Almost forgot about Ford (especially the Mustang Mach-E, despite what Ford Mustang enthusiasts said about it)! Honestly, it really looks cool compared to other EVs in its class!
I refused to give my parking spot to a Tesla in a very very crazy busy lot. He rolled down the widow to ask me if I was leaving, and I told him, I'm not giving my spot to a Tesla, sorry...
Genuinely sorry too, I know a lot of people got them before all this, and to invest in green tech. But.
I bought my Tesla a couple years ago. Most of my miles are driving it to the clinic where I have been volunteering as a physician for 2 decades, where I'm now the medical director, and where we provide abortion and trans care. But sure, make me late to see my 1st patient because you want to be petty
Also, sell your damn Tesla. You should have known better a couple years ago. That was a terrible decision, you need to own up that you did it to yourself.
Since you have a crystal ball, you may have known what Musk would do in the last 8 weeks, but I didn't.
Also who do you suppose to *buying* all these Teslas? You can't sell what no one wants because of people like you. It's not "trade it in", it's let it rot in your garage and buy another car.
I can understand not being able to instantly sell the car cause money is tight and gonna get tighter, but also woof the tone deaf nature of a doctor treating vulnerable people pulling up in the literal embodiment of the modern fascist movement trying to purge them.
Yeah I'm sure a "medical director" isn't hurting too bad for $.
I have sympathy for early adopters of Teslas, I have one in my fam. And still, I'm bugging HIM about selling. But it's been plain for several years what Musk is. And there were great alternatives on the market at that time.
Did you catch the part about *volunteer*? I've never made a dime from working at my clinic - in fact during those 2 decades I've cumulatively donated a significant sum to the clinic - especially when we were close to closing. I do work 6-8 shifts monthly at an ED to pay my bills.
I'm one of those vulnerable people- since I'm trans & especially as a trans person who provides trans care, I'm a🎯. Given that red states are pushing for civil cases for trans care out of state like they did w/ abortion, you're right about financial risk.
Why don’t they have employee parking? Why would you be so late to your own job that a patient got there before you? Is your work parking lot a grocery store, like the logical leaps you took to make this about you are a little silly.
It’s the right thing to do. Add to the social cost of Tesla ownership. I’ve been flyering new Teslas to avoid picking on the people who bought them 2-3 years ago.
There’s a guy that gets something at a place near my comic shop on wednesdays about the same time I leave, I assume he’s getting lunch at a restaurant doesn’t matter. I’ve now had the privilege of blocking him from parking 3 times since the summer. If I see him looking for the spot I read an issue.
I mean "all this" as in the known union busting, calling rescue cave ppl pedos for ignoring his ridic ideas RE rescue, etc. There was an early time no one really knew, but after the cave thing and the unions excuses
my point also. unless you bought that Tesla more than 10 years ago (and you didn’t), you knew he was a trash human BACK THEN. it’s only NOW, because it affects you NOW, that you cowboy-up.
My brother's had his a loooong time. Super early adopter. He got his before I got my Prius Prime so...2016 I think? Electric cars do last. No oil changes/dirty filters/wear and tear on an engine to worry about.
Tesla makes 40% of their revenue by selling carbon credits to other automakers. My conspiracy theory is the lack of motivation compete from other companies has set hybrid/electric car innovation back and that Tesla is actually hurting the green automotive movement.
I've been doing that at the local crowded costco lot for about a year now. But then I was on to melon a few years ago with his failed vapormobile promises and talk out of bad 1961 science fiction
LOL. Is there like a ranking though? I always thought it went 1. BMW, 2. Mercedes —and for some reason they leave off Volkswagen because they did an amazing rebrand as a hippie car. Now Tesla is the #1 Nazi Mobile.
I have followed it so far! Honda/Toyota all the way—postwar companies. But I love to drive cars so I do not mind when people let me drive their Porsche or a BMW. Nothing beats a 1969s Chevy muscle car, of course, for drivability.
We have power over the richest oligarch on the planet, Elon Musk, who destabilizes the world by controlling politics & politicians to his own advantage and to the detriment of the people. We must act together:
Stop using Twitter-X
Stop buying Tesla
Protest in front of Tesla dealerships
Most people who bought Teslas did so because they had the means to make a green decision for their driving, not in support of the bloke who bought the company and kicked out its founders.
I think also that Musk has succeeded in making himself in many ways more prominent than Trump so far this term. The catastrophe currently taking place can be ascribed at least as much to Musk as to Trump, and Musk is certainly taking as much credit for him as he can get.
It's true! My sister's friends car started smoking while she was driving down the freeway, she got out just as it started flaming. It burned for hours!
So *hypothetically*, if you really wanted to kneecap a Supercharger station, you'd torch the power conversion cabinet (those big boxes behind the burning charging stalls. That takes the grid power and converts it into the type of high voltage power Teslas use to fast charge. Just, uh, stand clear.
The charging stalls themselves are mostly just liquid cooled conduits for the high voltage power, plus the computer to manage the charging session with a car. The power cabinets have a couple megawatts of electricity throughput capability.
Good to know if I'm ever in a situation where I need to do that. For example, I might need to short it out to keep people from getting electrocuted in a pending flood. It pays to be prepared.
If this video is correct it, the nozzles aren't locked to the charger? It's pretty insecure if just anyone could walk up & damage the part that's supposed to connect to a Tesla.
Also, there doesn't appear to be anything stopping someone from hanging signs saying 𝗗𝗔𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗥 - 𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝗢𝗙 𝗦𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗜𝗖𝗘 - 𝗗𝗢 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗨𝗦𝗘?
So with pretty much every EV fast charger I've ever used, the end you plug into your car isn't locked to the station. Without authorization, there's no power flowing through the cable, outside of a tiny amount for the car and charger to talk to each other. Cable theft is unfortunately a real problem
While I hate what Musk is doing, and encourage people not to buy Teslas, the charging infrastructure they've built out is, so far, second to none, and increasingly open to many non-Tesla EVs. Yes, you're giving money to Elmo, but sometimes it's the only way to bridge a gap between non-Tesla chargers
If you define the area very locally, (Littleton, Ayer, and Acton), then yes, there are four other charging locations with a total of 8 chargers. The burnt site had 12 chargers, which was more than the others, combined. Across Massachusetts, Tesla has 29 sites, most with 6-12 chargers each.
The only other operator that comes close to that is ChargePoint, which has 27 sites across Massachusetts, but most of those have between 1 and 4 chargers, each. I only counted sites, and not individual chargers, but I suspect when you include the other operators, Tesla would still have more chargers
There's all the schoolchildren he's screwing over.
Then the vets.
Then the people on SSI.
Then the ones on Medicaid and foodstamps.
Then the people on disability.
The ones who on insurance to cover medical care.
Then his kids.
Then the wife trying to get him to court now.
I don’t like Tesla but please don’t do this. Unfortunately we now are stuck with the NACS chargers and people with electric cars need this (including non-teslas). Instead please advocate for ChargePoint or Electrify chargers in your area so there’s competition.
If you flipped me off in Seattle in my tesla, I'd give you thumbs up! I am ready to get a wrap for my car that says 'I HATE HIM TOO' I do have the bumper sticker, tho
Owners of newer Tesla's can get an adapter and charge using non-Tesla CCS thus helping to cut off a Tesla revenue stream. Some older ones, like my Model 3, can get a retrofit to allow CCS with that adapter.
Oooh, that's on the way to one of my worksites. I've stopped in at that Market Basket to get lunch a few times, and there are a lot of Swasticars in the area
So the federal government removed all their government chargers, presumably to contract them out to... Tesla. A company that enough people hate enough to sabotage.
remember back in 2024 when Mango Mussolini said at every rally the EVs are bad for America.
who knows, maybe MAGATs did it that don't know Leon Musty kinda owns it.
It's a nice visual but it's more irritating to walk up to a vending machine only to discover the buttons are smeared in gum, than it is to walk past a broken machine.
A less risky approach is littering.
It's a demographic that can't cope with touching a coke can jammed in the handle. Being known as the dirty stations would also be devastating.
That is my thought as well. Jist getting rid of cars is super wasteful, and not possible for many. Adorning it with good messaging seems like a better option. (Plus who is buying them used right now?)
This further tanks the resale value of Tesla's and facilitates the collapse of their overinflated stock, which is the source of most of Elon's influence
The sticker that says I bought this before Elon did the Nazi salute makes no difference. Elon did the Nazi salute. That exact moment everything changed. The Tesla became the swasticar and their drivers became Nazis. One has to consider if money is more important than being seen as a Nazi in society
people owning teslas, going to tesla dealerships to get their teslas maintenanced and overall making it acceptable to own a tesla helps maintain the house of cards that elon’s wealth is sustained on, the wealth he is using to buy himself the ability to destroy the federal government.
not owning a tesla isn’t a symbolic gesture that can be replaced with a bumper sticker, it’s a direct action that tells investors ‘this company is poison, drop it or drop him’.
10s of thousands of people are going to die because of elon shutting down usaid. if that doesn’t make someone immediately want to push their tesla off a cliff then their environmentalism is performative.
No I don’t have sympathy for tesla owners. I have sympathy for the lives elon is destroying
That was kinda my point. I've always thought that Tesla was a one trick pony that would fade away once the big existing luxury brands started to make good EVs
Great false equivalence there fella. Guess we should never visit Germany or buy anything German now because of WWII. The people who run Mercedes, BMW, whatever today are not Nazis. Big difference between that and the situation at Tesla.
There's a stark difference between a German company that was around 80 years ago and has a different group of employees and execs now and a company where the CEO make multiple nazi salutes on national television a month ago in terms of likelihood of still being nazis.
The irony is that a very high % of Tesla owners are progressive. They want to help the planet and address climate change. They want a well-designed, well-built electric vehicle. (not the absurd Cybertruck, though!)
Now, people who had only the best intention, are being insulted for it.
the idea that anyone who has any idea about whats better for the planet would think having individual electric cars will mitigate the damage versus relying and investing more in public transportation to get drivers off the road...
Well, it's a good thing Mercedes-Benz has no association with Nazism. Or used tens of thousands of concentration camp detainees and prisoners of war as slave labourers. Or devoted itself to the production of equipment for the German armed forces during WW2.
I found a gorgeous leather jacket with impeccable tailoring. Haute. I check the tag and it's a reproduction Kriegsmarine uniform. Devastated. But no I'm not wearing a Nazi uniform to art basel.
A Tesla to a Mercedes. Boo fucking hoo, bourgeois headass can wipe her tears with hundred dollar bills over people calling her a nazi for driving a swasticar
They didn't though, because he's always been this way. He simply wasn't being loud about it until now. He's an apartheidist technocrat from an apartheidist technocrat family- he's never not been racist filth.
And would have been objectively hilarious in 1941.
Nowadays, Mercedes-Benz cars are made in the US, as well as in China and of course in Germany. She dropped a Nazi car, and bought an American made car from a company that hasn't been Nazi in decades.
🙄 okayyyy, this woman also has a detectable vibe of "luxury cars only" that is totally unnecessary, esp if her goal is to drive down the road unnoticed. furthermore, the vibe was JOKE/MEME not ARGUE FACTS so pls respond with JOKE/MEME thx
Pretty much every other electric car on the market performs better in every aspect anyways, don't think I've ever actually seen a tesla in Scotland and most of our local government fleet services have gone fully electric
I have been thinking about it. Of course, there is a much smaller selection of electric cars in the US, and many of them are sedans smaller than the standard Teslas.
Well when I was looking three years ago it was Nissan Leafs, the mustang crossover (which felt smaller than my Honda Jazz inside) some Hyundais I liked.
There is the Polestar 2 which I drive. There are all the electric Kias. I believe VW, Mercedes, BMW sell their EVs on the US market. Then there are US models that we don’t have in Europe.
If you don't already own a Tesla, I think that's true.
For Tesla owners who bought before the salute who are now feeling regret, it's more complicated. Most people cannot take a $10k loss selling their EV. I feel a bit sorry for them. But only a bit, as we've known who Elon is for years now.
Gas-powered... On a planet that's literally on fire, that doesn't sound too appealing, either. Screw Tesla, sure, but there has to be a backup plan as well. Going back to the way things used to be ain't it.
Not sure there's a way to drive a car indelibly associated with a fascist without giving the impression that you're okay with fascism as long as you get to drive a cool car. I do feel bad for folks who bought them for the right reasons, but thems the breaks
Hundreds of thousands of people bought their teslas before he even bought Twitter, so while they may have been naive about him, they weren’t clairvoyant. Maybe you are rich enough to take a bath on a car you bought to stop getting gas, but not everyone is.
Dealership, tire companies, gas stations, oil producers, admin for all thao groups, state inspections, taxes for all of that. You see how your inconvenience is their profit. God bless America.
There's a few Cybertrucks around town and I've been flipping them off when they pass, but I've started to do the thumbs down instead (mostly because it's a hard habit to break when I'm in my work truck and the last thing I need is to flip somebody off with a big corporate logo behind me)
I like wagging my finger like I’m chastising a toddler. Someone did it to me once and I almost lost my mind. It’s been my go to ever since, it’s shockingly effective.
I don’t blame her in the least. But I wish she’d bought another EV. There are so many great ones now available, better than Teslas. That’s what I did when I got rid of my lousy swasticar over a year ago. We need fewer tailpipes in this world!
“A number of defectors from the Tesla brand said that a deal-breaker was when Mr. Musk extended his arm diagonally upward, palm facing down while speaking at an inauguration event for Mr. Trump, a gesture that resembled a salute used in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.”
I do feel some what bad for the lefties who bought these cars because they were environmentally friendly only to have the company president go off on a nazi adjacent right wing possibly drug fueled rampage.
The guy was a jerk long time ago. He took over Tesla through a coup & silenced original founder who tried to sue him. Then he made factory workers in Fremont go into work or get fired despite city mandating lockdown. People got sick too before vaccines were available cuz he wouldn't provide PPEs.
Spray painted on the side was a symbol: crossed lines with the ends bent at right angles in the same circular direction, the meaning of which was indecipherable.
Rumor has it that they're sympathetic to the Social Security, or some other organization with matching initials. There's really no way to know either way.
A number of drivers were surprised when pedestrians would raise their arms and extend their middle fingers in their direction, which resembled an obscene gesture used to express disapproval in much of the western world.
We need to trick Musk into going into a room where a clique of America's bitchiest teenage girls make fun of him being an unfunny cringe loser with a busted dick implant to his face for ten minutes.
He'll spontaneously combust and we'll be free at last.
Maybe we could make that some sort of elite CPAC event or something, get all the top Rs to take a turn, and then use the spontaneous combustions to power some turbines or something.
I don’t look down on those driving other Tesla models. Elon first appeared a normal tech guy bent on making earth better. But cyber trucks I want to run off the road. Everyone knew elon was a monster by the time those things came out.
Yes the last few years I kept posting on twitter how I thought he was a secret villain. It really came out around the time he bought twitter. He’s the most likely person to have a secret base on Skull island.
At the start he had an apparently capable PR person managing his image. Then she asked to be compensated like the rest of his posse and he fired her. Until the Thai cave submarine thing, he held it together.
The Hyperloop nonsense and his promise to make and deliver ventilators to hospitals at the beginning of the pandemic, and sending CPAP machines instead, should have been enough notice that he didn’t know his asshole from his elbow
Elon called a guy a pedo in 2018 for pointing out that he was grandstanding over an internatioally known rescue mission. That should have raised all sorts of red flags for anyone paying attention even slightly.
The insult isn't the worst bit there - the diver was correctly saying that Musk's idea to design and build a miniature submarine and get it to the other side of the world to rescue people *currently* trapped in a cave was ridiculous.
True. Elon’s been a bad human his whole life. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth in apartheid South Africa and grifting on the coattails of true innovators ever since.
And it was so weird because it came way out of left field. I remember being so confused at his response at the time. I genuinely thought I had missed some portion of the whole story unfolding. Nope. He just went 0 to 100 because he’s a nut job.
You may not know this, but the atrocities of the Holocaust and having family members murdered in concentration camps remains a reason that some people will never buy a German car. (My parents are two of them). I’m explaining this in good faith since you might not know.
They have a point - there's no reason to boycott Mercedes now. Those responsible for what Mercedes did are long gone, and I, like all other reasonable people, don't believe in that sort of hereditary, generational sin.
I mean, sure it’s been 80 yrs since the Red Army liberated by family from Auschwitz, and I, like many Jews, grew up with the instruction to not buy Nazi cars.
Guess it doesn’t matter to you since it was so long ago. But carry on and try to humiliate people you don’t know online.
Genuinely sorry too, I know a lot of people got them before all this, and to invest in green tech. But.
Also, sell your damn Tesla. You should have known better a couple years ago. That was a terrible decision, you need to own up that you did it to yourself.
Also who do you suppose to *buying* all these Teslas? You can't sell what no one wants because of people like you. It's not "trade it in", it's let it rot in your garage and buy another car.
I have sympathy for early adopters of Teslas, I have one in my fam. And still, I'm bugging HIM about selling. But it's been plain for several years what Musk is. And there were great alternatives on the market at that time.
Also no one is buying Teslas - new or old.
Dunno about the other brands, but once the battery does in a Tesla, it costs as much as a new car to replace it
BMW -7 models
She deserved to be called a nazi.
I’m in my second EV.
6 years LEAF
3 years now with a Kia.
Stop using Twitter-X
Stop buying Tesla
Protest in front of Tesla dealerships
Ditching Tesla is good. Going back to internal combustion engines, not good.
They better avoid McDonald’s for the next few weeks
I guess theyre far less well defended than other symbols of MAGA destruction
Specifically. How would one do this? Hypothetically
Also, there doesn't appear to be anything stopping someone from hanging signs saying 𝗗𝗔𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗥 - 𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝗢𝗙 𝗦𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗜𝗖𝗘 - 𝗗𝗢 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗨𝗦𝗘?
Then the vets.
Then the people on SSI.
Then the ones on Medicaid and foodstamps.
Then the people on disability.
The ones who on insurance to cover medical care.
Then his kids.
Then the wife trying to get him to court now.
AWFUL lot of folks.....
Nah, don't see anything going wrong with that.
They just happen.
I can’t blame them. It’s a pretty ideal site with visibility from 495 and the shopping center.
Stop using X and Tesla, but don't burn powering other ecars
“Whether is chucking tea into the harbor or torching a charging station…” something something
[I watched The Milagro Beanfield War over the weekend.]
who knows, maybe MAGATs did it that don't know Leon Musty kinda owns it.
It's a demographic that can't cope with touching a coke can jammed in the handle. Being known as the dirty stations would also be devastating.
It's not as satisfying but an apple core a day...
This further tanks the resale value of Tesla's and facilitates the collapse of their overinflated stock, which is the source of most of Elon's influence
No I don’t have sympathy for tesla owners. I have sympathy for the lives elon is destroying
Two weeks ago, she was called "a *fucking* Nazi."
But noooo another Nazi associated gas burner.
Acting like MAGA assholes
Which is what was intended by those who whipped them into a frenzy.
Perhaps the Left should start discussing THAT
Now, people who had only the best intention, are being insulted for it.
I'm frankly offended by anyone w a tailpipe.
Let Tesla rott.
Cars lose 1/3 of their value the moment you drive it off the lot.
Everyone but this reporter knows this.
If Hitler got into politics because he'd made so much money at Mercedes we might have different opinions of them
Thank you for your service
While for cybertruck is different, those people definitely are nazi so I think okay hahahah
Nowadays, Mercedes-Benz cars are made in the US, as well as in China and of course in Germany. She dropped a Nazi car, and bought an American made car from a company that hasn't been Nazi in decades.
Objectively, she bought an American made car.
The world has changed over the past 80+ years.
Three of the top five "Most American Made" cars in the US are Hondas. "American" car companies frequently make cars more foreign than local.
This is not your great grandparents world anymore.
trading in the Nazi car for another Nazi car is just....
chef's kiss
So the answer is “yes, but.”
And then it jumps up to much much larger cars.
The US car market is just very different.
For Tesla owners who bought before the salute who are now feeling regret, it's more complicated. Most people cannot take a $10k loss selling their EV. I feel a bit sorry for them. But only a bit, as we've known who Elon is for years now.
Lot of people have a lot of excuse on being inconvenienced and why they should be the exception to the rule.
A very polite but distinctive display of disappointment and disgust.
Kind of the way all words rhyme with themselves.
Too Short built a career on rhyming “dick” with “dick.” It rhymes!
He'll spontaneously combust and we'll be free at last.
And the media was all about that shallow veneer he painted over himself
But like his labor policies have been dogshit for *years*
Guess it doesn’t matter to you since it was so long ago. But carry on and try to humiliate people you don’t know online.
humiliate them
(that's the nice thing, usually you need to do more)