We shall still speak the name emilyinvc in 150 years. As the huddled masses gather around the last remaining electric light to share their water ratio and the tale of that hilarious fuckwits who thought she was living in some kind of skyrim situation as the main character or something.
I despise these people with a depth and desperation that cannot be sated, and want nothing more than to get them out of my life. I hope they're buried by history. (Potentially literally)
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by poasting, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through their social media feeds looking for an angry fix
There’s a name, whispered only by the high priests, of a legendary figure who brought the bleak reality to us non elite mortals; like Prometheus, shining the light on the pointlessness of our non elite existence; and this name, whispered reverently “Emilyinsf”
To me the greatest sadness is how people like his see their obsessive fixation on wealth as somehow noble and heroic. Especially when we know how much harm it causes everyone else.
Me, who didn't even bother learning her name while reading the tweets: I guess Eleanor in Someplace chased away everyone who cares about her, cuz this sounds like the kind of stuff someone says, and then next thing you know you're hearing about how they threw themselves down an elevator shaft.
Putting aside the fact that I've never heard of this person *now*, Alexander the great lived ~2,400 years ago. 10,000 years ago, farming was just getting to Europe, and I can't think of any great hero's name from that period despite having a history degree.
Yeah, you might be able to guess that some cultural hero or deity had a name before it was written down, but without writing, how could you know for sure? Mostly, I don't think that person has the sense of how different the world will be in 10k years. It's literally as long as the stone age to now 😅
(Agreed. And given the unpredictable nature of technological and social changes, predicting society in 12,025CE from 2025CE is about as silly as predicting 2025CE from 7975BCE.)
Sure we've been humans for ~300,000 years but we'll definitely evolve into a different species in the next 10,000 years....oh wait she talking about eugenics isn't she
Joking aside it's a reference to Alexander the Great. But part of what made him legendary is that he died so young. If he had lived to 60 his reputation wouldn't arguably be nearly as big.
Also there's an old Roman tale that great generals would go to Alexander's grave and be humbled 1/
deeply by the experience of knowledge that no matter what you do, how great you become, you'll never be as good as Alexander was, at the age he did what he did. Octavian supposedly was the first general to not come away so humbled.
So this chick needs to hurry up and die if she wants that cred. 2/
Most Americans can’t even recall the names of presidents before their lifetime, but sure, this person I have never heard of is gonna be bigger than Jesus.
"my life is filled with heroism" i whisper to myself as i carefully jiggle the vending machine of corrupt financial markets until a bonus falls out the bottom, "i am lore-building rn"
delivering $13m in almost zero strings attached liquidity to the idiot-son of one of my boss's fund's investors and truly understanding how arthur felt when he pulled that sword out of that rock
Only a handful of people (Donald, Elon) are lucky enough to have a soul crushing emptiness and anxiety inside of them that they try desperately to fill with money, power, winning, and adulation.
The rest of us outside of that lucky group are forced to have meaningful, fulfilling lives.
"Humanoids 10,000 years from now will speak my name"
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
The smartest people out there are not posting on social media. They are working in labs mapping genomes and whatnot and then trying to perfect their risotto recipes in the evening.
it takes about five minutes to read the Great Man Theory page on wikipedia, three if you skip all the sections that debunk it as baseless and void; I assume she took the shorter approach before deciding to christen herself as a Saint https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_man_theory
you read that drug induced haze of a post and 1) it’s no wonder they saw trump as a tool for their own purposes and 2) they’re gonna kill a lot of fuckin people if they get their way
Much like how Elon thinks it's great to tell jokes about himself being a Nazi. But will never, ever joke about being bad at video games, do not call him a bad gamer, that's offensive, and also slander, and you cannot yell fire in a crowded building!
I don't have twitter anymore, but I hope someone asks them, "do you think that cafes and restaurants and garbage trucks and mail services and semi trucks and customer service and factories just... shouldn't exist? If everyone pretended to be professionally profound, as you do, who would work there?"
This is the question I’ve been ask these glassy-eyed geeks for as long as I can remember: who in your world is pouring the coffee and hanging the iv bags?
These people are dumb enough to think they are the smartest people in the world, but not smart enough to realise that A) not everyone has the same priorities as they do, or B) if their vision of humanity is correct it would require by necessity a 'lesser class' to keep everything running
"Without the people willing to do these gruelling, monotonous, not-always-fulfilling jobs, the society you so proudly and thoughtlessly exploit could not exist. So why don't you show them some goddamn respect and gratitude, huh?"
Well, that goes out the window when you notice the societies they worship and mythologize are Rome and Sparta.
They think those jobs should be worked by dead-eyed, obedient, deferent, miserable slaves, who in effect are not people but are talking animals due the same consideration of a pig or cow.
Yes, but I think people like this, in particular, don't *think* they think that, and until they've acknowledged to themselves that that's what they want, there remains some cognitive dissonance. At this stage, I think pointing out that dissonance can still do some good.
I don’t. I think they have a warped world view that some people are just *meant* to be slaves, which is why those people are so much less interesting, successful and real than *they* are.
To them we are all NPCs who exist to serve and our comfort and lives are inconsequential.
You know this seems like a good time to bring up a discussion from one of my university history courses where we learned about the immeasurable damage the "great men did everything noteworthy" view of human history has done in our ability to actually learn from history.
Well said! Let them be delusional on their own all they want; but when they follow those delusions into actions that harm others, that's where a line is crossed.
Yes they are, because the state they desire to reach that is the supposed alternative to what they deride as banal and unfulfilling exists only in the realm of myth and hopium.
This isn't even the cutting room floor edit of the introduction to Fight Club. This isn't even the first draft of the script. This is the scribbled note that gets used to line the cat tray, then buried under landfill for 15,000 years, then set on fire, because nobody's setting it to music.
If it hasn't already, hell even if it has, someone needs to put the idea of setting something on fire b/c no one's setting it to music into a song. That's poetry.
I do! Non-pedal steel, the OG. Like the country players used before ~1953, which they got from the Hawaiians, who still play without pedals. It's difficult but I love it with my whole heart!
Because they're working their asses off day and night, because some people need even more money than they have, so fuck those on the bottom, they should be working "ultra hardcore" hours for pennies.
Shit, I think I kinda forgot about that part. At least it's just 1 line about doing it to CEOs or whatever, unless I'm forgetting another one. Sometimes I give dead artists a little more leeway, and Trevor Moore was murdered by the CIA. Still, I'm sorry about that, can I retroactively add a warning?
I don’t know enough about how Bluesky works to say if you can do that BUT I appreciate that you’d forgotten about it. I, too, have posted links to stuff that in retrospect I thought, “Shit, I’m actually not OK with that bit.”
I suppose it doesn't speak too well of me that I never really noticed or thought about that before. No, of course I'm not okay with it, but I'm not really okay with throwing the whole thing out because of it. The fact that the artist is dead complicates it even more. The overall message is great.
In the early 2000s I was somewhat embarrassed by the people saying that we in the Bay Area were the new Renaissance. As I read @adapalmer.bsky.social on the actual Renaissance I get it. We are going through a frightening period of plague and war and desperately trying to rationalise it.
"My name is Emily is in SF, Tweeter of Tweets:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
No thing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Nah. My cynical read on this is Emily doesn't have anyone in her life who would earnestly listen to her soul's worries, so she waxes Saint on twitter instead and posts 30 times a day.
and calls up "all her ex-boyfriends". like just from the mere sound of it it's such a red light it makes the entire area look like there's wildfires going on.
I came to say this. This is the type of things my friend with Bipolar say during manic episodes... (I mean now they are on meds and it doesn't happen super often but still)
I especially enjoy thinking about elites pausing their heroic days to tap their lore to strangers on a small glowing screen with their legendary thumbs
I don't know who that is. Is that cocaine that's doing that? The only way to get that high without a substance is to be manic or to be part of a c...ult... oh yes now I see
If we could somehow get every VC / tech founder in SV into therapy, maybe they wouldn’t be constantly trying to destroy what they don’t understand - humanity
She’s right. In 10,000 years we humanoids will speak of Emily, last name and photo withheld, not with our first mouth but with our third, because her name is holy.
I'm genuinely impressed by how massive this person's ego is over something they have no control over. Only in an easy, pampered, first world life in the 21st century could you have someone be this embarrassing and delusional about their circumstances!
I read a discription of a VC's "bad trip" on psilocybin. Wish I knew where. He said he was consumed by an enormous creature. Picked up in a literal handful of humans and consumed like a chip.
He couldn't handle that the creature did not notice that he was unique and special and just consumed him undifferentiated from anyone else. Said it took months of therapy to recover.
THAT WAS THE POINT, you are not meaningfully distinct from the great mass of humanity.
also the normal way to cope with this sorta ennui is just to put an increasing value in the life happening around you. managing your emails is an epic battle. road tripping with your friends is a poetic adventure. drawing a picture of your RPG character is a magnum opus of illumination.
it's not a sad banal crummy little life when you're the one out there living it with your whole heart. the only thing sucking joy and achievement from the world is this specific elite ghoulish mentality
It's wild to me that someone would self-refer as an elite. I wonder what "foes" they think they're "dashing". Main character syndrome off the charts...
These people are so disconnected from the experience of being an actual human being that they have to imagine themselves as fantasy heroes in order to cope with the reality that they are friendless losers whose only legacy will be the damage the world sustained to fuel their larping
All twitter is now a crab bucket, and the biggest crabs pay for the honor of being visible so that all the other crabs can glom onto them and shriek TAKE ME WITH YOU CRAB ASSHOLE
The clearest indication someone never spends any time with “non-elite” people is that they believe they are all mindless drones just doing what they’re told.
Great battles of heroism require the death of thousands.
Great leaders were built on the exploitation of workers.
Fantasies like these are best left in history and stories.
She has some bangers on there though. That's not the only one.
Doesn't sound like her Halloween was very noble or heroic.
The oligarchy must be destroyed at all costs and by any and all means available. No mercy. No quarter.
Anyway, the greatest battles we'll win is making sure folks like this have as little power and influence as possible.
And then we'd have to debate if the pronunciation is completely changed, does it even count as the same name?)
the point stands that VC should be absolutely smashed before being put back together
the current crop of firms and people who run them are Nazis though
Defensive response to critic, banger
No, Alexa, not you. Shut up shut up.
Also there's an old Roman tale that great generals would go to Alexander's grave and be humbled 1/
So this chick needs to hurry up and die if she wants that cred. 2/
It feels like satire but it's probably real. 3/3
B) People being heroic and having adventures are not on social media tweeting
The rest of us outside of that lucky group are forced to have meaningful, fulfilling lives.
How many of these people are still basically twelve years old between the ears? Jesus.
Hypocrisy? From the right? I'm shocked.
brainworms brainworms brainworms
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
almost impossible to tell the difference, but don't give them attention
And Even Here She Is EnShadowed By Another Arbiter Of Decay.
Her Skin Is Not Waiting For Death To Rot.
They think those jobs should be worked by dead-eyed, obedient, deferent, miserable slaves, who in effect are not people but are talking animals due the same consideration of a pig or cow.
The enslaved are never quite livestock.
To them we are all NPCs who exist to serve and our comfort and lives are inconsequential.
You play music?
Because they're working their asses off day and night, because some people need even more money than they have, so fuck those on the bottom, they should be working "ultra hardcore" hours for pennies.
'I bought an item'
'I bought a luxury item that does the same thing but I never use it because it's an investment, I'm wealthy'
Is lore building. Jen with the LV purse.
Please, delusional self aggrandising peon, shove thy head farther up thy own rectum
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
No thing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Lady I don't even know who you are right now, I assumed you were the Twitter account for that EMILY IN SOME CITY tv show.
... wait, is that not who they're talking about?
Oh, guess I totally forgot that one then.
Terrifically too
0th World
THAT WAS THE POINT, you are not meaningfully distinct from the great mass of humanity.
*yeets the intern off the waterfall*
"Not enough!"
But yeah like mentioned in another comment, that sounds like a manic episode of some sort
they should leave her alone in her succulent-devoid house and never invite her to the bar again
But her abuse of it shows she doesn’t understand it. Like all tech dickheads who don’t understand most anything but presume to be giants.