations of the same shit time and time again.
There's a diner in my town that does a Buttermilk Waffle sandwich, and I feel like it's a pretty complete American breakfast in one thing. two halves of a waffle with either bacon or sausage, scrambled eggs, cheese.. slather it with butter and maple syrup. sweet & savory & tasty... mmm.
As an early American historian and someone who enjoys a good breakfast, I heartily endorse this idea and hope I have historical consultant skills that can help.
Unbeknownst to the people posting facetuned chad trump in my replies think they're "owning" me - I have pleasured myself to that image multiple times. Aesthetically it really is gorgeous.
I am not sure that's a "we made it to the other side" but yes, it sure is a ridiculous future in the making. Bots against bots, and the selling of ads to the unbeknownst
BTW: We're draining the Center. The political dichotomy is killing the sound middle point.
Either this year or last one included the first ever drone versus drone military engagement where two little drones kept flying into each other until one broke.
War... War has changed.
Let the bots fight. Let internet warfare become autonomous and stupid. :D
Gonna write a modern version of Sysiphus about a guy who is convinced that internet fame and happiness are right around the corner if he just owns the libs one more time. This next shitpost for sure.
Hello Lauren, since I liked your thread about her a lot: do you think Erma Bombeck could've fallen into an "anti-woke"/TERF-trap, or was she too well-adjusted?
Thanks! Idk if it's wishful thinking on my part, but that's where I'm at, too. She was one of the first humor writers I read and I have fond memories of it. And yes, she would've balled online 🙌
Yes. Subscribe. It's my understanding that you aren't subscribing to their accounts, just the list. If I understand correctly, when others are added, it automatically blocks them for you.
ooooo. That gave me great pleasure.Thank you, but...can I have more? Just a little..I won't keep bothering you have any more of that..more of that troll blocking stuff..It's sooooo good.I promise this'll be the last time I you? Have anymore of that...
There’s a poutinerie near me. I didn’t call it that, they did. It’s great, they have a few standards and every couple of weeks they have a new recipe. Fries and gravy and other stuff always cheers me up.
Waffles cause me to think about driving across America because of all those places that have "free hotel waffles in the lobby's nook". My standard "huge breakfast" there is: waffle, sausage, scrambled eggs, fruit, yogurt, latte.
I'm in Canada. I believe grits are Cream of Wheat? Correct me if I'm wrong. As far as I know it's only served as an alternative to, and like, porridge. I can't imagine it any of the ways suggested. 😩 Ick?
My father wouldn't eat them because they went "bloop, bloop" like lava in a volcano while they were cooking. I'm from New York, but my father's mother was southern, and cooked grits. She taught her baby boy's fiancée how to cook Southern food. None of us kids liked it.
I mean, parts of the 'full english breakfast' aren't universally liked in England, or eaten consistently in some areas. Regional variations are inevitable.
I was staying in a hotel in Baltimore and I ordered something for breakfast (eggs) and when in came it was so bad (they were gray) the waitress looked at my face, took pity and said "Hon, I'll bring you some grits" and they were wonderful :)
I don't want anything too heavy. My normal breakfast is oatmeal with salt, goat butter, and 2 or 3 habaneros, for medium heavy, or just eggs scrambled in goat's butter with 2 or 3 habaneros.
Got to include hash browns. As an English myself I had not encountered them before coming here and they are a perfect breakfast food, being fried, and capable of absorbing other foodstuffs.
Chicken fried steak and eggs, home fries with bell pepper and tomato served with good hot sauce, biscuit and gravy, cheddar grits, black coffee, sourdough bagel with marionberry or boysenberry cream cheese
Chicken fried steak and eggs is a breakfast dish here. It's breaded and fried beef steak. Lots of people think it's actually chicken *cough* my ex *cough*
Lauren. What you gotta do is you gotta get pancakes. You gotta make those bread pudding pancakes they got in Louisiana. You get your bread pudding pancakes and put in scrambled eggs, two full sausage links, side of bacon, half a bagel with cream cheese, throw in some berries. Syrup, butter, coffee.
It is very weird to make an incontinent amphetamine abuser your whole personality to the point you can't talk about breakfast. Did you make progress on the breakfast idea? Sausage and Bacon and a side of sausage gravy for the biscuit are my voted additions.
They’re like cockatoos - flocks of obnoxious white parrots that are capable of only saying a few words and phrases, but love to cause chaos and shit up the place.
"that's not what we're talking about" is a powerful reply you can use with all kinds of weirdos (derogatory) and other assorted unpleasant people. it's impossible to come back from and they're instantly unwelcome.
They’re whackjobs. All the troll accounts have the same characteristics.
- Newer
- No photo
- No bio or an aggressive MAGA bio
- No posts or very few
- Only replies (i.e., **they’re here to troll, and they spend all their time posting nasty replies**)
They prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt in my mind, that they can’t exist without people to bother. It’s the only reason they’re here.
Their attitude is most telling; they’re consistently offended that we have what they call a “safe space,” and will openly say they don’t want us to have one.
The idea that anyone would dare make an attempt to avoid them *infuriates* them. They *need* the validation of knowing we’re upset. They want to know that they’ve gotten what they wanted, because for many of them (and for whatever reasons they’ve cooked up), they wanted to hurt others.
They know they voted for a clown, and they know it might end badly with his policies and appointees (which they’re learning about now), but they did it to hurt their perceived enemies (us), so they *need* to see us suffer. Otherwise, they’ve screwed themselves for nothing.
Scrapple with and an egg shaped hole but you cook the hole and put it back in or maybe put the egg in there and it wears the scrapple hole like a little hat
I've seen accounts which just go around spamming this to "own the libs" or something, don't really understand how though? Seems like lots of reactionaries from twitter no longer know what to do now they don't have anyone to harass over there
If there’s any way to reunite you and that person for a Friends Reunion type event, I would contribute money toward doing so, please let me know if that becomes an option
In their defense, this Town Crier probably doesn't know that we passed the every-home-has-a-tv phase of human history and are fully embedded in the every-hand-has-the-news phase
Okay but what if it's the other way around and this person is so traumatized about the election they keep wandering into conversations screaming 'TRUMP WON'.
I feel like it's interesting to find a "universal breakfast"... and it's also interesting to understand the psychology of "bots, or people so 'consumed by psychofauna' that they are hard to tell apart from bots". However, the latter is sad to talk about, while the former is cozy.
Ask POTUS to publish the ERA. It’s already been ratified by 2/3 of the states. The only thing keeping it from being a constitutional amendment is a technicality. Don’t let a arbitrary expiration date stop ERA. We must enshrine women’s rights
this shit is just depressing
By funny I mean sad of course.
It's entertaining anyway.
Maybe Howard Fast's successors can write a book about November Morn?
BTW: We're draining the Center. The political dichotomy is killing the sound middle point.
War... War has changed.
Let the bots fight. Let internet warfare become autonomous and stupid. :D
We can have some fun first, you know
We do need to work with that energy 😍
Naive idea: why not start statements that are totally off politics, alot of them, flood the zone with
"if you want to bring water somewhere, use a bucket!"
"if you boil potatos, they soften up!"
Grits (as a foreigner) are entirely an American thing. Hence their inclusion.
I also suspect many English don't like black pudding, but it's in there.
I don't trust the dish at all.
None of them are steak, chips plus a langerload of other lunch type things.
Do they even still make those/
Given the name format, suspect she’s a bot.
- Newer
- No photo
- No bio or an aggressive MAGA bio
- No posts or very few
- Only replies (i.e., **they’re here to troll, and they spend all their time posting nasty replies**)
Their attitude is most telling; they’re consistently offended that we have what they call a “safe space,” and will openly say they don’t want us to have one.
They know they voted for a clown, and they know it might end badly with his policies and appointees (which they’re learning about now), but they did it to hurt their perceived enemies (us), so they *need* to see us suffer. Otherwise, they’ve screwed themselves for nothing.
His screen was broken and not displaying a vertical row of letters
Like "my iPod is Mexican, and therefore I think Obama is a threat to it", and he disapproves of that.
[Shakes head] Nobama
[uncontrollable sobbing]
Block and move on. Amplifying filth is for twitter.
Bacon of course, but where do we go from there?
(No posts of his/her own to speak of, of course. Fantastic.)
Couldn't find the gif so just posting the vibe.
Imagine posting food and getting hate for no reason lol.
Ask POTUS to publish the ERA. It’s already been ratified by 2/3 of the states. The only thing keeping it from being a constitutional amendment is a technicality. Don’t let a arbitrary expiration date stop ERA. We must enshrine women’s rights