Obama was a President of the United States — not just some random person we’re unfairly expecting too much from. Why shouldn’t any living president be actively fighting for the country they once led? Ffs 🤦🏻
like you are? or are you just going to blame other people instead of meeting your own standard? you could literally choose to help and instead you choose this? trash.
I can't believe you don't already know this, but let me explain:
When the opposition includes armed, violent white supremacists whom Trump has made immune from consequences, you have no right to DEMAND that ANY people of color put their safety in jeopardy. Even wealthy and powerful ones.
Yes I’m sure the Obamas are fearful for their own lives
It’s not like they are billionaires who can flee to anywhere in the world
We’re not asking for a some random on the street. It’s not the same for them
OK they're wealthy and enjoy the privileges of wealth. But Trump's America is animated by *violent* white supremacists who've been imbued w/ legal immunity. Think of EVERYTHING that implies.
Now imagine being Black in Trump's America, watching white folks demand that Black people be their heroes.
EVERY white person on "our side" has an obligation to speak to everyone they know. Every day. Every person.
Michelle and Barack Obama don't owe y'all shit.
This comment is much better than your initial one above, Andrew, which was needlessly and fruitlessly alienating to (I expect) many. I accept that you are in pain and are much better than your worse comment.
They don’t need to be booed, but they should be beseeched. But their kids are ripe targets.
The Obama don’t owe you or anyone else anything. They campaigned and told yall what would happen. Go “beseech” the majority of whyte folks who voted for Trump and leave the Obama alone.
They are not obligated to do anything. The citizens of this country voted for all of what is happening. You need to redirect this to actual congresspeople asleep at the wheel. Better yet, ask your nearest Republican neighbor what they are going to do about this?
They did. Your min folk didn’t listen. Instead of sounding like a racist rage baiter, why don’t you start calling out the white, wealthy people who kept silent when Kamala ran because they wanted yet another white man in the White House. Meathead, I’m looking at you,
So you can sit on your ass? We ALL need to get going. President and Mrs. Obama worked very hard before the election. And the majority of White People voted the orange felon anyway. This is our fuckup and we need to fix it.
Not only didn't they listen to Pres and Michelle Obama, many, including so-called "progressive" white men complain that Mrs Obama had the nerve to discuss women's health. White "progressives" on this app complain that racism was Harris' primary campaign focus, who it was NOT.
You assume a Black couple is sitting back doing nothing. It's not our job to save America. We can sit this out because we lived through this racism the first 4 years. WP sure do stay silent until it's time to tell Black people what to do. That was the whole post, or did that miss you?
You want to blame everybody but White people's racism, because you will protect and preserve white supremacy at all cost. No matter how bad its been for the country, you still want to protect it. And you azzholes always find a way to blame BLACK PEOPLE for the 💩you create.
Where is your post demanding George Bush Jr and Laura Bush, "DO SOMETHING"? All I've seen from white people like you, is the demands of Black people's labor, but you NEVER have the same smoke for the white people in power. George Bush hasn't said 💩about Trump in EIGHT YEARS!!
We are lucky they've even used their time to campaign for the Democratic party, after how this country treated them. SO FQ YOU, and FQ ALL the privileged azz white people like you, who liked your post.
You muthafuquers have a lot of GD nerve demanding anything from the Obama's, after the way you treated them when they were in the White House. Did you think we forgot that WP made signs with Obama's head in a noose, called Michelle a gorilla and her children monkeys?
OH yeah, well Barak and Michelle OBAMA have been out there for the last EIGHT YEARS warning this country about TRUMP, and majority of you WHITE PEOPLE didn't listen to them, and STILL VOTED TRUMP!! Why the FQ should they keep talking to people who are not going to listen to them anyway?
Hey Andy, why don’t you go boo all of your Trump voting white friends and relatives. You know, the ones you did not bother to challenge before the election
Glib. Nobody expects the mummified corpse of Joe Biden to do anything. He gave up months before the end of his presidency. Asking where the Obamas are right now is fine, actually. I remember when he promised hope.
If I show up in a voting booth for someone I expect a lot from them. It's a lot more than a job.
And the jobs I had eight years ago are still kind of a big deal for me, and I do talk about them, and if anyone else cared I'd talk about them in public.
Like our whole fucking society is being broken down and that guy took an oath to defend the constitution once, and you want to fight with people who are asking where he is right now? Couldn't be me.
It was supposed to sound ridiculous. It’s a joke. Being president isn’t a normal job. That’s why I plainly stated it was glib. Perhaps I’m confused on the meaning of the word.
Michelle Obama came out of grieving for her mother and her hate for politics to help Harris campaign for weeks. Obama campaigned for weeks on trying to help Harris trying to warn America. In what world do you think they deserve mistreatment because people didn't heed their warnings? Stop!!
Big loser energy with this take. They did their part. Cry about how all the former Republicans don’t say shit to their current counterparts then as well.
Why? America has spoken. Is this not what they wanted? And why are you pointing out Black folks, who have gone through hell in an effort to advance this country? They do not owe America anything anymore.
No the fuck they don't
WE did this to ourselves
YOU should've had those hard talks with your family, friends & coworkers who voted with their racism, bigotry & misogynoir
The Obamas & every influential, wealthy person on the left TOLD US OVER & OVER
TOO MANY didn't listen or didn't care
The cowards are the ppl who refused to put a capable Black woman in the presidency
The cowards are the ones calling on Black folks to come in & save the day
THIS is on y'all white folk to fix
Black folk told y'all & warned y'all over & over
Many of them did speak
Many of them supported Harris & gave money to her campaign
Many of them were very verbal in their criticism of #45 as a danger to our nation
But like you & me, they only get 1 vote
They did not put #45 in office
You can get angry at alot but a big issue is media has brainwashed people into thinking this normal or acceptable. But the main blame is white people. EVERY TIME our country faces adversity or faces progress being delayed its all white peoples fault. The bigots start it & the others move out the way
Pretty long list of white people that you skipped right past to say that a Black woman who's never held any elected office should be attacked on sight for not acting as white people's savior
Their influence didn't work on white people. They campaigned for Harris and said democracy itself was at risk. White people voted to overthrow democracy.
Booing them absolves people like Schumer and Newsom of the responsibility they *chose*
if you look at the 2020 election results and compare them to the 2024 one, you'll notice that Trump got 3 million more votes, however Kamala Harris lost 6 million votes.
Racism and misogyny played a role in it, sure. But it can also be explained through the dems policies.
You're the one defending the most popular living former President for not speaking up while the entire country turns onto a fascist hellscape. His silence is unacceptable regardless of his race.
Pleas explain those Hispanic and black voters who voted for Trump while you’re suggesting that it’s white voters who ignored The Obamas warnings, I’d like to hear your take on that .
I white voter who voted for Obama twice and for Harri
I'm sure you've posted long lists of specific white people by name who should be booed everywhere they go before you chose to call out the Black wife of a guy who was President nearly a decade ago.
I am curious what you think Michelle Obama should be doing now that would make a difference after white people ignored what she said during the Harris campaign?
that's a tad disingenuous, the Obamas (both of them) are among the most well known and influential figures in the world. They have a platform that is unmatched by anyone else I can think of in Democratic politics. It's not inappropriate to expect them to use that platform.
Did i say that? no i didn't. I said that they are extremely well known and have a massive platform. Expecting them to use that in the fight against fascism isn't wrong.
Just because Harris lost doesn't mean that the fight against the fascists is over. EVERYONE needs to step up.
"The people and institutions in America who have the most will do the least in this fight. Do not be surprised when your search for saviors among the pillars of society fails."
They could be paying off all our student loans (people who make less than $100K a year). There are enough multi-millionaires who vote for the Dems who can do this.
I can do that to !
“Racism is mentioning someone’s race when relevant in a conversation instead of their extensive list of accomplishments. Okay then…”
So Obama's the only one with agency? How about Mitch?
When Obama had EVIDENCE of Russian meddling before the 2016 election, he asked the party leaders to get TOGETHER and denounce it. Mitch McConnell REFUSED.
They tried to tell folks when it counted - BEFORE the election. What makes you think anyone would listen to them now? I think it might be better if REPUBLICANS spoke out against the regime. George Bush would probably be far more impactful.
eh theres a lot of anger and raw emotion out there right now and i can understand how people who dont follow me would perceive that single post coming across their timeline
The thing is, if the Obamas were to go on some kind of speaking tour, people like you would still condemn them because they wouldn't condemn the Democratic party and they wouldn't spout left-populist rhetoric. That's not who they are. You all have Sanders and "AOC"...
Saying someone needs to be booed after fighting for all this not to happen is a take. Not sure how you ended up in my TL but that doesn’t sound like “we’re all on the same side.” It sounds like you’re a fairweather “ally” that I need to watch my back around.
1) “We’re all on the same side” is a serious misjudgment.
2) The real question: who will lead the Dems? Partial answer: not any past two-term president. What they mainly have left to offer are just spicy takes
that’s right; it’s racist to suggest that the person with the most influence over the democratic base should use it instead of silently watching a fascist takeover. you are on obama’s side, not anyone else’s
The amount of power you think a black man has over a demographic of ppl who insisted a senile white man was “the best and most productive president we’ve had in decades” is SEVERELY overestimated
No, they don’t. Both Barack Obama and His wife worked on the campaign trail. Michelle Obama did so while grieving her mother. Having been there, I can tell you that shit sucks.
I actually came on this app to see if you took this foolishness down, as you are being dragged on Threads. But…
Michelle Obama was on Kylie Kelce's podcast yesterday talking about some of their hypocrisy and the issues with stuff going on. Maybe you're not keyed in enough?
Or maybe it's his election that broke white Americans brains & they're taking precautions. They already gave us 8 years of their lives.
Look I'm never going to cheer for the Obamas but you are doing some delusional mental gymnastics right now trying to make *them* the problem with current events. As if them speaking up right now would solve anything, even if they were the types to speak up, which they've never been. Move on, man.
I'm sorry for thinking that the most widely beloved political family could focus a massive amount of anger at the current admin and maybe, idk, inspire more protests? Bring more attention to the things that are going on? It certainly couldn't hurt right?
Barack(because HE was the president,and Michelle was not a member of his administration)left us with a strong economy and a sterling reputation on the international state, and this country shit on his work. He came out of retirement 3 times to try to save the country from itself. When is it enough?
This is a really garbage take.
Good thing your opinions don’t represent Media Matters because this shit is dumb as hell.
Would it be nice if they were right alongside Bernie and AOC? Sure. But it’s not their duty.
What the fuck are you doing, exactly, to assist with the struggle against tyranny?
No. White people, who have voted majority Republican every election since LBJ signed the civil rights act, should be booed. We’re who did this, not the two Black people who did more for us than any potus/flotus, even under constant obstruction, harassment and threat.
Barack and Michelle Obama are not your political mules. Instead of making demands of them, call out your racist white friends and family for voting for Trump!
BTW, we’ve noticed how white liberals and leftists have only demanded the Obamas and Kamala Harris. White liberal racism is real.
Obama isn’t black people as a whole, he is a singular elder statesman with visible power that he has wielded to his own ends and the ends of the neoliberal project. His race has nothing to do with it.
No, they weren’t. This is so entirely untrue you missed multiple people (Bill Clinton and Al Gore, not to mention the Bush and his wife). This is SO untrue that after 2016, Hillary Clinton was told to stay home. Multiple times.
It sucks how white people confronting their relatives and a the guy who was president for nearly a decade using his political capital are mutually exclusive. If only there was a way to do both.
The reach, influence, popularity many of you have tried your darnedest to destroy as you’ve relentlessly attacked, smeared, disrespected, blamed him & his unelected Black wife for yrs. Such hubris that you think you get to make demands of the target of your vicious attacks as you cite his popularity
They worked their asses off every damn day for democracy. I think the people you need to focus your anger on are the people who didn't vote or who voted third party. You know,, who put us in this mess. Please, sit the fuck down.
Bill was golf buds with Trump and Epstein, nobody likes Hillary, Al Gore was cheated by the Bushes, John Kerry has never been relevant, and the Bush family had a big hand in steering America to where it is today. Why are guys obsessed with the Democratic Party being controlled opposition?
Obama is the most popular modern Democrat, won 2 consecutive elections and has pretty much avoided politics since he left his post. You seriously can't fathom why he would be singled out? You seriously think it's about singling out the black man and nothing to do with his political resume? Insane.
"Has pretty much avoided politics since he left his post..." Exactly. Believe me when I tell you we are sick and tired of y'all demanding more of us than yourselves. Step up instead of demanding we do more. Go be mad at your uncle and cousins. Insane is right.
The demand was for Barack Hussein Obama II not MidnightButterfly and the rest of black America. He is not the black Lorax and neither are you, so stop speaking for all black people. You guys aren't monoliths.
“Nobody likes Hillary.” I am somebody and I like Hillary.
Since Hillary sat next to Bill for their 60 Minutes interview the GOP has been relentless with their misogynistic anti-HRC propaganda. Those who wanted to hate, hated. #buthheremails
That doesn't look like the guy was warning everyone about Trump's fascism.
Then again, maybe "Russian asset" Trump told him a really funny joke, and what better place for laughs than funerals?
Why are you only calling them out? They did their part during the campaign they were ignored!!!! Now it's black people's fault?? Black voters didn't get us here. Black people get criticized for always voting democrats.
I’m pretty sure they are more positively active then constituents that are actually serving in office now. That’s the sad truth is the politicians we voted for aren’t fighting back
Stop blaming the former black president and his wife who hold no official position for the problems that could be solved by white people if you all wanted to solve said problems. Get your ppl in order.
Fixed it: every single wealthy, powerful and influential person on our side could use their wealth, power and influence to fight in this moment but ultimately it’s a movement of the people, for the people, by the people. We don’t need/want a lefty Musky.
1) Pretty sure Michelle Obama never held office and doesn't owe you a damn thing.
2) Barack Obama has been a private citizen for 8 years.
3) Any smoke for George W. Bush or do you just do Black Democrats?
Jesus, lady. One of the most respected and revered Democrats ever is saying nothing, and you're focusing on his color rather than his class? With a side of 'whataboutism'?
Wealthy Democrats are fine no matter who is in charge. Bernie Sanders and AOC are doing it. Why isn't Obama? Biden? Schumer?
What do you think they could say that will change things right now considering America couldn't be bothered to listen to everything they were saying during the election campaign?
If you think that all the apathetic leftists and MAGA people are going to come out of a haze at hearing Obama speak as if they haven’t voted against his legacy or actively call him a war criminal, you are sorely mistaken.
I actually think anyone who was elected to the most powerful position in the United States multiple times owes us something. Doesn’t anyone with the power to help the country owe us something? I’m a private citizen and I feel like I owe the country something, why wouldn’t a former President?
So many of my folk have swallowed the Kool-Aid… So many in fact, they don’t feel like “my folk”. But I promise you I will not stop trying. Thank you for this, sir.💙
“There is no horseshoe. There is only white people who are at best uncomfortable with any power being held in Black hands. Those white people are at all points of the ‘left-right’ spectrum.”
As if any of this is their doing. They did what they could in the moment. As you know they’re private citizens. Save those boos for the current sellouts among the withering party, and the uplifters of white supremacy everywhere.
Excuse me, they relentlessly told you and tried to get people out to vote. Now black people are being erased and cancelled so are you showing up to that fight? And did you ever?
It did, but it’s not us. We’re asking a powerful public speaker with moral credibility, political credentials, and an image of ethical character to use those powers for good.
People are framing this like “demanding Black labor” when it’s actually “the only former president worth anything is Black”
No, they shouldn't. They went out, showed up, unnecessary, I might add, to tell all Americans about the dangers of a second trump term. Warned of everything out in the open. Project 2025, corruption, loss of healthcare,etc. American voters let THEM down. They and their children are in danger.
Nah. Ppl are starting to wake from their Fox Propaganda coma, but on the economy, not their racism that elected Trump. Nothing could send them running back to drink more Kool-Aid like the Black President they were trained to despise. Like Pavlov’s dogs. Say “Obama” and the Magats foam at the mouth.
I mean. Do you remember the reaction to their presidency by the people who look like you? Calling them nigger, hanging nooses, folks still think Michelle is trans because she’s physically fit, etc.
Please shut the fuck up and boo the people who allowed you to be so dumb.
They’re only mad the Obamas (who very presciently forewarned re: this exact outcome & repeatedly pleaded with voters not to let it happen) are living their lives as private citizens & not out here for them to attack/disrespect. Same people making demands still smearing & calling them “war criminals”
Yuppppp. They act like the Obamas would change anything. People said they don’t give a fuck about marginalized people by voting for Trump or not voting, despite the Obamas campaigning. If they didn’t listen then, why would they listen now?
Shut up, Andrew. They did their part, they warned everyone who would listen. And white people ignored their every word and voted for Trump. Take your anger out on those people, they are the ones who need to be outraged and in the streets. They made this mess, they can help clean it up.
Libs are as loyal to their figureheads as MAGA is to Trump and Co. They’ll never criticize the ones with power, and clearly use idpol to shield many of them from criticism.
You’re right, obviously.
Donald Trump is CLEARLY a white people problem. "DEI" initiatives are being erased swiftly, and resegregation is happening. Why do you think these were the first acts from Trump? because they are "low hanging fruit" for white people. There are racists across every group within the political spectrum
and you singling out the only Black president AND his wife (who didn't serve in office) to save the day, as if they are some magical negroes... this is the subtly that escapes white people all the time. they really don't get what it's like being black in this country.
You’re wrong. Obama helped Biden, a white man who went to bat for segregationists and called Barack a good black, win the Dem nominee in 2020 over Bernie. Biden went on to have one of the worst presidencies ever which helped Trump posit himself as someone who’s going to change the broken system.
The 1 black man who was POTUS for 8 consecutive years before Trump bears less responsibility for his rise than half of this country’s illiterate peasantry? Do you know how power works? The 1 black man had a super majority for 2 years and what did he achieve for black people?
White American voters put us here. The First Black Potus & his family told us what was coming. White Americans *still* voted for this. If BO & MO deserve boos for warning us, what do White Americans (who purposely chose harm 4 the rest of us) deserve?
Ok let’s say I accept your premise - if not for the destruction of the constitution, what then merits strategic deployment of Obama’s “passion.” Give me a fucking break.
Y’all act like Trump’s supporters or apathetic leftists will just wake up upon hearing Obama and be like “YEAH! EXACTLY!” They literally voted for, or refused to vote against, a man who claimed Obama wasn’t born in America. Clearly, Obama’s presence does not matter that much to them.
After the first trump term, people shouldn’t need to be warned. They knew what he was about. I can forgive the first time, but now. Yall knew what he was about and then still voted for him. Talk to your family members and get offline
I went for a brief spin through the “dark web” during Obama’s first term. Beyond horrific, especially what was said about Michelle and their girls. The threats were so much worse than anything I could imagine and I read tons of serial killer fiction.
Obama sold you fascism in a dignified package. Americans have very short memories, neoliberalism paved and ratcheted us all the way into fascism instead of opposing it. Feckless by design.
trump wouldn'tve been able to send ANYONE to gitmo if obama or biden dismantled it like they both said they wanted to, jus saying. and thats only ONE thing that can be pointed out
Every amercian president since Reagan has been on a straight path towards fascism and Obama was no different. Child detention camps were built under Obama, public services were gutted under Obama, Israel's atrocities were funded under Obama, police budgets were increased under Obama.
Honestly, why? They told the American people repeatedly. Repeatedly. 90 million Americans did not bother to get off the couch and vote in the last election. Given those facts, why would they bother.
They did. For months. Should they do an instagram reel digging around their shed looking for their pitchfork and torches to ‘lead the fight’? Give me a fucking break. 77 million people chose this.
Heaven forbid they actually accept the responsibility that came with running for office and winning for decades instead of just accepting every benefit thereof for the rest of their lives and sitting quitely.
It's not their job to fix our broken electorate. The Clintons, Bidens, Bushes, Obamas, Harrises all have one thing in common: they hold no elected position.
How many ex-presidents do we need to line up before y’all realize that people know what the right thing is and actively choose not to do it? It’s not like Obeezy has the master key and just won’t use it. This is a problem he can’t fix.
I don't mean to speak for anyone else, but...Carter is dead, Biden is too senile to be effective, W is just as much of a monster as Trump, and Clinton is a sex pest. Obama is the only living ex-president worth anyone listening to, and he's a better speaker than any of the others ever were.
The entire fucking point is that they have been completely insincere. If they thought Trump was as dangerous as they say, they would be trying to help the country, not giggling with Trump every time they are in the same room together and sitting by idly while he dismantles the country.
They don’t giggle with him every time they’re in the room together please stop being dramatic and direct this energy toward someone who actual holds office and can actually change things.
He did. He’s a black man. He can’t be on camera constantly scowling and mean mugging. When I’m at work, I have to watch how I look and how I use my voice to avoid coming off as the angry black man. Come on!
Yes! YTs-your complicity got us here! Along w/INEQUALITY!
Aggressively call your white complicit, racist, ignorant, misinformed, white person to the effing carpet! Maybe that will get us out of this-maybe. BC trump‘S ABILITY TO USE THE RACE CARD/RACISM to get votes, SHOULD’VE NEVER BEEN POSSIBLE! 🤯
Obama has quit on America. He could speak up and rally the country. But he's quit. He's rich and doesn't really care about the rest of us anymore. And here you are making excuses for him.
They’ve made their beds, now they gotta lay in that mf. NOW, they’re begging for solidarity n shit. Where was the “solidarity” they provided throughout the election?
Your ignorance is staggering. Barack & Michelle have done more than most! Their service and time is deeply appreciated. They owe us nothing! Former republican politicians.. they paved the way for this. They're STILL doing that - knowing that he's burning it all down - afraid to do their jobs.
Yeah politicsgirl on youtube said this way better than op. Really weird (and honestly racist) of op to single out only two influential political leaders who happen to be poc and not all former leaders of the united states like politicsgirl did in her youtube short.
Boo yo mammy! You want Obama to say something, then what? Before you go with your knee jerk shyt do you ask yourself AND THEN WHAT? What if something happens to his fckn family will Andrew come help? Goodness no, Andrew won’t do shyt but skeet about booing the Obamas..ergo fck Andrew!
On behalf of the white folks like me, I apologize.
What black people and other people of colour put up with from the smooth brained bigots is something I could not if I were in their shoes.
He won't because he's a red-brown horseshoe alliance tankie and tankies are, along with libertarian techbros, the OGs of Bluesky. They're united by their rabid hatred of mainstream Democrats and the Congressional Black Caucus.
That's bullshit. He paid his dues, been paying. Why in hell in this atmosphere would he be "that guy"and put his family in harms way? For a country too stupid to follow the crumbs, to see what MAGA meant?
Many that voted Trump will regret it. It's Congress and the courts now. We were warned.
No no no
First of all it is true of all ex presidents that when they cede power they CEDE POWER. The pendulum of power once again went to the right (unfortunately). Ex presidents do not interfere. It’s up to those politicians in terms and the American people. We are getting so divided it’s scary.
I disagree. However, boo Biden all you want because it was obvious that a second Trump term would be a catastrophe, and nothing whatsoever was done to mitigate it. Furthermore, had Biden kept his commitment to be a one term president, perhaps the election would have had a more favorable result.
All ppl had to do was show up and vote. That was the plan bc who TF wanted another 4 years of Donald & AFTER Jan 6, After convictions, AFTER Project 2025. We were told over and over. Stop w your nonsense.
Fuck no. They all have warnings before the election and look at how YOUR COMMUNITY voted. Stop looking for people to save you from the find out stage that yall fucked around with. Dick Cheney even spoke out against Trump during the election and yall still didn’t understand. Sit in the shit
The entire party is deeply unserious when it comes to anything besides fundraising and figuring out how far right you can drift before losing an election.
Why isn't this heat put towards the Republican congress who could stop this right now? Obama, Clinton, Harris all warned us what would happen and white voters voted for this anyway. And just what do you think Obama could do? They've sacrificed so much already. We need to stop being lazy Americans.
and why are you protecting a fool who drunk texted an invite to a meeting about an attack, to someone from The Atlantic. You seem fine with that Hegseth the drunk did this, but You complain about democrats, what's next, someone drunk texts russia, our launch codes?
I understood the original post, i however can’t read your fucking mind, are we going into what Obama’s war crimes are now, we can move the goalpost if you want, however, is he not another cog in a white nationalist run country?
Feels race based bc the strategy makes no sense. What different demographic will they reach? The ppl who still hold the Obamas in high regard are NOT the ppl who need to be reached the most. Where is Bush? Cheney? Rice? O’Neil? Repubs who held prominent positions need to speak out.
Maybe it "feels race based" to you but to the rest of us it "seems like the popular former leader of the opposition party should be doing anything at all to speak out against a Nazi takeover, instead of just posting playlists and March Madness bracket"
“Why isn’t this former leader who failed to change the results of the election, speaking out even though it may turn off the same people who need to be reached. This is wildly nonstrategic, but I’m scared and angry. Therefore, we must act without considering the impact.”
I don’t care for the Obamas. It’s not strategic. They won’t rally anyone. Bernie and AOC are strategically going out to rally both leftists and disgruntled centrists by focusing on class issues to put pressure on their reps. Obamas would do more harm than good bc both those groups aren’t fans.
so you believe if he were to say, apply pressure to schumer for being a weak minority leader, it would achieve nothing? election years aren’t the only time they have sway. and i will note i never said he was good, merely that i have much higher expectations of him than i do of conservatives.
He already pushed Schumer to pressure Biden to quit the election and then they still lost the election. Do you think Schumer is going to listen to him the same?
Strategically ineffective.
Excuse me for misreading initially. I don’t expect better except for their social views tbh.
There are a ton of people who voted for both Obama and Trump. Low information voters who would actually listen to what he says, even though they didn’t vote for the candidate he endorsed. And those are the people who need to hear it the most because the rest of us are already tuned in.
A better use of time would be to "boo" EVERY white person that voted for this including family friends neighbors. I wanna see it! I wanna see yall hold each other to account in public, at yall jobs, churches, in the streets, fucking everywhere. Then maybe we'd sacrifice the Obamas to this shitshow
The Obamas - private citizens, left WH 9yrs ago! What exactly would you be holding them “accountable” for? They did plead, presciently forewarn; said all that needed to be said, when it needed to be said & when it’d make a difference. They were ignored, attacked/blamed/disrespected, told to go away.
They are not private citizens, he is still called President Obama because it will always be his title. They put themselves in the public eye constantly, they are public figures.
Private citizens can be public figures: e.g De Niro, Jane Goodall. There’s only one president at a time even if all living use honorific. The Obamas have given generously of themselves for yrs & more than done their part. Odd how your malevolent ilk think you can smear/insult them into submission.🤔🥱
they absolutely did not plead or “presciently forewarn”. dude spoke a at some rallies for a month and then disappeared. he always was more interested in his own image than building a better world and everything since his presidency proves that
Odd how your malevolent ilk who viciously attack the Obamas & try to chip away at them/their popularity, are quick to demand the Obamas bail you out using the hard-won popularity you lot have tried to destroy. The Obamas are not your indentured slaves & owe you nothing! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5DGsAjXQwY4&t=113s&pp=2AFxkAIB
These aren’t rando white people. I have “leftist” friends who jump at the chance to defend their MAGA family members. They deflect their family’s bigotry onto the system rather than confronting it, and thereby perpetuating the cycle.
Unless you're talking about former president Trump, who is now actively selling Netanyahu 2,000 lb bombs, allowing Netanyahu take the West Bank and allowing Putin to keep kidnapped Ukrainian children, you are slandering Democrats by throwing around the term 'genocide'.
Tens of millions of rando white people got us here. White people will never take responsibility individually or collectively. Always looking to pin the consequences of YOUR actions on someone else.
But but but… why would it not be the last two term republican president holding his own party accountable? I’m sure you didn’t think about that dimwit.
Because he's a Republican hack and there's no reason to expect that he'd stand up to Trump, unlike the Obamas, who are ostensibly part of the opposition party.
Unless you're admitting that the Obamas don't have any more of a spine than Republican hacks, which is seemingly true.
Also the Republican people voted Bush into office just like they did Trump. How is this the democrats problem to solve?? The voters forfeited democracy to that clown and now you want the “opposing party” to clean up their mess?
My point is that the anger and expectations are completely misdirected. Expecting previous presidents to do anything about the current administration is silly. There are people in positions of power NOW that are silent. Them speaking against him would be nice but what would that actually accomplish?
I don’t think either of them hold the power to do anything about the current administration. However, who the Republican Party will listen to is more likely to change anything than who will listen to “us”. Both parties stop doing that a long time ago.
You have lost your 🐇 ass mind... How about you boo your sister, sister -in-law, aunt, Nonna, Papa, brother, brother-in-law, uncle and cousins for not voting Harris/Walz, cause that's why we're here...
The problem is the silence of white people who should be calling out other white people for supporting this bullshit administration. Our demographic is the problem.
Black people are not here to perform optics for your comfort. The Obamas showed up and told everyone how dangerous putting 47 in office would be and to take action back when this could have been prevented. People didn't listen
An entire generation is furious that someone ELSE hasn't stood up and forced a change. As one who grew up during the civil rights era this sense of entitlement that it's *other* people's job to fight your fight (so you don't have to) is the worst part of what's happened to the U.S.
So it’s okay for him to derail a popular progressive candidate to support the campaign of an unmitigated piece of shit or to crush a work stoppage supporting an anti-racist movement, but coming out against the rising tide of fascism *he helped usher in* is across the line?
Every time people wonder how MAGA latched on to rigged election conspiracy theories I just show them the people who rant about Bernie having the election stolen from him and they understand perfectly.
The fact you can’t tell the difference between the two says a lot about your critical thinking skills. Good luck carrying water for a war criminal who likes drone striking weddings. Also your definition of a rant is piss poor.
Replies like this are why we will lose to fascism. Asking our ex president to stand up for democracy is “comfort and optics”? Like no lady, sorry but its time for him to come out to a podium and show america what a really president should be. Comments like yours are loser dipshit energy.
If you ever expected GW to stand up for democracy, I dont know what to tell you. GW was the worst president in my lifetime. Biden is too old, Clinton has baggage and is too old.
Who else is going to stand up? He was a great leader and these arent normal times. We need an adult in the room badly.
They are way okay with murdering Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, Iranians, Ukrainians, Russians.
Obama doesn’t get a pass bc he is black. He loved killing with drones.
I don't understand your logic. I don't like Bush but would still want him to make public statements if it would positively influence public opinion. Why would it have to be about "performance"?
In THREE elections! They showed up in THREE elections to tell people how bad things were going to be under Trump. America voted for the guy who made a name for himself politically by saying Obama wasn’t an American, and everyone still voted for him. But somehow it’s their fault? Gross.
Do you see how only showing up during an election feels like the absolute bare minimum? It also comes across as incredibly insincere because if the messaging stop once he’s elected, it suggests a lack of genuine commitment to the message.
I think this might come across as more of an insult to ex-presidents than you realize. We can pretend they’re irrelevant after leaving office, but that’s just not true—and honestly, it’s a bit disrespectful.
You didn’t even Google anything- and what’s scare is more than you liked your lying awful take. No wonder y’all are crashing out because Black people aren’t spoon feeding you anymore…
I’m not blaming them for the loss. I’m saddened that they went silent after it. Just because Democrats lost doesn’t mean their roles as a political leaders should vanish. Did Trump vanish after he lost in 2020?
I’m talking about the messaging he was espousing 7 months ago from the DNC. But okay. Make Obama seem as insignificant as you possibly can by referring to 18 years ago.
The bare minimum would be you getting your lazy, entitled, selfish, racist little ass up and marching instead of insisting the Black president that served this country AND has come out to warn your dumbass about Trump for the last three elections. Shut up and get to work, bitch.
If you are actually dumb enough to think that the Obamas only come out once every four years, you have apparently been living in your mom's basement with no access to media.
What EXACTLY are they supposed to say? Other than we FUCKING TOLD YOU SO. Because they’re better than me as I would like that tattooed to my forehead. Warnings didn’t work, so now we have to deal with the burns from touching the stove.
Magical Leaders aren't going to swoop in and save the day here. The voters created this problem, and the lion's share of correcting it has to come from the voters.
It would be valid if I thought 4 months of silence after a major election loss was more than enough time to jump right back on the crusade. There's nothing that Obama can say right now that he hasn't already said during the election. It's kinda useless to jump back in an area where you'd be noise.
Calling for all to harass the ONLY Black man ever to become POTUS because a majority of white men voted for a known lunatic racist felon rapist. Fuck that. People calling for Harris to do something is also pretty rich. Maybe call on your own white male demographic to not be racist and misogynistic.
What's funny is that these folks aren't focused on people like Walz, AOC, Crockett, Sanders etc. Who are doing exactly what they want Harris and Obama to do. Highlight them and when Harris and Obama are eventually ready they'll jump in. It's all very unserious behavior formed out of desperation.
Not only did they show up, but showed up with the weight of this racist ass nation on their backs - people not only threatened by their stances, but by the mere existence of their black bodies. Guaranteed the scorn they've endured as public servants is 100x worst than any white politician.
As I’m sure multiple others have already said, the only words you or anyone else are owed from the Obamas, Harris/Emhoffs, Walzes, Clintons or Biden are these: WE FUCKING WARNED YOU. Also, black people are not more responsible for the stupidity of the voters than anyone else, FFS.
The lack of logic in this post is astonishing. Booing Black people because other folks are too stupid to. It’s in their own interest is racism and sexism and fascism. And nonsensical. They talked. They said everything. Y’all ignored them
They did everything they could they got out there and practically begged people to vote for Kamala and people did not listen. There’s nothing more they can do.
The problem with this kind of analysis is it doesn't actually fit the patterns. Had POC voting patterns in 2024 matched 2020, Trump wouldn't have been elected.
The ONLY population that was more dem this cycle was white people. Everyone else was more Republican.
I mean why did POC choose to vote more for a white man in 2020 than a WOC in 2024? If we're calling the problem racism, it's not singularly a white problem here.
I'm not trying to own you, I really want you to consider that it might not be so 'clean' as 'white people ruin everything', because categorically white people are the only group that seemed more comfortable by your own parameters voting more for a WOC dem than a white good ole boy dem.
This isn't one dimensional, there's a LOT going on here.
The real thing with the Obamas is they have a VERY public life of their own choosing and cash in on their rep, which is VERY good with americans compared to the only other living dems, Biden and Bill. Like there's a utility in Obama.
That's... damn, that's actually really depressing. I knew Harris was a poor candidate for the zeitgeist, but I didn't realize she was bad enough to depress PoC turnout even when Trump was threatening to retake the White House.
You don't think Obama would be an effective leader of the majority who didn't chose racism? There are millions of people who didn't vote in November who he could reach but very few others can. If you think he could play a role in helping organize those people, why wouldn't you want him to?
If he wants to. But he's not an active politician. We need to call out elected officials to do their job. That's what they're paid for. That's what they are elected for.
Does that we not include Obama? I feel that as a resident (citizen too fwiw) I have an obligation to do what I reasonably can to protect myself and my community from fascism. Doesn't our obligation scale with our ability? Like someone homebound doesn't need to go to a march, but I should
And still popular as an addition. Bill is alive but he can't get butts in seats, him and HIllary's tour literally had to go on groupon before they cancelled it halfway through because it was so embarrassingly under attended.
Barack & Michelle don't owe you shit. They warned you, they told white ppl if you let that criminal back in power, he would destroy the world & 70 million of you couldn't get off your azzes to even vote. Put your face & body on the line & tell your white family, friends & neighbors to do the same.
No. The Obamas owe us nothing. They gave spoken their views, and I imagine they are supporting in actions we don't see they just aren't leading the charge. Leave them alone.
I respectfully disagree. I don't think any of us are in a position to judge how the first black POTUS and FLOTUS should behave while white supremacists are actively destroying our democracy.
Thank you for educating me on this. And, again, I'm sorry for getting it wrong. How meta and ironic is it that because I haven't lived the Black experience, I fumbled a post about how those of us who haven't lived the Black experience need to sit the heck down sometimes?
I'm black. Obama bears some responsibility for this situation. For one thing, he pushed Joe Biden in 2020 and got everyone in line to endorse him despite Biden being practically invisible even then. His presidency and post-presidency is filled with miscalculations. He fucking owes us
You think they aren't? They told everyone what voting for Trump meant; people - mostly white people - didn't listen. Now that a white POTUS elected mostly by white people is conducting an explicitly white supremacist attack on our democracy, what would you have the Black former POTUS and FLOTUS do?
no. you expect them to fix the problem that your community voted in droves to bring about. find someone in the white community to be the change you want to see. the people who would listen to the obamas didn't get us into this mess.
HELLO! Cause they not even calling for the Bidens lol. We talking two damn presidents and almost a decade ago. Hell they aren’t even calling out their congressmen and senators! It’s been “The Obamas and Kamala need to step up” not even acknowledging the racism towards them is the reason we’re here!
I got an extreme level of vile for pointing this out:
Liberals should be the people of respecting boundaries, understanding consent - to come out and demand of others, of Marginalized identity, to do anything, is a betrayal of supposed principles.
ridiculous take. the core challenge here is the dismantling of the illusion of white supremacy which is something Black and Brown folks cannot do. it's up to white folks. until that happens, it's gonna be more of the same.
If Harris had been worth a damn as a candidate and not sided with our enemies after telling us to shut up and take it, people would have voted for her more.
I did, personally, but it wasn’t because I thought she’d be a good president or represent me or my interests. And it did nothing.
That's the problem with yall, he sided with the enemy of our country. Yall, really can't get past the best candidate for the country and not for yall 1 or 2 personal reasons is why we're in the bs. No candidate is perfect, so you choose the best overall and racism won out over best for the people.
She wasn’t the best candidate for the country, she was the least worst candidate for the country, and they are different concepts. They’ve been giving us candidates that only rise to “better than an illiterate fascist” for decades, people are sick of it, and nothing stops the Ds from doing better.
How are you, an American, arguing that we owe politicians loyalty and not the other way around? Do you wish we had a king? Do you long to be a serf, a possession of your leader?
Why are you willing to settle for scraps? Why will you not demand better?
This was my thought. I'm sure there are already concerns about their safety thanks to white supremacist MAGA idiots spurred on by the orange rapist idiot in chief. To speak out at this time could literally kill them.
They are not silent. They are not in office now. They are every day citizens like you and I leading everyday lives. Their voice is out there- but what is going on cannot be stopped if everyone doesn’t step up. We cannot pretend our way out of this president. We did in the past. Those days are gone.
I’m sorry, the leaders of the Democratic Party don’t owe it to us to do the work we elected them to do and they took an oath to do? That’s an impressively nonsensical take.
What's he doing exactly except yelling about shit we already know? He could be back in Washington actually doing something productive instead of putting on a concert.
They promised to forgive $20,000 of my student loans if I voted for Democrats in 2022.
Still waiting on it, as well as the $2000 check they promised in 2020.
This idiot, "we didn't do anything wrong 19 weeks ago," no, u guys have been ruining the country for fucking decades
Ignoring the warnings from the left, attacking & marginalizing us, that liberal policies were going to lead us to tyranny n fascist oligarchy
Michael Parenti
Chris Hedges
I'm not saying both parties are the same. And in not saying they need to be superheroes, but they shouldn't be voting against the party and stabbing the house in the back after agreeing to vote a certain way.
You do. We absolutely fucked up by supporting a woman who would rather cosy up to Right Wingers and protect her favorite genocide. We should have held her accountable but even then our duty to our fellow man did not end with that vote. You are a born again Christian thinking that vote saved you.
“I fulfilled my political obligations by voting for genocide so I get to be shitty to people whose lives are being ruined if I think they hold different opinions than me” is actually the perfect distillation of modern liberal politics
I dunno. I think they’ve both done their time, and their time has passed. Grateful to them, but we have to stop looking to the very politics of hope and unity that couldn’t deliver us from all this.
We need something new.
Are YOU on crack? Both Obamas said a LOT at the DNC and in the run up to the election. People are not listening.
Jesus fucking christ on a cracker, you jackasses whining that someone else is not doing enough.
What the FUCK are you doing BESIDES whining???
The Obamas don’t have to do anything and certainly don’t deserve booing.
And I’m not sure it would help for either to be publicly condemning the current WH shitshow; it’s not their style and it would just make the MAGAs worse.
I respectfully disagree with you on this, they don't have to do anything. they went out and campaigned, they told people not to vote for him, it's not their responsibility anymore. This country hated them so much that they followed his president by electing that vile piece of shit.
I can't qWhite put my finger on it, but it seems weird to single Obama and Harris, and not also Biden, Clinton, and Bush. Almost as if you revel in the thought of harassing Black people specifically.
Yes, trump is all Obamas fault. He should somehow have fixed all this by now. He owes us big time because he used to be a public servant. How dare he have a private life after giving years of work to the public
They are certainly revered sure, but booing them for not having the solution no one else does doesn’t seem all that productive does it? Or is alienating allies a thing all Americans do?
You deserve to be pilloried for the incredible effrontery of your demand that Black people who *do not hold public office* be jailed or sold into slavery in El Salvador
because 90% of white actual elected officials have a sea cucumber's worth of spine amongst them
You definitely don’t want to start calling people out for the current situation. If so you should definitely be going after that 60% demographic that supported Trump but you still are choosing to ignore them.
I'm saying exactly what I said. What did the OP do to stop other white people from voting for Trump? White people fucked this up and got the world into this mess.
You said “stop other white people from voting for Trump.”
Preventing people from voting is what “voter suppression” means.
You’re still dodging how the candidate didn’t tell people what they wanted to hear and promised to compromise with our enemy. Why doesn’t that count, serf?
Actually, it's called getting your fellow white people educated and looking past their own stupid noses. Did I say tell them not to vote at all? No. No voter suppression at all. You keep putting words in my mouth that I'm not saying.
The fact that you didnt think about the ramifications of what you were saying doesn’t mean those ramifications aren’t real, and it actually makes you look worse, not better.
You’re doing a bad job of parroting bad propaganda that keeps the owners, D and R alike, in power.
(that’s leaving aside the assumption that we’re such indiscriminate, haphazard trashbags that we have Trump supporters in our personal lives. There are literally no people I could have talked out of voting for him; I don’t know any, because I care who I associate with.
I cannot believe the comments here. This is why the democrats lose. This is why we're in this mess. We need leaders, we need people willing to fight for our democracy. And because .5% more voted for hell, previous presidents get to walk away? Peoples lives are being torn apart.
And the response from people asking why aren't democratic leadership (Hillary, Obama etc) stepping up is, "they shouldn't have to fight for us"? Then who should be? They're the leaders of the Democrat party. How are we supposed to fix the country if we don't have anyone to stand behind.
No. It is not their job to fix this. How about all of my fellow WHITE people, especially Republicans, open their mouths and start to speak? How about more white politicians get their asses out on the streets where the protests are? How about that? White people made this mess, we have to clean it up.
It’d be a lot better if people currently in office stepped up. That said, all of our former presidents, vice presidents, contenders, former legislators, actors, musicians, celebrities, athletes, etc. should be in the mix. Singling out the Obamas ain’t it tho.
child sit your ass down.
They are not your slaves
They are not your puppets
They don't work for you
You wanna boo go boo that clown you let get in office
You want noise go make some to claw your country back
He’s a public servant, as is every politician. He helped create this mess, he has a responsibility to do his part to clean it up. He owes us *everything*.
Then why did he come out to push the most unliked politician to the general election and crush a work stoppage supporting the BLM movement? He sure is leading something.
Literally got Trump elected by pushing out a vastly more popular candidate in order to clear the way for Hilldawg, who those of us with our heads not up our asses said would, in fact, lose. So yes, he did.
I mean he was at the lead until the entire Dem establishment broke its back to hobble his campaign. He absolutely would have mopped the floor with Trump, though.
Ohh but honey you do, because you allowed trump to win knowing he vowed to wipe out Gaza and build condos. Knowing he would sell out Ukraine, criminalize trans folk, Blacks and the poor. You supported several genocides while standing in your pile of manure high ground!
Why does he owe us anything? We (the sane among us) elected him twice. He served honorably for eight years. We owe him our gratitude for that. He owes us nothing.
He is not. He is a private citizen now. Y'all got "I voted for him" mixed up into "I own him and his wife's labor forever" and I think we both know historically where that kneejerk assumption came from. Transparent as glass.
So why do you want him to speak again if he didn't do a good job before? Y'all love sending Black ppl to the front lines as you disparage them. We're not biting this time. Do it yourself. 😃
And do you own them for life?
Just how long do they "owe" you for?
America has made its' choice
The Obamas have been vilified up and down this country
They are not masochists
Masochism is betting on the fact your investments are going to be safe when Musk crashes the economy so that his chosen billionaires can eat your assets
I don't know is 58 young? maybe if you're 70.
You're a silly child who does not deserve any serious reply
you come into this convo with your "you're not much of a poet" childishness and you expect a serious answer?
What poem of mine do you know?
The funny thing here is they wouldn't listen to him but now they want him to save them from themselves. That man did a stellar job for this country against massive headwinds and vitriol with utter grace. He campaigned like hell for Kamla. He gets to tell them to fvck off now.
I would add George W & Clinton to that list. Why are the former presidents remaining silent while democracy is dismantled? If we’re playing by Rump rules, any one of them could run again in ‘28
As a white person, even I know your post is stupid.
What exactly do you think two POC, however how influential they are, can do when the ppl in charge are White Supremacists??
That’s a garbage take. They did their job in during the election. What do you actually expect them to do? Dress in superhero outfits and bust into the White House. It’s not on them to get us out of this, it’s on us.
What do they owe us? They questioned his citizenship and they say she is a man. They gave 8 years of their lives and more for this country. Honorably. I don’t blame them if we never hear from them again.
Where’s your outrage for the people that voted for this or the politicians that are actively protecting this shitshow? Throw shade where it’s due, not at anyone else. Jeesh
Andrew I think you’re great but this is a horseshit take and if people did it things would unquestionably get worse even before we consider the optics of a bunch of overwhelmingly white crowds booing two black people for not doing enough to stop the racists
When the opposition includes armed, violent white supremacists whom Trump has made immune from consequences, you have no right to DEMAND that ANY people of color put their safety in jeopardy. Even wealthy and powerful ones.
It’s not like they are billionaires who can flee to anywhere in the world
We’re not asking for a some random on the street. It’s not the same for them
Now imagine being Black in Trump's America, watching white folks demand that Black people be their heroes.
Michelle and Barack Obama don't owe y'all shit.
Just wondering, cause people who say things like that are part of the problem.
I voted for Obama & Harris. We need former politicians to speak out against the coup. If they don’t, for whatever reason, it’s not support.
They don’t need to be booed, but they should be beseeched. But their kids are ripe targets.
Which you may not be surprised to learn was an extreme enabled by their constant capitulation to them.
You're not owed a performance by a private citizen on your wee plantation. Get out there and take care of this shit yourself.
Insane sublimated racism
Lmfao. So many unhinged people on this thread
You know that right? Can you read the word "EVERYONE"?
Think about that.
And the jobs I had eight years ago are still kind of a big deal for me, and I do talk about them, and if anyone else cared I'd talk about them in public.
You sound more ridiculous than glib.
WE did this to ourselves
YOU should've had those hard talks with your family, friends & coworkers who voted with their racism, bigotry & misogynoir
The Obamas & every influential, wealthy person on the left TOLD US OVER & OVER
TOO MANY didn't listen or didn't care
What happened to you today Andrew?
The cowards are the ones calling on Black folks to come in & save the day
THIS is on y'all white folk to fix
Black folk told y'all & warned y'all over & over
I'm not talking about the Obama's at all, except in the general sense that every person with wealth and power should be speaking out RIGHT NOW.
Many of them did speak
Many of them supported Harris & gave money to her campaign
Many of them were very verbal in their criticism of #45 as a danger to our nation
But like you & me, they only get 1 vote
They did not put #45 in office
I did not even talk about Barack and Michelle
But generally, they have wealth and power. Just like other former presidents.
It would be awesome if the Clinton's and Bushes spoke out now too. But they aren't.
White people heard what they said and rejected it.
Do not blame the Black people who warned you.
I'm not talking about the Obama's at all, except in the general sense that every person with wealth and power should be speaking out RIGHT NOW.
very specifically
There’s a long list of work you could be doing instead of complaining.
Not ringing any bells?
I'm not talking about the Obama's at all, except in the general sense that every person with wealth and power should be speaking out RIGHT NOW.
Turning on the only Dems apolitical people actually like would be insanely dumb right now.
Do people get it if recast this as “Obama-wan, you’re our only hope”?
That’s what people are saying in this horrible time, when we are all as desperate as Princess Leia.
Fuck you.
"attacked on sight" in case you cannot read, they said "boo", unless you consider booing an attack.
Also, should they have denounced every single white person who had an hand in this before Barack and Michelle Obama? To me it just seems like
Booing them absolves people like Schumer and Newsom of the responsibility they *chose*
Racism and misogyny played a role in it, sure. But it can also be explained through the dems policies.
that post exists in an alternate reality
White people ignored them! They are not able to magically make white people not racist!
If you don't feel you should be held responsible for that, consider the reasons for booing two Black private citizens.
I white voter who voted for Obama twice and for Harri
What exactly do you want them to say *now*?
And how dare you demand an unelected Black woman stand as your sacrificial leader, when our white male elected leaders refuse to fight?
Just because Harris lost doesn't mean that the fight against the fascists is over. EVERYONE needs to step up.
What amazing word of power are they keeping from us?
YOUR demographic FAILED THE ASSIGNMENT - so leave them alone and get to work on your fellow white men.
“Racism is mentioning someone’s race when relevant in a conversation instead of their extensive list of accomplishments. Okay then…”
When Obama had EVIDENCE of Russian meddling before the 2016 election, he asked the party leaders to get TOGETHER and denounce it. Mitch McConnell REFUSED.
Fixed it for you
ultimately were all on the same side
The thing is, if the Obamas were to go on some kind of speaking tour, people like you would still condemn them because they wouldn't condemn the Democratic party and they wouldn't spout left-populist rhetoric. That's not who they are. You all have Sanders and "AOC"...
2) The real question: who will lead the Dems? Partial answer: not any past two-term president. What they mainly have left to offer are just spicy takes
I actually came on this app to see if you took this foolishness down, as you are being dragged on Threads. But…
Or maybe it's his election that broke white Americans brains & they're taking precautions. They already gave us 8 years of their lives.
Obama can autograph his little brackets in his home while people get sent to an El Salvadoran gulag for protesting current day Volkswagen ca. 1937
Good thing your opinions don’t represent Media Matters because this shit is dumb as hell.
Would it be nice if they were right alongside Bernie and AOC? Sure. But it’s not their duty.
What the fuck are you doing, exactly, to assist with the struggle against tyranny?
BTW, we’ve noticed how white liberals and leftists have only demanded the Obamas and Kamala Harris. White liberal racism is real.
Since Hillary sat next to Bill for their 60 Minutes interview the GOP has been relentless with their misogynistic anti-HRC propaganda. Those who wanted to hate, hated. #buthheremails
Then again, maybe "Russian asset" Trump told him a really funny joke, and what better place for laughs than funerals?
Wired: We are helpless and only the old politicians can save us, where are they??
Figure out what you can do and then do something.
They show up and Trump will direct all of the anger of what is going on towards them, and whites will buy it.
They are doing us a service by staying out of the way.
But I get your point. Just don't think it should stop them right now.
I was responding to the original post
2) Barack Obama has been a private citizen for 8 years.
3) Any smoke for George W. Bush or do you just do Black Democrats?
Wealthy Democrats are fine no matter who is in charge. Bernie Sanders and AOC are doing it. Why isn't Obama? Biden? Schumer?
They've done all that was asked and then some. We've done this to ourselves
Like eye-rollingly *tiresome.*
“There is no horseshoe. There is only white people who are at best uncomfortable with any power being held in Black hands. Those white people are at all points of the ‘left-right’ spectrum.”
Yes, that must be it.
People are framing this like “demanding Black labor” when it’s actually “the only former president worth anything is Black”
Please shut the fuck up and boo the people who allowed you to be so dumb.
You’re right, obviously.
They gave almost everything and owe us nothing.
He came in and fixed the SS he had been left.
He warned everyone and still here we are.
Call damaged goods to help. They’ve had some time to rest. 🤣
But then going straight to booing black people yourself deserves some introspection.
And Obama had higher job approval and approval overall popularity ratings than Trump.
sorry you have such low standards but i think i'm kinda getting it
Aggressively call your white complicit, racist, ignorant, misinformed, white person to the effing carpet! Maybe that will get us out of this-maybe. BC trump‘S ABILITY TO USE THE RACE CARD/RACISM to get votes, SHOULD’VE NEVER BEEN POSSIBLE! 🤯
Fix the elephant in the room, and call on Clinton and GW to help you while you’re at it.
Imagine looking at what Trump is doing and then deciding to yourself... Nah, I'm good.
Dude just up and quit.
Y'all promptly went out after having Barak Obama as a 2 term president & voted for the Orange Shitgibbon.
They warned us some more.
Y'all voted for the Felonious Fuckmuppet AGAIN.
All the privilege in the world and these people have neither the self awareness of a sea sponge nor the common sense God gave a goat.
What black people and other people of colour put up with from the smooth brained bigots is something I could not if I were in their shoes.
Y'all have got to get your people together and have a come to Jesus moment if all of us are to make it out alive.
This administration is happy to destroy us all to get what they want.
Don't be useful tools to your enemy.
That War Monger blob has been MIA since he left DC.
- white internet socialist
Many that voted Trump will regret it. It's Congress and the courts now. We were warned.
First of all it is true of all ex presidents that when they cede power they CEDE POWER. The pendulum of power once again went to the right (unfortunately). Ex presidents do not interfere. It’s up to those politicians in terms and the American people. We are getting so divided it’s scary.
All ppl had to do was show up and vote. That was the plan bc who TF wanted another 4 years of Donald & AFTER Jan 6, After convictions, AFTER Project 2025. We were told over and over. Stop w your nonsense.
Bill Clinton (I’m giving Hillary a pass, she’s earned it).
George and Laura Bush
Barack and Michelle Obama
Joe and Jill Biden
They should all be together, raging against what is happening
But it is interesting that of all of the people you think should be saying anything, you only called out the Black couple.
Imagine simping for a war criminal, how are you not ashamed of yourself?
Another 3 part rant please.
Not everyone is manically posting during a crash out.
And now you demand he speaks.
i just have higher expectations for him than someone like cheney or bush who are both utterly contemptible. i don’t expect them to do the right thing.
They spoke out during the election and it didn’t work. There were no mountains moved. This is idealistic. Bush and Obama both aren’t “good” people.
Strategically ineffective.
Excuse me for misreading initially. I don’t expect better except for their social views tbh.
This guy gets it.
They want to point the finger at everyone else and every other community besides their own.
Little authoritarian in waiting is all you are here, deigning to assign blame. Fuck all the way off.
Also, a former president and the woman who married him are not the same. He took an oath to the country. She married him.
If you don't like it, too bad.
Tens of millions of rando white people got us here. White people will never take responsibility individually or collectively. Always looking to pin the consequences of YOUR actions on someone else.
Unless you're admitting that the Obamas don't have any more of a spine than Republican hacks, which is seemingly true.
That's your argument?
There is still time to delete.
An entire generation is furious that someone ELSE hasn't stood up and forced a change. As one who grew up during the civil rights era this sense of entitlement that it's *other* people's job to fight your fight (so you don't have to) is the worst part of what's happened to the U.S.
Who else is going to stand up? He was a great leader and these arent normal times. We need an adult in the room badly.
They are way okay with murdering Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, Iranians, Ukrainians, Russians.
Obama doesn’t get a pass bc he is black. He loved killing with drones.
Thats not performance.
Not just a private citizen.
Are most citizens able to change the coastlines by their mansions?
Own. Your. Shit.
Y’all wanna blame everyone except the people who actually support this nonsense.
The Obamas are private citizens after serving the country for 8 arduous years. They can do what they want. They’ve earned that right.
"If the messaging stops 18 years after he's elected it suggests a lack of genuine commitment."
Name the former President who led a nationwide movement a decade afterwards and maybe we'll stop laughing at you.
didn’t think so
People elected the Bard of Birtherism and you want to submit a list of demands to the Obamas?
Maybe have a chat with White men about how 65 percent of them are gross.
And yes, Bill Clinton should be booed relentlessly too
Literally it's your own ppl
The ONLY population that was more dem this cycle was white people. Everyone else was more Republican.
Nothing is wrong with my analysis. Ignoring racism and calling it other things is the problem.
Not holding racist accountable is the problem.
It's why we're here.
The real thing with the Obamas is they have a VERY public life of their own choosing and cash in on their rep, which is VERY good with americans compared to the only other living dems, Biden and Bill. Like there's a utility in Obama.
This may help for the future.
You expect them to put themselves in the line of fire for the rest of you.
Straight, white, christian America got us into this mess and now you expect people of color to help get us back to...
*checks notes*
2008 levels of "normalcy"???
The bullshit that they had to endure while in office and now liberal white America is crying for help.
GTFO with that.
Liberals should be the people of respecting boundaries, understanding consent - to come out and demand of others, of Marginalized identity, to do anything, is a betrayal of supposed principles.
Freak out on MAGA. Stop lateral aggression.
Putting yourself in a concentration camp because of identity politics?
Race is so propagandized that even black people feel like they don’t have to stop Nazis
I did, personally, but it wasn’t because I thought she’d be a good president or represent me or my interests. And it did nothing.
Now what if I told you the sandwich maker had a whole deli behind them, but chose to make you a booger sandwich?
Is it my fault they chose to make a booger sandwich?
Why are you willing to settle for scraps? Why will you not demand better?
That includes Chuck and Hakeem.
None of us fucked up nineteen weeks ago.
What oath do you think they took? 😗
Who do you work for on the
Hill? That's why you're sticking up for these failures, right? #FireSchumer
It worked fine for centuries.
Adjust or die.
buddy do you have ANY idea what america was like in 1850, 1900, 1950
No thanks to any of your weirdo thoughts about anything.
Still waiting on it, as well as the $2000 check they promised in 2020.
Dearborn chose to believe Trump.
I did not.
Or is reading comprehension not your forte?
Hope making Netanyahu happy was worth it lol
Ignoring the warnings from the left, attacking & marginalizing us, that liberal policies were going to lead us to tyranny n fascist oligarchy
Michael Parenti
Chris Hedges
If "both parties are the same", why is one being called upon to save everyone from the other?
I'm not going to attack him for having the "nerve" to not do so.
Hence, the death of your party. 😂
We need something new.
Also I blame Obama for my texts being useless.
WTF are YOU doing besides sitting on your ass and whining?
You should add "unless you're my heroes, then you can do whatever, anything or nothing, pass for you"
Are YOU on crack? Do you not realize that Barack Obama saying something and her saying something might have a slightly different reach?
Jesus fucking christ on a cracker, you jackasses whining that someone else is not doing enough.
What the FUCK are you doing BESIDES whining???
Bernie and AOC are doing it right. Barely anyone else is. You're clearly giving rich Dems as much of a pass as MAGA gives the Trusk admin.
You probably think Schumer is doing a great job too, don't you.
And I’m not sure it would help for either to be publicly condemning the current WH shitshow; it’s not their style and it would just make the MAGAs worse.
because 90% of white actual elected officials have a sea cucumber's worth of spine amongst them
I'm saying exactly what I said. What did the OP do to stop other white people from voting for Trump? White people fucked this up and got the world into this mess.
White people failed this planet.
Preventing people from voting is what “voter suppression” means.
You’re still dodging how the candidate didn’t tell people what they wanted to hear and promised to compromise with our enemy. Why doesn’t that count, serf?
Big stretch here. Letting racist uncle do it without consequences (like being removed from family events) = not stopping it.
No one is suggesting suppression, cmon now. Both sides nonsense.
Let’s go back to the definition, shall we?
to hinder or prevent the passage of : syn. CHOKE, OBSTRUCT;
to keep from carrying out a proposed action : syn. RESTRAIN, PREVENT
Been there, done that. Won a war about it.
Carry on living a life where you spend weeks trying to nail down a decision because you're addicted to grievance though
I honestly have no idea who you’re talking to with the bit about indecision, but it ain’t me. That is not a political problem I have ever had. 😆
You’re doing a bad job of parroting bad propaganda that keeps the owners, D and R alike, in power.
Do better.)
If you have to misrepresent something to make your point, your point is probably wrong.
You are telling on yourself.
They are not your slaves
They are not your puppets
They don't work for you
You wanna boo go boo that clown you let get in office
You want noise go make some to claw your country back
now you too can block my Black ass
I’m a communist, I don’t chum it with fascists.
I think it’s a real problem when we tell the powerful that they owe society nothing
Just how long do they "owe" you for?
America has made its' choice
The Obamas have been vilified up and down this country
They are not masochists
sides I didn't vote for the dictator in diapers white people did.
And so now we need *everyone* who opposes Musk/Theil/Trump to help each other out
You're a silly child who does not deserve any serious reply
you come into this convo with your "you're not much of a poet" childishness and you expect a serious answer?
What poem of mine do you know?
What exactly do you think two POC, however how influential they are, can do when the ppl in charge are White Supremacists??
Let’s see how long this holds up