Let's go through this like you're a kindergartner. Who is worse at this moment? The guy who killed a 100, 000 Palestinians or the guy who has killed 2,000 but trying to catch up?
Yeah man, it was the fault of one town in one state that Harris got rinsed across the board. There's definitely no fault in her crappy campaign, or her doofus party spending all their time trying to earn the votes of right wing creeps like Jesse Singal instead of real people.
1Hello, I'm sorry to write this here Please, my beauty participate to help me continue my education, leave Gaza, and rebuild our lives A Please donate and repost to save💔💔💔💔💔
I am reaching out for help for my baby, Nidal. Due to our difficult situation, he needs milk and clothes urgently. Any help would be deeply appreciated.
Except that I deeply disagree with him, and, for that matter, disagree with Singal about most things. But you don't care. Violation of this simplistic, binary talisman is enough to think you know everything you need to know about an individual.
"this simplistic, binary talisman" what fart sniffing website did you read this on so you could memorize it and pretend you're an independent thinker and not someone interested in hearing what bigots and stalkers have to say?
I actually don't. Your labeler algo has a bug. I follow 2 people, wint and Bluesky. Whom I chose arbitrarily. But it's irrelevant because I think it's totally fine to follow whoever you want, and a stupid way to judge people.
I suspect preventing the proliferation of "bad ideas" is not even the real motivation. The real motivation is destroying the lives/reputations/access to expression of anyone violating the orthodoxy of the in-group, because the ideological warfare gives them a sense of purpose they otherwise lack.
yeah man if you don't like me that just makes me more right, the only way you'd make me wrong is by agreeing with me, really if you think about it i'm rubber and you're glue and if you own me you own yourself
You follow a dude that curiously attracts kiddie fuckers, dudes that want to repeal child consent laws, you're a real pos of shit on top of being a dumb fucking shitbag lawyer who probably can't wipe his own ass w/o help because you're too stupid to know how toilet paper works.
They voted the same way a majority of white Americans voted. Tho, I understand and sympathize with the sentiment of anger and disappointment.
I don’t understand the media interviews bragging about voting for Trump.
Fuck you, dude. I’m from SW MI and rich politicians who treat the unemployed, undereducated, underprivileged constituents like this are the exact reason the people don’t trust you. You sit and laugh and don’t have to suffer - which is why you’re just a leech like everyone else. Not like us!
Why are you targeting a largely nonwhite electorate who would not have swung this election even if they overwhelmingly voted for Harris instead of the contingent of young white people who did, in fact, massively swing the election for trump.
I do not think it is ever particularly in good taste to blame people for their own oppression. If your response to a news story about someone's family and community being killed with bombing campaigns is to make fun of them, it reveals something very dark inside your heart.
Hey white boy, are you happy with the islamophobia and racism against Arab + Muslim Americans? Blame your own who voted for Trump like they always do. Also, Genocide Joe and Holocaust Harris started this genocide that Trump continues on now. My god.
nobodys learned anything, there were flip flop voters who went Obama back in the day who now go Trump. Nothing means anything and nobody learned anything. Also Bradley is confused about how democracy works, the party and candidate are supposed to appeal to the people to get their votes,
people dont owe fealty or votes to candidates and parties as if they are vassal lords owing support to a king. You're supposed to be the 'we dont have kings' country, act like it!
We needed to unite against trump and trumpism in that election. Instead, people voted for their own personal causes, and with their own personal prejudices. Like MAGAts vote. We don't all deserve what's happening, but I know I did my part to prevent it.
Hey man, you should actually know what you're talking about before you rebut. He's calling out the Muslim voting block that tried to extort the VP. They were shut down so they voted Trump. They didn't improve conditions for the Middle East or themselves and screwed everyone else.
But then you stated Trump got 42% in Dearborn. It would not have taken even half of the statewide Muslims switching from D to R to change the outcome, but we'll never know.
Then your claim is they have no agency, that their actions were futile.
They meant for her to lose. Otherwise, they wouldn't have voted against her.
It may be difficult to accept that sometimes there are people who want to cause pain to others but instead end up hurting themselves.
Maybe the Biden-Harris loser coalition should have thought of this before they completely iced out any semblance of support for Palestinians if it was such a key factor in the election
There are a lot of people there with family in Palestine, including people who lost over 100 family members to the genocide
Even if each Muslim or Arab there who didn't vote Harris convinced 100 of their neighbors to vote dem it wouldn't have changed the election, but Brad needs a minority to blame
All a Harris victory would’ve meant is that everything happening right now would’ve been delayed to Project 2029. Republicans have been talking about gutting the dept of education for YEARS.
All of this was foreseeable even when Obama was president, and nothing was done to prevent it.
You idiots lost to Trump twice because you twiddled your thumbs on poverty and couldn’t help but support genocide.
If you can’t beat the tangerine tyrant then you don’t have the rizz for politics. Maybe stop cutting down young progressive democrats with ambition who could save your shithouse party.
You don't know our community. How dare you sit there smugly revelling in genocide like it's all some game. Passing the blame for a terrible campaign onto grieving families. Leave Dearborn alone you fucking ghoul
I remember one Palestinian-American girl pushing for people to vote against Harris.
She claimed Palestinians were her people.
So, she got what she wanted for her people: a psychopath for President.
Sometimes, people screw themselves.
"got what she wanted" i think what she wanted was to stop the genocide, not donald trump specifically; maybe i'm wrong, feel free to let me know if she was wearing a MAGA hat
Hey Brad, you dumb dickhead, how you feeling today? Did you scapegoat brown people enough for your party's failure that 1) you were forewarned about and 2) you did nothing to prevent?
A certain rather vocal segment on the left needs brown people, and only brown people, to always be victims. They see no inherent value in them as human beings, only props for political arguments.
I voted for Kamala! But if you're going to argue that Palestinian support was such a keystone of the election, maybe it's the campaign's fault for completely ignoring it then?
I mean I agree. I voted for Harris, and only having shitty Dems to vote for DID put trump back in office. Imagine if we had a candidate who didn't gloat about the murder of children. We could have won in a landslide.
I agree with you. It doesn't really matter who won the election. The genocide was going to be complete either way.
I didn't have a movement though. There were only democrats and republicans running for election. Whatever happens is on those two parties working together to achieve their goals.
Breaking: Whiny bitchass yt man upset THEIR GENOCIDAL crony got the election STOLEN from them decides to be passive aggressively smug to minorities that were already suffering under previous genocidal crony instead of at the entire system for doing nothing about election fraud....
I'd blame the self righteous white leftists who couldn't overcome their racism to vote for her over the group who had legitimate reasobs to not vote (I feel nothing for the "Arabs for Trump" though)
(Speaking like a President at a national cemetery type voice) “we come not today to honor the meme that brought us here, but in hopes for the meme’s positive and hopeful use in the future”
This says more about you with anything else because you're trying to scapegoat to one city for multiple states' failures.
if you're going to yell at swing states non voters at least have the rigor to call out every state, not just Dearborn you fucking asshole. this is genuinely Joe bidens fault
Or, ooor… The ppl who voted for Trump could have noticed the “Muslim Ban” Trump put in place in his 1st term. Arab Americans are notoriously anti-Black racists in Southeastern Michigan where I’m from. They voted HEAVILY for W and now for Trump. I have ZERO sympathy.
Have some compassion. They clearly had no choice at all to vote for someone who thought their concerns were valid and this attitude doesn't actually help anyone anywhere.
We had genocide in Gaza before, we have genocide now. The point you're missing is not Gaza but the damage in the US. People being deported for free speech, immigrants sent to Gitmo, dismantling critical government services. We told you this would happen and you'll said Harris no better than Trump
If the Democratic Party didn’t speak out for genocide, what makes you think they’d fight for everything else you mentioned? And they still signed onto the CR for Trump to sign? I’m not the one in a government position, they aren’t doing anything.
Just when I think MAGA is most deluded, some progressive/leftist tells me with confidence that Harris would have done all the same things. Go stand in the corner with the Qanon people and wear your tinfoil hat
She literally said on multiple platforms that she would continue Biden’s policies. Why would she say different and drive a wedge between her and her boss at the time one month before the election? Otherwise, go stand in the center and keep insisting both sides are the same.
You're a single-issue voter on Gaza? If you think one candidate will tear down all civil rights and institutions in the US, but they're better on Gaza, that's your candidate?
"you can too" tacitly admits that you are happy about the genocide happening. Which is obvious, because you were acting like it wasn't happening a year ago and still wouldn't acknowledge it now if Harris won, and becuase of how you're talking now, but nonetheless.
Or maybe and here’s a thought, we don’t control another country and yall need to recognize even if you don’t like it that the US will always back Israel. My advice, you caused this. We went out and voted for Kamala because she was the best, yall stayed home. You own this.
“Hey Palestinians with relatives in Gaza, do you regret not voting after the previous president armed Israel with bombs to kill your family? Now look, Trump is also arming Israel with bombs to do the same! I only care now because Trump is doing it!”
The matual element that we are Gazans being killed every moment and we're under a cruel famine.
Please stand with and stop this madness.
Donate us to save our souls 💓
They cared SO much about their relatives that they chose the guy who wants to build condos on Gaza instead of the lady who wanted a ceasefire & a 2 state solution.
It’s was Kamala’s job to get through to them and to get them to trust her, not the other way around. She failed. The dem consultants treatment of protesters likely didn’t help either.
Maybe if Harris had won, NEXT time, we could have had better options. Now we're looking at a trump third term, with full support of his followers. And trump wants to raze Gaza to the ground...
Israel wants to raze Gaza to the ground, biden was helping them do that. Harris promised to continue that help.
Is there anything the democrats could do that would make you not vote for them? Because for a lot of people that line was "supporting outright and obvious genocide"
I doubt you’ll see this, but I want earnestly to ask, what were they meant to do? We’re told our vote is our voice. They said, “this is so important to me, I’d withhold my vote,” the Dems said, “try me.” One city’s votes didn’t lose the election, showing such contempt for its voters did.
Israel was a proxy in dropping over 85,000 pounds of explosives on Gaza. That was just under Biden. That was all because of Biden and wouldn't have been possible without the U.S.
Most ignorant post I've seen yet. Were you completely absent in the years of 23'-25'? By the time Biden left office that bomb Meme was surpassed it was more like a 100,000 megatons.
Honestly if people aren't strapping up at this point there's no point in even making memes like this. Like good job you stated the obvious, now what. All we got is a worse outcome than previously possible.
Both had the same functional position on genocide. The time to modify that position is before the election. Why should voters have to hope for a post-election change from Harris, when she could have easily done so pre-election?
People were begging to vote for Dems if they had only changed on Gaza.
It's pretty depraved to scold the families of genocide victims, but what really galls me about little twits like you is that you're just vindictive. These votes didn't matter-even with them you lose-so all of this smugness is just racism. Anger that Arab-Americans didn't do as they were told.
I'm terribly sad that people were convinced that protesting the vote, or abstaining entirely was a viable option.
It saddens me that influencers were able to doom the people of Palestine while a lot of white leftists screamed that both platforms were the same. They weren't.
Hey assclown...
*polite* "oHh nO tHeRe's nOtHiNg wE CaN dO tO sToP tHeM fRoM DrOpPiNg tHe BILLIONS oF DoLLaRs iN BoMbS wE GiVe ThEm EVERY MONTH oN wOmEn & cHiLdErN" genocide does NOT in fact give you any sort of "moral highground" you stupid twat.
I'm sure that felt really good to type as Israel breaks another cease fire and tears through Gaza with their eyes on the West Bank while the Trump admin applauds.
The idea was to pressure the candidate into adopting acceptable positions. Had Harris been willing to make concessions on this, it would not have been a problem.
Given both candidates supported genocide, that’s technically true. Not sure what it has to do with the people who didn’t vote for the genocidal candidates though.
TBF several thousand more Palestinians will need to be shot/blown to bits/be burnt alive in their hospital bed/starved to death etc. to bring Trump even somewhat close to Biden's effect on Palestine, much less 'more horrendous'.
But, by all means, do continue to gloat & victim blame its VERY helpful
I voted for Harris in New York. I'm a leftist who would have voted to the left of Harris if I could have despite increasing disillusionment w/ electoral politics. So, in a sense, you're right.
Respectfully, the Democratic Party ignored them, you get what you run on. I’d rather focus criticism on the campaign of the former vice president than on a city of people whose families are getting murdered and forced out of their homes.
Got it, you think people who oppose fascism deserve to be targeted by fascists
The rest of us will just stay here in reality where people understands that’s just an excuse closeted fascists make to justify lashing out at demographics who opposed fascism.
I knew both options were shit. Look at the current Dem approval rating and tell me that's the voters fault. Maybe, just maybe, the campaign was the problem, and not the undecided voters.
But surely before the election democrats were doing their best to protect people right? Surely they spent all that time being useful and making the world a better place yea?
Not trying to pass a right wing border bill or funding genocide or not doing shit about studen loan debt, right?
If you and the dems could ever actually understand why this is the wrong way to think about it, you would solve all of your own problems. Offer anything to people other than “trust me I’m not like THAT guy” and the dems would win in a landslide every time
That wasn’t my point at all. My point is that the dems offered nothing tangible as a political program (outside of “we arent as bad as them”), so people didn’t vote for them.
The Party can never fail. The Party can only be failed. The voters should be ashamed for how much they have failed The Party. Asking anything of The Party means it is your fault when The Enemy succeeds. If The Party is not victorious, the voters should feel great shame for their failure.
If everyone in Dearborn had voted for Harris she still would have lost Michigan, lost the popular election by over 2,000,000 votes and lost the electoral college by 86
But thanks for letting us know you're an Arab-hating racist piece of shit
Wipe that damn smile off your face you piece of shit. Or do you also want to go from rubbing in genocide next to alienating another group. You do understand moron VP and Biden killed their families and loved ones.
why would we when Paul Weiss and other profiles in courage are happy to bend the knee? We held a mirror up, you didn’t like what you saw. At least we stand for something unlike lawyers and DNC grifting shills like you
“DEARBORN” is just symbolic of the ultra lefty part of the electorate that couldn’t tell the difference between trump and harris and ultimately polluted the campaign for months leading up to the election. They knew they had power, just no clue how to use it to their advantage.
Okay, so really saying "Dearborn" is just a way to be racist against the Muslims there without saying it out loud because your actual complaint is with the left and not a specific place?
Just really trying to clarify here exactly who you think we should blame
I think “dearborn” should be a useful cautionary example for the future that jill stein votes do not get us anywhere. Harris lost because the Democratic party is super fragmented and DEARBORN is just a tiny part of that.
The Democratic party is super fragmented because Democratic leaders are paid corporate shills who stand for nothing and have no actual convictions or platform to help the people
I look forward to centrist assholes continuing to blame the left for this fact indefinitely
You're wrong. Have you ever gone to Dearborn? The folks in Dearborn lead the short sighted national charge to undercut the candidates they needed. Many in their community are business owners and supported Trump and his anticipated tax breaks. Good luck with that. The Dems need a more inclusive msg
I live in a swing state, throughout the summer leading up to the election you could feel the ambivalence, the “what does it matter, these candidates are the same”. electorate was very vocal. I believe it influenced many swing voters.
All you're saying is "they should have allowed it to happen". That's what you're saying. "If they hadn't protested the genocide in Gaza, they would have elected someone else who was committed to the genocide in Gaza." As if there would have been any ceasefire at all, fake or not, had she won.
now put that from the perspective of an arab american who lost family in palestine from the bombs biden sent israel and which harris promised she’d keep sending. you are so close to getting it.
i didn’t vote for trump and neither did the majority of arabs and muslims. and even if every arab and muslim in america voted for harris, she still would have lost. so what’s the point here? to laugh in the face of desperate people who were begging to be listened to and got told to fuck off?
Trust me, no one is laughing at this mess. In this case, not voting or voting for Jill Stein (which is even more comically bad) was essentially a vote for Trump.
Me (and more than 85 fucking percent of leftists btw) voted for the dogshit cop candidate who couldn't say that she would stop bombing children but managed to get on stage and dance with anti-choice anti-LGBT anti-women's rights Liz Cheney
You voted for the candidate far more likely to support you and your views. You voted for the person actively supporting a ceasefire and peace plan instead of the one who told Bibi to "finish the job". Congratulations, smart. Liz was not running, just supported someone who she mostly disagreed with.
Yeah, as the vast majority of leftists did. Doesn't stop people blaming us for the loss instead of the shitty candidate who ran the dogshit campaign and lost to a felon.
The ones who didn't vote for Harris are centrist men who didn't turn out to vote at all and yet here we are blaming "Dearborn"
I think people don't "blame" Dearborn for the loss, they just marvel at the stupidity of people believing trump cared one bit about Palestinian/Muslim people. It's ridiculous. Kamala had literally 90 days and did a pretty good job. Blame Biden if you want to blame. Just vote in your best interests.
These poor people are without water or electricity for weeks!!
The regime has been in contact with Sudan to see if they can build camps for them there.
Everyone knew this was gonna happen.
“Feel stupid for caring about your relatives now Dearborn?”- This dipshit.
I am reaching out for help for my baby, Nidal. Due to our difficult situation, he needs milk and clothes urgently. Any help would be deeply appreciated.
a Jesse Singal follower too. no surprise: where one bigotry is laid bare, others soon follow.
you gross hog who treats minorities like the help.
Have some dignity and never try speaking on anything again you clueless fuck.
I don’t understand the media interviews bragging about voting for Trump.
Compared to Biden’s numbers, Kamala lost 22k Arab voters, with Trump gaining less than half of that- 9k.
That’s about a tenth of the votes Kamala lost by.
The other 71k were mostly white people. Go yell at white people.
Trump got 42% of votes in Dearborn.
This guy is blaming Michigan’s loss on less than half of of 3.1% of voters and not the demographic that is 73.9% of voters that he belongs to.
Based on demographics over 70 percent of those people were probably white.
No matter how you do the math, it’s clear you should be yelling at white people.
But nah, Liz Cheney and genocide were way more important than saving the country.
And Bradly can only punch down.
They wanted to have the power to make her lose, and now you deny them agency.
And of course they didn’t lose her the election. She did that.
They meant for her to lose. Otherwise, they wouldn't have voted against her.
It may be difficult to accept that sometimes there are people who want to cause pain to others but instead end up hurting themselves.
- Okay, can you stop sending weapons to kill 14,000 children?
“Shut up Jew-hater!”
(The Democrat’s strategy)
Even if each Muslim or Arab there who didn't vote Harris convinced 100 of their neighbors to vote dem it wouldn't have changed the election, but Brad needs a minority to blame
All of this was foreseeable even when Obama was president, and nothing was done to prevent it.
If you can’t beat the tangerine tyrant then you don’t have the rizz for politics. Maybe stop cutting down young progressive democrats with ambition who could save your shithouse party.
She claimed Palestinians were her people.
So, she got what she wanted for her people: a psychopath for President.
Sometimes, people screw themselves.
Because you liberals lost every swing state
You really need brown people to be victims, don't you?
So sad!
It doesn't matter anymore. What's done is done. Gaza is already gone.
I didn't have a movement though. There were only democrats and republicans running for election. Whatever happens is on those two parties working together to achieve their goals.
you know, so they won’t lose
Agree Arabs or any group for Trump can go walk off a cliff.
Just saying people have to do it doesn't actually make them want to do it.
You are gloating about their lives getting worse instead of being mad at the white supremacists who actually voted for trump.
Gazans thank you for electing Trump.
if you're going to yell at swing states non voters at least have the rigor to call out every state, not just Dearborn you fucking asshole. this is genuinely Joe bidens fault
This is somehow voters' fault tho...
Don’t you agree?
Keep parroting “Gazans thank you” and refusing to own your 0/2 ratio.
They hope you accept their eternal gratitude with the obvious grace you are showing you possess.
Translated it for you.
Please stand with and stop this madness.
Donate us to save our souls 💓
Right. Makes perfect sense. 🙄
Is there anything the democrats could do that would make you not vote for them? Because for a lot of people that line was "supporting outright and obvious genocide"
What about for you?
You knew both options. Knew both positions, and still made your choice.
These platforms aren't etched in stone, people have the right to want a modified platform from a candidate they otherwise life.
People were begging to vote for Dems if they had only changed on Gaza.
It saddens me that influencers were able to doom the people of Palestine while a lot of white leftists screamed that both platforms were the same. They weren't.
*polite* "oHh nO tHeRe's nOtHiNg wE CaN dO tO sToP tHeM fRoM DrOpPiNg tHe BILLIONS oF DoLLaRs iN BoMbS wE GiVe ThEm EVERY MONTH oN wOmEn & cHiLdErN" genocide does NOT in fact give you any sort of "moral highground" you stupid twat.
But, by all means, do continue to gloat & victim blame its VERY helpful
So you can take your opinion and gently slide it back into your racist ass
so you can “respectfully” shove your worthless words up your ass.
“respectfully” let the door hit you on the way out.
Because selecting neither could assure that the worst possible outcome may occur. Which, hey would ya look at that? Is exactly what happened!
Sometimes it be like that.
The rest of us will just stay here in reality where people understands that’s just an excuse closeted fascists make to justify lashing out at demographics who opposed fascism.
Not trying to pass a right wing border bill or funding genocide or not doing shit about studen loan debt, right?
Let me know how much Trump forgives
You absolutely cannot fight the GOP from the left and gain anything at all when they hold the levers.
I don't get why people don't realize that.
But thanks for letting us know you're an Arab-hating racist piece of shit
Now, you have Trump. Now, you are racing toward Fascism.
So I ask you: was it worth it?
P.S. if every single person on Dearborn voted for Harris she still loses in a fucking landslide
Just really trying to clarify here exactly who you think we should blame
Certainly not the candidate who lost!
But yea, blame Palestinians and Arabs. Assclown.
I look forward to centrist assholes continuing to blame the left for this fact indefinitely
You're just echoing racist DNC narratives.
Me (and more than 85 fucking percent of leftists btw) voted for the dogshit cop candidate who couldn't say that she would stop bombing children but managed to get on stage and dance with anti-choice anti-LGBT anti-women's rights Liz Cheney
What responsibility does she take?
The ones who didn't vote for Harris are centrist men who didn't turn out to vote at all and yet here we are blaming "Dearborn"