I’ve now had 3-4 exchanges with business profs who seem baffled that humanities profs are resisting their assertions that AI can teach our courses and AI can replicate our work.
They all seemed quite shocked that “you don’t matter and this machine will replace you” isn’t a winning sales pitch.
They all seemed quite shocked that “you don’t matter and this machine will replace you” isn’t a winning sales pitch.
People actually thought the way to invent new things was to learn about what already existed
From there, the thought was that people would use a variety of tools and methods to develop the tech to power those improvements
Global history and literature. From sources who were there.
Not to get indoctrinated into a world view.
But to know there is a world, and to form a view of it.
Call me a hypocrite for not having read everything I listed. You’re right.
My children certainly read more globally than I did, and I’m glad of it.
If there was something AI could do, it is case work by McKinsey or Bain.
there's no intelligence, no thinking, zip. they're baffled.
i then say 'if it's real, do it without training data'
For all the grief techies and STEM folks give the humanities, they always seem to give a free pass to business majors teaching that unlimited growth isn't just possible, but is actually desirable. 🤦♂️
And I don't believe for 1 second that this is how business majors view copyright and trademark.
I added the saint name to the search to get more results and #AI confidently gaslighted me it was a different saint because of characteristics it totally got wrong.
Continue to pierce that bubble of groupthink.
Firms could buy an AI CEO to run their businesses and not have to worry about the embezzlement, drunkenness and shadiness that the human Ivy MBA-holes are known for.
We deserve everything that's going to happen to our species, it's just sad bc it's so preventable.
Scary that some major publications can't see how AI has fostered pedantic yet often ambiguous writing to the detriment of truth and analysis, often missing the heart and implications.
Let's ask AI what could go wrong.
I remember one class he "taught" us the 3 levels of management was upper, middle, and lower. To be clear this was a college class.
What's your major?
No...AI-anities...it's like the humanities, only with word salad and plagiarism.
We have AI chat now to talk with our students.
I wouldn’t pay for a degree if it was ‘taught’ by AI
They convinced the working class that Luddites were the bad guys.
I mean, what else is VC but throwing money at plausible machine-generated pitches?
There will be a time when many medical jobs, including surgeries, will be performed better by bots than people.
I will always write better than a computer.
But sending students into the world with degrees earned by having machines do the thinking scares me.
Business is not one of them. No one expects you to make a big sale or whatever w/out bringing your notes.
Instead of requiring us to do both like a normal professor would, he made us only answer one.
Just unserious bullshit top to bottom?
"You're gonna report me for plagiarism?"
"Of course not! You transposed two words from the chapter on page 7, so I gotta dock you some points."
I mean, AI is an interesting trick, but it's not intelligence, and it cannot replace people in most situations. It's useful for niche applications, but way too many people are way too credulous about it being the "next big thing" and going all in on it. Bleh.
It can be used as a basic form of social media moderation, as shown by Spoutible. That's about it.
Mr. McGuire: "I just want to say one word to you. Just one word. Plastics."
Benjamin: "Exactly how do you mean?"
Google's AI gets it right....
(from a cat food search)
Oh my god...
Full stop.
It inserts errors and doesn't understand nuance or context.
But techbro assholes want to use it to replace and control us all.
And how on earth can this be legal or ethical? How can we be teaching children that stealing is legal or right?
This should apply to visual art as well.
Along with the way it doesn’t generate new ideas and thoughts, not like human imagination can.
It kind of went unnoticed, but there was a huge sea change when the quants hit the Stock Market in the late 90s. There wasn't any way humans could compete with those computer programs when it came to trading
They exist to try to satisfy the capitalist wet dream of infinite profits at zero expense.
Rather it was to point out that B School folks saw computers replace a lot of what they did some decades ago as a way of explaining (NOT JUSTIFYING) why so many see AI replacement as natural if not desirable
But executives tend to care more about cheap than good.
(engineering) = business
GPA --> 0
1. The students
2. The faculty
Both can be replaced by AIs. When higher education consists of one set of AIs training another set of AIs, make the labs and classrooms into high rent condos
Tech billionaires lied? Who could have thunk?
B) Even then it will only replace “teaching” if that’s thought of narrowly of conveying information. AI cannot naturally interact with humans right now, esp. 18 y/o’s who are going to try to understand by drawing comparisons to their daily lives.
It's amazing to see so many "educators" trying to remove people from the process.
i remember it
Reminds me of immigration discourse
Not one of my social science or humanities professors could be replaced by AI. The STEM ones that weren't great, maybe, but the great ones, absolutely not.
What did you study then? Basic Econ seems…essential for understanding anything about business.
I’m no expert though…just a sociologist who now works in tech.
(a) Bilking Your Employees
(b) Bilking Your Customers
Nominated robo-tongue-in-cheek as “Employee of the Month” and “Future Faculty and Staff” by the Dep’t of Political Science
"What went wrong?"
"Dunno, computer must have fucked it."
I guess that would explain a lot about the state of the world.
I need more things to stoke my hatred of business majors
I can see why these guys are getting owned by AI, being right 60% of the time would be a vast improvement over their own performances
There is a type of B School prof that consider themselves geniuses for advocating design/degrade-ing products/services to force on the public eliminating better options for $, same w/ AI
In the countries where med school starts at 18 1/x
Ensuring only the children of the wealthy can get into medical school is among the consequences he won't acknowledge. 2/2
The person in question's rhetoric was clearly abt reducing people w/ the title of doctor to technicians & that as all that is necessary "for those people." I've seen this casual contempt for expertise from consultants & MBAs 3/x