I think I can say with a clean conscience I’m not a shameless biden shill but to me the main reason you vote for him is the opportunity to vote for somebody better in 2028 will not exist if he loses
Reposted from
Trump is already laying the groundwork to coopt the military for domestic use if he wins next year.
I’d be more interested in what kind of policies you’d be for, instead of the group of people you’re against.
My daughter was trapped in the middle of a truck parade
The Afghanistan thing especially is terrible and what tanked his numbers
Also don't forget about essentially ending drone wars. Crickets from most progressives or "Biden spoiled ending the drone wars and leaving Afghanistan by not boycotting Israel".
And I saw a donut shop in Oklahoma was firebombed during Bidens presidency for hosting drag queens..
So I think leftists need to find a way to do an end run on topics like campaign finance reform, Congress being unable to own stocks, etc.
Trump won TX by 631k votes, and TX gained 473k people *last year*. But only 52% of Texans vote. Do you get them to the polls by ignoring their concerns and scolding them?
Wake up everyone Biden has nothing to do with the Nov election. This will be our last one if dems lose.
Vote blue whole ticket we need legislatures blue as well. Vet candidates too!
But the argument for NOT voting Democrat is based on the opposite assumption: its consequences DON'T matter.
But I am remembering a tacit deal with Bill Clinton re: Gennifer Flowers, ie “don’t do it again.” Some of us felt Biden silently agreed to one term. Lol we were super wrong.
Yeah and trumps literally saying immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country. That's literally the framework for another genocide.
But in several years I anticipate she starts smoking too.
I am in fact going to be pretty upset if Republicans decimate my Medicaid or section 8. I will be so owned. So you're right on that front. Go you!
I mean, you guys do realize that you're at the top of list, right?
This is the same guy who bypassed Congress, so he could arm israel with more tank shells -- to help continue their genocide against Palastinians in Gazaa, after all.
Easy enough!
We just need to remove *all obstacles* to people being able to vote. Let's make voting simple and mandatory with Automatic Registration, just for starters. If we can save Democracy in 2024, we can make voting simple.😊
If you're not partaking in your local elections, you're not partaking in voting.
These are all known quantities.
Make voting easy/mandatory.
fantastic typo if I do say so myself).
It can't be overstated.
Vote for the leftmost viable candidate in the general. Until we have RCV, there are 2 viable candidates.
Try to get RCV instituted more broadly, so 3rd parties...
In the meantime, primary corporatists and draw them left, like Bernie did. You can be disappointed with the guy, but Biden's actions re: Covid relief were way to the left of Obama, b/c of Bernie.
I'm fucking livid with the Dems for running him, but I guess there's a fair chance it's basically a vote for Harris (I don't care if that sounds grim or morbid, that's going to be the mindset when you run extreme geriatrics for high office).
Where’s the carrot?
Carrots are positive incentives that encourage the stubborn selfish stupid pack animal (that’s me) to do the labor you want
Pro-union NLRB rulings;
Diversity in judges;
Negotiated drug prices and caps;
Under 4% unemployment with a narrower wage gap;
“… is the opportunity to vote in 2028.”
This would be disappointing but semi-understandable coming from a 16-18 year old. I trust you are not that young or naive. And yet …
And angry people are sometimes irrational.
But anyone who says that Joe and Donnie are the same has completely lost touch with reality.
It was gonna be this way 🎵
The moral of the story is a dreary fact of life: sometimes your choice really is between "more bad" and "less bad."
And I saw your other response about ongoing threats yada yada yada …you’re right the Dems haven’t done anything for a lot of people but when it’s literally democracy on the line it’s all that matters.
Might be true. But it sucks.
You're not wrong to want more. They don't do enough (see Schumer just now being like "poisoning the blood of the country is bad but there is a problem at the border...")
But the alternative is worse so, like, sorry?
No one thinks not voting for Biden means a socialist win. We think that the entire election system is broken and clearly doesn't work, so refuse to participate.
But it is what is going on and wishing otherwise will not change that.
Sorry, but the Dems have to earn my vote and genocide ain't doing it
Yes, they can "fuck this" but that would be unhelpful for them so not sure why they would.
We are not being given that chance in 2024.
I know that doesn’t make Biden’s potential plan great, but weigh your options.
It's still correct given A), you just don't think it matters as much
Likewise B) its questionable veracity notwithstanding
The reality is that's not an insane take for someone who (like the OP here) lives in NYC; Biden isn't losing NY so if someone wants to sit it out as a protest, go ahead. Same if you live in Alabama, for the opposite reason.
Grow up
Either that's a bluff, or you are a very privileged person indeed, such that you think you will be OK under TFG.
Been following a long time; this is a surprising take on your part.
But her response put me in the mind you were serious as well.
(not that you care, but that's what happened.)
I *did* note my surprise, so I knew something was off.
Gonna wait until Akiva and his team start posting about router configurations and network topologies and then I might (might) get a word in.
I also didn't vote for Christine Quinn for NYC mayor even though she was an obvious choice because I 4 years before she gave Bloomberg the extra term and I said I'd never vote for her thereafter.
Seeking anger due to victimization is a sign of depression. Get help. Honestly.
But not-voting WILL let actual fascists take over.
The far left's plan has always been:
1. Criticize Democrats
2. ???
3. The Revolution!!!
Or nature takes em both.