Guy waited five years and paid $102k for a Cybertruck, crashed it after four hours of driving, only for Tesla to tell him that "the accelerator may not disengage under braking" and that it will take $30k and one year to repair.
Truly an L of historical proportions.
Truly an L of historical proportions.
Karma is a cat purring on your lap...
Also makes it clear why Geico is dropping them (and I expect others to follow suit): If you can't repair it you can't insure it.
he's like those dumbfucks from PA that got hypothermia because mango mussolini didn't pay for return buses from rallies!
Every one of them sees themselves as an ideal serf.
But schadenfreude is a different story.
Yeah, you paid alrighty....
Don't piss off the 12 year old they let name it.🤣
Calls it his girl
But she might crash the house, too.
Dont connect to WAPs 🎶
They almost made it a full week before someone reported their tech fucking up again.
How the fuck is that not a huge design fuck up.
Assuming of course that the driver hadn't kept his right foot on the accelarator pedal and braked with his left.
Yeah.. he probably did that !
when you can't be bothered to read what you just wrote even once
... another #Teslar©️ryBucket
So that tracks.
Thankfully, I'm not a better person.
That is some diabolically evil scamming, Mr. Musk. I salute you, you wicked motherfucker.
Tragic and also negligent due to inexperience drivinfg on the left? Buying a car isn't that.
But I don't think you can leap straight from that to absolving Audi. It was the design of their car which caused the accidents.
Probably going to try and sell them unnecessary repairs to make up for the losses
Some people say they are all sold, just waiting for delivery... if I had waited 5 years for it, I wouldn't leave it languishing in a field.
It's all about the hype.
Musk is just another grifter.
Which doesn’t stop the gas in any car
Ralph Nader needs to write a new version of Unsafe At Any Speed
Amazing car they got there
You can buy a lightly used Ferrari for that money - and it will probably be more reliable, cheaper to operate and have more utility…
…the post-apocalyptic off-road vehicle, amirite
Woop woop ! 🤣
They've essentially self-selected for being well-off, egotistical, and gullible. Perfect marks.
I...uhm... I'll just show myself out.
Thankful he’s dead now.
Oh… right….
*fixed with a single rivet
How do I know? He bought a cybertruck.
What is it with today's culture and people's complete inability to admit they were wrong?
But this is Tesla, so I suppose a shrug and "it happens sometimes" is to be expected from them.
As cathartic as it may be to see these fails sometimes, it's also equally upsetting that Tesla will just get away with dangerous shit like this.
This is a huge problem.
(That's the breaks, that's the breaks)
But he didn't say there was a 100% deductible
(That's the breaks, that's the breaks)
You simply take your foot off the gas to slow down. You don't even need to press the break, it has regenerative motor breaking.
NEVER put your foot on the gas and break on ANY vehicle.
Plus a driveway shows off what a chump you are. A poor choice even *if* normal outdoors conditions don't destroy your vehicle.