There have been a lot of times where I feel like we need to have honest discussions on the left about what has worked and what hasn’t, share observations without judgement, but it feels like there isn’t much space for it. I think it’s holding us back.
I wonder how and where we can accomplish that.
I wonder how and where we can accomplish that.
The organizing, resources, etc needs to back up the rhetoric to win
90 million people couldn't even be bothered to show up in November. 90 million!
That’s a systemic issue a national holiday won’t fix.
The problem is your party doesn't run on those. You run on not Trump with continuing neo-liberal austerity and endless wars.
Why would Pelosi and Harris' husband both state the US needs a strong Republican party?
Our allies will be imperfect. If they're in the trenches with us, fighting the fire? Who cares?!
There's a giant fire. We need to focus on putting it out above all else.
I had a manager at work when I transitioned. He had a hard time with not using my old name.
We made a game : He uses the old one, he buys me a drink. Later, we'd get to bond at the bar. So, both of us won out - I got free booze, and we turned an awkward thing into a game.
But I bet most every relationship has the opportunity for a "Buy me a Drink" style relationship builder to help people grow without punishing them for not quite being there yet.
Yea, it sucks. Yea, it's a lifelong burden. But someone has to do the work
That does more to help me than someone respecting my pronouns whose standing on the sidelines not fighting the fire.
Allies aren't always perfect. We need em anyhow.
Generally most TERFs I've seen made it through college.
How did you even *get* that idea from me pointing out TERFs are, by their very nature and definition, not leftist?
If they're imperfect like say; Lieberman, Manchin, or Sinema were 'imperfect Democrats' - then that's actually FATAL to the cause. They're selfish opportunists that set back our objectives.
That's a worthwhile purity test.
They need to stop bowing to big money & stick to a few solid messages.
They need to stop saying they have to move right to win, then reinforcing right wing messages & blaming the left when they lose.
In my area this is exactly what we see.
2 of the Dems. even outright switched parties.
Another 2 told people they were actually GOP.
We have repeatedly watched Dems. get elected with the help of the left & then reinforce right wing messages at every turn. Then they lose.
Ex. Gaza. Int’l politics is complex, Congress passes laws to support Israel, being at the negotiating table requires a carrot, that’s support.
R. Torres has done more to alienate D voters than makes sense as a whole.
Median Age 35.7. 2 largest age groups 20-29, 30-39.
169,533 voted for him.
2024: Total Voters: 158,469
121,318 voted for him.
He lost votes. +/-28.4%
His treatment of Palestinian supporting voters on Twitter was awful. It’s based on his personal feelings. The biggest issue in his district is poverty.
I worry that younger generations won’t compromise or compromise on critical things, e.g. you can’t advocate for someone’s rights if you don’t have any in your own country.
conservatives might momentarily kick and scream, but they prefer to win
the latter opens up possibility, the former closes it
Explain to me how dems needed to be perfect? but this puto perro de mierda who committed treason and rape is above the law gets the oval office...
Control of Social Media does and holy crap, did the DNC completely miss that point.
We lost several very strong seats in Congress - some of the only voices that stood for Palestinians. Didn’t pick up much.
We can reflexively blame others/the system or we can re-tool, look inward, figure out where to build and go next.
But it is to say the opposite - we have a responsibility to take stances that protect human life AND grow their power, too. Not settle for keeping them in obscurity or the margins forever as oppression takes the day.
Biggest problem a politician can have is to be detached from voters, have someone else use social media on their behalf.
Said that - don't listen to me, I live in UK 🏳️
When people say they're feasting on lib/progressive tears, and the numbers seem to back them up, it's time to believe them and figure out a way to stop them from feeding off us. Encourage people not to get caught up in the anguish and instead steadfastly pour that energy into productive pursuits.
Tax credits for small business and starter families only work for those who already have the capital.
Whose life and whose power are you protecting/growing?
Trump started lying about people eating the cats and dogs after it went viral on social media and was amplified by right-wing media.
80% of the political content on TikTok is right-wing influenced. Then there is X.
Michele Obama was wrong.
If you want to catch a flounder, you have to chase him to the bottom!
Get on the offense from now on.
Don't waste time defending, shut your ears to the content of their attacks & focus on THEIR "bads" right out of the gate.
Congress has done a terrible job of giving rules/laws related to politics/politicians, teeth.
Trump proved that.
Learn from it. He showed you where all the holes are.
Winning has to be seen as a mechanism to put the party in a place to be able to take a meaningful stance, therefor it needs to be prioritized.
Candidates should run on those things they believe in and not try to triangulate. If you are against genocide, say it loudly.
Let us know your thoughts on this?
SOMETHING has gotta change in terms of strategy higher up (idk if you can even influence it tbh)
We have to go farther left or else fash will pound us into oblivion
Also, opposing a genocide the US is doing isn't strategy, it's the minimum.
calling Vance a weird couch fucker DOMINATED media
every pro-worker policy Biden ever did got buried
You can't run on policy at scale anymore
It’s not self defense!
Brie Brie is a problem, Kyle, etc. They cause factions on the left.
I feel as though there has been theories that you and Rashida have drifted apart. They want us to become MAGA and destroy the Democratic Party until we get what we want.
It’s a two-way street. We have not only the far-left causing divisions we also have the middle and centrist members wanting us gone.
It’s a difficult place to be currently.
We're watching your country go insane, how you all look to the outside world.
We're literally watching rats in a maze with no escape and putting all your eggs in one basket.
No wonder y'all are so regressive.
Honestly, how does this change with their current system in place?
Anyone in either party wants to change it? Anyone running on it?
It just seems like the USA is stuck. *sigh*
The focus should be on messaging, not selling out.
Both of those things require the organization of people and money.
Power without ethics = corruption.
Ethics + power = progress.
But if we want change, ethical stances must have power. That is political.
One can be right and criticize others who aren’t, sure. And that is important. But then what? How do we flourish? We need to help the right thing win, and good people build. Electoral or not
Black rights continued through IN SPITE of the establishment. Generational change and education was the only force. America would still have segregation if politics were the vehicle.
I think we are too avoidant of power globally. Power is the only tool available to us till a semblance of balance is restored.
Many of those with influence, particularly in the social media realm, are more concerned with scoring points in a purity one-up competition than actually trying to affect change through gaining real power.
You’re one of the few exceptions!
-- a public option on the Exchange
-- a boost to the minimum wage
-- universal family and medical paid leave
I think being called Socialists inhibits many candidates. But, middle of the road just does not work with all of the propaganda.
You can't help anyone from the outside.
If Repubs are winning on tax breaks, why don't Dems EVER run on a tax break?
Harris & down ballot candidates could have promised to fight for a tax CREDIT for high interest paid on credit card debt.
THAT all would have heard.
Beig willing to throw people under the bus to win, without winning, is just hurting people for no reason.
(2) our ‘self-governing’ SYSTEM required that whomever is elected to POTUS, their VP has to be from another party!
(3) the Us/Them revolver is loaded with civic suicide⁉️
Politicians and lobbyists have power.
Only exception: Switzerland - Direct Democracy.
maybe food, rent and medical debt has crippled them, or maybe its the billions going into the worst genocide since ww2?
Or maybe its people like mcBride refusing to stand up for rights?
Because of your confidence in your ethics, or the awful realisation that your ethics are for sale?
Your party bombed children for one year. You made your stance clear. Don’t speak to us about ethics ever again.
You did this already. Help the party fill up with people like you.
After decades of the decimation and underfunding of public Education in America, you have a SIGNIFICANTLY large portion of your populace... (continued)
you’re unfathomably weak and a fucking snake. your job is to pacify those who are close to leaving electoral politics and getting involved in real socialism.
This stuff is just shifting the Overton window rightwards.
Thank you always for your insight, leadership and ability to call out the BS in the room. There is plenty on both sides. 🌹
If ever there is contradiction to those, it must be looked at. People have accepted strategic lines that undermine those aims because of something else.
There's a lot of talk, and no action.
Less often stated is if neither candidate is gonna deliver, vote on your LOWER tier policies. The important one's gonna require a different kind of work, most likely a whole lotta persuasion.
You can be an activist and make a point, or you can win actual political power and make a change. Sometimes the two are in conflict. Sometimes incremental progress is better than no progress. These are a hard truths, but truths all the same.
I do believe that if a small group of dem congressmen (say 20 even?) just said "Palestinians deserve to live," a lot of progress would be made and the discussion could start shifting.
The left needs to decide - do they want power to ACTUALLY help people, or just scream self righteous rants at those who don't buy into the "no compromise, every view as infallible" bullshit.
Found this link from in his latest newsletter (excellent and detailed playbook):
Our messaging goes against human nature - there is a confirmation bias to identify with the pack.
We need power to do anything. And we need a message that will bring it.
It's the right way to #BeProgressive and be vocal about it, but it's okay to take smaller steps and leave no one behind.
#BeProgressive #BeWoke #NotGoingBack #YesSheCan
I know it's not always possible, but seeing this dialogue is helping. Thanks. /genuine
So now you have neither ethics nor power. Was the war criminal vote worth it?
Personally that seems deeply, callously UN-ethical to me. Like the most ghoulish, most craven sort of unethical position one could ever take.
the stance of the democratic party is israel’s ethnostate > americans, and you didn’t grow your power with that 🤷♀️
That is no reason to give up, though.
Let's find balance and clear messaging.
Who is the first one to take a pay cut
Who is the first one voting for recession.
Then tell people how we will lift them up
We have to attack the message with our info and not the messenger
Not saying that’s what you’re inferring, just what I keep seeing after the election
But how do we get those messages to a population that gets their information from unreliable sources, or is simply uninformed?
So many voters blamed Biden for abortion restrictions!
But then I think about the green new deal attacked savagely by the right wing echo chamber... maybe the answer is having something similar...
Primaries every time, every district
No oaths after 70
We are hurting and deeply concerned that a felon is going into our house again
Any member of Congress that say "gotta do what the president wants" should be automatically be expelled, no matter the party.
“I call myself ‘progressive’ and a ‘leftist,’ but growing my power and furthering my career must always come first!
Last, more tink tanks shoulda happened, and the voices of people such as should had been elevated.
I think what you are saying is right and I think it’s why so many disengage/d from federal-level politics. They never see ROI.
I know you are community-minded, but the gap between Washington politics/local feels wide.
We need socialists, who hate billionaires, in power. Campaign funding? It ain't shit: we all use adBlock.
Im right, btw.
People can pay to speak up about what is going wrong. The money will be used to fund local and state candidates.
There is a disconnect with Latino voters. we need to dissect their hatred for new arrivals. Is it financial or racial? We need to talk about their love for strong men
Because the big money forces are going to mobilize against you.
It's important to keep that in mind and stick to your principles.
Food, shelter, community, etc.
Ex. high prices caused by a few corps. owning the major market share& thus
High expense of medical care - .45 of every insurance $ goes to profit, admin & overhead & not pt. care.
Harris should have supported Medicare for ALL and proposed rolling back the entry age by a year, every year; so in 20 years
Dems must stop accepting corporate donations and just raise private donations & reset the bar for ethical politics.
We also need to counter Fox & other extreme right wing news outlets with REAL NEWS podcasts & networks that
but they listen and engage with local reps bc they’re accessible and sharing community. getting good candidates for local govt is too low a priority
While the left frowns on even basic reporting of their accomplishments, and seems influenced to avoid on the most benign self promotion.
There is a HUGE problem with perceived disenfranchisement and I don't know how we are going to fix it.
And women voters. The transgender ads, etc. hurt Kamala.
People felt Trump will be good for the economy bc his is a business man. All wrong from 2016. Repeatedly.
Sanders and Warren are allies, frequently vote the same in the Senate, but he calls himself a socialist and she’s branded herself a non socialist populist.
People spend ridiculous amounts on concerts or Starbucks & complain about the economy. Basically people are irrational
1) Their positions are wildly unpopular.
2) They are unwilling to compromise or act/vote pragmatically.
3) There is a large streak of bigotry/antisemitism/misogyny/racism/transphobia
that runs through this movement.
4) Failure to communicate.
It’s maddening.
This means progressive candidates are always going to get trapped in muddied messaging and will always be on defence.
They think in terms of problems.
For example people fear M4A but also fear going broke from medical bills.
National catastrophic health insurance that picks up at say $150,000 would address both fears. We push fear of going broke.
Meek attitude as establishment Dems have brought us to fascism.
I'll be blunt. You should tell Pelosi, et al to STFU and GTFO. They're so proud of the wealth serving mess they've pushed. But it's now an obvious and failed con.
Waiting tables was better for your morality.
They don't even mention Black Lives Matter anymore.
Cut that shit out during elections.
(My rep is Marie Gluesenkamp Perez and she campaigns for people who live here)
Populist agenda worked in the overall Mexico election.
Also, is there a way to make some of these suburban areas more like cities?
More population/diversity/ etc.
1. Authenticity
2. Contrast
I can tell it’s
Preposterous to blame
All of the losses on a
Coalition that excludes the left
Support for prog-populism is critical to digging out of the fascist pit, and fixing the damage when we get there.
Jamaal Bowman didn’t help the cause tho. Leave the juvie BS to the MAGAs.
Democratic Party should stand for justice.
Keep fighting for human rights, workers rights, holding corporations accountable. We need the majority of Americans to see we have their best interests at heart!
Survivorstrong on TwittX
And I also think it's naive for these US HRs to suddenly tell us they understand exactly what justice looks like in the Middle East.
Those are my thoughts.
Your gaslighting denial of that fact--as well as your heinous vote--is emblematic of what's wrong with the Dems
Earnestly trying to understand. I get everything is all gotcha politics everywhere all the time but like, can you tell us plainly, how do we stop bibi’s genocide?
Like, I get that politics means sometimes taking one for the team.
But you are here and seem earnest so like, what gives? You know we can’t accept this, yeah?
Yes, Netanyahu is the devil. But 1,200 innocent Israelis were slaughtered in just hours. Including babies.
You don't seem to care about THEM.
Stop your bias against innocent Israeli victims & you'll be better.
The national party refuses to consider The Left as valuable.
Yet, our votes are.
The Dem problem is more than "the message".
You need to start selling Ozympic, not diet and exercise plans.
Yes please.
Hey BTW My Rep is Huffman. Go work on him, He's on the right side of a lot of things, but IMO more deck chairs than hull repair.
Oh just checked he's here now.
Reaching out and speaking with more regular people will get a wider view of the base and their concerns.
You ignored them. You spoke out on behalf of Hamas and you wonder why most Americans don’t support you.
You’re out of touch.
You blame AIPAC when the issue is your bad policies and decisions. It’s shameful.
Is a long-term strategy, with long-term consequence.
Nothing will change until the Russia echo chamber is dealt with.
Not if there's a (D) next to them.
All along, I wholeheartedly believed we were running an impeccable campaign! Still do!
Bringing Republicans on-board, was not easy. The slogan: "Country Before Party"
was brilliant, I thought.
The left holds power in most large cities, which could be a much larger force for good than it is. We have the agency to fix that, we just need to do the work.
A large step backward can be offset by many small steps forward.
19th and early 20th Century populism was often very progressive. We can take that word back from the fascist right who, under Trump, have distorted it.
The trick is to inform them. But it seemed Democrats didn't try hard to make it happen, media didn't want to make it happen, and MAGA-world is spewing disinformation 24/7.
It’s sad that, for all that we claim to value our democracy and freedoms, the average voter is still mainly animated by bread and circuses.
Right now more then ever we all need to focus on winning local and state elections since to rebuilt our base in other states.
Back in 2018, when Beto ran to unseat Cruz, much of what he said in ads was more or less just listing off reasons to vote against Cruz. From a lot of the ads I saw this cycle, it was more of the same.+
It's easier than doing the work.
Fuck you, run anti-genocide candidates then
Consider housing costs in blue states and cities, some with longtime supermajorities, which failed to deliver any real housing relief. With no story to tell, no trust built up, D's couldn't overcome that (rather large) part of the inflation narrative.
The reality seems to be we are inching closer to Civ 2 The messaging has to be....snap out of it this is SHTF. I dunno. I am an old lady. I just remember when we got in the streets we won.
People forget things like that. I don't, as I haven't forgotten the destructive wild slogan "Defund the Police" AOC has caused a lot of damage
They can go jump in the lake.
That is not a D party tactic.
Or do you mean voters shouldn't let the party down?
the "left" has a disdain for showing up for electoral politics that while valid is like...detrimental
If you want a model to look at then I would STRONGLY encourage you to visit in the Basque Country.
It may rather upend your understanding of what’s needed and where to start.
But any politician doing long-term...
It seems like we've overestimated the patience of voters, as well as their focus on politics and media literacy.
I think we need to offer a lot upfront, take credit for it unashamedly and use social media more pugilistically/entertainingly.
You provide a good template for that!
And the MSM did not refute Trump's lies.
Don't think people are idiots and try and distract from your own parties failures. By trying to blame the left and how they organise or interact with society, it's nonsense.
99% vs the 1%
Working people vs the Billionaires.
Dems can’t roll up every 3 1/2 years saying they are “for working people”.
Take positions, pass laws and be vocal who the enemy of the working class is.
Then we'll have a full on Orwellian play before our eyes.
But it would explain how some of them are jumping on the bandwagon so fast, with evil Hitler boy in charge. 🙄
pols DO NOT successfully turn out for the left
we should focus on fixing the latter, not the former
I think, really, it's about trust. Can I trust this politician to protect the oppressed, to lessen suffering, to make the world a more equitable, safer place?
low cost of living and high wages
Tax cut for the working man/class
Affordable healthcare
Strong and good public education
Strong community and public colleges
Personal freedoms (religion, abortion, sexual orientation, marriage equality)
Look at the issues with taking on too many Medicaid patients.
And people are terrified of changes they are forced into.
People didn’t turn out for Democrats in this election the way they did in 2020 because Harris was a BAD CANDIDATE
One thing is for sure, we need to get more progressives in local races and the House.
There are no rules governing a man’s body. Why are women allowing this without a fight?
I don’t get it????
Klippenstein, to wit.
Another theme I think could work with time is the idea that our reps work for us, and we expect them to deliver.
some people, like you, want to use power for good and to help people.
others use lefty ideas purely for in-group status competition. they don't care about real effects.
purge group 2 and the left can get to work.
Republicans moved to the "Extremes" first and have reaped the rewards of Trump with a passionate voter base fed up with the status quo. has a good thread on working with communities addressing what is important to the people of those communities.
Appealing to people's "better angels" doesn't seem to work, so we need to find out what people want.
Material gains, as it were.
And I had to tell so many people, if they are nameless, they are not likely being truthful.
We need to excise these people until they get on board with actually moving America in a better direction.
Also fighting back against conservatives being able to set the narrative.
This is mostly aimed at media figures and those with large influence that are able to push voters in 1 way or another.
I think the idea of not supporting our candidate as a party is detrimental to our long term success.
"OK, time to wait 4 years and then the pendulum will swing our way"
Like, this is just business as usual. They don't get that MAGA has no respect for their institutions and will burn them all down just to make a quick buck.
Voters are getting their news from anyone who has a social media channel! Hence, you get Qanon, etc.
Now, they just got coned for a second time by a con with better social media demons that beat their chest for Jesus!
Democrats need to be able to find loopholes as the other party does all the time.
We need heroes to honor all the service members and citizens who have given their lives fighting for our rights. Even if it means going to prison for leaking evidence
We need heroes
Not sure what good that info is, but when I see Dick Durbin cutting deals to give Trump appeals level court appointments in exchange for taking the holidays off, I also have problems with 'the establishment'
This is not easy.
This is possible some elections and not others. When we face a particularly dangerous foe, we have to be willing to unify & sacrifice in order to survive and fight another day.
We need a new strategy, even if it's temporary, to defend ourselves. We need to acknowledge the battlefield conditions and counterattack.
Think of it like chess or war.
Flexible and fast wins. Pragmatic wins.
this app needs a Spaces function
id for sure listen to ones led by AOC
why don’t you post the liberal fascist bleed thing meme for us ?
We'll legalize cannabis.
We'll extend the child tax credit.
Dems didn't fight for paid family leave because they bowed to their corporate backers.
Dems didn't expand and fortify the ACA because they bowed to their corporate backers.
See where I'm going here?
We should be doing this all differently - they should LEAD with great vision and ideas, and willingness to address all the big problems.
Low-info voters need corrections of their wrong assumptions, and pointers to Big Pic ideas.
Be more constructive of criticism like this, otherwise I will be forced to treat you as a psyop
Zionism is colonialism. Leftists largely don’t support colonialism. Netanyahu acts in line with what the majority of Israelis want. So there isn’t really a line between him and them to draw a distinction.
We don't have to settle for the existence of Nazism.
“I opposed this resolution because it embraces the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, which dangerously conflates criticism of the state of Israel with anti-Semitism.”
What I do see is an Israeli website pushing that narrative which you had ready to go. Additionally a media/bias check shows that site as center right. Are we leftists…
that's like supporting the taliban over the afghan people
That doesn't mean they support Netanyahu's scorched earth campaign against the entire population of Gaza.
I get told every day by leftists that I’m actually just a neocon or MAGAT, because I won’t advocate for Israel to cease existing.
For many, it's just this abstract thing that you vote for who might maybe improve your quality of life. There were a lot of names on the ballet here. Most of them I had no idea who they are.
Dang typos.
Healthcare costs are killing me.
What I've ended up having to do, is to create a spreadsheet and run different simulations.
And then also rerunning those same calculations if I was to use GoodRx, single care, Amazon pharmacy, cost plus drugs, etc
He should have been on TV all the time yelling about how good the policies of his first two years were for everyone. Instead, the Dem party kept him inside like some kind of bubble boy.
Corporations have so many markets down to 2-4 companies owning 60-90% of each market, and used rising prices as an excuse to raise their own prices. They weren't paying more for materials
If people were helped, they'd know.
They'd know.
I was more thinking of left-of-center folks generally (given the original post context)
I (and many others) have been shut out of public life almost entirely for almost five years now due to the Biden administration's covid denial.
Are you still wearing a mask in public? No? Then you certainly have no grounds to lecture anyone on "instant gratification".
I personally wish we had a leader who targets corporate entities as the problem. Very few do. 🤷🏼
I think this could be the value of middle management, honestly.
We need leaders in place at all levels who can keep the whole enterprise pointed in the same direction and communicate with other levels about the overall effort.
I'm personally focused on the digital landscape. I really want Bluesky to work.
I believe control of Twitter and Joe Rogan types won Elon this election.
I want continue to encourage the eXodus and I plan on starting a podcast. 😂🙈✊🏼
The unity in the Republican party wins elections yet doesn't benefit many in their base. Why imitate that?
This year we had policies where most people win but others watched their taxes fund genocide of their families. Others noted family separations continue at the border. And they were told to be quiet about it, lest it get worse.
So... I'm pretty sure that's a lose/lose.
We are in a giant info-war after all, that may be distorting everything in ways we don't know.
Everyone Wins - would be a great slogan, and would directly attack their premise that losers must be created for Them to win.
I think you are absolutely right and I dropped you a follow though because we need more conversations in this area.
Health, Wages, Education. You know, things that actually effect them, typically are motivators. Obama won with Universal Healthcare, since dems have retreated from trying.
*I* say we need:
MORE Human Rights for immigrants, NOT FEWER.
MORE government spending (AND taxation on the mega-wealthy to pay for it) - including #HealthcareForALL! and #UBI!
I don't know a single person impacted by the border.
As *I* see it: nobody should be discriminated against based on their country of birth.
I know both my parents were born here. I was born here. My kids and their kids were born here.
Open borders is an idea that we have but we still have bullies in the playground that think only they should have control of the park.
-- The Case for Open Borders
Open immigration policies represent a strategic approach to the migration crisis.
For me, degrees, age, etc. are just a few of the explanations for "unlikely to offend again"
Maybe we don't have to balance the budget! *READ* about Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)👇.
To steal from Utah Phillips, "The [Democratic Party] is not dying, it is being killed, and those who killing it have names & addresses."
I think it's a no brainer: soon after the Dems started representing capital before people during the Clinton administration.
But a Dem Party that truly prioritizes everyday people would never have had her in position to be candidate in the first place. Nor Biden (the 21st century version) as president before her.
Learning and growing towards success in your career is the point, isn't it? She's doing that. And she's retaining her personality.
You're unreasonable.
Duly noted.
She is a big politician, now.
That stuff especially was chilling to me. And I’m in California, not in somewhere deep red.
‘77-I began the work of political activism & outreach, & began preparing for & taking jobs that benefit humanity (such as teaching adults to read, etc.)
‘24-Misogyny, racism, homo- & trans-phobia, religious fanaticism thrive.
I think I’m done.
The “let everyone speak freely” approach to left-wing governance hasn’t led to much more than the People’s Front of Judea Monty Python skit.
I’m asking candidly, what mode of governance has historically delivered results for the left?
It's complete abdication of responsibility, right when we need them to step up and lead.
I just wrap my head around how those qualities arent universally appreciated. How does racism feel good?
I'm not taking seriously any election analysis that doesn't include Israel.
And that's not the worst!
Please listen to your heart!
Ask questions and press until you get a damn answer or they leave.
Show us that you have some fight and that you are not backing down.
What has not worked: trying to be socially progressive and fiscally conservative. There is *no such thing*.
You can't have a progressive agenda within a neoliberal/monetarist economic framework.
#LearnMMT #JobGuarantee
Maybe start there.
What can we do, as constituents, to assist with this process? Impose uncompromising penalties?
We must do something to deter the criminals.
Xx & Xy
When Dems have 70-80% them create real democracy first inside Dem party , and then push to national level
until then separating = your effort, vote is waisted
Then once enough of them are on the same page, that's when everyone moves forward together.
Tell us whats happen up there.
The next 4 years here is going to be a shit hole!
Worst than what trumph lied about years ago!
The DNC et al have forgotten that long ago. That's a key to rural US