Gary the Canadian Adventure Cat would like to remind America that if it invades Canada, its children will die, scared, alone and frozen.
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We're never going to just accept less to be part of the U.S.
I stand with Gary the Cat and all Canadians!🇨🇦🍁
Please forgive your sane neighbors; we are all in an upheaval.😖
These movie military types still haven’t learned since Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan - bombs dont eventually make peace. Or allies.
He wants russia, economy the size of Wisconsin, to have (white) north america as satellite?
If we actually threaten Canada, militarily, the rest of the world will step in. And they absolutely should. It was never perfect but I've never been so embarrassed for my country.
Both countries would lose a military conflict.
We’re on our own.
For that matter, why does this idiot believe that there wouldn't be widespread resistance among US military?
The top brass of the US military will tell him “the fuck you will” and it will be end of that.
I don’t mean Hegseth, I mean the actual leaders of each branch of the armed services that earned the power they have.
Are you seriously game planing out the US destroying Canada?
We live in the most senseless of timelines.
You're gonna get skinned by Bloc Québécois when the fighting starts, dude.
And uranium isn’t even what one would use for a dirty bomb.
The US is the only reason they haven’t, and if the US continues on this path, it will be the reason they go for it.
Also one rail line? Are you joking? You must be joking.
Its quite odd that you don't seem to think that Americans wouldn't defect and fight on our side as well...
Second, even the Ukrainians are gonna find a way to pitch in if Trump attacks Canada
Third, if there's even the hint of a buildup to the invasion our job is to aid and abet revolutionary defeatism
Then why didn’t we do that in Vietnam of Afghanistan, genius?
Imagine, if you will, a football game without referees or coaches. Imagine the quarterback suddenly starts openly playing for the other team.
Imagine what the offensive line does to him. Allies matter.
People fighting to invade are never as invested as those protecting their homes
You forget about 1/3 of us have come here as war refugees
We may not be able to beat you
but we’ll make sure it becomes a generational quagmire affecting your great grandchildren
They also have this idea that we aren’t armed or have a military 🙄
If we turn the electricity off to the USA there would be Anarchy in 12 Hours in 30 states.
Arm chair quarterbacking MAGAt.
Maybe in 1894.
Ooookay, but have you heard of a place called Europe? And heck, China might be willing to sell them stuff to help Trump wreck the US.
USA was _almost_ reduced to famine conditions due to lack of fuel oil when it broke due to poor maintenance a while back.
The USA won't have anyone backing it, not even Russia.
Canada will have Europe, the Commonwealth, & likely China too.
Do you think the other NATO countries would say "aw geez, shucks, our ally just turned against us, but the rules say we can't kick them out of NATO against their will, even though they're literally attacking us"?
We cannot rely on NATO I’m afraid.
Get outside and breath that clean Northern Air ..
And Give Your Head a Shake!
If we turn the electricity off to the USA there would be Anarchy in 12 Hours in 30 states.
Arm chair quarterbacking MAGAt.
If we turn the electricity off to the USA there would be Anarchy in 12 Hours in 30 states.
Arm chair quarterbacking MAGAt.
No power to NY State and City - what happens?
If we got off the Power to NY state and city …
What happens in 12 hours ?
Just to be clear, I'm not MAGA. I really hope it doesn't come to this, but if it does, I hope you and NATO kick his sorry ass.
Canada also REALLY needs to up its security spending dramatically, NOW. This costs money. It better be prepared to pay.
ALL of your Former Allies before Jan 19th are ALL rapidly moving - non militarily - to devastate the American Economy!
(Trump is doing that himself.)
To Starve American Imperialism!
Whatever, a-hole. Go soak your head and read a book.
Cant read!
I think you have no idea how angry Canadians are at Donald right now.
ALL of your Former Allies before Jan 19th are ALL rapidly moving - non militarily - to devastate the American Economy!
(Trump is doing that himself.)
To Starve American Imperialism!
The late, great Stan Rogers wrote a very jaunty ersatz folk ballad about the much celebrated scout Billy Green
Infrastructure can be rebuilt. Americans in general simply do not understand how deeply Canadians abhor the idea of being American. We would rather die, yes.
There are a million Canadians living in the US, and the US can't even defend the Mexican border. They won't be able to stop insurrectionists coming over a heavily forested border three times as long. Chaos would reign.
If we try to build nukes that's a cassus belli right there.
And yes, we know what it would cost.
You sound really fucking Russian right now, just saying.
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
In most ways the US *is* NATO's logistical capacity. France sort of has some force projection capability, but in a very real sense the US is the only military capable of operating beyond it's own borders for an extended period of time in any serious way.
Seriously y'all should look
They aren’t a puppet state post invasion nor is their political party implanted by the US
There are 3 million Canadians in your country, right now, who look like you and know everything about you.
We won't win but we'll take every fucking one of you with us.
Come to Halifax!
ALL of your Former Allies before Jan 19th are ALL rapidly moving - non militarily - to devastate the American Economy!
(Trump is doing that himself.)
To Starve American Imperialism!
Canada's population is well armed, and outside of the large cities, extremely individualistic
You are watching a shit ton of people get radicalized against America already, just from words
Don't worry; the healthcare you'll need will be free.
That is a thing you could say, I guess, but I wouldn't. And if that's not what you are saying, then you are offering evidence *against your own claim* here.
The USA has pulled this shit twice before and both times got humiliated. Just shut the fuck up and fix yourself before you turn into a clone of Russia.
Arm chair quarterbacking MAGAt.
"But darva, that was the british"
Yeah... Canada was british at the time, cool, glad you know that.
They still burned the whitehouse down. Twice.
Like take a serious look at the US and Saudi genocide in Yemen. The US directed the
Seriously. get a nuclear weapons program going. It's only going to get worse as America loses crop land to global warming while Canada gains habitable land. Trump is probably full of shit right now, but this is a long term problem.
We disconnect all electricity crossing the border.
Social Anarchy in 30 States in 12 Hours.
Vietnam & Afghanistan were easy to muster up an appetite for war among middle America, cause middle America didn't have cousins there or vacation in them, Canada tho...
Never bet on American morality or integrity. Remember Kissinger's words when he plainly stated how America's foreign policy works; To be
“Very something that they think their nation could resist total destruction by the us”
Would you listen to yourself for two goddamned seconds?
We’re meant to be your closest fucking ally you absolute numpty
Jesus fucking christ
If 🇺🇸 invades.
10 states dont have power!
We 🇨🇦 deal with intense cold daily to work here!
-50 F at times
How about -50 F.
And no Starbucks.
- 50 in 🇨🇦
The 300 pounders! Lol
Like one of the most successful beer commercials in our history was one that just leaned on the fact that we aren't American.
It's a perspective I had as well when I was a capital C Conservative in my youth.
Also, lol, lmao at 5500 unguarded miles of border
And maybe we are too comfortable, on the whole. It could indeed end up very bad for Canada.
But go ahead and fuck around. We're waiting. 😈
And we're going to try and burn their house down for no other reason than "King Grandpa says fuck you"
Which I desperately hope he will not. I know it is a dumb theoretical but the very thought of being enemies with Canada makes me feel sick.
Arm chair quarterbacking MAGAt.
The US has waged war for ages by manufacturing consent and othering the target. Canadians look and live like us. There is no obvious casus belli. It won't happen.
11 Letters!
Another braindead product of the American edjuhmuhcation system lmao
Most Americans: amazing at not being willing to suffer the inconvenience of wearing a mask or not being able to go to Applebees.
Yeah, even with all our advantages we'd lose so hard.
Wait for it…
3 Push Up.
Need to run 1 mile in 2 hours.
And be under 300 Pounds
No Ventilator Benefit
The US military "gets back to the basics" on stuff most militaries struggle with. In a notional standup fight ANYONE would get stomped.
Canada won't defeat our military, Canadians will defeat Americans because Americans won't sacrifice for this fight.
At the exact same time, Herr Musk and his teenage ninjas were robbing the Treasury. Not a peep.
For ALL the soaring rhetoric; the country with
🇺🇸 600,000,000 Guns 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 170,000,000 🇺🇸 MEN
Adopted Fascism
… without one shot fired.
Well done you for spotting that unmistakable truth, only communism gives you this kind of analytical prowess
And most of *your* citizens like this country and will sabotage your efforts to conquer it.
Social anarchy in 12 hours
Also relevant:
It will be beginning of civil war
Seriously. The f*cking Bob Jr is up to bat to smash our healthcare protections.
Not to mention that attacking a peaceful nation that represents no threat is wrong.
Imagine seeing this and thinking "FAFO, adventure cat"
It didn't work for Hitler. It didn't work for Napoleon.
Her name was Jadwiga, of the Anjou dynasty's Hungarian branch, heiress to the Piast dynasty of Poland.
"There she be la! Fat like a boil-up after a 40 of screech!"
Americans - "?"
Aircraft Carrier sinks
"I's turn around and there he is, gone"
Plus they invented like half of all the warcrimes ever committed!
-Average Canadian
In Canada it's 35/100
It's just that Canadian gun-owners usually own one or two, whereas in the US you have those folks building personal arsenals dragging up the total count.
Plus the focus on background checks, safety courses, etc. makes for a lot less accidental shootings too.
Plus they have their own indoctrination and under-education.
just need a homebrew Canadian nuclear program and some dispersed jets
Americans have no idea how much we will absolutely fuck up anyone who threatens our sovereignty.
It’s not academic in the least. Our military was so known for overkill, the Geneva Convention was made with us in mind.
Australians love our Canadian brothers and sisters. Sure, we like to joke around and swear unnecessarily.... but fuck me, those Orange Toddler-worshipping cunts would cop it if they ever tried to take over Canada!!!
It's a deep understanding, grounded in the bonds of self-deprecation and laid-backedness.
I'd hope you'd join us.
We're easy going, but don't fuck with our mates
Best not to give him one and see how much time they can buy in the meantime to get plans and allegiances mustered up.
The problem with public allegiances forming is it starts the clocks running. I'd much rather they not talk up a storm.
I think we're so dwarfed by the big Americanism Machine thingie, that we're content to quietly be ourselves, but when anyone starts thinking that means we're "not all that," then whoa!
Canada’s head of state is Charles III. Now you may laugh, but that means that every English speaking country on Earth will be against you.
It does give us a bond that is thicker than water.
He still has the power to dissolve parliament. Yes, it would cause a constitutional crisis, but we’ve been there before.
I mean, being a little "well, actually", but not *every* English speaking country ( Nigeria? ) - but more than I was thinking about only five minutes ago.
I think India is the largest English speaking country on Earth by population.
Fundamentally different scenarios.
Again, I appreciate the sentiment.
Every single resident must know their role. Organize like your existence depends on it.
Ô Canada!
Terre de nos aïeux
Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux!
Car ton bras sait porter l'épée
Il sait porter la croix!
Ton histoire est une épopée
Des plus brillants exploits.
Et ta valeur, de foi trempée
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.
O Canada!
Land of our ancestors
Your brow is encircled with glorious florets!
For your arm knows how to carry the sword
It knows how to carry the cross!
Your history is an epic
Of the most brilliant exploits. /2
And your value, tempered with faith
Will protect our homes and our rights.
Strawberry Blonde hair and freckles, but I drive with a French accent. 😆
Also, for fun:
Is that just being polite?
An attack on Canada is an attack on all commonwealth nations. Including Australia, and most of us have had a gut full of fcking trump
Will trump do the same?
-locate Gary and team up if shit goes down
The regime in power is ignoring the constitution.
They’re betraying their own supporters.
Staging a Coup.
Everyday more and more citizens ways of life are threatened by incompetence and greed and hate.
At this rate If we end up at odds citizens AND soldiers will HELP Canada