Because the US gov't has spent 30 years telling us how horrible China is, but....their groceries are cheap, high quality, and plentiful (they're eating lobster and crab on a Monday at lunch, not an anniversary dinner). Their jobs provide incredible, varied, healthy lunches and an hour to eat them..
Groceries are cheap because of price parity; for a large amount of Chinese their annual take home amounts to barely USD 1000. For the YEAR.
Talk to someone in 平顶山市 and not just the university-educated middle class woman posting on 小红书.
Americans are like...omg, we're the poor ones...
Every comment section on RedNote are the Chinese users welcoming the Americans, "I'm so glad you're here! We can be friends now! We are not enemy!"
“The enemy dropped bacteria”: CIA Korean War Daily Reports Affirm Allegations of US Germ Warfare
CIA reports refute documents Cold War scholars claim show BW campaign was a “hoax”
The US gov't to get bought by the Tech Bros, activate the inherent American Pettiness Gene, and now... the ball is rolling.
"One Nation Under a Giant Foam Middle Finger" is a sentiment that seems very popular.)
Anytime someone brings up the Uyghur people or Tiananmen or anything, American's are just like, "Gestures broadly to Palestine/War On Terror/Patriot Act/Climate Change/Oligarchs/Gerontocracy"
Or if they care for non-whites that are a not "a titular nation"
Social media like 小红书 are LYING because people pretending. Ok, cheap goceries, yes, but most of you cant eat milk products here. Provided healthcare? Stop, it s too funny.
Chinese Cooks of RedNote making “How to ‘Eating the Cats, They’re Eating the Dogs’” cooking videos, but they’re making lobster or duck. 💅
I do so hope that happens!!!
Now they'll be maoists.
Do we not remember the ISIS dudes doing the same thing?
You think China has real people doing such a thing?
Allowing full access to Chinease and Americans to communicate? 😂
You dumbass.
The last communist in China died in a camp in 1953.
Maoism is a Han-nationalism+corporatism.
It's soft Franco fascism.
Considering American youth is growing fascist anyways, may as well be Han variety
Now try the Taiwan thing. Or ask about Tiananmen Square.
I agree with the abolition of the electoral college, but it really doesn't feel like a popular position here.
Literally invited 🇺🇸 to offer their data directly to China.
This is why no one over 70 should be in any government position.
Those lovely people on the Chinese social app aren't free to talk like Americans are and could get themselves and their families in serious trouble if they did.
Talk to me again when I can know I’ll still have basic human rights next week.
And on "significant danger of doing more things just as deplorable":
Ask Americans why they can’t access TikTok. Why they aren’t taught about Tulsa, and why 40% of the incarcerated population in USA is black, and is being used for slave labour thanks to the 13th amendment.
Your dishonesty would be hilarious if not pathetic. Yes, China's the one pushing propaganda. What it has done in relation to 六四 memorials in Hong Kong should tell you everyhing
Just because information is available doesn't mean indoctrination and propaganda aren't happening here.
Oh, and hacking up a lung between exposure to that and all the indoor smokers.
As you were saying...
BTW - where do I find the Uyghur Muslim community in Res Book? Looking forward to their joyful comments.
My point was solely about your faith in our freedom of expression - it's never been weaker than right now. And of governmental threats to U.S. citizens, I believe that the much more imminent and malicious threat is right here at home.
That’s a pun of the n-word.
The reason everything looks so rosy is because all you Westerners don’t speak Chinese
“Omg Chinese ppl are nice just like us”, yeah wdy think?
But if you don't want to go on there, here's an article that talks about this sort of thing. This article touch on another racist term to refer to Black people, "零元购"
People forget that.
Or maybe some people just don't get around....much....or at all.
When I visit France, everyone speaks 3-4 different languages. Any group of people then have a common language. They talk to each other. A good thing for humanity. Will Trump end this? N. Korea style?
Democrats have been fighting for healthcare for years
Lied to about soo many things. It’s a shame and not sure it can be changed for a while. If I don’t move as soon as possible, I’ll die here old and broken.
There would be no Walmart without them
An Americans love their Walmart
I think these deluded people have no idea how far the reach of government is into the lives of these people
The day-to-day life and even the worst run countries is pretty normal
I'm not arguing China's doing it right. I am pointing out that America of doing is wrong. The difference? CCP owns the narrative there and oligarchs/corps own it here.
So I guess tonality aside which does come off as harsh (sorry). How would you suggest we handle that?
We can say the same thing about the United States, right now, today.
Social media is shrinking brains
A great first step to stopping the oligarchs in both countries is for people to see that the other are not a downtrodden, soulless "enemy" and we shouldn't believe the propaganda we're told about them.
If people don't realize that... Idk. I think it's on them for not reading international news. Not propaganda.
China's dictatorial. But Americans are commodities.
1. None of those russian persons you've encountered lives in russia.
2. You don't speak russian so you cannot read russian social media.
Am I right?
But! the American government also does that.
Living in the US now, I kind of see the point in the original posts here, but it's less "China sucks less" and more "folks are folks everywhere".
In Spain, universal health care is becoming more and more like in the US 😔
what do u think they r wildly under emphasizing?
Sounds special, right?,them%20from%20complaining.
Oh, right, it's obviously way too tricky for China, or Chinese people, to propagandize to counter-act propaganda.
Ohhh, I know that 20% of what XYZ says is bullshit, let's switch to ABC, because they oppose XYZ. Who cares that ABC is twice as bad.
prison or a work camp. No trial, no lawyer, no rights.
That’s just one example. If you had enough self awareness you’d be embarrassed.
Do the Chinese people want to just vibe&share recipes?
We already walk around with 🇨🇳made phones every day, what data don’t they already have?
I love a petty, fuck-off Queen and Lady Liberty is that Queen.
The end-state capitalism of the US is killing its own people (both metaphorically and literally).
The more they can be made aware that other countries aren't crooked for the uber rich, the better.
It's a totalitarian regime full of shamelessly psychotic capitalists
China scares the living shtt out of me after what they did to Hong Kong in 2019-2020. absolutely brazen choke down of their own.
Absolutely stellar anecdote, champ
So their food is definitely not super cheap to them.
They dont have toilet paper or hand soap in bathrooms in the fanciest mall in the richest city
Gtfooh with this nonsense
There is much to love about china but anyone spending time there knows the propaganda is a Dior store in their malls
And that's to say nothing of the fact that tiktok also had Americans posting the benefits of their silicon valley tech jobs but those would obviously not be all that useful for learning about the USA. Not representative
Hold on, I'm being passed a note about net migration rates...
China isn’t great but it’s not like the US is much better.
Meanwhile, China's going at it full-throttle *right fucking now*, so yeah, one of those things is plainly better than the other.
I worked there for a while... Right before COVID.
A lot of this is true... But some of my work colleagues feared for their lives even to say the name of the island they were born in next to China.
It's not worth it. Unless you're really really stupid. Or American.
Also, ask them if they are allowed to write or say the words "Tianamen Square."
Did a Chinese gov't sock puppet write this?
That said, 100% agree the Chinese people aren’t the enemy, and none of us win if our governments drag us into war with each other
Makes you wonder, though, why thousands of young Hong Kongers have gone abroad since 2019. It’s not because they don’t love their town.
Maybe ask them...?
The list on wikipedia isn’t even complete. By a long shot. In fact most is missing. In 2017 for example alone there were dozens of food scandals.
Yes, the prosperous are indeed prosperous, which is true even the the most oppressive countries.
To move you’d need government permission, and my understanding is that the way you’d usually get that is to marry into a local family. Good luck.
Anyway, you could look up “Hukou system” if you want to learn more. Almost impossible to understand it just by reading, but you could get some insight.
Were you in Shanghai? I’m curious because he said this to me when he went to Shanghai, and then he didn’t want to talk about it.
You can, like, move to another apartment or whatever in your same area, but you can’t move out of the area where you’re registered (since birth). I mean without government permission you can’t.
For instance, if you’re born in Wuyuan you can’t just decide you’d rather live in Xi’An.
But the Chinese call this thing little-lobster and cook it into a delicious dish.
Many people living in southern China are lactose intolerant
It’s not an apples to apples comparison; but this thread is genuinely embarrassing.
It's perfectly possible to bear no ill will & avoid demonising whilst being clear eyed & a lot more realistic than your posts suggest.
Oh, my sweet summer child.
if you sign up for instagram, you'll believe everybody lives in huge houses and spends all day restocking their 500 sq ft pantry
yes, china has plenty of things better than us. but i'm surprised somebody talking about social media in an analytical way doesn't seem to understand selection bias
whereas we get both an evil government and an incompetent one that is constantly actively sabotaging itself.
they locked people in their apartments during outbreaks
they don't report all their prisoners (ugyhurs etc.)
a lot of times their healthcare isn't as good as ours, i've looked into this specifically
they have much less freedom
2. unless the unreported prisoners outnumber the reported ones 4:1, the us still has a far higher incarceration rate.
3. The cost of healthcare is far lower and medical bankruptcy is practically nonexistent.
2. Healthcare is definitely worse for most. It's not free, and cost higher % of their income.
3. Pandemic started there!
4. Incarceration rates: misleading. Many "camps" not accounted for.
2. really? i’d be curious to see a source on the cost thing because everything i’ve seen has indicated that it’s far more expensive in the US.
3. yeah so? doesn’t change the fact that the US pandemic response was a disaster
Of course they’ll record themselves getting special food, and not just typical breakfast food, because the latter would be boring for them, and therefore wouldn’t get any views. Americans do this as well.
Kids, pay more attention in school.
Jesus fucking christ.
Completely and unironically based. Zero idea if this is true but hope it is.
also if citizens in an oppressive system can't condemn international issues, you've basically said that certain actions become immoral when oppressed people do them
Like significantly worse than even places like NY, London or LA? Which are horrendous already?
Like idk, seems like a fairly important thing to note…
I read a lot of news about young people in the north American can't afford the mortgage but this situation just worse in China because our wages are lower.
The rich or the middle-class live in a better life in China because of low prices and low wages for laborers.
This is so disconnected from reality and is frankly a great example of how low media literacy paired with soft bigotry leads to pure stupidity.
Bigotry of low expectations would be an example where you expect less of minorities and make big deals of their successes.
My son quit shortly after.
It's literally every single country in the world except the USA.
Thats what happens when your entire country is built on making more money over everything else.
In order for fascism to work you need an enemy to make the masses struggle against instead of the rich folk in charge.
just like… maintain a healthy skepticism like you would with anything else
You are unaware of Red Lobster and Long John Silver being open for lunch on Monday?
Also not gonna mention their car dependant infrastructure as well.
Wait will you hear about the average salary, average living quality, average healthcare quality, and totalitarian laws and restriction. Y’all ain’t lasting
his eloquence was merely not comprehended by the deviationists who seek to obscure his meaning
it is OTHER people whose brains are cooked by propaganda, and anyone who tells you otherwise is in the pay of the Chinese!
Just astounding levels of wrong on practically everything you wrote.
Up until 10 years ago every US administration since Nixon treated China as a business partner…