A friend of mine insists that the best way to piss people (particularly white men over 40) is to say “The wrong two Beatles died first”
But I think a better way is to say “The Armin Tamzarian episode was actually funny, and the Frank Grimes one wasn’t”
But I think a better way is to say “The Armin Tamzarian episode was actually funny, and the Frank Grimes one wasn’t”
*Clap clap clap* 10/10, no notes, amazing.
...does that make any sense?
(As for the Simpsons, I stopped watching early on, so eh.)
Plus people who say it’s the definitive cutoff between “good Simpsons” and “bad Simpsons” are throwing a lot of great episodes in the trash; S9 was hit or miss but it still had lots of good ones.
George should have outlived Paul
But Bart's factory is still one of my favorite side stories.
It's a fair statement if you like good music.
Not like, you know, garden variety evil, regular everyday evil, but SITH-LEVEL EVIL.
1. We don't give a crap about the Beatles.
2. Simpson is on-target for us, but M*A*S*H* or WKRP references are more trenchant.
As for Frank Grimes... Well, I am quite a fan of dark, mean humor, so I do dig it...
We grew up surrounded by their music, but I've never met anyone around my age who had any special reverence for the group that created it.
And Treehouse of Horror I has the best reading of The Raven ever recorded
"I-a only consider you-a scum a-compared a-to Krusty..."
(murmurs of agreement)
"Yeah... you-a see how you scum.."
Aurora Borealis
Armin Tamzaria
The Be Sharps
Pretty much every assembly / school performance…
Watching Homer’s Enemy after reading this rare John Swartzwelder interview gave me a VERY fresh perspective on that episode. Maybe it would for you too
Always the first reply when being asked about having a unique or impressive experience.
-"Just Don't Look" > "Lisa It's Your Birthday" > "See my vest" > "Monorail Song"
I'm just glad Ringo lived long enough to get the painting Marge sent him.
I find this both hilarious and deeply frustrating.
Conversely, if the Beach Boys had packed it in after, oh, let’s say Sunflower, they’d likely be held in higher esteem today.
Same with Jim Morrison, the decline of his later work was erased by his extremely gothic and young death
I love X so much
That'll make their heads explode.
"Tom Petty sucked and Bob Dylan (overrated hack) shouldn't be allowed near a microphone"
Works (nearly) every time
More like 50+
Guys last big hit was 30 years ago and most were in the 80s