A big lesson of 2024 was that extremism loses votes — and the sooner we stop pretending that Americans are secret lefties/MAGA diehards waiting to be sold on a big, bold message, the better we’ll understand what happened.
For our Washington Post column:
For our Washington Post column:
She's not white AND she's a woman. After Biden, people lost faith in the Democratic party. Trump is ungodly charismatic. Kamala supports minorities. Trump made promises no one could keep. 1/3 of the US didn't vote; statistically left-leaning people are less likely to vote.--To-
DEMs almost never run candidates or policies which appeal to center-left/left potential voters.
'24 Kamala lost turnout compared to '20 Biden, who was himself an unappealing stop-gap "lesser evil" candidate at the time.
yeah, that fits
lol. lamo, even. The center doesn’t exist. There hasn’t been one for decades.
Learn to stand for something or shut the fuck up. Centrists are spineless cowards. No amount of pretending you're electable changes our polarized landscape wherein fence sitting + bet hedging are a useless exercise of privilege.
I’m sure the voters, generators of the data, are the ones who are wrong.
Can you name any historical examples of moderation in the face of evil stopping evil?
Or any examples in American history of it increasing voter turnout?
Youre a clueless idiot. This is worth less than nothing
Also, the name of your column gives away the game here. Or at least appears to. May want to rethink that.
I don't know how we fix that...
You have a corp. media ecosystem that speaks in vagueness and round-about comparisons that nobody gets.
Incredible stuff.
It would be hysterical if it wasn’t so damn pathetic.
—Lakshya Jain
This is the perfect example of garbage in, garbage out data analysis.
I think you've been hacked.
I don't know if you've noticed what's been happening the last ... (checks calendar) 36 days, but the extremists are very much in charge.
If that’s not extremism, pray tell what is?!?!
It's funny how no matter what happens in reality, you lot argue the same shit about what every single election result means
The actual issue is breaking through the propaganda barrier.
Yeah, centrism wins.
Bro, she just had to talk about the border one more time.
Bro, she just had to campaign with Liz Cheney one more time.
Got it.
Clearly, both are bad.
I.e., substantially to their left.
In no world was Trump the more center candidate nor did he run as one. But people voted for him and then labeled him as more centrist as they position him in relation to how they see themselves.
Christ, we're not gonna make it if this is what passes for mainstream political commentary.
What the hell fictional Narnia ass 2024 did you live through?
which principles, lakshya.
1. do they think this is an original take or do they just think repeating it often enough will make it true? Oprah-pilled manifestation bullshit
2. this person is fine with trans folks' immiseration & destruction to maintain their position of privilege
The big lesson of 2024 is that "journalists" will lie through their teeth to appease Trump. You did!
The last month and a half of the Harris campaign consisted of appealing to these imaginary centrist republicans by featuring the support of the Cheney's and Bush's. And they received 6 million fewer votes than Biden did in the previous election. That's NEVER happened before.
“He’s a good cunt”
Y'all: "What we can conclude here is that extremism loses votes."
The "lesson" appears to be one about how to continue losing.
But I think you know the media landscape is broken.
Harris torpedoed even the mild leftwing promises Biden made in 2020 while embracing centrist backed genocide and hemorrhaged 15 million votes vs 2020
The entirety of the Dem pitch was bipartisanship, signalling a willingness to sacrifice transfolk, and crowing about how the Cheneys supported Harris. They told the left to fuck off, and courted moderates - again. And lost - again.
Absolute hacks is what you are.
The center is a myth and the centre between liberals and fascists is fascist
Leftist positions are wildly popular
Nobody wants Republican Lite as Kamala Reagan showed.
Afterwards? You might as well be Pitchbot.
Josh Gottheimer is a great example of how *not* to do it -- just be wishy-washy on everything
For instance, Golden was the sole Dem No vote on BBB because it didn't contain a *tax on billionaires*. That's a stark contrast from Sinema's ideo.
Indefensible IMHO.
Some Republicans may attempt to campaign as moderate and then they all fall in line and vote MAGA.
are you paid to do this, if so why