Yes, my God. It’s not just the ignorance. That’s ok, if you’re willing to learn. It’s the ignorance combined w the absolute confidence he knows everything. In fact, knows the juxtapose of everything.
To be charitable I think he’s confusing “public sector” with “public company”. He’s an ignoramus, to be sure, and a very confident one, but I think that’s the issue
(David Attenborough voice)
In this video we see the Juxtapose in its natural environment, bravely displaying its juxta in a pose known to biologists as "ignorance"
I'm always torn about the Jubilee shit. Like it's entertaining but they're platforming a whole bunch of fucking losers (not Sam/Dean) at the same time.
To be fair, wide swaths of previous generations aren't exactly stellar when it comes to this either. US civics education has been circling the drain for the better part of half a century or more.
Yeah, I recall being 10 or 11 having to slowly explain to the elders that the President can't declare war. Pre Unitary Executive bullshit, obv. Pretty sure it was about Grenada.
What a stupid thing to say. This is an entire generation whose government/school system has failed to educate them about civics and their civic duty. How do you explain the dotards that are 65+ and believe the dribble from partisan news channels?
TikTok and partisan news channels are both low-quality infotainment.
People don't go there to learn, they go there to be entertained and soothed. Sometimes the "creators" describe real information they found from a better source.
The incuriosity starts before social media. TikTok algorithm just gives you what you want. My TikTok is full of congressional staffers explaining bill minutia. Because I’m interested in that.
It's kind of the platform itself, in the sense that the algorithm quickly recognizes if you're a rube who gobbles up easily debunked lies, and starts showing you more and more easily debunked lies. If you respond to credible information instead, you'll get more of that.
You blame TikTok, but it's more likely conservative podcasts and YouTube History/Civics videos.
Trying to watch any history videos on YouTube is a fucking minefield of conservative pseudo-intellectualism. And that's not even counting Hillsdale/PragerU/Epoch Times shit.
TikTok’s only been a player in the American media ecosystem for 7 years. this is what happens when you have 40 years of wild media deregulation from both sides of the aisle.
Every generation since X has grown up in an America where running scams is just another viable career in entertainment.
I commend Seder. I am struggling just to get past the second guy. Broad, overgeneralized 'feelings' and just talking over the other person. These people are dense.
Forget the 2nd guy -- the first guy debating the Christian fundamentalist question at 25:26 was irritating as hell. In my experience, a "debate" with a conservative is being talked over without getting a word in edgewise.
We need more of this in places where "conservatives" will watch it.
I assume if it provides information to change their minds their network effects will suppress it (not sharing, etc), but it's still good that it exists.
As dumb as the idea that government agencies get tax cuts is, we should not undervalue the stupidity of the belief that anyone is getting tax cuts for hiring a person of color.
This is why our country is going down, because we have a large chunk of Americans that are complete arrogant morons. Could they at least make a point to read how our govt works? For starters, try reading the US Constitution. I know for many, it might be the 1st time, but at least make an effort.
Making the Work Opportunity Tax Credit refundable to government agencies that re-hire the veterans that Elon Musk fired could be worth as much as $24,000 a head, surely it would make government more efficient to move some labor costs off payroll and into the tax code, that's what business does!
Exhausting layers of stupidity. He can't even address the total fabrication of tax cuts for "hiring people of color" because he has to teach him how government works.
A simple way to look at it is government agencies don’t make profits. So like any other not-for-profit and non-profit organizations, it doesn’t pay taxes.
when your entire worldview is shaped by 20 second reels and 3 minute long false info screeds from mediocre people who need attention, this is what we get. Social media did its job in making the world and the younger generation more inept, but firmer in their dumb beliefs.
I have no connection to the magazine ‘The Atlantic’. But having a background in engineering, finance, farming and economics along w a keen interest in politics - it is in my view one of the best sources for thoughtful analysis - no matter your political view.
When the GOP closes the dept of Education and stops funding public schools so they can send all the tax $ to private schools guys like this will be so common no one will watch this kind of video. It will seem like a boring everyday conversation
Has he EVER attended any sort of school? You cannot go through life being so incredibly ignorant if you’ve had even a basic government class. This is frightening. Can you imagine what other bad information is collecting in that brain?
The fact that there are a lot of people that can't even name the three branches of government, let alone don't know this is just baffling and troubling.
This is the gop's agenda at work. Keep people extremely ignorant of how the government works & encourage them to be loud and wrong.
I prefer the guy in the tan jacket debating “Unless you’re a billionaire, religious fundamentalist, or a xenophobic nationalist, voting for Trump was a mistake”. Where he is too stupid to follow the premise of the statement and just starts arguing for religious fundamentalism
I feel bad for him. He has one mistaken belief (I’m sure we all have some), that makes him SO wrong on almost every conversation regarding the fElon admin. I hope he understands someday. Sam did a good job here.
I watch things like this and wonder how all these people miss these basic items. Google is free, and i'm not the brightest bulb but understand these items. I don't understand how younger people lack the understanding
It didn't work! That idiot left that night thinking he owned Sam Seder!
There's no convincing stupid, ignorant, uneducated trump asskissers!
Proven hourly!!!
They’re aspiring conservative influencers. Most of them probably had media training, many of them were employed (not disclosed) by conservative orgs. That’s kind of Jubilee’s M.O.
I do wish Sam did a better job learning about what DEIA is and what it isn’t before going into this debate. While he was debating morons, he lost his way on this topic.
The only possible think I think he could have been talking about is payroll tax? which the employee actually pays even if the employer handles it? But they don't get cuts when they hire a person of color. wtf could that possibly be about?
Just like you, the argument is so fucking stupid I tried to rationalize what he was saying. Then after three views I realized he's just a fucking moron living in a pseudo-intellectual bubble.
You see, the employee pays the payroll tax and DEI means a POC gets the job who will get paid less than their white/pale-skin Asian competition resulting in less money going to the gov’t which is essentially a tax break that hurts gov’t inflows. Am I doing convoluted stupid correctly?
It’s hard because the simplest thing to say is that “no, your taxes fund the FDA”. Nice simple cause and effect.
But that’s not true
Taxes decreases money supply and inflation
The Treasury funds the FDA because it can create money and Congress has told it to do so
I guess I'm trying to understand why that would ever be the case? Like, let's say hypothetically I incorrectly believed government entities paid taxes. Why would that even make sense? How? I can't even get that line of thinking to make sense.
Like, I ask this truly: do they think governmental entities like the FBI or whatever earn and keep money that can be taxed? Like, do they think the NPS earns money and keeps it? I'm so confused.
Yeah, because they’re stuck on governments being run like businesses. It would make sense if the agencies were businesses, but they’re not, and they don’t know the difference
Right? Like the individual agencies don’t have to pay into the big federal piggy bank as much? Maybe they mean federal employees get breaks in their income?
Writing this down on my list of Things To Make Sure My Kids Know Specifically
I know. And that just makes my brain double-take cuz it’s projection/severe lack of empathy. They assume it, because that’s what they would do given the chance. My 1st grade teacher mom would totally pull a “How heartbreaking to have so little faith in your neighbors, even with safeguards”
I wonder if the more effective response (which may be later) is that government agencies RUN on taxpayer's money (i.e., taxes). So why would they be taxed? What purpose would it serve?
Now I know there are some programs that will give a private company tax credit for hiring a POC or other disadvantaged folks (ex-cons, etc), BUT a company doesn’t get an automatic break because they hire a POC.
I watched a few Jubilees before and found the concept interesting. But I now find myself thinking that this is no longer about the debate but the clicks and views they get from the chaos and mayhem that ensues because I believe they're purposely finding the worst opposing view ppl for maximum chaos
It's not hard to imagine why we were overtaken by Nazis. The majority of people in this country are not only stupid but they're not capable of critical thinking. They believe whatever bullshit they want to believe.
Society failed these kids and now all they do is parrot lies told by MAGA propaganda.
In a society in constant, instant information, we have to impose limitations to speech related when knowingly spreading false/harmful statements from elected officials and government associated groups.
"Algorithms". Nah, it's on purpose. Again, just as advertisers have long boosted right wing talk radio and that the wealthy have been boosting conspiracy theorists before that, the tech broligarchs have been rigging it to boost the same kind of crap.
lol, as a government employee if I had to make a run to an office supply store with the government credit card we didn’t even pay sales tax, because we are the government. We collect taxes, we don’t pay them. Mandatory 2 years of civil service or military sounding like a good idea yet?
Oh this is nothing. I had some guy tell me that the government pays the lobbyists to lobby for laws, not corporations. Blew my mind that someone could think that.
Apparently, the income provided in the budget laid out in a spending bill, but he hasn't yet concluded how silly it would be to provide 30 million and then take back 7 million.
This is truly a committed idiot.
Seems like a couple episodes of schoolhouse rock would do the trick for this one.
And Sam never even got a chance to rebut the assertion that "every business gets a tax break when they hire a minority."
If they were saying that the people working in those agencies pay taxes, that would be fine. Because we all pay taxes, obviously. But the idea that they think a government agency is something like a for-profit corporation, though... that's wild.
This is what happens when you get your information from fucking Tik Tok. Low information clowns like the ones who debated Seder in this will believe anything AI tells them too.
If we ever get the country back, we need to codify whatever empowers teachers to be the final authority in the classroom & on grades.That's how I was raised. Respect the teacher, follow their rules, report anything wrong to my family & let them handle it. We should all have a list of laws we want.
I see that s lot, the dumbest people out there & SO sure they have it all worked out that it's impossible to teach them otherwise. I can barely imagine the frustration being a teacher 😞
I know a lot of teachers and classes are full of people like this. They will confidently and arrogantly declare the teacher wrong, the textbook wrong, all basic factual information wrong because a tiktok or chatgpt said otherwise.
OK, you distract them w/ words while I slap the shit outta his parents & family. Pretty sure his teachers would help us! That little fuckwit probably decided all his teachers were trying to indoctrinate him & refused to listen to anything they said.🙄😬😡
I think my favorite part of this is at about the 18 second mark where Sam gives a look to the camera a la "Abbott Elementary." Life truly imitating art...
I watch probably too much "Debate" content with MAGA, and it always goes this way. Where they have to start educating them enough to understand the topic, so they can reach the level of starting to have the debate.
But they're also cocksure they're the smart one and it's YOU who doesn't "Get it"
This guy is an idiot but the really scary moment in that video came when the one girl was there arguing that xenophobic nationalism and theocracy were a good thing that she is happy about and that Trump wasn't far right enough for her.
This moment says it all. The look of a man who knows that if he had an entire week to explain this, including power point presentations, eye-witness testimonies, and even the ghost of George Washington to explain what the Founders really intended, he STILL wouldn't be able to get through to them.
It's weird to watch their Internet trolling circle jerk in real time. There were several points in the video that someone would lie about something as an attempted gotcha, and then a few on the circle would react as if it was a dunk.
It is bizarre to me that people can be that confident. I am one that, regardless of my confidence, acknowledges that my logic may be missing some key fact and therefore it is always in my best interest to suspend my confidence to perhaps gain a deeper understanding/better perspective.
I think he actually had self doubt when he repeated "that's not true, that's not true" and closed his coat. They didn't show his face at the moment he was told that gov't agencies don't pay taxes but from behind, it looked a "shocked" movement.
I'm ashamed to admit in my youth growing up in the evangelical bubble, how quickly and easily I believed the "If you cross into the next highest tax bracket, ALL of your income is now taxed at the higher rate, so you may as well not work as hard" talking point. Blindly believed it.
My MIL ***is*** an accountant and she believes it. She does the math as it's supposed to be done and she recites the rules as they're written, but when she's off the clock?
She'll spout allllll the conservative lies about tax rates, capital gains, and the biggest boogeyman: estate taxes.
When I encounter this stuff in the wild, I repeat back the BS they said and follow it up with "yes and they're eating the cats. They're eating the dogs. You said there would be no fact checking." Works literally every time and I highly encourage people to use it. Shuts them right up.
Conservatives take pride in being dumber than doghit. They are totally worthless and have negative value to society. More people need to wake up to the fact that ALL conservatives are scum.
Logically, why would a government agency pay taxes? Maybe take a second and think. Ahhhh, that’s the problem. The whole thinking thing. Another mediocre jackass spouting random thought as fact.
Sam must be so sad these days. So many people are so proudly ignorant and he just has to sit there, cursed with knowledge, being told he doesn't know anything by people who stopped trying to learn once they found a way to confirm their biases.
And the dude is trying to sound smart and drops the word “juxtapose” into the sentence….incorrectly. Neither the syntax nor the definition of the word are correct. He may as well have said, “ the whole armadillo of the situation”…
No. It’s the destruction of the public education system. Tell me this doofus doesn’t think vaccines give you 5G capabilities and the Bible is literally true.
Unfortunately, it is our own people’s ignorance and stupidity that brought our troubles onto ourselves. Especially the wealthy finance idiots who were wishcasting
I've seen this video floating around and part of me wants to watch it and another, larger, part of me knows I will sink into a great despair at the state of the world and its people if I do.
Other than speaking quickly and shamelessly how else does Ben Shapiro get millions to listen to his bullshit whiny garbage
Thus is the Dunning-Kruger Revolution...the absolute inverse of the Age of Enlightenment.
Really, who doesn't mix those up several times a radiator?
Who doesn't mix those several times a querulous?
No, I know -- type it in on his cellphone and let the idiot kid read it!
If it's on Google, it's GOT to be true!
In this video we see the Juxtapose in its natural environment, bravely displaying its juxta in a pose known to biologists as "ignorance"
Be right back- I need to go text my kids and make sure they haven’t turned into a pile of fucking idiots since this morning.
They had to do a cram session of civics our freshman year because we'd never been educated in them
The first question was to "locate North America" 🙃
People don't go there to learn, they go there to be entertained and soothed. Sometimes the "creators" describe real information they found from a better source.
It’s the liars putting nonsense on it.
I appreciated reading your comments.
Thank you.
Compare the information quality of a typical educational TV show to what you could learn from a book, or even a Wikipedia page, on the same topic.
It's a PRC-owned platform and the PRC benefits when Americans get stupider and less functional on a civic level, sooo...
We should talk more, on the whole, about wilful ignorance rather than stupidity, intelligence, misinformation and lies.
Trying to watch any history videos on YouTube is a fucking minefield of conservative pseudo-intellectualism. And that's not even counting Hillsdale/PragerU/Epoch Times shit.
Every generation since X has grown up in an America where running scams is just another viable career in entertainment.
However, there is value to fora like this -- it gives us an idea of what the other side is thinking, and that's important.
We need more of this in places where "conservatives" will watch it.
I assume if it provides information to change their minds their network effects will suppress it (not sharing, etc), but it's still good that it exists.
Sam is a saint, man. Many props
Where’s the whole conversation pls - my perverse brain wants to see the whole thing.
13 min mark
And they think cutting education is a good move…
This is why they vote against their own interests, people don’t know how things work.
How is it complicated that a government agency doesn’t/can’t receive a tax cut?
This is the gop's agenda at work. Keep people extremely ignorant of how the government works & encourage them to be loud and wrong.
Also WTF is with that guy’s hair
There's no convincing stupid, ignorant, uneducated trump asskissers!
Proven hourly!!!
I would bet $$$$ he voted Bernie.
Happy I did not name an amount ... you would win.
That portion o the split is part of the employer's willingness to pay which is being stripped from that employee as a tax.
But I also haven't spent that long thinking or reading about it.
But that’s not true
Taxes decreases money supply and inflation
The Treasury funds the FDA because it can create money and Congress has told it to do so
Writing this down on my list of Things To Make Sure My Kids Know Specifically
by WHOM?
How can you KNOW it is the goverment that takes taxation and still believe goverment stuff is taxed?
How can someone steal from themself ?
I'm not a miracle worker.
"ooooohhhhhhhh! government agencies means the government! oooppps!"
Where do these idiots get this shit?
"That is not true. That is not true."
No Bookstores for you!!
In a society in constant, instant information, we have to impose limitations to speech related when knowingly spreading false/harmful statements from elected officials and government associated groups.
Then it was due to conservative dominated Talk Radio. Today it's conservative dominated podcasts and YouTube "history" channels.
The new problem is like you said, echo chambers created by algorithms that drive youths towards false ideas.
We live in the digital age where false ideas can be avoided simply by understanding what a trusted source is.
"That is not true"
How many civics classes do you have to take before it occurs to you that govt agencies don't pay taxes but rather are funded by taxes?
This is truly a committed idiot.
And Sam never even got a chance to rebut the assertion that "every business gets a tax break when they hire a minority."
He's an idiot. Simple as that.
It's painful to watch really.
And they get mad when we use the word stup*d.
I put the real average in the comments 😈
Thank you!
But they're also cocksure they're the smart one and it's YOU who doesn't "Get it"
But, again, it was just a lie.
Not a single moment of self doubt or even “let’s look that up.”
He just couldn't admit to the self-doubt.
Just noting lol. Not defending the idiot. Not like he cited anything at all just “vibes” ha
She'll spout allllll the conservative lies about tax rates, capital gains, and the biggest boogeyman: estate taxes.
The condescension and confidence from such ignorant people was appalling.