recall that gray said that it was a form of blackmail to note that the results of the 2016 election would shape the future of abortion rights for a generation
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Recall that candidate Obama promised to sign the Freedom of Choice Act in his first 100 days and when asked by the press on Day 100, he said it wasn’t “a high legislative priority.” The DNC used repeal to scare money out of donors for decades instead of fixing it when they had the votes to do it.
One of my favorite things with her is how her defenders would call out people for asking "Where's Virgil?" because it had nothing to do with her, when she kept Virgil in her header as a cohost for a very, very long time after the pretty thoroughly proved stuff about him came out.
The “oh just codify roe” people to deflect from the fact that the Trump court allowed by crap leftist turnout would just strike down any federal abortion law under enumerated powers or the like.
You can’t legislate away a reactionary SCOTUS. And Team Red would just uncodify it next time they got in
Unless we ditch first past the post voting, we’re going to have to vote blue consistently or see a determined team red undermining our rights at every turn
Even SCOTUS reform would be undone the instant team red got power
There's a lot that can be said about her but I do want to poke at the weird trend of Ex-Bernie Sanders staffers having brain rot and ultimately running a podcast operation that seeks to keep its listeners in perpetual accelerationist doomerism.
I will say at least I made it through 1.5 of her podcasts before being like WTF is wrong with these people. My rose colored glasses worked better on Twitter
I have lost a lot of faith in humans since 2016, no question. I do still like to believe in the essential good of humanity, all that. I just know a lot of people are garbage, too. They made sure I knew.
we still have people endlessly chiming in with the “liberals aren’t doing enough for this particular subset of whatever” and it’s like man I know you hate your tribal chief but Christopher Columbus is coming over the fucking horizon. Figure out your shit.
they've shown they're more than capable of dismissing liberal policies Biden has enacted.
Student Loan relief - Not 100% so it doesn't count!
Climate policy in IRA - haven't decarbonized the entire economy so it doesn't count
and on and on
Student loan relief : "Biden knew the SCOTUS would strike it down. That was his plan all along" No blame for the AGs who sued or SCOTUS. Biden bad for trying.
And yes no credit for his 2nd and third attempts which were successful though on a smaller scale.
Any successes in a capitalist system gets us farther from the R̶a̶p̶t̶u̶r̶e̶ Proletariat revolution that will be magically smooth and bloodless and will allow me to get free money from the state while I play video games all day in my underwear.
I don't even understand why that's an issue for her they are voting based on rights they believe should be preserved how is that a problem? Most Trump supporters can't even name five articles of legislation he passed yet they want to judge others for their more informed choices...smh
The secret is that these people memory holed that and don't care when they actually do good things. Which isn't often but you'd think that they're memorable enough moments to not deliberately file it away in the garbage.
Remember the time she said a recently deceased guy would be on her side in a performative vote campaign despite his entire life's work making fun of that? In front of his friends no less.
Ironically this was the rationalization I heard why Republicans would never *really* undo Roe. It was too powerful a motivator for the religious base, therefore we have no worry they'd actually overturn it. Therefore it was okay to vote Republican despite all the appearances that they will. SMH.
If abortion is THE top concern for women voters, and they vote Dem...they're likely to vote Blue down ballot... which increases the chances of Dem Majority in Congress... which means more than likely a bill to codify Roe v Wade protections.
She doesn't have enough of a following to bring his campaign anything. Gabbard and RFK could at least bring him votes, most of Brie's followers are either Jill Stein voters or checked out of electoral politics completely.
Abortion is a wedge issue because conservatives made it an issue right after Roe V. Wade was established. I don't want to hear shit about how "oh, no, women are making it their single issue" now that the shoe is one the other foot.
I kept getting called hysterical for pointing out how important SCOTUS picks are for women. Now that what I warned about has happened people like her act like those warnings never happened. It’s maddening.
Codifying Roe will do nothing to remove the need to vote D. That which is codified any day can be uncodified by a majority vote and a willing President.
Winning the White House is one small step toward codifying Roe—getting it through a GOP-controlled or divided Congress would be nearly impossible. If Kamala accomplished it, it would be celebrated for a generation.
Also, if it is the only reason they vote dem, wouldn't it behoove them to continue voting that way after Roe was codified to ensure that Republicans don't decodify?
There are 11 days, 15 hours, 32 minutes, and 20 seconds left until polls close on #PresidentialElection2024 #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy #RepublicansAreTheProblem #Harris2024 :
she popped up as a sympathetic expert on a youtube series i enjoyed having on while doing chores, and man it was wild seeing her being treated as good faith by someone who should absolutely know better.
Sadly, she was but one of many (but maybe she did more than most to popularize the argument?)
The *fascinating* thing is how those folks could say something like that, have events *prove* that it was indeed a dumb thing to say, and then turn around and say exactly the same thing this election...
By not voting for down ballot Dems to give them a Congress that can do it and convincing others to do the same, she can make it a reality so she can keep talking about it
It does seem like there is a little truth to the fact that a lot of politicians across the board kind of, don't take opportunities they have to fix problems if they can run on fixing it, and that should be called out
But it's still worth voting on the right side of the issue
Gray is a piece of shit grifter but the point itself is valid.
Not the implication of not voting Harris being a good idea but the concern that establishment dems will keep using basic human rights to get elected instead of codifying them into law.
She's taking a lie that was used for decades to run cover for the GOP's extremism ("oh they'll never overturn Roe, they use it to energize their base") and it now reworking it to attack Democrats and dismiss the advocates who were right all along.
Her theory, such as it is, is that parties don’t actually do anything about their platform planks bc they want to continue using it to fundraise on. She isn’t stupid enough to believe it. But her audience is.
It's really the same theory man Dems had re: GOP pro-lifers. That they don't want Roe repealed because then they could no longer fund raise and campaign on the issue.
But the problem is that Roe did get repealed. And now that the theory has proven false, she is deciding to deploy it against dems
This is one of those things that people say to sound savvy, but the facts don't back it up. Across every dimension, parties try really hard to pass the things they run on.
I would like for them to point out to us when the last time we had a supermajority was. Big enough that we could totally override filibusters and vetoes and still get it past the conservative elements of the party.
It's also shows that no "right" is actually a right. They are all privileges that can be taken away if 5/9 unelected partisans decide they no longer want you to have that privilege.
That to me is the message the Dems are missing. If they can take aware this right after 50 years, no rights are safe
Tbf a huge reason why the court was able to take away this right is because it was never actually written into law, it was always just a court decision that was making it legally binding. It’s much harder for the court to take away rights that are written into law
kind of why it's important to have a judicial decision that's federal and specifies constitutionality. the "why didn't Dems codify roe v wade" brouhaha has always been weird.
Conservatives are just mad they can't run on overturning Roe anymore. Their replacement causes are all wildly unpopular ideas like a nationwide ban or allowing states to go after people who travel out of state to get an abortion.
I don't even understand Brianna Joy's supposition. Are the Democrats slated for a majority in the Senate and House? If not they one not capable of legislatiing the night to abortion. If they could do it, it would be a legal boon.
GOP lead state legislatures would sue and sue again over the constitutionality of the law. Then in 2028 the DNC could say "See THIS is why you need to vote DNC. So we can get more DNC judges onto federal benches".
But to address the OP...
Tell me you don't respect women without telling me you don't respect women.
Making a patronizing headline that implies slut-shaming when you could have said, "College Women Vote For The Candidate Who Will Protect Their Fundamental Rights As Human Beings."
Major red flag❗
This kind of political persona is based around the premise that only they actually care about the things they say they care about, while all the Libs are either too stupid to know better or cynically lying.
do not get me started on this person, who is one of the most cynical people i have ever had the displeasure of observing. she doesn’t believe a single thing and will say anything if it brings her just a little more notoriety or a slightly bigger platform
That should say “re-joining”. It’s where she started out, and a lot of people in Hawaii (myself included) didn’t trust her miracle conversion to progressivism.
This feels like savviness poisoning rather than clout poisoning, but the difference is probably small.
She's so focused on tactics here that she forgot tactics exist to advance a strategy, and the strategy exists to achieve objectives.
This is what might be meant by "going full circle": a progressive who backs so far to the left that she butts up against the alt right and imagines she's done something politically novel and noteworthy. She's a professional harpy.
It’s only a matter of time before she inevitably makes an alt right heel turn like Brianna Wu. She just has better timing than Wu.
Her specifically is why I didn’t vote for Bernie in the primary. Picking her made me doubt his character judgement, nothin she’s done since has changed my mind.
Turns out that’s a bad strategy if your goal is to actually win a jungle primary, or even extract platform promises in exchange for your withdrawal and support.
The question with these types though is whether they’re in it for themselves, or pathologically incapable of playing nice with others.
Her getting upset/"outraged" by Maher's comments on abortion a year or so back made it pretty clear she does have a preferred view here (abortion banned) and launders it so that she doesn't get jumped on.
Cynical is a good word. I am an advocate for deeply progressive views, including the war on Gaza but for the past many years she has gotten more and cynical and then acts like "haters are just haters". actually aren't compelling.
I think it's all about the grift. She has found she can monetize her hot takes from naive people who nod along to her nonsense. She's really not any different than the MAGA influencers on the right who have found they can do the same.
I have always been ambivalent about Bernie Sanders. Would have supported and voted for him as the Dem nominee, but have always wondered about his leadership skills - in large part because he surrounded himself with blatant grifters like Gray.
Of course they all have done hard right - easy marks.
I know folks who know/knew her at closer distances than I think they’d like in retrospect and…yeah, she seems even worse than her public persona suggests
Imagine saying that lie about Roe, while having zero to say about the immigration bill that Trump killed, and reds generally being unwilling to pass immigration reform for 20 years.
its not a lie, she says its her belief. and it has basis in reality; Dems had opportunities to codify Roe and didnt, and it IS a huge fundraising issue for them
Didn't have the votes in Congress, even among Dems (led by folks like Bob Casey, famous for opposing abortion rights) so they didn't spend political capital on something that wasn't an issue yet. It's really that simple.
its not a lie, its a belief. so far, its born out in reality; the Dems are more interested in fundraising on protecting abortion than actually protecting abortion.
No, it’s a cudgel and exists in a theoretical universe that assumes that a law trumps a constitutional right and precedent to a Supreme Court that overturned said constitutional right, citing, among others, a 17th century witch hunter. If we kept the court, we keep Roe. She, like you, ignore that.
She, like you, ignore that the court was and is the mechanism to maintain rights and that it now exists as a Supra-legislature — moreover the fight to codify abortion rights is, if you think that’s the solution, happening right now and the Dems are leading it. So…what’s your excuse now?
it is not "happening right now", at the federal level which is what we're talking about. if you are happy with democrat-led states protecting abortion, you should have no problems with the Dobbs decision at all.
well, Dems lost the court. so what exactly is being promised by the Dems now? they cant pass anything that wouldnt be struck down. and yet "abortion is on the ballot".
"Dems had opportunities to codify Roe and didnt"
1. That would have cost political capital better spent on things that actually WERE pressing issues at the time.
2. Why would you expect a SCOTUS that made up a bunch of garbage to throw out Roe to magically respect a law codifying it?
Restoring abortion rights. As any sentient person knows, it's harder to restore a right that's been taken away, than it is to grant one in the first place (and that's pretty damn hard). People like you think it can be done with a Thanos finger-snap, and get pissed off when it doesn't happen.
The fact that she's quote tweeting Infowars' Owen Shroyer, who did jail time for his actions on Jan 6 yet remains unrepentant, is all I need to know about how much consideration her words should be given
Also noteworthy that this is the inverse of ‘Republicans don’t *really* want to overturn Roe’ — a snotty, know-it-all attempt to demotivate people who are worried about reproductive rights.
There's a perennial youthful take that if all the know-it-all dorks say a bad thing will happen, you - a smart, independent thinker - knows that it probably won't.
No so much an antivaxxer but a butt kisser to COVID contrarians. In 2022, she interviewed Dr. Vinay Prasad, the pandemic down player on the Bad Faith podcast and asked softball questions.
I genuinely despise people like this because if they truly believe this then what is the point of politics.
They can not imagine that people are genuine, they either are as cynical as her and so smart, or naive idiots, that's her world view and I reject it with every fibre of my being
What makes it worse is that the GOP did exactly the inverse for decades - saying they were for repealing Roe, but never actually doing it, only chipping away at abortion rights at the margins. Then when they caught the car, they realized how much they mobilized women to vote against them.
Grey is basically saying that Democrats are just as cynical as the GOP - they will use repeal to campaign on, while never doing anything about it. As Jamelle says, she believes in nothing.
even if that were true, it’s not a reason to sit out this election. and people who voted for Harris for abortion will be more likely to hold the Dems accountable. she’s just being nasty and sexist for the sake of it. wtf else are 18 year old women supposed to do rn?
BGJ’s descent from national press secretary for Bernie’s campaign to cynical grifter makes me feel sad, because implications from 2016 will be felt for generations if we don’t reign in an illegitimate SCOTUS.
She has a point about how shitty Dems are to voters, but she’s only concern trolling here.
Reproductive justice is not a carrot. It's a continuous battle for autonomy and freedom. One could do worse than choosing safe, legal abortion as a guiding light in elections.
I know this isn't even close to the worst from her but I still just remember that time her flight got delayed and she decided to harass all the customer service people about it. And when that wasn't enough she took to Twitter to not-so-subtly threaten the airline's CEO over it.
Gray’s takes sound like ChatGPT output. “A critique of _________ that neglects the lived experience and intelligence of human voters while simultaneously assuming Dems are backstabbers manufacturing problems or intentionally deploying doomed solutions simply to justify their existence.”
Extremely naive of anyone to pretend that codifying roe will accomplish anything if it’s not also paired with fixing the court somehow. And neither are easy, since they’d require control over the senate and major changes to it too.
Maybe not easy but quite possible if we can get a hat trick:
Kill the filibuster -> reform the SC and the Fed Appeals (don't say pack) -> codify Roe -> statehood for DC + the big five territories (12 new Senate seats permanently).
All require mere simple majority, all well precedented, all legal.
This is f*cking maddening, I heard people say this about the GOP so much ("oh they'll never actually ban abortion so they can keep running against it") and now here we are.
Yeh... so how did the 2016 election turn out for abortion? Briahna Joy Gray may be prominent in activism, but she doesn't seem very practical in reality. That mentality has cost the US dear.
My immediate reaction is "What kind of fucking TOOL thinks that Democrats see this as a CARROT?"
IF DEMS GET THE REQUIRED MAJORITY, we need to CODIFY ROE, then SET RETROACTIVE TERM LIMITS for the SCOTUS, IMPEACH Uncle Thomas, and put OVERSIGHT in place. This is no fucking game.
Begging people like Bri-Bri, Nomiki Konst, and other very stupid people who happen to be leftists to read (and maybe even write a 5-paragraph essay on) the Wikipedia page for Hanlon’s razor
I’m assigning you a paper on the ratchet effect. Since you clearly missed some pre-req work to come with such an empty take on Bri. And from a DSA member, no less. Do better!
I’m familiar w/ the ratchet effect & have lamented how we’ve seen it happen re: immigration in recent years, but I don’t see the relevance to the premise that Dems want to lose elections so they can fundraise when the more likely & better supported explanation is that Dems just suck at politicking
Nobody is saying they actively and consciously seek to lose elections. Rather, the very robust poli sci finding that post-WWII US politicians answer to donors, not voters coupled with Dems skipping opportunities under Obama and Clinton to codify Roe…and then fundraising off threats to Roe.
What magic would "codification" have done? The threat to Roe was the Supreme Court, not lack of Federal legislation, and, newsflash, the threat to Roe actually showed up and was real, it turns out not to have been a campaign phantom.
"skipping opportunities under Obama and Clinton to codify Roe"
For a statement this grand, you better list the exact sixty-fucking-senators you think would have signed off on this back in the 90's. Otherwise, you're just inventing fantasy worlds and hoping no one notices.
Who said anything about defeating the sitting filibuster? If it’s the single most important protection that impacts the biggest proportion of your constituency, you force Roe protections into the omnibus budget bill. We’ve had gov’t shutdowns over less.
Was thinking about Hanlon's too, because you never have to jump more than a couple circles from those convinced that Dems are maliciously scheming to get elected to hearing a certain they are controlling the global economy and power
It's a fiction that unfortunately undergirds other grosser ones
Worth noting this is the exact same reasoning that made so many pundits absolutely certain the GOP would never *actually* overturn Roe because they got so much mileage out of merely promising they would.
What is so reckless about her posting this, if GOP won the WH, Senate & House, abortion would be criminalized. It can and will get way worse for women.
If she thinks political parties never implement their policy goals, why even participate in politics? Why even support another party (is she supportingthe Greens again?)?
Gray's take just seem like the current cynicism distilled. Everyone has an agenda that's a few moves ahead of what is currently happening and everyone has a plan to inflict their insidious world view on an unsuspecting populace. Honestly, we are mostly not that smart.
The fact Bernie thought she was a good comms director for his campaign still astounds me. She's actively antagonistic toward the changes she claims she wants to see.
Reminder of the time Ezra Klein simply announced a conversation with Liz Warren and Bri jumped in to snipe passive aggressively, to which Ezra had to *inform* this PRESS SECRETARY that her candidate had a standing invitation to get the same press exposure
I can’t think of nearly anything more emblematic of the schism between left/progressives interested in actually pushing forward progressive policies vs those that are extremely lazy and just want to whine and virtue signal
I am to the left of HRC, and the 2016 primary was a tough for me. The deciding factor was Brie, David Sirota, and the fact that I thought HRC would be better than Bernie at implementing policy because he surrounded himself with chuckleheads.
A stand out memory I have of her is her trying to claim people were lying about Joe Rogan's history of racism and transphobia during that brief period where Rogan half-heartedly endorsed Bernie.
IIRC, she had a brief stint at The Intercept and Ryan Grim recommended her for Bernie's campaign. Those who were critical of her didn't do well with specifics - just a blanket insult, IIRC. And, they were HRC fans for the most part, so...
Also, people do change and hers was for worse.
These people don’t realize that we have lost the dumbest of our coalition to idiocy like the manosphere and antivaxxers, so we have to go after the Republicans who actually like the country and think Democracy is good.
If Biden didn’t get 5% of Republicans in 2020, Trump would be President atm.
People who voted for Barack Obama in the 2008 or 2012, but later voted for Donald Trump in 2016, 2020, and/or 2024. Data shows that in 2016, these voters comprised roughly 13% of Trump voters.
Hilary didn't lose Republicans. She lost Democrats.
If a party has a choice between going after actual gettable voters or trying to placate and win the votes of people who repeatedly demonstrate they can't actually be placated, I think it's pretty obvious which group the party will go for.
Regardless of any of that, Briahna Joy is a colossal moron.
I've said for years there's a deep irony in that Bernie losing was the best thing for the left in this country because him getting committee assignments in the Biden admin is a better use of his power than the party revolting against his presidency. We don't need to gloss over his failures.
I don’t know whether the party would have done that but I do think Press Secretary BJG at the podium telling Joe Manchin that the DOJ will harass his daughter would have made this somewhat more likely
It's possible, watching Biden negotiating with him while protests block his car for months has made me think he would get off on being targeted by Bernie just as much.
It’s completely baffling how bernieland thinks that California democratic primary voters are the target audience for the general election campaign. It’s why you people never fucking win general elections.
It really was just the comms staff, but seeing as their was a distinct possibility of either Brihana or Sirota ending up as press sec or chief of staff if Bernie had won that probably would have been the downfall of his presidency.
Seems like both of them (predictably) self-radicalized away from much saner initial starting points. To the extent Bernie screwed up it was in misreading Tragically Online as a feature not a bug.
idk about grays history but sirota was always an immoral nihilist and hatchet man. former coal lobbyist, set up a racist fake website pretending to belong to his opponent
Gray was a reasonably smart pick since she was really good at controlling messaging on twitter, asking pointed questions that made liberals frantic because they had no answer, but after Bernie lost she I don't even know, just turned into Destiny but for pretend politics?
And leadership is different than being a gadfly who pushes the party to the left. Bernie’s very good at the latter; his own campaigns convinced me he’s not good at the former.
Which is fine! Pushing the Dems left is incredibly valuable work! You can be essential & still not a good choice for POTUS.
Sanders, I think, is as far from the norm in human interaction as Trump, but in a positive way. He trusts too much, or at least more than you or I think is reasonable.
I like how my having criticisms of Bernie has you showing up at my window, desperately pressing your cheek to the glass, to go "YEAH ISN'T HE TERRIBLE" like anyone cares what you think.
I like how me agreeing with you that he'd make a terrible president because of his bad staffing decisions makes you so upset.
Some of us were warning folks *at the time* that Brie was an unhinged person and a bad choice, but hey, Bernie Knew Best! If only he surrounded himself with folks who cared!
Apparently my phone changes "ratfucking" to "trafficking." Anyhoo, yeah...he started his career with a racist fake website and he's been a POS ever since.
I got blocked for calling him out for being a weasel about that M4A sham vote Steve Daines organized in 2017, and yeah: still my proudest block on social media
"College women ADMIT" is such a wild framing. As if voting for their own healthcare is some dirty secret. imagine if anyone said "Business owner ADMITS to voting for politician to get lower taxes".
imagine philosophically allowing yourself to believe in conspiracies, false information, and alt right noise just to make the claim you dont trust politicians (but you do). these people are reactionaries. many trump supporters are single issue voters - did they forget?
I know others have noted this, but her naming her podcast “Bad Faith” is the most audacious tell like if Trump started one called “Racist Impotent Liar”.
You just know that if Bernie had actually won, Gray and everyone else would be perfectly aware of all of the legislative obstacles that prevent a president from implementing their preferred agenda...
I come from the opposite side where I as a (now former) Republican thought they were never going to actually repeal Roe because it was a good way to keep people voting for them even if the candidate was somebody as horrible as Trump
I thought that, too, but leftishly. I continue to think that, with the exception of the Christian Nationalists, the Republicans wish Roe were still there to use for fund-raising and emotional appeals.
I find myself wondering if this is even a fair representation of the people he talked to, or just the ones chosen to make his skewed point.
We keep seeing these "On the street" interviews that make us want to shout better answers at the monitor, but it could all be intentionally ginned up that way.
I like how she quotes a second rate Alex Jones like a credible source lol. Does she also believe sandy hook was a false flag and the moon landing was fake.
It's such a stupid take that someone voting against taking away an important right makes you a simpleton. If one party wanted to declare it legal for the government to harvest my organs, that "single issue" would be a pretty important factor in my voting
One thing I noticed in the aftermath of the 2016 Sanders campaign is that there's a big group of absolute grifters, working against left interests generally and the Democratic Party specifically, posing as members of "the left", who have successfully burrowed their way into prominence & influence.
the worst part of the bad faith leftists is the ignorance of the republican party as it exists, and still believing republican party fear mongers and propaganda about the democrats.
we just tried to codify IVF, what happened?
So maybe obama couldn't have done it in those 2 months as they believe.
I literally had the opposite argument for years. I assumed Republicans would never touch Roe because it was such a goldmine for them campaign against. I was a complete dumbass and I’m not ashamed to say it.
You were right the whole time. Republicans *built* the Reagan revolution with evangelical votes in the wake of Roe. Got nearly 50 years of fundraising and get out the vote appeals on unfulfilled opposition to Roe. We’re in the ‘dog catches car’ phase of the GOP’s war on reproductive freedom.
Bernie is a real one, but man one of his biggest flaws was accepting the help and support of any odious grifter who claims to be a socialist/radical. Cf Brianna J. Gray, David Sirota, Shaun King, etc.
she should be wearing a birka and cooking dinner that is the future she offers other women who vote for trump no vote no voice just cook clean and have babies remember trump wants to do away with no fault divorce as well total control of women
The GOPers used anti-abortion rhetoric to make people vote against their own best interests. So now they just appeal to their lowest motives by being crude and hateful.
Dems WANT women's health care to be their choice.
Key Words: Dems CARE about people. And Women Are People!!!
This is related to the "pandering" accusation. Candidates must specify policies so voters know whether the candidate will do things that they like; however specifying policies that voters like is cheating. (Applies only to Democrats.)
Honestly I am with her on this one (I have never heard of her). I think the Dems loved having this issue to mobilize voters with. Women getting screamed at clinics made for great fundraising pitches. Just because you’re cyclical doesn’t mean politicians aren’t ghoulish sometimes.
Totally disagree. Abortion has been a very difficult issue for the Dems, they were continually on the defensive during the Roe years. It’s only been post-Dobbs that the general public has started to realize the true costs of abortion restrictions.
I have this convo frequently with leftist doomers. “Oh the dems just want to use important-issue-X to get votes” “but they fight for X?” “Well they haven’t solved it yet, therefore they’re lying and aren’t really trying. If I was in charge I’d just solve it, easy”
I mean, my most important issue might be climate change, and the Dems are fighting to solve that, but they haven’t yet, so, I throw up my hands and let Peter Thiel control the world? Is that how it should work?
speaking as an ancient person in their 30s, I think the problem a lot of youngins have is that they don't quite yet realize that things take a long time to change even *if* everyone in the relevant community were to agree on them and work full tilt toward solving them.
even the COVID vaccine, possibly fastest result of modern science in our lifetimes, was built upon decades of mRNA research. it was basically a miracle that it was rolled out as quickly as it was. It's probably less impressive for people who have only lived in a world where everything seems instant
Co-founded with ex-Chapo founder Virgil Texas, who himself had a Conversion of Paul the Apostle moment after 2020 (or after being #MeToo’d lol) and is now a TradCath.
Folks said the same about Republicans and overturning Roe. The base will radicalize over this. Hell, the only way to counter fascism is radical anti-fascism, and this can be a plank of that.
Also, back then people like her were making almost the opposite argument about why the GOP would never actually make abortion illegal and people who thought they would were being hysterical
She really has a skewed disingenuous take on what's actually happening. She needs to do a little self actualization and start being honest with herself about herself.
Including her specifically in his campaign is why I didn’t vote for Bernie in the primary. She’s insane, and her inclusion made me doubt Bernie’s character judgement.
That Biden has been pretty effective without a cabinet full of grand standers makes me feel vindicated.
this particular claim makes me so mad because of how frequently it's parroted and how upside-down it is. Just insisting that Biden would have prevailed if he had relied on a more novel reading of an ambiguity in a way older statute instead of the recent one that specifically granted this power.
Convinced that the reason we didnt get a Loper Bright-type decision several years early and instead the court had to claim it was a "major question" whether anything besides 9/11 was a 'national emergency' as specified in statute was specifically because the Biden admin didn't take this (bad) advice
"College women admit they're only voting for Harris because of abortion"
Yeah making sure if someone I love has an incomplete miscarriage I don't have to throw her in my car and pray we hit New Mexico before she goes septic is a deciding issue, so what?
it's somewhat disingenuous to ignore obama's failure to codify roe after campaigning on that promise; his later inability to challenge mcconnell's obstructionism, and the fact rbg didn't retire for the hope of an inauguration photo op assuming clinton won. dems are notably allergic to proactive work
Something deeply weird about the fact that right wing media personalities run for office or serve as official, and sometimes unofficial, advisors to Republicans while left wing media personalities….become right wing personalities.
I think a sizable chunk is that leftist media voices just don't have significant clout in the decision-making in the same way right-wing media does. So when you can't influence the decision makers you're just left with a) thinking why give a crap and b) chasing the bag.
You can’t legislate away a reactionary SCOTUS. And Team Red would just uncodify it next time they got in
Even SCOTUS reform would be undone the instant team red got power
"The GOP would never make abortion illegal! They need that carrot to drive turnout!"
One can't profit in the grievance economy if one doesn't have a host of grievances!!!
Student Loan relief - Not 100% so it doesn't count!
Climate policy in IRA - haven't decarbonized the entire economy so it doesn't count
and on and on
Student loan relief : "Biden knew the SCOTUS would strike it down. That was his plan all along" No blame for the AGs who sued or SCOTUS. Biden bad for trying.
And yes no credit for his 2nd and third attempts which were successful though on a smaller scale.
Less than a month later, after months of negotiation, Congress passed (with Republican support!) the Respect for Marriage Act.
If abortion is THE top concern for women voters, and they vote Dem...they're likely to vote Blue down ballot... which increases the chances of Dem Majority in Congress... which means more than likely a bill to codify Roe v Wade protections.
Gabbard has already spent her credibility. Going for RFK is all she’s got left, politically.
They banned me for "Imperialist propaganda" for referencing that time she said she didn't care about Ukrainian children being kidnapped by Russians.
I don't think it was blackmail, more ego, but still, huge fuck up
That being said The GOP is dead to me.
I’m weary of fighting the same battles over and over
It’ll take a majority in the House and 2/3 of the Senate.
The *fascinating* thing is how those folks could say something like that, have events *prove* that it was indeed a dumb thing to say, and then turn around and say exactly the same thing this election...
Gray won't give up that grift
Her, a political genius: you can’t say that; it’s blackmailing people for votes.
But it's still worth voting on the right side of the issue
Not the implication of not voting Harris being a good idea but the concern that establishment dems will keep using basic human rights to get elected instead of codifying them into law.
Bernie's worst hire by a factor of a million.
“Young people are voting for Dems for abortion, this proves that Dems won’t do anything on abortion.”
But the problem is that Roe did get repealed. And now that the theory has proven false, she is deciding to deploy it against dems
I dont even know how I would convince myself to believe "they dont really want to do the things they keep promising to do"
Now that abortion is a live issue every election it will remain so. The GOP can repeal laws, if in power.
That to me is the message the Dems are missing. If they can take aware this right after 50 years, no rights are safe
Tell me you don't respect women without telling me you don't respect women.
Making a patronizing headline that implies slut-shaming when you could have said, "College Women Vote For The Candidate Who Will Protect Their Fundamental Rights As Human Beings."
Major red flag❗
She's so focused on tactics here that she forgot tactics exist to advance a strategy, and the strategy exists to achieve objectives.
Her specifically is why I didn’t vote for Bernie in the primary. Picking her made me doubt his character judgement, nothin she’s done since has changed my mind.
The question with these types though is whether they’re in it for themselves, or pathologically incapable of playing nice with others.
This also explains MAGA in a nutshell.
Of course they all have done hard right - easy marks.
The old white fascist.
👋 go back to Naziville. com, you’ll find it much more welcoming.
1. That would have cost political capital better spent on things that actually WERE pressing issues at the time.
2. Why would you expect a SCOTUS that made up a bunch of garbage to throw out Roe to magically respect a law codifying it?
This is bozoed
2. then what are the Dems running on now?
Here's a very recent reminder what a dick Vinay Prasad is.
They can not imagine that people are genuine, they either are as cynical as her and so smart, or naive idiots, that's her world view and I reject it with every fibre of my being
"Only voting for X because Y" isn't a gotcha when it's issues-based.
She has a point about how shitty Dems are to voters, but she’s only concern trolling here.
She actively tries to damage the culture that gives her the freedom to damage it.
Kill the filibuster -> reform the SC and the Fed Appeals (don't say pack) -> codify Roe -> statehood for DC + the big five territories (12 new Senate seats permanently).
All require mere simple majority, all well precedented, all legal.
IF DEMS GET THE REQUIRED MAJORITY, we need to CODIFY ROE, then SET RETROACTIVE TERM LIMITS for the SCOTUS, IMPEACH Uncle Thomas, and put OVERSIGHT in place. This is no fucking game.
For a statement this grand, you better list the exact sixty-fucking-senators you think would have signed off on this back in the 90's. Otherwise, you're just inventing fantasy worlds and hoping no one notices.
It's a fiction that unfortunately undergirds other grosser ones
Obstructionism in Congress is more to blame than Dems, who, like most normies hadn't caught on that bipartisanship was over
I mean, I guess he isn’t running again so it doesn’t matter, but I feel like acknowledging would make me feel better about him.
I wasn't wrong.
Also, people do change and hers was for worse.
Maybe Harris should have hired her. She appears to be on the right side of a host of issues in a way Harris's new best friend Liz Cheney is not.
If Biden didn’t get 5% of Republicans in 2020, Trump would be President atm.
Hilary didn't lose Republicans. She lost Democrats.
Regardless of any of that, Briahna Joy is a colossal moron.
Similarly, Biden's win in SC was impressive, which is why the party galvanized around him and not Pete or Klob.
Thank goodness the President isn't, like, responsible for picking people to work on his behalf or anything, right?
His plan for accomplishing M4A was that he'd just keep yelling about it until Congress did it.
Which is fine! Pushing the Dems left is incredibly valuable work! You can be essential & still not a good choice for POTUS.
Some of us were warning folks *at the time* that Brie was an unhinged person and a bad choice, but hey, Bernie Knew Best! If only he surrounded himself with folks who cared!
What does that have to do with me?
And how people repeatedly went to bat for Sirota every time he smeared Pete Buttigieg and lied about the DoT on his little ratfucker news site?
Wild shit. Truly incredible.
Also telling that her first takeaway is how this pwns the Democrats, and not how vile and dickish that guy is.
Boy was I wrong
We keep seeing these "On the street" interviews that make us want to shout better answers at the monitor, but it could all be intentionally ginned up that way.
It's not easy to get a bill people will agree on and get it passed.
But do we really have to drag the worst people on twitter over to here? I left twitter to get away from these idiots.
We will codify Reproductive Rights at the Federal Level. And the pro birth anti life forces will still be just as vigilant.
we just tried to codify IVF, what happened?
So maybe obama couldn't have done it in those 2 months as they believe.
Dems WANT women's health care to be their choice.
Key Words: Dems CARE about people. And Women Are People!!!
What do you even say to that?
That Biden has been pretty effective without a cabinet full of grand standers makes me feel vindicated.
"College women admit they're only voting for Harris because of abortion"
Yeah making sure if someone I love has an incomplete miscarriage I don't have to throw her in my car and pray we hit New Mexico before she goes septic is a deciding issue, so what?