i just want to double down on this. d’onofrio’s “egger” performance is unreal. like, you immediately accept with no hesitation that this man you are watching is a giant alien cockroach in a human suit, and it’s all done with make-up and physical acting. a top ten hollywood physical performance.
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also vincent d’onofrio was robbed of his best supporting actor nomination and win
i don't hate the sequel like most other people do. it suffers from what i call "Ghostbusters II" syndrome. meaning they didn't know what to do with a sequel, so they just remade the first movie only not as well
I only watch the red carpet attire. Sorry, not sorry.
‘He said, “So this is what you’re gonna do? That’s the voice?” And I was like, “Yeah! That’s what I got.” And he said something like, “It’s gonna be great, or it’s gonna be a complete and utter failure.”’
He’s so great.
Favorite thing about this is that when he was cast the script was not big on details for his character and the only thing he had to go by was a concept art of the bug.
Not even Sonnenfeld had seen what he was going to do with it until they shot his first scene! It was all Vincent. Incredible!
That performance is a masterclass.
Now I have to go and watch it again just for that.
directed, and Jonathan Demme was our exec. Producer!
It’s unfortunate the kind of blind spot that the Academy has for fantasy, sci-fi and/or comedy films.
An episode called ‘Subway’.
It is still with me all these years later because of D’Onofrio.
Honestly, probably his best, at least in what I've seen.
The simmer is somehow more terrifying than the explosion of violence that inevitably arrives.
That's what I have always called him.
We can be watching Full Metal Jacket and I'll say "This is where Cockroach Man goes nuts."
But no. It was just a regular ass man in makeup acting weird and I legit didn't think he was a real human.
Intent. He’s one of my favorites.
He played that character PERFECTLY!
The psychopathic yet almost mild mannered serial killer in real life.
The monstrous diabolical beast in his mind.🔥🔥