conservative evangelicals spent a quarter century explicitly tying their religious identity to the most extreme and jingoistic forms of american nationalism up to and including embracing one of the worst degenerates this country has ever produced and they refuse to take responsibility for it
I don’t even think any of the staff were black.
When I think of places where I have spent time and where I do not want to live Carmel is right at the top of the list.
(LMAO, but also 😭)
it’s “LOVE thy Neighbor”, not “REPRESS AND DOM thy Neighbor” !
beware wolves in sheeps’ clothing !
Median home price 2.7 million
Must be nice
Nobody plays the victim like white guys waving a cross. I'm sure he will go far.
"with his second wife, Katy — they met in church, through a friend — primarily because of the school district’s special-education offerings for his 7-year-old son, who has autism."
A second wife and the socialist public school system's services. Christian, no doubt.
It’s white but also incredibly wealthy. Good schools. This draws diversity from high-paying jobs like Eli Lilly, healthcare, pro sports.
Carmel is that city in Get Out. Except you can’t because it’s riddled with roundabouts.
Also love that bit about "low taxes" but lots of government services. I wonder how much of those services are paid for by Federal or State grants (e.g. the Biden infrastructure bill).
Maybe they should actually try reading the Book. Here's a spot these fucking goats can start with:
Matthew 25:31-46
lol these assholes have such a victim complex
No mention of God! Of anything religious! He equates Christianity to a cultural movement, and wants Christians to feel righteous, angry, and subscribe to his Substack. Grievance and Grift, wrapped in a pseudo-theological wrapper. Disgusting.
They groom themselves.
They harm themselves.
But they never fail to blame someone, or something else, for their deeds/rewards of misfortune.
Evangelicals saw all this and said "Yeah we love this guy"
Makes me respect the Mormons who said no thanks.
that choad hates that Christ. they have Christianity without Christ in it, Jesus is way too woke for him.
They’re evil. In no way do they follow Jesus. They get their marching orders from Satan.
They control the sauna conversation at my local pool to prevent women from using it. This has been going on for twenty years.
“Dear God, I tried to teach them,”said Jesus
Yeah, I’m pretty sure that might have hurt the Christian brand.
It will be a long time before I’ll trust a ‘christian’ again.
So, its reputation isn't good right now.
Pass it on.
I guess it's two words, but it works just the same.
If he feels the U.S. is currently a "negative world" for Christianity maybe he should try being more Christlike in his actions instead of being a prick who perverts the very gospel he professes to believe.
so not surprised
In a Christian nation, founded by Christians who wrote god into our founding documents, Christians are marginalized? NYT is asleep.
No patriarchy there.
Only everyone else calls it that too.
There’s no difference between Carmel Indiana and Bethesda
They are just both white rich places
It's not Christianity that's the problem, it's them. Harris, Biden, Obama, etc. are all Christian, but I'm guessing that doesn't count to them.
All it takes is B-y-t-h-, and it's all over it.
"It's either By The Time I Get To Phoenix or By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them."
Shocking to see him pop up with NYT profile.
Nicely put
It's positively bizarre. Their version of Christ has no resemblance to the Biblical figure at all.
Conservative Christians are *entitled* to higher status just because of their religion. They are *entitled* to have undergraduates, especially FEMALE undergrads, like them & want to fuck them. If any undergrad says a bad thing about them, they're victims
Maybe they should switch from believing in Jesus to believing in Karma.
1 freeze your credit
2 see your doctor/vaccines
3 renew your passport
4 ask doctor for three months supply of meds
5 update your sexual orientation in medical be ambiguous
6 shop local
7 stay informed
8 stay hydrated
9 help others
10 download your SSA statements
Don’t tell *me* they’re not real Christians. Tell *them* that.
The 2020 census shows it is 91% white and has more Asian Americans than Blacks and Hispanics combined.
This article makes the case for reparations and universal basic income.
they consider any place that curbs their wish to impose their Bronze Age myth on others as a negative place.
America needs to become a much more negative place for Christians.
get those End Times lunatics out of government.
put back that wall between church and state. high and thick.
"And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
Everything was good until Christians started being persecuted in 2014
Then gay people could get married, and it wasn’t chic to be mean to them and this is very upsetting, although christians are still the dominant religious group
"Be seeing you!"
“The failure of evangelical culture to develop elites who are deemed worthy of the Supreme Court or top think tanks is another major area of interest.”
Excuse me? Are we just excluding the entire Federalist Society and the repeal of Roe v Wade?? Fucking delusional.
They got everything they wanted and they act like they're getting fed to the lions because people don't like their reprehensible and hypocritical personalities.
Someone needs to tell these folks that we don't like them bc of their sanctimonious bigotry.
Father Coughlin, Rush Limbaugh. Same as it ever was.
This rebranded movement - and the reporter - failed to acknowledge that there is nothing new in the right pretending to be a victim.
It has been far longer than a quarter century. Richard Nixon made a deal with the Southern Baptists and Evangelicals as part of the "Southern Strategy." Billy Graham was a central player.
Separation of church and state ends at the ballot box.
After the failure of The Business Plot, the architects of the attempted insurrection (of whom FDR did not punish; his biggest mistake) worked tirelessly to combine capitalism with Christianity, beginning with a preacher who would become the precursor to Jerry Falwell
Guess we're seeing what it foretold.
They'd rather believe in myths and fairy tales to reason, science and logic.
They hate education and are fearful of thinking.
This is exactly what MAGA is made up of.
Jesus said his followers would be persecuted and offered no solution, such as enforcing Christianity via the law.
World democracies are really struggling with new reality and need serious re-formatting worldwide.
*Because they couldn't stone gays, basically