I've been confused why some folks show up in my comments borderline unhinged about the number of people I follow here until it was explained to me there are groups for whom follows are entirely transactional and they apparently think I've tricked all y'all into following me and have not reciprocated
Also, folks griping to me about who I follow will be yeeted into the cornfield.
10/10, would follow again.
Where've you been ? 🤣
Plus a horse.
A follow back would probably have significant consequences on my end (like hyperventilating and running around the house yelling "Scalzi followed me" until my cats tackle me to get me to settle down.
Or should I say...transcatted.
Thank you for your words of wisdom and inspiration.
A bargain at twice the price.
You promise to be a bait :-)
We call it a maze.
My rule is simple: if you follow me and interact with my nonsense and I find you "interesting" I'll follow back.
I idon't want to follow 5k and read barely any of it.
It's a whole awesome package, and we get it free?
Fuck the hell YES. 😁
Cat pics attached for tax.
But also you talk about things and I learn and often find I'm a better person for things I've learned from you here.
Thanks for being here and being awesome. :)
I enjoy your content, no reason for you to follow back unless you’re particularly into my brand of chaos.
Though I thought this arrangement was self-explanatory: I follow the writers I like, they post about odd, amusing moments in their lives and cat photos. A sound transaction, to me.
Starter Pack Syndrome
The whole mentality of “if I follow them I can influence them” hasn’t notably worked ever in history, but it doesn’t stop people from hoping it will next time!
Probably MAGA’s Trolls Who Have No Followers And Are Blocked.
My best theory is that on Facebook "follows" are "friends", so it feels like unrequited friendship?
From my limited observation it does skew to Facebook ages 🤷♂️
But seriously, someone should tell whoever runs that account they don't have to follow the whole platform one by one.
I don't do a lot of direct posting, at least nothing of significance. I am mostly here to read & occasionally make snarky responses. Following me is boring.
I follow those who post interesting things or news
Oh, and that Red Shirts is a brilliant novel.
But first things first: I clicked follow.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you for being you. Your life is different than mine and I enjoy hearing about it.
I follow people who I find interesting and I have zero expectation they will reciprocate.
Me? I'm here for the cats. 😂
oh, like the next USA president's Cabinet?
Also you must read every book written by anyone who reads any of your books. That's just how it works, I make the rules.
Not sure why you’re so intent on making yourself look above it all and others look like they’re chasing follows.
Transactional follows just hits as odd to me, but my first “social media” was IRC via dialup sooo
I read your posts because I did read your work, and I was in fact happy to find out you here and a liberal.
And this from someone that learned this year the "No gods no heroes no idols" quote..sighs :-)
But so far, no need to reciprocate is the message
But thank you for kitties. I appreciate it.
reciprocating is not a requirement
It was very weird finding the $5 bill on the ground here in Ireland.
Slow Time Between the Stars was tight!
Not everyone deserves to have that kind of reach.
Not everyone wants to have that kind of reach.
You follow 1600+ people... how much do you actually pay attention to any of them?
Your feed must be a complete nightmare.
Hope you had a great holiday and I'll see you around.
I'm going to report every fake account before I block them.
if you look at someone's profile and don't want them in your feed you don't follow back
We really aren't meant for interacting with more than a couple hundred people at various levels before we just check out.
Isn't that why your follower/following ratio matters to people to begin with?
I 'mostly' follow people I think I can learn from. If they follow me back it sometimes seems like a college professor following one of their students, a little odd.
Nobody should feel obligated to follow me.
Plus, frankly, I thought everyone understood that celebrities would never FB all followers (and you fall into that category, like it or not).
This is the largest category of people I don't follow, and distant 2nd is if I'm not interested in what they do.
Dang it!
...Or 1/10th. Still not sure how the math works.
I get the corrosion that's happened here in recent weeks but there are so many moments like this and it's everything.
Have you ever read Mindset by Carol Dweck? It was recommended to me by a school principal years ago.
The principal and I were arguing about whether there's such a thing as native genius. She thought not. I still say there are undeniable examples.
The general point of the book is that there's a vast difference between ...
Internet allows for natural discovery and it's awesome
Like on Reddit I always liked how there are communities instead of individuals, but here it's cool because trolling isn't incentivized
There is an algorithm in play - the Discover tab - but it does not generate slop.