The plan is that at least 8 Ds vote *for* cloture, then offer amendments to "improve" the CR which will fail, then cast a meaningless vote against the CR.
Why is it meaningless? Democratic Senators cannot let this bill pass unless changes are made. Dems must be public about wanting to pass CR! If Pubs want to pass it also, they must pass changes. Don't back down and repeat over & over "We will vote for CR if .... we do not want govt shutdown!"
Sure. Schumer thinks Dem voters are as stupid as MAGAs, that they will feel good that Dems voted against the bill that they helped across the finish line by voting for cloture. Are Dem voters that stupid? Is Schumer right? He has to be thinking "hey, they made me leader, they have to be stupid."
Hey, I am never going to give another dime to Democrats ever again in my life if you do this. I am unlikely to vote for a Democrat ever again unless they commit to kicking you out.
Why bother voting for a Democrat? You're just a more polite and weaker republican.
I'll join all y'all in saying the same thing to
Vote for it be primaried out period.
Full stop
No money
No door to door
No phone banking
Nota, nothing, zip, zilch
Senate Democrats like are now trying to weasel out of filibustering the DOGE funding bill, by negotiating for show votes on alternatives Ds know will fail in return for dropping the filibuster.
Point out to senators like that their paid protection for Netanyahu's fascism appears to be controlling their surrender to it here at home.
How do you give more power to the executive than saying "yes sir mister executive we will once again fast track your actions that blast away at any future ability we have to check your power"
Thanks for “liking” my little rant. I only have 67 followers so there’s not much of a risk of me dethroning the ineffectual but at least you and I think he “needs to go”
Maybe if each of us can convince 10 people and they convince 10 people, and so on, the prick will resign. 🤷♂️
We'll primary every one of the just like we will primary for his betrayal of America for voting for the CR. This aggression will not stand.
For once in your Sen Leader lifetime, put away the Polite Professorial Playbook.
This "vote yes on the cloture" means ZIP to the majority of D voters. Many have no idea about the process- & won't even google "cloture" to understand.
Vote AGAINST IT!!! what is wrong with you!?!??? Are you incapable of seeing what is happening before your eyes!? I think you are. Incapable
Sadly, getting called a Palestinian by Trump may have been what finally converted him from Trump's ally on this. Lord knows Trump calling him a globalist wasn't enough to sway him.
OMG that is exactly what they said about the Laken Riley bill and then it got WORSE and then Trump made the signing of that abhorrent bill the time to reveal his immigrant camp at GITMO. Can the bill and make the GOP pass something good for this country!
I think at this point anyone who votes for this is actively a traitor to the United States. I don't have much hope for justice but when the J6 faction of MAGA finally figures out they've been duped, I won't shed a tear at the violence they unleash towards these people.
Yeah, I truly don’t get it. What advisors are telling D senators to do this? This can’t be popular with the base. I know everyone here hates the Pod Save bros, but the perception is they appeal to mealy-mouthed centrists (I feel differently but not arguing that now) and they aren’t pushing for this.
I’m a centrist by almost any measure (well up to 2017 anyway). I’m enraged they might give Trump his 8 votes. There is no point to an opposition party that won’t oppose.
I guess my point is, the polling cannot possibly be showing democratic voters are clamoring for bipartisanship, right? This feels just flat-out self-defeating and indefensible.
I think a lot of would-be Republicans do run as Democrats because they live in areas where Republicans have no chance to be elected. What sucks is when Democrat voters fall for it.
As your constituent, please do not vote for the end of democracy. It's amazing that we have to plead with your party to use the little bit of power you have, but here we are.
I called my Senators and pushed for NO votes. But the vote itself cannot be the messaging!! You gotta nail the message so people don't get confused about who's shutting down their services. SSA may soon crash in some way and they'll blame it on Dems.
Hey …any thoughts as to how DC residents survive this disastrous CR as we wait for you to finally wake up to the destruction of our democracy? Because if you vote for this, you are complicit.
60 votes are needed to pass the CR, aren't they? If 8 Ds vote for cloture, the bill comes up for a vote, and if they then all vote "nay" the bill fails, doesn't it?
They’re doing that because they’re traitors working for the bad guys. They’re more than welcome to prove me wrong by not doing this but I think you’ll find that I’m not wrong. They’re traitors. We should treat them that way.
I mean, do they really think this cute deceit is going to trick anyone? And especially their base? This is pathetic Beltway brain at its worst. A true betrayal of the Democratic Party. you and the Senate dems are on the wrong side if this. MAGA may not care if their leaders shit on them but Dem voters DO. And we don’t forget. Stop this madness or your boring speeches are just a waste of time. Grow a spine and some balls or YOU are an accomplice.
OMG. They’ve fully given up. We’re going to need a full slate of new legislators to get out this. I simply cannot fathom what they believe they’re going achieve with this move.
So if I understand it correctly they're voting to end debate and call a vote on the CR, but then vote no on the CR (which will cause it to fail and shut down the government?)
I suppose it makes sense that they 'tried' to change it before voting it down, but meh...
they'll vote to call a vote, try and add amendments, the amendments will fail, then they'll vote no, the Republicans will vote yes, the Republicans will win, and it will pass. the Dems could hold it up by voting no on cloture is absolutely useless. This is a goddamned coup and you are handing over the keys. Fuck, man, if I saw you right now I’d throw some of those goddamned eggs you love to blather one about at your motherfucking stupid ass face!
Always wondered how the Enabling Acts could be passed in 1933, turns out it's actually quite easy if you have a bunch of enablers in the legislature and all the actual leftists marginalized or worse.
Oh for Pete's sake! Is the Schumer plan idiotic? Yes. But he's been doing idiotic things since he somehow became leader. There is no comparison to the Enabling Act. As for marginalized leftists, they marginalize themselves every time.
This is ridiculous. The only plan is to vote against it. This budget bill will hurt actual people. If Democrats vote for it then it will pass. There will be no fixing it. Never concede to fascism.
Somebody should tell him that we were tipped off! It is a NO vote for cloture and the bill! We see you!
playing games with Medicaid and democracy! Not good! We are done with this nonsense. Stand up for us. Thank you.
Can you clarify a bit?
Is he whipping votes for cloture or for the bill itself? I know they’re functionally the same thing. Just trying to get a sense of the degree of brain-rot happening here.
Whipping for cloture is whipping for the vote. Once it gets cloture, it passes. All Ds know this. Schumer is helping to pass this and light the match that burns the rest of the Constitution.
That’s my question. Just struggling to understand if he’s willing to sabotage the party and country because he’s a feckless ass or if it’s some master move I just can’t see. if you do this I will be writing large checks to the democrat that primaries you The idiotic, no idea how to fight political weakness of the democratic leadership is the reason we are here. No to closure, no to this bill. Let them own the mess they made!
Confused why this is only told to this one guy Brad. If there are "multiple sources" this is a pretty strange way of leaking. What's Brad's credibility? Maybe this is right, but seems odd.
Why‽ How does aiding Nazi-saluting Musk help the US, the Democrats, the Senate, or even just New Yorkers‽ The *only* role of right now is to throw sand into the gears. If he can’t figure that out, should primary him.
There have been times in history when protesters literally set themselves on fire to draw attention to injustice. The Democratic Party is responding to the blatant attack on our democracy by metaphorically setting itself on fire. Pointlessly, aimlessly. Let ‘em burn. They’re good for nothing. NO!!!!!! This is not what the people who elected you want!!!!!! They want a unified, strong, and fearless minority that does whatever it can to stop us from losing our democracy. We are NOT in normal times!!!!!!!!!!
It is beyond me why anyone keeps voting for these useless people. They stab Democrat voters in the back every single time. They are useless, grifting, corrupt POS.
This is disastrous You are looking at your own tea party with your own base. Should we all call him directly? I already called my California senators.
The only bright side here is this might suggest that not enough Democrats were inclined to vote for it when left to their own devices, so perhaps the pressure is working. Keep it up.
We are hoping there might be a chance that dems will consider that they possibly want to start to form a plan that could suggest the beginning of a sort of opposition
I don't care how moderate or centrist or how bad the politics of the replacement ends up being; Schumer has to go. A political A-Lister like AOC would wipe him out in a primary, but I'm don't think she's interested in fighting the party unfortunately. Jeffries and anyone over 65 need to go too. do not sell us into a dictatorship for amendments you will never get approved! The government is already functionally shut down. You need to fight, not collaborate. You are voting for death of the constitution and the legislature. When Trump is gone, we will remember your cowardice and capitulation. You don't have America's back, and we don't have yours. Your career is now over.
Call and say: “I live in zip code “ 10017 thru 11239
Senator Schumer Stop enabling Trump! Oppose the Continuing Resolution and stand firm for the people! It's time to act with a spine and show some leadership!
D voters spent months/years bemoaning the fact that their elected are weak and don't fight and at every turn these people in Congress prove them right.
Right wing democrats will call this "purity testing". Liberals have sold the soul of this country for clout, and now they're selling the corpse for cash. The right wing of the party has to be destroyed before they sacrifice Social Security in order to be "bipartisan".
How do we... ordinary citizens...fight this? How can we stop this madness now? We cannot wait another month or year! This is insane! Is it time for a revolution? I am mad as Hell...fighting as hard as I can in every way.
If Schumer does not prevent the polluted CR bill that cedes spending power to the executive branch, he will be moving us one giant step toward dictatorship. Does he not understand that w/ no other levers at the opposition's disposal, Trump will decree political opposition illegal, & DEMs outlaws?
I knew one of the parties was toast in the 2016 elections, but I didn't think it would be the Democrats. But they just absolutely died off after that election.
Dem leadership has no idea how badly Dem voters hate them
They've been warned repeatedly, spanning decades
Even as metric data shows, they win more elections listening to the base
Even as we are fully across a Rubicon, they still believe perpetually dissatisfied & struggling voters will remain loyal
you are unforgivably stupid and the world will become immeasurably better when the natural consequences proceed from that, presumably when you stare up for too long trying to figure out where the rain is coming from
New Yorkers need to boot everyone from office. Besides exceptions like AOC New York Democrats are the most spineless do nothings who use the fact their seats are safe to rule over the DNC. Really if I was going to introduce a legitimate third party to go after safe seats I start with NY
New York has a viable 3P with ballot line access, the Working Families Party. However, all they have ever done is be good sheepherders for the Democrats. If enough activists got involved, that party could be co-opted to run 3P candidates if these sitting Democrat surrender monkeys aren’t primaried.
Even AOC bent the knee and kissed the ring and voted to install the Insurrectionist into the White House. They all have to go. #ThrowTheBumsOut #CleanHouse #Don'tRe-electAnybody #PrimaryEverybody
Sadly he's not up until like 2028 but whoever primaries him (assuming he doesn't answer my prayers and retire tomorrow) is getting a donation plus phone banking and whatever other help from me. It's clear Schumer isn't capable of meeting the times we're in. He needs to go.
California is the same. Both states should be beacons of progressive policies, but we're stuck with Republican-lite. Schiff, Padilla, and Newsom are the absolute worst.
The problem is lack of competition. Solid red/blue states shouldn't exist. We see what it allowed the republicans to become and in New York and California Dems like Newsom and Torres or Schiff and Schumer we see what it does to Democrats.
It almost feels like a running joke of every "safe" blue state having the most spineless Dems possible while every battleground state actually has people worth rallying behind
We have zero confidence in your ability to lead, Chuck. We need someone with actual fight, not just "passive-aggressive grandpa". Either do something to actually stand against this country's ever-quickening slide into fascism, or GTFO, you useless prune.
NO. Do not collaborate with the American Nazi party. NO on cloture, NO on the CR. If they can, they are going to dismantle democracy anyway. Do not make it easier for them.
The time for resistance is already here. We have been waiting for you to join us! go ahead and whip votes. I'm unregistering as a Democrat if you pass a funding bill that will only get thrown in the trash by DOGE.
And he gets what?! If there is no negotiation it is capitulation.
Not. One. Vote. Shut it down until you get better terms - LIKE A RETURN TO DEMOCRACY for one.
I used to like . Not any more. He has proven himself to be a nutless namby-pamby. or should be Leader. DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS!! Fight this every step of the way!!
The Democrats seem less like a political party and more of a West Wing cosplay troupe.
Maybe we should holodeck / Truman Show them: convert some soundstages into replicas of Congress, the White House, etc., hire actors to play Republicans, & leave the Dems there. Then find real reps who will fight. must vote no on cloture & No on CR.
Don’t ask Dems to obey gop in advance.
GOP will not accept Dem amendments. A fools errand to whip for gop.
What the fuck are you doing and I beg of you as my senators not to vote for this. Please. needs to be deposed. He clearly cannot meet the threat of the moment. Even if this plan made sense strategically (it doesn't), optically it once again shows that they do not oppose the destruction.
Better nickname: "Shoeless Chuck" #ShoelessChuckSchumer after "Shoeless Joe" Jackson of the seven 1919 "Blacksocks" who allegedly took bribes to throw the World Series.
Even with the (aledged) bribe, Shoeless Joe still had the most hits of the series and set a record for hit in the World Series that lasted nearly half a century. Chuck strikes out swinging at balls in the dirt.
VOTE NO on cloture, then NO on the horrific CR. “Just say NO”.
Vote no. 👀
If Democrats vote for cloture, then the GOP only need 51 votes to push through the CR.
If Democrats don't vote for cloture, then the GOP needs 60 votes.
The Democrats are helping the GOP. They don't give a shit about "changes" to the CR.
Going to fucking snap
Why bother voting for a Democrat? You're just a more polite and weaker republican.
Vote for it be primaried out period.
Full stop
No money
No door to door
No phone banking
Nota, nothing, zip, zilch
This is documented criminal activity... and they're all turning a blind eye?
Funny how you seem to have an agenda here.
He needs to resign
He’s a danger to democracy in America
Maybe if each of us can convince 10 people and they convince 10 people, and so on, the prick will resign. 🤷♂️
They should just say that so we can start throwing tomatoes at them.
Bricks, at the right angle, can be both things.
if this is the *plan* he deserves every ounce of hate and primary that is available
Just like Trump following the Lieberman's lead before he died by bashing Schumer to keep him in line like with the others paid to protect Netanyahu.
For once in your Sen Leader lifetime, put away the Polite Professorial Playbook.
This "vote yes on the cloture" means ZIP to the majority of D voters. Many have no idea about the process- & won't even google "cloture" to understand.
These people treat us like we are jokes.
As your constituent, please do not vote for the end of democracy. It's amazing that we have to plead with your party to use the little bit of power you have, but here we are.
We are completely screwed. The Ds are too weak & too entrenched in Washington think to save themselves or the country.
The fucking Washington Generals of parties.
The only two things wrong with this are everything about it and everyone who believes in it.
When you understand that, it makes sense.
This is why we need to stop voting for people who take corporate money.
I suppose it makes sense that they 'tried' to change it before voting it down, but meh...
performative opposition
it is so repulsive and deceitful needs to retire he is a useless feckless fool
resign now
Seriously, fuck this shit.
This isn't a plan, it's surrender.
playing games with Medicaid and democracy! Not good! We are done with this nonsense. Stand up for us. Thank you.
Is he whipping votes for cloture or for the bill itself? I know they’re functionally the same thing. Just trying to get a sense of the degree of brain-rot happening here.
useful as tits on a boar, he is
The Dem leadership are gd useful idiots.
I'm gobsmacked
The Dems will own gutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid for tax cuts for billionaires if they vote for this CR.
They'll vote for a corpse in a suit if it has a familiar name and the party backing.
Call and say: “I live in zip code “ 10017 thru 11239
Senator Schumer Stop enabling Trump! Oppose the Continuing Resolution and stand firm for the people! It's time to act with a spine and show some leadership!
Never trust him again. With ANYTHING.
No on the CR
They've been warned repeatedly, spanning decades
Even as metric data shows, they win more elections listening to the base
Even as we are fully across a Rubicon, they still believe perpetually dissatisfied & struggling voters will remain loyal
We have zero confidence in your ability to lead, Chuck. We need someone with actual fight, not just "passive-aggressive grandpa". Either do something to actually stand against this country's ever-quickening slide into fascism, or GTFO, you useless prune.
NO. Do not collaborate with the American Nazi party. NO on cloture, NO on the CR. If they can, they are going to dismantle democracy anyway. Do not make it easier for them.
The time for resistance is already here. We have been waiting for you to join us!
We’re gonna need a new party. Democrats can’t be saved.
Burn it down
Not. One. Vote. Shut it down until you get better terms - LIKE A RETURN TO DEMOCRACY for one.
DO YOU WANT YOUR FELLOW DEMS TO BE RE-ELECTED?!?!? I won't vote for anyone who votes yes on this bill, including cloture. GTFO with this nonsense.
Maybe we should holodeck / Truman Show them: convert some soundstages into replicas of Congress, the White House, etc., hire actors to play Republicans, & leave the Dems there. Then find real reps who will fight.
None the less, calling my senators right now to tell them not to vote for cloture or spending bill or else I won't vote for them
Stop whipping up votes 4 gop. must vote no on cloture & No on CR.
Don’t ask Dems to obey gop in advance.
GOP will not accept Dem amendments. A fools errand to whip for gop.
Does Chuck want to be primaried⁉️
If he does this what’s the point of congress? No need to go to work anymore, Chuck.
Schumer Must Go. He is not up to this moment. Not even close
Completely out of his league.
Thanks, I guess.
and also made his nickname Amy Schumer’s Cousin, so
I can ask siri to call that next time