mr beast talking about the human lives he has trapped in simultaneous simulations with "cant wait to upload these" is why black mirror can never be as good as it used to be
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Haha yeah I was just thinking "Man I could ACE that" but also that's why they'd never hire you and me for this shit, the footage would just be 100 days of someone quietly reading a book and how do you make money off that content?
They don’t, that’s why these challenges have torture segments that they must endure. Look up the dude who was the prototype for the torment nexus — Jimmy MrBeast trapped him in a store and sprang “challenges” like running a fucking marathon with no prep on him.
New episodes of Black Mirror should end with text on screen saying "Wouldn't it be fucked up if that was real?" And then reveal that the episode was based on true events, with names and minor details changed.
Black mirror fell off when the episodes were less "this says a lot about society" and more "what if video game killed you?"
The star trek episode still sits poorly with me, because the "bad guy" was a victim of workplace abuse, and rather than addressing that, they have him go braindead....COOL
The bad guy was also keeping entities he knew were conscious and sentient hostage in his power fantasy so it wasn’t like he didn’t get what he deserved. Wasn’t he also a co-owner of the company or something?
This is the show that depicts potential dangers with evolutions in technology and behaviors.
"Don't be bad in videogame when you need to blow off frustrations" doesn't hold the same weight as "living your life in a particular way for vlogs and instagram likes is bad."
That playing god has consequences? Also in an evil run you’re not torturing actual people. Dude was getting dnd samples from his victims so he could replicate them in the videogame.
100% but I do wonder, with the way he's talked about it before, if it isn't like an addiction for him. Like he genuinely seems to do nothing but film videos or edit them or write the scripts or hire the people or send invoices. It's like he'd die if he just took a day off.
It's millionaire brain rot
Honestly idgaf about the mental health and well-being of billionaires. They have all the money and resources to fix that themselves. Instead, they choose to destroy other people's lives.
i think understanding how it even gets to this point is good for being able to prevent people from going down these paths in the future/normalizing the fucked up shit they start to do, though. because Mr. Beast generally didnt always do this sorta shit, it kinda evolved over time.
The most evil part is he does this for impressionable children who are just learning how the world works. I don’t want them to learn any of these things.
I don't understand. These people volunteer for everything, right? They're allowed to quit, yes? I don't understand the problem. Like... If you don't want to be filmed or locked in a place like this, simply don't go along with it...?
No...? I literally do that at work every day. I sprint around my shop frantically trying to get enough done that I don't get fired all while avoiding talking to my coworkers who are Nazi sympathizers. Bruh, offer me $500,000 to stay in a room until I accomplish something. It can't be worse.
Actually that's kind of why this practice is morally questionable. The material conditions between people are very unequal so people have to go through grueling work and many times can't even afford their basic needs. Ideally income should be better distributed so people can have dignity.
It's kind of like: how voluntary are our social agreements if the inequality of resources and therefore power is so great that you're basically coerced to work whatever terrible job for whatever terrible pay with no power whatsoever for negotiation?
But let me offer this: I make maybe $50,000 per year basically living through torment every second I'm at work. Constantly anxious about getting fired, resentful of my Nazi coworkers, terrified that they're going to start harming "libs..."
This is true. But also. He could just give people who need the help the money. People are desperate enough to go along with these crazy shenanigans so why not just help them instead of turning it into something to gain attention?
Giving people money for nothing and having no clcikbait video to go with it is a surefire way to run out of money and lose your ability to give it away
5/ You will know the name Jimmy Saville (not saying Mr beast is a child molester) I am saying that Saville hid the fact he was a monster behind charitable acts though.
4/ abuse of human rights - he planted trees, or did eye operations for blind kids, or built a hospital etc. So the public are like "oh how can someone doing all this good be a dick".
3/ kingdom where he was the man - playing his staff off against each
other for money and so on. Folk ignored it though because peppered in between all this - in some cases just blatant
2/ little more twisted. Then it was "well you want you mortgage paid off - cool - just stick your hand in this hornets nest with 10 other folk and last one with their hand in it wins" - and so on. Then it became about his own personal little
1/ Mr beast has turned into an abuser for views I noticed it on his channel. In the beginning it was innocent enough, even kind. Pay this person's debt, give money to that homeless person, offer to pay off someone's mortage etc. Then it got a
That guy has always been human garbage. Most of the biggest YouTubers are Jimmy Savilles i.e. using some sort of charity gig to hide their mendaciousness
I remember one of the first few episodes was exactly this. The guys who lived in a white box and his entire day was spent doing some “missions” . Wild times
I think it's horrible. BUT, if it's a pilot who wants to start doing charter flights then it almost makes sense. Win the jet and set up your own business.
What doesn't make sense is how he'll cover the up front fees for insurance, where to store the jet, and the taxes he'll pay for winning it.
My kids watched one where there was a dad in a house for 100 days I think. I was like ok not bad for a ton of money. But then they started harassing the poor man and making him do challenges. He had to ration his food too. By the end I said no more Mr. Beast. Something is wrong with him.
We DO all see the parallels between Mr Beast’s success and the corporate takeover of the US Government, right?
(Hint: normalizing ideas like everyone has a price, being well paid justifies idiotic choices, fame is more valuable than dignity, rich people can make the rest of us stooges… etc)
But who colluded to make idiocy popular? It seems more likely the worst people using and abusing the known levers for controlling attention the best to target the most susceptible groups like young and old people became a part of the culture and rotted out everyone's brains.
Yup - you answered your own question! And this collusion happens, no question. Some people call it capitalism. Stupidity sells. That's the saddest part of it all. Follow the money, and you find marketers pouring money into promoting and normalizing all our worst behaviours. For profit.
Idiocy has always been promoted by the people that own us, that is, millionaires. Nobody is gonna give you the education you need to overthrow them. They want you in your place, watching survivor and eating doritos. Not thinking about what can we, as a collective, do to change the system.
Ever notice grocery stores worldwide have the same trashy magazines at the check-out line? Why??
Ever notice the "Trending stories" on most social media sites (incl Youtube) mimic the same debased idiocy? Why??
Is this REALLY what most consumers see/read, or is that just what they want us to think?
I wish I knew who “they” are - I’d just rather assume there is a “they” than assume the average consumer really does waste their life watching “reality” tv and buying trashy magazines full of celebrity facelifts, affairs and alien abductions from corn fields. Ie “trends” are made up to manipulate.
It’s terrifying because we’re watching it happen in real time and everyone is act like this is so cool
We’ve become black mirror and literally no one noticed or cared enough to do anything about it
nah people have been banging on the walls trying to get everyone to listen about the dark path we travel for as long as there has been A Computer, it's just that nobody who cares has any power
black mirror didn't invent its ideas from whole cloth, they're literally the last 50 years crystallized
Nonsense! You know how hard it would be to remove badger crap out of a carpet? Not to mention the blood and viscera. Whole thing would have to be tossed.
Black Mirror getting lapped by reality once again. There are ways 1984 actually seems kind of nice in comparison to the current time—at least people are out, doing the two minutes hate IN PERSON. Having a collective experience and stuff. Our two minutes hate is a very lonely one.
He'd do the murders if he thought he could get away with it, let's be real.
I hope the guy that made Squid Game is doing ok, it much be maddening for people to miss the point that hard. I would be petty enough to sue for ip infringement. Ip law sucks, but fuck Mr. Beast.
He'd slaughter thousands if we could, all with that chippy narration over the video, and wouldn't lose a wink of sleep.
Let's hope the next few years don't go as badly as they feel, because he's not far from "I made 40 homeless people fight with broken bottles to get a $200,000 trailer home" videos
Nope. Like the vague umbrella term of "part of setting involves gameified murder", some audience ironically becomes like the spectators in the setting.
Like with Hunger Games. The story is about a violent revolution against the imperial powers and the hypocrisy of when justice turns to revenge.
In more words: satire is long dead. If there is a point, it'll be trampled under commodification. People rushed to make Squid Game merch. After Parasite, there was a fad for kobe ramen.
It is what it is. I'm not sure of a solution. It's all gross.
I remember at Twitter I got absolutely eviscerated for suggesting that he was a manipulating scumbag. SO many people wer eager to jump in and say how many people he has "helped".
I thought the same when he was in his early days donating money to random twitch streamers so he could farm their reactions. Those donations were him investing in his channel literally buying attention.
i've been saying this for several years and have had so many ridiculously stupid arguments over it that felt like talking to a brick wall. it's genuinely insane to me that it's taken ppl until recently to even start beginning to realize he's a pos. actually wild
He’s a case study in how so many people confuse genius with escaping the rodent maze the quickest. Manipulating the system to enrich oneself or inheriting said wealth don’t make you intelligent.
That sort of stan culture on there is another thing I'm glad I avoid by no longer being there. Too many people that lack life experience to warrant having any sort of serious conversations about these types of "heroes".
But people always love to go "He's helped more people than you have." and "Would you rather he not help at all?" and it's seriously dumb because his help isn't genuine. It's only done for personal/financial gain since he makes more money off these videos than he spends to "help" people.
Honestly, I'm all for helping people regardless if its done altruistically or not. I think it's better for everyone regardless. That said, charity doesn't make up for bad and dystopian shit either. You can't carbon offset the bad things you do by doing some good things. It doesn't work that way.
Honestly believe a lot of those arguments are from literal children that have not developed past basic understandings of how the world works. Like of course they say those arguments, because their literal babies and don't know better.
Kind of a tricky one morally, because he does do a lot of things that are objectively net positive for society. That doesn’t mean he’s a “good person” though.
torturing everyone you work with from work crew, contestants to the owners of these places isn't morally gray really, he's the textbook definition of a psychopath, someone who has no empathy but knows how to make people think the opposite
He doesn’t. He exploits poor people for views.
The eye operations, he didn't pay, the water thing, he would have done better if he just gave money.
The ocean clean-up is also a huge scam that doesn’t clean anything. It's just charity washing, he's a parasite who only thinks about views and money.
It's not philanthropy when you just profit from poor people.
It's having a white savior syndrome.
Imagine being more than 15 years old and still wasting time to defend billionaire online.
He's a billionaire. There's nothing morally tricky about it. Society doesn't give you money the more philanthropy you do and you don't get that much without exploiting a truly ridiculous amount of people.
Okay so someone shouldn’t do philanthropy if they’re going to make ad money off of it? I think you need to just admit you have a separate agenda apart from “net positive for society.”
Okay, so you think that giving kids shoes in Africa is not a good thing because corporate advertisers pay him to do it? At some point you just have an agenda and are mad.
I shudder to think how badly he will fuck up the prison experiment, when he already did the worst misrepresentation of the trolley problem I’ve ever had the misfortune to see.
A satirist can't say a THING without one of these fucks actually doing it the next morning. It's like they're using sarcastic columnists and cartoonists as a GUIDE.
It's tame compared to reality. I'd totally rather have President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho. At least he knew when to defer to someone with a scintilla of common sense.
Whoever thinks Fallout and its concept of human experiment Vaults make very little sense, and who would possibly spend so much money to do that, show them this tweet.
Ha , have you noticed most in power have the money to do that and don't seem to. They play some games with humanity and get richer.. meta.. bezo.. 47... Rich don't help people they take advantage of people. I guess it's how they got that rich in the first place .
They don’t have to because their weird and creepy behavior does not affect their ability to function in society (which they don’t even take part in if you think about it)
With this amount of money you don’t need to fit in society to get what you want
I agree to an extent which is that they do find that they do tend to fit in with another branch of society just like them. Oligarchs get together. GOP get together
. Ya know what I mean..
Theoretically, I s'pose the pilot could rent it to folks/run a charter service. But unless that pilot has connections to a ton of potential clients, they'd probably be better off just selling it.
That's nothing, Rupert Murdoch has 330+ million people locked in free fall to the bottom of the barrel in freedom, democracy, environment, health and international standing and they don't win anything, quite the opposite, they will lose everything they ever had.
I dunno, I think they all are mostly harmless, maybe except the cop one but that one really depends on personalities.
I honestly don't get the concern, rich guy figured out how to turn money into hype and charity and then turn those into more money. Neat?
I have a billionaire trapped in a reward function. He has so much money he could do anything, literally anything a man can do, and he spends every waking moment trying to make the like, view, and follow numbers bigger.
If I ever realized I smiled like Mr beast smiles in every photo I’ve ever seen of him I’d quit whatever I was doing immediately and do something — anything — else.
Ok the weight loss one really annoys me here because even if said contestant was given personal trainers and was medically supervised, there will be incentive to lose weight as quickly as possible to get out of solitary confinement—which defeats the entire purpose of healthy habit changes.
Honestly, it will probably be less cruel than The Biggest Loser, but only cuz The Biggest Loser was Saw-level cruelty, even down to the fucking name of it.
The thing about Biggest Loser is AFAIK they had medical professionals around. Rapid extreme weight loss is the sort of thing you should not do on your own without consulting a doctor; I knew a guy who went from obese to full fitness and he needed a cholecystectomy because of the extreme shift.
Hopefully this isn't paywalled. (If it is, the relevant details are on Wikipedia anyway.) That's before the doping allegations that got the original version canceled. (The allegations seem to be legally unresolved, but the fact that there weren't any more seasons is sus.)
Dude watched Squid Games and instead of learning that we’re need to dismantle this system he decided it was a good idea and made it real. We’re in Verhooven’s dystopia.
“Blame the parents” would be my first response, except that the IT industry ACTIVELY worked to PREVENT parental controls from being effective!? So blame the Broliarchs!!
(FYI Even the porn industry was PREVENTED from adopting .xxx domain as a requirement!?!??)
Who's ready for our future where 80% of people are permanently removed from the workforce and have to make ends meet by accepting BeastCorp challenges like "get waterboarded for a week's supply of water"
I saw a version of this earlier that included "a boy in a basement," with no context of contest or money and it was hilarious to think he would just admit to having someone locked in a basement for free
To be fair and I’m not trying to defend him, these people did agree to those things for the money. They weren’t held at gun point and told to do these challenges. So I can’t feel all that bad for them. Other than that, Jimmy is terrible for thinking of these things to do to people for views.
It's cringy and dystopian, but people are overblowing it. I would do any of those for shits and giggles if that much money is being put up, this isn't some torture chamber lol they're keeping these people fed they just need to stay in a certain area lol. I've been locked up longer 100 days isnt shit
I'm pleasantly surprised at how far in the comments I had to scroll down to find beast's target audience going "it's fine lol"
if you think the problem with this is that it's "cringe" please trust your instincts crossing the street. you can totally make it, you have plenty of time
Yes, solitary confinement is decidedly torture; but there were also several other cruel and torturous things he did or was complicit in. It shouldn't be my job to educate you, so I recommend googling it. Youtube especially has some informative content about this
isn’t a healthy rate of weight loss like 2 pounds per week, and that’s primarily done through healthy eating? trapping someone in a gym until they lose 100 pounds sounds like a great way to get someone killed
Approx half a kilo, yes. It can vary slightly from person to person but that's the safe rate. Though, unless the person in question is seriously obese, dropping 100lb/40kg might be near impossible as building muscle will very quickly offset the fat dropped.
One assumes Mr Beast (or an associate) will immediately offer to buy it, possibly for less than it's worth, and it'll turn out that all their effort is, in part, a way for Mr Beast to not pay taxes (or something). That's usually the sort of dubious chicanery that accompanies these things.
the first plan was to have the guy fly the jet for 100 days straight but too many people got mad at him on twitter so he changed it to "he can just stay in the jet while its on the ground"
"I use money to make others endure unpleasantness (as well as the psychological/emotional charge it gives me, with the goal of making me more money so I can do worse in the future)"
he’s flat out said he tries to feel nothing and experience nothing and have no emotions/thoughts outwardly showing because exposing any sense of himself is bad cuz it can damage his brand
Jimmy feels so awkward when doing promo stuff, but when it comes to infliticting cruelty and suffering via vulgar displays of wealth and materialism, boy he just lights right up.
It’s so wild to me that this man watched Squid Games and went “man the shadow people running this and watching people is messed up, I would never kill anyone” and then took nothing else from it 😭😭😭
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Sometimes I worry that I'm Too Online, and then I see a post like the one in the screenshot and I have literally no way of knowing if it's true or false.
You actually questioned it, which suggests that at last some of your brain is still free, and living in some version of offline reality. In fact, &$G#) ... The remainder of this post would violate OpenAI community guidelines that seek to preserve ... preserve ... preserve ... BRING ME JOHN CONNOR
Can we use the word "trapped" when the people willingly accepted the offer to win cash? Its very similar to winning a car if you're the last person touching it. Lock me in a cell for that amount of money, I don't see a down side.
If someone offered you 200k to stay in a room for 100 days, would you accept? If you decide to leave the room before the 100 days are up you lose all the money but you're not stopped from leaving and it doesn't involve killing you. No logic can compare that to squid games
I don't know if I'd accept or not, I can't imagine that ever happening tbh. Worth noting however that the offer is actually "stay in a room for 100 days, being filmed the entire time, and the uploaded footage makes money for Mr Beast but not me, regardless of whether I make it to the end".
And of course Mr beast makes money from the footage, it's how he pays the willing contestants and makes money for himself. If he wants to hand me half a million so anyone can watch me with my feet up reading books for a 100 days I'd be more than willing. Don't think my kids and hubby would be happy
I get that its not for some people but its not trapping some unaware person in a cell and after 100 days releasing them and handing them 500k. They are fully aware what's going on, being filmed all the time etc I guessing a lot of people would willingly accept the offer.
the hanging out in a private jet for a hundred days sounds like a slice of heaven to me, actually. think of all the work I could get done even without an internet connection. :) but maybe I just need a studio. ;)
The worst part is, I would LOVE to be a contestant, and I'm well aware of the absurdity and how terrible it is. But when you're destitute and need money to just obtain the tools to create a better life for yourself, then MrBeast and his bullshit looks like Jesus himself.
The world is constantly saying "hold my beer" these days. Current events have ruined satire and parody thanks to Trump, as well as dystopian societies, crime shows and court dramas.
Nobody is as imaginative as reality has been. Bingo card remains empty atm.
I still think it all started with the Hollywood writers’ strike many years ago and reality shows took over because there was no one to write scripts. It all when to shit from there.
Disgusting... Why do we allow these people fester and spread their bullshit in our society? The cruelty, he just thinks people are just his game pieces. Don't watch this shit even if you pay me.
imagine if jigsaw live posted them like that. “i have this father of two trapped in an elevator shaft 😍 he is a life-long smoker and I want him to remember the value of life 🥰 can’t wait for you to see how the police find him”
"Your final challenge; Survive 100 days in this plane while keeping it mid-air, and you will leave with a reward as a prize for your hard work. Give up, and the cage of rats will come to devour you as you are paralyzed with a syringe. The choice is yours."
My grandsons informed me who Mr Beast is, they also gifted Me his skin in Fortnite 😆😆
I give the guy credit for sharing his wealth, which is more than I can say for Elon🙄
Already went over this, not really a fan my grandsons sent me videos over a yr ago No I'm not really informed obviously Sorry I said anything Not really a fan I don't watch stuff like this to busy in politics I have spent the last 3 years dedicated to Ukraine
Just saying
But I hear everyone 🤐
I definitely can say I don't know a lot about him and have more on my mind than to waste time researching him. I will keep all this in mind before I say anything else ty😁👍
BREAKING NEWS: Mr. Beast had been stabbed to death by a man calling himself "Nasubi". The murder weapon was apparently a kitchen knife he won autographed by Emril Lagasse.
cannot wait for the day that something, ANYTHING causes him to no longer be a public figure anymore. i dont care what it is. i just. hope its sooner rather than later.
Presumably they're not just trapped in a box with nothing to do the entire time.
It's also not as though this is the first time a form of human suffering has been for entertainment purposes. We've had reality TV for decades among other things.
Maybe instead of chasing content clout he could, I dunno, help with the homeless situation and NOT by picking 10 randoms to fight over a piece of beef jerky winner takes all.
Even better or worse, depending of your POV, 100% real. Ukrainian drone operators post the videos of that almost every day. Pigs, hogs, dogs, cats, eagles, there is roasted Russian human meat for everyone.
It’s like “I am going to keep a person underwater for five minutes straight, and if they survive, I’ll give them ten bucks!”, and everyone hold their breath, and think well, technically you can put a glass of water on top of someones head..
I always get into these mind traps, and I hate it.
The star trek episode still sits poorly with me, because the "bad guy" was a victim of workplace abuse, and rather than addressing that, they have him go braindead....COOL
"Don't be bad in videogame when you need to blow off frustrations" doesn't hold the same weight as "living your life in a particular way for vlogs and instagram likes is bad."
First time I saw it I didn't know that it was his chocolate and thought it was some kids show tie in as a desperate merchandising cash grab.
It's millionaire brain rot
Like, this guy has got to go. Where's Luigi when you need him?
(The extra X's make it more extreme.)
But let me offer this: I make maybe $50,000 per year basically living through torment every second I'm at work. Constantly anxious about getting fired, resentful of my Nazi coworkers, terrified that they're going to start harming "libs..."
$500,000 for a few months work would be amazing.
other for money and so on. Folk ignored it though because peppered in between all this - in some cases just blatant
"I bought a garbage man a garbage truck!"
Like what the fuck are you talking about
What doesn't make sense is how he'll cover the up front fees for insurance, where to store the jet, and the taxes he'll pay for winning it.
(Hint: normalizing ideas like everyone has a price, being well paid justifies idiotic choices, fame is more valuable than dignity, rich people can make the rest of us stooges… etc)
Ever notice the "Trending stories" on most social media sites (incl Youtube) mimic the same debased idiocy? Why??
Is this REALLY what most consumers see/read, or is that just what they want us to think?
We’ve become black mirror and literally no one noticed or cared enough to do anything about it
black mirror didn't invent its ideas from whole cloth, they're literally the last 50 years crystallized
2. he is a showmen playing up the challenge is part of the bit to drive up views
I hope the guy that made Squid Game is doing ok, it much be maddening for people to miss the point that hard. I would be petty enough to sue for ip infringement. Ip law sucks, but fuck Mr. Beast.
Let's hope the next few years don't go as badly as they feel, because he's not far from "I made 40 homeless people fight with broken bottles to get a $200,000 trailer home" videos
Like with Hunger Games. The story is about a violent revolution against the imperial powers and the hypocrisy of when justice turns to revenge.
In more words: satire is long dead. If there is a point, it'll be trampled under commodification. People rushed to make Squid Game merch. After Parasite, there was a fad for kobe ramen.
It is what it is. I'm not sure of a solution. It's all gross.
“So you must think the Conquistadors were “helped” introduce literacy to the Americas, eh?”
And I suppose that would be... true? I guess? But that still wouldn't exactly be a particularly great place.
That’s the first clue.
The eye operations, he didn't pay, the water thing, he would have done better if he just gave money.
The ocean clean-up is also a huge scam that doesn’t clean anything. It's just charity washing, he's a parasite who only thinks about views and money.
It's having a white savior syndrome.
Imagine being more than 15 years old and still wasting time to defend billionaire online.
And that he's a net positive for society as a billionaire.
Just how stupid are you, can you tie shoe laces by yourself?
He extracts wealth from the working class. Any pittance he returns is to keep us dancing for him, not to better us.
They need homes, food and water
With this amount of money you don’t need to fit in society to get what you want
. Ya know what I mean..
I honestly don't get the concern, rich guy figured out how to turn money into hype and charity and then turn those into more money. Neat?
Like it's a shitty fucking idea for even worse reasons than shit like Biggest Loser
(FYI Even the porn industry was PREVENTED from adopting .xxx domain as a requirement!?!??)
there is a reason normal people do not do this
Each day I introduce a different marine animal to watch out for like a Moray Eel or 3 tons of krill.
if you think the problem with this is that it's "cringe" please trust your instincts crossing the street. you can totally make it, you have plenty of time
I like :) I need to watch black mirror… it’s that good?
he’s flat out said he tries to feel nothing and experience nothing and have no emotions/thoughts outwardly showing because exposing any sense of himself is bad cuz it can damage his brand
Nobody is as imaginative as reality has been. Bingo card remains empty atm.
this time the smile is creepier because no one smiles with their eyes
I give the guy credit for sharing his wealth, which is more than I can say for Elon🙄
Just saying
But I hear everyone 🤐
Mr Beast sucks
It's also not as though this is the first time a form of human suffering has been for entertainment purposes. We've had reality TV for decades among other things.
"This message brought to you by Eat Fresh" (cuts to a squirming maggot crawling out of a prison "Nutraloaf")
I'm just giving you a choice
I always get into these mind traps, and I hate it.