I believe at some point in the past it was meant to be “zuck my dick” and it was autocorrected to lick and then that made the 👅 emoji. And he thought it was hilarious so he’s used it about 3 times since then
oh it was a typo on his behalf? He showed the typo to his band of hired sycophants who all politely chuckled at it and told him, "aha good meme sir!" and "I'd upvote that irl" so he posted it. Then the online sycophants praised him, and now it's his catchphrase? lol
Is this breaking any sort of law? In any other circumstance saying you're going to drive to someone's house and fight them if they answer the door doesn't sound very legal
I have a hard time with him immediately offering Starlink to Ukraine, and basically being at an all time high for looking good. To soon after being like this and basically being on the Pro-Russia grift
I feel like all these the theories presented so far are possibly concomitant. A real chicken / egg situation, where the chicken is a huge asshole without any real friends, who was the kid in the "I learned it by watching you" commercial & was also the egg in "this is your brain on drugs" commercial.
Zuck finds a malfunctioning Tesla doing laps around his circular driveway at full acceleration, a doughy man in the passenger seat struggles to reach the fire escape hatch that is also on fire.
Best outcome: On a livestream, Zuck TKOs Musk within a second of the starting bell, and then accidentally knocks himself out doing an unnecessary showy move.
It doesn't, but he's trying to be edgy and using his opponents name because it sounds similar to Suck makes a whole lot of sense for a 52-year-old acting like a 13 year old.
Still bad faith to post his address if you believe in assassination coordinates. Unless they’re in on this together, looks like harassment because Zuck dismissed him as an unserious person.
I believe he’s referencing Nicolas Cage in Face/Off who has a line that goes, “if I let you suck my tongue, would you be grateful,” but, and I can’t stress this enough, I think our lives are all materially worse for thinking about it, and I’m sorry.
Absolutely. I believe in registering and licensing all gun owners. They should have to pass safety courses and make sure their guns are properly locked up. So when a coked up loon comes to your door, you know exactly how to use it.
He's showing up at his house to challenge him to a fight knowing that Mark's mom had to take him to the orthodontist that afternoon. The tales of cowardice will spread across the lunch room all the same. Such is middle school.
Zuck’s right that Musk Melon is all talk, but I wish this would happen so we could stop hearing about this dumb thing that isn’t really going to happen. 😩
Would actually love for Zuck to be waiting at the door dressed for the fight so we get to watch Musk in real time have to figure out a way to back out and keep his frail ego afloat
I am not the kind of person to wish harm on anyone, but I'm fucking tired of this giant man baby. I hope his self driving car self destructs on an isolated road somewhere it can't hurt anyone but him.
tired: I like Zuckerberg now because he's going to beat the shit out of Elon Musk
wired: I hate Zuckerberg more than ever for using his wealth and privilege to jump ahead of hundreds of millions of people in the line to beat the shit out of Elon Musk
Look, Elon, it’s okay if you’re scared of the Facebook nerd. But don’t make the poor car your fall guy. Everyone knows Tesla FSD will just get lost or run over someone.
Would be the best episode of Cops ever
We are at the mercy of seventh grade billionaires.
that just
What song is playing?
does everyone else know
something just kinda fucked up there
Is there slang at work we don't know or is he actually offering Z a bj????
Also me: wait what happens next 👀
I love Elon's weirdo nature.
He is jacked and I'd throughly enjoy seeing that moron ass kicked to stump.
Both billionaires down and fully embarrassed.
altho that does seem like something he’d say
And now, he’s live-doxxing a (slightly less) evil billionaire.
What could go wrong ?
*serendipitous benefit for all life on earth
My guess is that it's crystal.
wired: I hate Zuckerberg more than ever for using his wealth and privilege to jump ahead of hundreds of millions of people in the line to beat the shit out of Elon Musk
But also showing his own location to all sorts of crazy.
Will staff ban him and blame a bot?