there is apparently an entire essay at commentary where i star as a main character because of how i direct my hordes against sensible centrists or something
Reposted from
Wow, apparently these people have Commentary deeply interested in their grievances.
How would he know how you are directing your hordes. What an absolute ass.
"expression of the left’s growing hypersensitivity to ideas leftists find offensive"
"leftists" like me "find things offensive", like child rape, hatred, racism, sexism, bigotry, religious extremism, treason, insurrection and crime. Things REPUBLICANS VOTE FOR.
It's all complete BULLSHIT.
No, I worked at a rural lumber yard. I got tired of being called a faggot and hearing open praise of lynching, so you’ll have to forgive me for not wanting to assume good faith from right wing assholes.
I am an older, conservative Australian.
Bluesky is not a bastion of the left it's a bastion of normal people trying to discourse without the fuckwits that have permeated society.
what a twat
The experience doesn't change completely at the whims of Elon The Unstable fucking with Twitter algos
User control over feeds is the killer feature and twitter doesn't have it
Federated is just better
They can stay on twit-twat and be happy over there.
If we wanted their lies and BS we would go visit.
They flag my posts as offensive so ok, they can keep their crap app.
Don't worry about it J.
I left Twitter after 7 yrs because the owner was engaging in language that would have gotten you suspended before, no matter what side of the aisle you reside in.
(Yes, I know it's fare not faire. And they know it's Nazi not laissez.)
P.S. Jamelle, you haven't sent me my daily thoughts through my covid shot chip yet
-says folks left X to reject political diversity, no mention of leaving X to reject Musk &/or Nazis
-says X is larger than Bluesky, doesn't mention the # of false accounts on X
-offers only a few experiences as evidence of the goodness of X & the evil of Bluesky
Now weekends are gonna be lit! 🥳💥🔥 I still need to buy all the style (this shit is expensive! 👕🐯🐺🌈😮💸)
I hope the sex work 💰 will pay for it. 🙂
Thanks I wouldn't have known otherwise.
How to start an article whining about an 'echo chamber' without a lick of irony.
Ooh. I just described the entire right wing commentariat.
How high was this former editor of Popular Mechanics (which seems to be his major claim to fame) when he wrote this?
Who gives AF what any centrist says?
It was all deliberate, not organic.
James B. Meigs: in addition to an agent for CHAOS seems to be quite the windbag and an insufferable douche masquerading as a voice of rationality. I’m sure he’s popular at parties.
I'm here because X is a cesspool of AI-programmed MAGA agitator bots pretending to be real accounts. I refuse to argue with bots. I'd rather engage with actual people. I'm also tired of the constant, blatant racism.
I had teenagers and am well versed in that type of discourse
They consistently remind me of that so that's what I would tell them
Hard to argue with an old man that's spot on about telling someone to gtfu if it's phrased right
They cannot conceive that we are ourselves sentient beings.
We argue with each other all the time. We just do it while being able to block racists, trolls, and disingenuous people.,
But what do we do next?
How do you think we should feel about that?
I can’t promise I won’t throw something at them. But at least they will know that it is being thrown from my hand and not yours.
Oh, and we refuse to engage "in rigorous debate".
We rebut with facts until we're blue in the face and get the response, "well, I don't agree. I believe..."
How can you argue with that?
If I encounter an event on which you have not opined, I simply do not have an opinion on it. Very straightforward.
This is how conservatives function. Their opinions are given to them from higher sources, so they understand that is how liberals operate and the they point to singular, popular liberals as the singular source on our side.
and i think this is a fairly common Bouie Experience???
They clearly have never seen the other sides posts or podcasts. Lots of stupid people out there to ignore.
So maybe a reverse style cultism?
(1) the economy
(2) people elevating low follower accounts or bots for a well deserved swatting on social media accounts
(3) whether the constitutional republic should be permitted to exist
(4) no DMs, no lists, unlimited emojis
Related evergreen meme about those people:
please my children are starving
And one who takes this guy on walks
Many of them support the tech fascists because they have a truly incredible level of disdain for the intellectual firepower and critical thinking ability of all but the insular “cognitive elites” they imagine themselves a part of.
And that's fine, because interactions here don't support Elon Musk!
~Us probably
That which they are aware is true of MAGA **must** also be true of not-MAGA, right?
Please restate.
beans, beans, beans, beans, beans, beans, beans,
baked, baked, baked, baked beans
That beautiful bean footage
A baked bean haiku
seven then five aren't much, but
that's haiku for you
Properly it should have a nature reference and a moment of insight.
A seasonal reference with this version would be tough, though.
(I'd be plumping for a "chained haiku" so that you could work in a snowball in Hell...)
Baking them makes them better
Trees are also nice
Now, what should I have for lunch, JB?
They're always telling on themselves.
Do you pull it off better than I would have though? Begrudgingly, yes. Frustratingly so, even!
But at the end of the day it's still a denim suit, and too much for me. Call it Millennial trauma.
He mistakes the mix of users that he sees for some sort of organic poll of the people there and seems completely unbothered by algorithmic aspects of things.
Clueless, indeed.
No I think it is more along the lines of I don't need to read bullshit I know is bullshit on X.
a serious article written by serious people who have serious ideas
their seriousity cannot be questioned, seriously serious rn
jamelle i am ready for further instructions, thank.
I’ve researched it, but wonder who used jamoke in your circle?
Moque is French fro “ make fun of”. Je means “I”.
Thank you!! I think we found the answer!
That's fucking hilarious.
it's one of the worst things that can happen to you, for real.
(Does anyone on Bluesky spend more time positing about themselves?)
They are terrible, unserious, bigots.
They’re describing the exact arrangement between right wing media figures and listeners
Well thank goodness racists can engage in their racism without being exposed to the opposite view. Oh, wait -- isn't that the opposite of his point?
Yup, sounds like a paragon of thoughtful insight.
Bluesky wouldn't exist if that were true.
Thanks Jamelle!!💙
Did Meigs get his platforms confused?
Bots, racists, Elonoi and full on white supremacists aren’t looking for debate. They’re looking for targets for, and affirmation of, hatred.
But arguments how to improve America pale beside the shared dedication to not replacing the flawed democracy we have with authoritarianism.
And this
“The site’s leftward tilt is vertiginous;…”
Sorry Commentary author,
We the people here
“I suspect that the progressives who feel threatened by right-wing “hate” have simply never experienced a cultural environment where conservatives speak as loudly as liberals.”
This part got me. They are literally arresting people for protesting their ideas.
They figured out how to spread their trash on other social media sites
I do my best to vet followers & block right wingers
I am not the federal government & don't owe anyone 1A rights
"many of them hoping to escape the increased visibility of conservative views"
"the move made sense as an expression of the left’s growing hypersensitivity to ideas leftists find offensive"
In my opinion, you are usually spot on, and in no way far left or narrow-minded.
Also, am I in a ‘horde?’ If not, how do I join?
Facts were presented, debates happened. People refused to listen and a tyrant was elected. Everyone has a line that, once crossed, shifts them away from toxicity.
It's always the same claim... "The Left needs a safe space from ideas they disagree with".
Framing it as if the "disagreements" are about a favorite movie and not whether entire demographics should be exterminated.