Holy crap. The DOJ is arguing that the President can unilaterally deport anyone he wants without ANY statutory authority, just on his inherent authority as President over national security.
That is a terrifying claim to make and not one that has ever been recognized before in US history.
That is a terrifying claim to make and not one that has ever been recognized before in US history.
The government will likely raise similar arguments there.
Imagine how bad it would be if the government were shut down.🙄
The "Point B" here is the terrifying argument.
Game over, man.
They were what you would call "doomers", they were right, and they survived as a result.
They didn't stick around to fix something that couldn't be fixed.
Project 2025 is in full bloom.
This is not awkward at all.
Hitler did this. (2)
Trump needs to be STOPPED!
in normal times 9-0....
That said, I thought giving the president blanket immunity for "official acts" had no chance....
And there are precedents giving the president broad deference around issues foreign policy and national security.
Have some sympathy for those of us less versed in law & possessing less faith in it than you evidently have.
We are terrified.
They think if they say it often enough they can wish away the "inherent" checks & balances codified in the US Constitution & the creation of CO-EQUAL BRANCHES OF GOV
...meaning no, a president can NOT violate the constitution🤣
They should go home & cry to their mommies
"We must use the law as our most effective weapon."
- Goebbels
"The most powerful weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the law."
- Steve Biko
The people in power are literal criminals, why are people so invested in this narrative?
Every bat shit thing is on the table.
Shows you how irredeemable Zionism is as an ideology, it must be crushed just like White Nationalism.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass, Donny.
The Alien Enemies Act authorizes this shit in wartime. *AND* when the president determines a security threat.
If he can provoke some violence, he'll declare such a situation.
All that Posse Comitatus shit will follow.
- A Jackson
and so began the construction of a beautiful highway, later to be called the trail of tears. built upon the blood of the innocents
make sure to stop at Arnie's whole beef halves!
exit 45 on the trail of tears highway
German & UK citizens also.
His dream is to be the law, like Hitler, Putin, and all dictators
then again, as we just witnessed in the Senate, Dems are incapable to use the power they have
Department of Shameful Obeisance?
Deportment of Justshit?
Exhausting though it is, thank you for keeping us up to date.
Serious question: could I be deported under Article II?
No Trump is not a king.
As someone that’s marginally autistic I’m more excited than I should be about being in a helicopter
It’s also never had a party that was willing to sell out their country and accept ceding all their office’s authority to please a conman with an infant’s brain.
By the way it's only month 3. With bipartisan opposition like Chuck Schumer it's full on dictatorship by year end 🤷🏽
So April 20 another chaos day
DOJ represents Trump only
They R in control of USA🇺🇸 wz endlss resources fm the Wickd-Crkd-Mrns BILLIONAIRES hurtg ordinary ppl evry whch wy thy want !
The likelihood of a naturalized citizen being deported over protesting against Trump is extremely, extremely low.
My 88 year old father-in-law was born in the US, moved back to Sicily and came back when he was 11.
There’d be nothing stopping them from doing it to anyone.
If we all had a buck for every time we heard someone say “It won’t come to that…”
Shit, I’m still processing the fact that we have memos saying “torture is totally cool.”
-Aaron Reichlin-Melnick
No recognized district means no more district and court of appeals for DC, right? The 2nd most powerful district and constant thorn in his side?
Oh and fuck Merrick Garland. What a waste 😡
Thanks, SCOTUS.
I hate that nobody reads history books. We have thousands of years of history to build on and no idea has been given more shots to succeed than aristocracy.
It's simple, tempting, and fails.
The guardrails are gone unless the SCOTUS finds a backbone.
I doubt they will.
It's gonna get bad.
True Dem leaders would be organizing this now.
So are y'all who voted for the spending bill going to make yourselves useful at least and impeach Trump now, or are y'all gonna stand around like useless ducks??
Trump will claim the latter but a court should call BS.
Your great grandparents came from the UK? Piss off POTUS and your ass will be on a plane to Britain without a hearing.
"I'll take 14A violations for $200, Alex"
That would be "people who are citizens only of the USA."
You need to resign.
Trump is going to try and I can’t believe it’s taking some BlueSky reply guy like myself to be the one to have to start talking about it.
Please don’t be surprised when he tries. Have a plan, please.
Before you know it we will be into hundreds of thousands on the whim of one man.
No kings.