the fact that the husband in this story doesn’t appear to regret his choices at all is mind-boggling to me. tens of millions of americans have linked their very sense of identity to trump such that it overrides every other attachment.
Reposted from
Adam Serwer
This is a very sad story, but what makes me crazy is that people tried to explain that this is what would happen and got caricatured as "woke" hysterics
"Still love the president though" when the wife is being hauled away
Has he realized yet that all of the “illegals” are real people like his wife? Or has he learned nothing?
That poor woman.
Propaganda is insidious, as is mental conditioning. See: every MAGA rally ever
He voted for zero tolerance. What else could it mean?
Knock you right off your feet
The ability to admit a mistake (or that they were played) is apparently incomprehensible — or worthy of avoiding even if it means… they take your WIFE? Christ.
Hide your kids, hide your wife. For real.😣
People make mistakes. But the failure to learn from those mistakes leads to very bad outcomes.
But I'm not all that sure he doesn't love Trump more than he loves his wife. We really don't have any evidence of that in this case.
They bring status, and do a ton of domestic labor.
Of course he wanted a serious relationship, he had a kid and needed a nanny.
Maybe he didn't think about how his vote affected her because she's staff, not a person.
I used to hear men in S. American fb groups complaining how their foreign wife divorced them after they had given them everything for 10 yrs or whatever. Uh, you obviously didn't "give" her HAPPINESS, dudebro.
How does US move forward, what does that look like, and how do we protect those who are vulnerable must be the focus. Because the cancer on the body politic is here to stay.
Did I do that right?
Isn't that how Trump described immigrants?
No sympathy for them whatsoever.
That piece the other day about a bunch of Trump voters who are upset with what he's done in office but would still vote for him over Harris???
What is going ON in this country
There’s a lawyer I sometimes have to do biz with and he’s a right wing chud, run for office as a hard right lamb, would never vote for a D, says the same stuff.
Like “Agent Orange” himself, it seems most Trump voters are averse to that.
That woman should have had a better sense of kind of piece of shit she married...
Not to be conspiracy minded but I’m skeptical of this written word because it just doesn’t compute with normal human behavior.
Fell for it again
This is why.
Some people would argue that all marriages are marriages of legal convenience even when immigration benefits aren’t involved.
He'll hand them over with a smile. Saying something like, "You understand it's all for the best, that you and your children die, right? Of course you do!"
Then he'll go off to meet Thiel and leave her to her fate.
The cult is brainwashed to an extent never experienced before in the USA.
The John Birch Society sent out a newsletter 60 yrs ago.
Now? Turn on Fox.
It's not limited to the right either. Happens across the spectrum.
This isn’t round one, where forgiveness for stupidity is granted
No grace - only thoughts & prayers
and who WAS the mother of the 12 y.o.?
He is a traitor and deserves his suffering and at best she is a sympathizer.
They told you stories about “bad” immigrants because they want to deport all of them. They tricked you and used you.
These people have lost all reasoning. 100% cult mentality.
It’s that full throttle eugenics mentality
His wife is low hanging fruit. Numbers and made-for-TV cruelty. We saw it during the first term. And he voted for it.
Republicans & MAGAs have a warped sense of reality & humanity.
They think they’ll be rewarded in heaven for their hatred on earth.
Brilliant 😊
I hope she finds better elsewhere.
But chose to ignore that fact.
Now he has complaints about the circumstance he finds himself in?
Nope. Do not feel sorry.
It in her country of origin. Biden created a way they could wait here
T. J. Jackson Lears
Nah. We need truth and reconciliation processes, not unilateral forgiveness.
10 of 13 do not like what he’s doing…
…but 9 of those 10 would still stick with Trump
They are all defending their decisions
You can never trust a fucking fascist!!!
It does not matter how much you suck up to them, or are one yourself.
They will come for you sooner rather than later!
I mean, just remember the SA, no amount of loyalty will save you.