i'm sorry to say this but if you send me a tiktok of a person telling a story into the camera for 3 minutes i'm not fucking watching it. just in general ever. people need to start typing things up again because i can read so much faster than you can talk and i'm not wasting my precious time on this
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk transcript!
Perhaps my most boomer opinion.
And half of this shit is just people reading a reddit post.
Results: videos with long music intro followed by history of Thingamabob which I already know I just need to remember how to thing! 😢
Much better to CTRL-F in a page about thinging in Thingamabob.
But dude did not waste my time with six and a half minutes of the time it happened to him
Me: Where?
Someone: Here’s the video! [link to inarticulate person’s 30-minute Joycean ramble]
Absolutely fucking not.
This is actually a push and pull at my job right now with the best way to convey necessary info 1/2
Suffice to say, I agree with your aggravation w/r/t being forced to watch a stupid video instead of a written explanation big time 2/2
I don't deserve this and I don't feel there is nothing "modern" about it. It's just trash
Went to an opera once. It was sung in zgerman, so it had the English subtitles on a screen above the stage. Listening to the words at the ends of sentences became absolutely agonising, as we had read them nearly a minute ago already.
I appreciate the surtitles but I can see why they could be annoying.
Get to the point in fifteen seconds cuz if nobody is latched within that timeframe, you’re wasting your time with the rest
Same with ebooks. No thanks, it'll never beat curling up in a comfy spot and turning a page.😉😎
Haven't got a hope in hell of dropping off if there's a voice in the background. My brain just uses it as yet another excuse not to sleep. 😉😎
(They'll still never beat a book. 😉😎)
Another great one is Alice Isn’t Dead. It actually got turned into a book!
Which, as you say, takes far less time to read, abd you can skim through to see if it actually does answer your question.
The amount of times I've been at the edge of cell service and had to load a 5-minute video for 10+ minutes (and then find the ONE step I'm stuck on...)
if you dick around for more than 30 seconds making soda pies or sink tacos I move on
"The leaves are turning brown. Children breathing on their way to school leave vapour trails like little steam engines. Whose thoughts aren't turning to woolly sweaters..."
1) plain text internet
2) bullet points only
3) no conjunctions
Odds are extremely good they aren't interesting enough to hold my attention that long.
I am not sitting through a video of someone babbling incoherently at top speed with the pauses edited out, just write it down.
Or clips of movies or TV shows that are broken into sections
This is not what the app is for. It is for snappy jokes
The only time I want to watch a video is either for fandom purposes or because it's something you can only learn by watching
I do like the *option* to listen, like when I need to brush my teeth, but video with no option to read the article is a “no” for me.
*I may not actually like this
Freaking haaaate videos