Did you and/or your parents drink milk — just like, big ol glass of cold, not especially thirst-quenching dairy — in the ‘90s? Are people still doing this?
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One thing I remember about way back when was that my brother had four kids, seven years between youngest to oldest, and for many years in the 1990s they were going through something like 5-6 gallons of milk per week. That always floored me
my mom used to save money by splitting a gallon of milk into two half gallons, then would add another half gallon of water with powdered milk to make a weird not full, not skim milk substitute that you shook before you poured.
We had six - and five boys in HS at the same time (remarriage). Parents bought three gallons on Saturday and two more around Wednesday. And BOXES of cereal…
Depending on what I was eating, I could have a glass of milk with it - usually breakfast items but sometimes dinner foods. But this started to diminish for me after thirty-five or so for whatever reason.
The one I actually remember was set in Aberdeen in the 1960s, with neighbors frantically moving their cars when young Cal was batting. Couldn't find it though.
Hi Hannah (you worked with my son Seth at MLB Network). I was born in the 70's and yes, drank milk...at dinner (and we are Jewish). That said i was not a soda drinker. I don't anymore- unless its with cookies - LOL. Happy New Year
I have always drunk a good deal of dairy milk. Even at school when most kids hated the free school milk (before Thatcher stopped it) I was always happy to drink it.
We drank gallons of milk when I was growing up. It was the only thing we drank at meals. As an adult I drank it a lot less, and my kids refused to drink it as they grew up. Over the last decade or so, my husband and I have transitioned to almond milk, and I like it much better.
I probably drink more milk now than as a kid, when we always had milk but I was allowed soda/tea at dinner. Now I usually have at least a couple glasses in a day; my family goes through at least 6 gallons/week. Before seeing online talk, I didn't realize that people might think this is weird.
It’s just Lucerne milk, which does taste better to me than other common brands, but I don’t usually splurge on fancy organic stuff. I just really like a cold glass of milk, I guess.
abso-smurfly, every night with dinner. I still drink it sometimes but the only savory food i like it with is French Toast. otherwise it's like a cake or cookies accompaniment. but like I cannot eat French Toast without it!
Constantly as a kid. They made it sound like your bones will fall out if you don't. Then as an adult I was the one to discover the milk was sour a couple times in a row and that pretty well put me off it for drinking.
We were a big milk as drink family, yeah. Now I mainly just see people (all ages) have a glass of milk at free community meals, which is a good way to get some extra calories if you can digest it.
My protein souces are kind of limited because of a metabolic error. I'd literally waste away without milk, cottage cheese, and halloumi. Feel bad about the calves, but limits are what they are.
I liked one (1) modest glass of very cold milk as a teen, and occasionally into adulthood (sometimes it was nice after a smoke, back when I did that). But now I only want it in my cereal.
I had dinner with some colleagues two weeks ago, and their children of high school/middle school age joined us. Their beverage at dinner, an entire full glass of milk 😩
I remember drinking a glass of milk in the morning growing up, but haven’t since I was like 15. I don’t even like milk in my coffee!
We only just started buying milk in our house regularly because we have a one year old who has graduated out of his specialty formula (he can safely drink milk now!)
When I started college in '99 one of my friends would sit down to dinner in the dining hall every night with a glass of milk and the rest of us (a group of 8-10 that always ate together) thought she was kinda nuts haha
I have cereal with milk most days & like a glass with spaghetti or lasagna, and chocolate milk if I'm having pancakes or waffles.
When i was growing up late 70s/mid 80s, mom would send 1 of us kids up the street to get milk from a vending machine, 2-3 times a week, 2 half gallons at a time
Just my brother and I - my mom was lactose intolerant and my dad didn't like milk. It was ingrained in them as boomers that we had to. Switching to water was a marker of adulthood and a huge relief.
My 76-year-old mother still does it, with every meal at home. A little 5’ 4” woman who can have two gallons of milk in her fridge at all times without them ever coming close to spoiling.
I always have milk on hand for coffee and muesli and pancake batter but sometimes I also have a nice cold glass with some dried fruit as a late night snack. I love it.
My wife has done it a lot less over the past few years, but I accidentally bought a gallon of milk last week, forgetting we already had an unopened gallon, and the first thing she said was "I'll drink it."
Ew no. But then again I was very intolerant of it when I was a kid- never acquired a taste for it. My siblings and parents never drank it either except with school lunch because that was the only option
we did and i still do! my parents were big squares and i grew up drinking mostly 2% milk or juice (from frozen concentrate, speaking of suburban horrors) at home. parents were big into plain seltzer with lemon. my partner and i go through about two gallons of 2% or 1% every week or two.
as an adult i only really drink milk with carbs, i have a zero-sugar soda or unsweetened iced tea or just ice water with lunch or dinner. my partner is big into flavored seltzers, but also iced chai from concentrate, the latter of which is a good portion of our milk consumption.
My husband still does sometimes. I don't -- even enough milk to go on cereal upsets my stomach. I have to use lactose-free half and half for my coffee even though I can broadly tolerate dairy, because too much is bad.
I was on a non-profit board in Wisconsin around 2010 and we were often offered milk with dinner at conference centers around the state. Having grown up in PA I was surprised, but other board members informed me it was typical.
Minnesota guy checking in. We have the most popular state fair in the country. There is an all you can drink milk booth/building. Costs like $2. Always busy. Place makes bank. I do not partake
I did up until about when I turned 18, in the middle of my first year away at college, when I suddenly lost my taste for it. Not for dairy products, but for drinking big glasses of milk.
I drank milk with nearly every meal until I was in college. After I went to college, it dropped off to maybe one meal a day. Since college, only non-dairy milk for me—oat and almond mostly.
Yes, going back even into the 80s. Just about every lunch and dinner of my childhood. I stopped pretty soon after I started living on my own.
I swear, we barely ever drank just straight up water back then. Now, I feel like my entire body shrivels up if I’m not constantly sipping H20
My younger brother is a milk weirdo. We took him to Vegas for his 21st birthday and one night found him at the blackjack table drinking a big ol glass of milk.
People in the Midwest still drink it constantly. I probably have a glass of whole milk about 4-5 times a week (including just now). Now I have my southern wife doing the same thing.
As a kid, I had the option of milk or water at each meal.
Milk is absolutely a go-to beverage for me, particularly when it's hot. I also often have a mug of warm milk to go to bed with, especially in the winter months.
So basically milk rules OK in my household. (Except for my wife, who is lactose intolerant and hates everything about it.)
It was inflicted on us in the 70’s too. I’m lactose intolerant and switched to water as soon as I could. It had something to do with assimilation as a first-generation American and my parents’ susceptibility to advertising
Growing up in the 80s/90s, we always had at least a gallon of milk in the fridge. It was mostly for breakfast, but my dad drank an ice cold glass of milk every night before he started to suffer from early onset Alzheimer's. As an adult, I have never drunk a glass of milk, but I do use it for coffee
Lactose intolerant and more to the point I hate drinking milk. Never did it. Chocolate milk occasionally as a kid, not in like 25-30 years though. My kids never drank (non-chocolate) milk once they graduated from breast milk.
Solidly WASP family. Growing up in the 80s we went through BAGS and BAGS of milk. My folks still have a glass with lunch, every day. I enjoy a glass occasionally, as an adult, and never understood the big deal against it?
We drank milk at every meal growing up in 80s and 90s. I do crave a glass from time to time. But rarely drink it now. Parents still drink it at every meal.
Milk at 3 meals a day from childhood thru college (1970s thru early 1990s). Once I graduated, I had to budget my groceries, so I drank it less but still regularly. Then developed lactose intolerance in my early 40s, so I cut way, way back. But I still can and do drink lactose-free milk in moderation
Oh, and I just saw your profile and I LOVED scrapple until I stopped eating meat. There have been a couple decent plant-based scrapple alternatives, but they can't do enough volume to stay in business. It's the ONLY meat product that I actually miss.
I don’t know if it’s because my diet was otherwise bereft but I drank about a gallon of whole milk straight from the jug about every 36 hours when I was a teenager
My sister and I drank a lot of milk, for breakfast and usually after school with a snack but not other meals, multiple gallons a week. Mom bought generic once and to this day I swear I could tell the difference and it was terrible.
My dad drank whole milk. My mom drank skim. As kids in the 60s-70s we got whole milk.
As an adult? Drink milk from a glass? Not, like, added to coffee or cereal or cooking? At most once a year, with appropriate food. My youngest sister's the same, brother's vegan, not sure about other sister.
Can’t explain it but I LOVE a huge glass of milk (chocolate milk is even better tbh) with any kind of red sauce pasta, I think it’s nostalgia thing from childhood but it slaps
In my family of origin me my bro and I had to drink milk with every meal EXCEPT when we had spaghetti because my mom deemed that one combo gross. I found every combo gross but too bad so sad growing bones were more important.
So you’re saying you need to revisit the combo and discover if mom was right about the grossness or if it slaps? Creamy tomato soup is def a thing and also “pink” pasta sauces so 🤷♂️ try it, you’ll like it
we had loads of WIC milk hanging around but I only ever drank it after eating cereal. might’ve made some quick chocolate milk. only in the occasional iced latte now.
My parents made me chug glasses of milk everyday of my childhood. An 8oz+ glass with every dinner and one in the morning. I also had to finish the milk in my cereal bowl. I drank like 30oz of milk a day for 15 years.
My parents did/do. It still catches me off guard if having dinner at their house and they ask if I want a glass of milk. I guess I probably did as a kid and I think for lunch too.
Yes! I went through so much milk as a teen in the 90’s. I’ve cut back on it and no longer drink a big glass a day, but just this morning a modest sized glass of moo straight out of the fridge hit the spot.
I drank TONS of whole milk as a kid. I once brought a sports bottle of strawberry milk to a baseball game (as like a sports drink?!) wherein I learned the hard way that summer heat and milk are mortal enemies anyway fun times
Yup. Just what we did growing up with lunch or dinner. Others in family still do, but I really only do glasses of chocolate milk as workout recovery. (Vegan milks otherwise, like with espresso or cooking.)
Every night at dinner we (4 sons) had a glass of milk. Most stopped in high school, but one of my brothers still drinks a glass of milk and it seems funny to me.
I still do occasionally even now - though not as often as I'll have a carton of flavoured milk, or an iced coffee in summer, both of which are mostly cold milk anyway.
I still drink lots of milk. 1% now, but I like it. Grew up with it, but still drink a gallon a week. I do a little almond milk just in case bird flu gets to cattle & I have to switch.
remember coming indoors all sweaty from playing basketball and filling up a big glass with ice and milk and throwing it down like it was gatorade. *shudders*
My dad mentions like once a month that "it's really a shame" how he got out of the habit of drinking just plain milk. He's told me that as a kid/teenager he drank literally nothing but milk
I did this all the time growing up in the 90s, which confuses and weirds people out today. I can no longer drink milk due to tummy troubles but I do miss it!
I still do this. Somewhat relatedly, there was a Mormon kid who hung out with us in high school. When we partied he would see how much milk he could chug without getting sick. It was a lot. He’s dead now but the milk had nothing to do with it
Drank a load of milk in the 80’s and early 90’s, by end of the decade was severely reduced, especially after I moved out. Nowadays just the occasional chocolate milk and one or two cartons of egg nog over the holidays.
I'm 42, wife is 38. Similar upbringing but wildly different experiences on drinking milk. I'll sometimes drink a big glass of cold milk and she thinks it's weird and disgusting.
He's done it a few times at restaurants, much to the embarrassment of my sister when we were in our teens. Depends on the restaurant. BBQ? Pub? You bet. Italian or sushi? Not so much.
Also had cheerios for breakfast with milk every morning and drank out of the jug throughout the day whenever I would get thirsty instead of drinking something sane like water.
i was so certain that seeing people on american tv shows just drinking big glasses of milk with meals was a product placement deal from the dairy lobby until today when i did some googling in response to seeing this post.
Yes, all the time as a kid, and even a few times as an adult (which is when I learned lots of people are weirded out by this.) Only time I still crave a glass now is with a big, warm chocolate brownie.
I did and it was stupid because it gave me rashes, canker sores and bubble guts. Which I only realized when I moved out with my lactose intolerant boyfriend and stopped having it in the house.
Back in the 90s when I’d get home from playing hockey I’d always chug an ice cold pint of milk. Milk with dinner, milk with breakfast, milk with a cigarette. I still take down about a gallon a week.
I’m from Wisconsin (but parents were Chicagoans). I drank 8-16oz of 2% every night growing up. I don’t drink every night any more, but now drink whole milk
My dad worked for a local dairy, so he'd occasionally bring home a giant (to me) milk dispenser that held what ... maybe a couple gallons. We had no issues with it going bad.
Now, I just drink it with PBJ sandwiches and some desserts if there's no coffee available.
THEIR parents did (mostly) and milk was Breakfast Only
Also I only ever liked chocolate milk. Plain milk doesn’t taste good to me.
I still do sometimes, I usually drink it in the morning or if I let myself go too long without eating
(late 80s/90s kid for context)
What do you usually drink with meals?
I would never.
We only just started buying milk in our house regularly because we have a one year old who has graduated out of his specialty formula (he can safely drink milk now!)
When i was growing up late 70s/mid 80s, mom would send 1 of us kids up the street to get milk from a vending machine, 2-3 times a week, 2 half gallons at a time
In a small glass though, I'm not totally insane.
My wife drinks a ton of milk and both of my kids have it at least twice a day with meals. It's so weird and I don't understand it.
Source: FAOStat
We'd have a tall glass of milk with dinner, which seemed crazy to me even then.
I swear, we barely ever drank just straight up water back then. Now, I feel like my entire body shrivels up if I’m not constantly sipping H20
As a kid, I had the option of milk or water at each meal.
So basically milk rules OK in my household. (Except for my wife, who is lactose intolerant and hates everything about it.)
That said, we go through a lot of milk thanks to making coffee and hot chocolate.
It's astonishing.
Still yes, but less.
I tried various faux milks for a while, but I just didn't feel strongly about it, so now I drink no milk of any kind
I don't remember re my parents
Not often but as a treat, and generally only with baked goods/bread
Tastes especially good when I’m dehydrated.
My wife wouldn’t dare.
Societal warnings about too much dairy + the emergence of Oatly put an end to that.
I’m on oatmilk now, but it’s still my favorite for bread heavy or pasta dinners. Never eating out tho.
As an adult? Drink milk from a glass? Not, like, added to coffee or cereal or cooking? At most once a year, with appropriate food. My youngest sister's the same, brother's vegan, not sure about other sister.
We average just under a gallon a day. When my 3 kids were young we did more than a gallon a day easily.
i barely touch milk now.
It was practically required by law
This was a couple years ago but it still applies! (It's chocolate)
Also would definitely poor myself a big glass of the white stuff when I got home from school. We probably went through 2 gallons a week?
I remember as a kid going to a friends house and they served water with their dinner and I thought to myself WTF is this. Why aren’t we drinking milk.
Last month we were on the ND State University campus and saw lots of college students grab a glass of milk in the dining center.
But I stopped drinking dairy milk like 8 years ago lol
Now, I just drink it with PBJ sandwiches and some desserts if there's no coffee available.