Vivek Ramaswamy is posting through the high-skilled immigration discourse on the Bad Place and
1. lol thinking Whiplash is a role model
2. This is such a 90s/early 2000s argument? I half expect him to start talking about violent video games.
1. lol thinking Whiplash is a role model
2. This is such a 90s/early 2000s argument? I half expect him to start talking about violent video games.
Suck it Vivek.
Friend, either you're closing your eyes to a situation you do not wish to acknowledge
Or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster
Indicated by the presence of a pool table in your community
That is an exception in the USA though.
He’s propping himself up as “the good immigrant.” That’s different than “Indian Supremacy”
Hey kids, you could make hundreds of thousands while I make billions.
Its just warmed over rugged individualism mindlessly and clunkily applied to immigration policy
Not that there’s anything wrong with having standards and expectations. Yet. I’ve seen kids with schedules packed with extracurriculars keeping them away from home 6am to 9pm, longer hours than any software engineer in an office. They’re burning out on the launch pad.
1) They have no idea how to improve anything.
2) They’re going to do so much damage flailing around with their nonsense theories of change.
At some point, I hold out hope that the angry crowd will finally get to the rich people who are the source of many of the issues.
Has he told us how rap music and video games create Columbine killers yet?
Everything even vaguely humanist is a threat.
I know what we need!
"Science slumber parties!"
Zack Morris and AC Slater seemed to be in every damn extracurricular activity Bayside offered (and may have been in more than Screech, who didn’t play football or basketball like Zack and/or Slater).
NB: I worked for a boss like Fletcher.
Navigating the social dynamics of a sleepover is waaay harder than any calculus problem.
Also, Saturday morning cartoons haven't existed for a few decades?
Take his math tutored, science fair graduate and ask him to frame you a house, or cook meals for people in a hot kitchen, and he will fail.
My head hurts.
We've had plenty of shows in the last 20 years that make high-achieving smart nerds the hero. Iron Man, Spider-Man, Harry Potter, Big Bang Theory, Doctor Who...
His take on Whiplash is exactly what I'd expect from the pro-fascist camp.
How elitist and out of touch!
— Vivek Ramaswamy, advisor to President Trump.
"Saturday morning cartoons"?
My son, who is a week or so away from being legally able to drink in the US, has never lived in a US where those were current parts of the culture.
Vivek's a decade younger than I am. Where's he been?
Why not stan Jessie, Vivek? (We know why)
(Zach had high SAT scores, or does Vivek not remember?)
Remember how Zack was coughing as he said, "Yale"?
I know MAGA loves to talk about freedom and liberty and then be told what to do and think, but this may even turn a few of their heads.
Ooooohhh, well that explains Vivek.
Unless you can afford to send your kid to the fancy private schools, which they want to fund with taxpayer dollars.
“You are probably going to be a very successful computer person. But you're going to go through life thinking that girls don't like you because you're a nerd. And I want you to know … that that won't be true. It'll be because you're an asshole.”
But also children should have fun.
I miss nuance, and when we were all less politically tribal.
- Vivek's brain worm
"less hanging out at the mall"
Vivek, the 20th century called. They want their meme back.
No more happy days cuz it's the end of the summer time wine