My dad’s home town! My grandpa was a union railroad guy. Died long before I ever would have talked politics with him, but I know he was a lifelong democrat. That said I’m happy not knowing who he would have voted for in 2008 or 2016.
Your grandpa sounds a lot like my dad, who died in 2013. He was all in for Ross Perot so I have my suspicions about who he'd have voted for in '16 had he been alive ☹️
Being a Trump Voter is sometimes these folks entire identity, of course they have the yard signs and the bumper stickers. Normal people just vote for the least batshit candidate and move on.
Again, depends geographically. There are definitely places where people may agree with 95% of liberal policies, but the term “liberal” is synonymous with hating family, high school football, and Christianity.
Wow does that hit close to home! I'm chair of a county Dem party in the U.P., and we're having the exact same problem! We've done a lot of the same things they have: halved Biden/Harris signs, spray-painted our own. We ship them out to a waiting list as soon as we get a delivery - people are eager!
Took a long walk for coffee this a.m. in OKCity. Saw at least a dozen HARRIS-WALZ signs and zero Trump signs. It’s a rare blue area for red-state OK, but the visible support is encouraging!
Definitely a perception in some ruby red rural areas that putting up a Harris sign will get your garage windows shot out but a) this might be overblown and b) people having the backbone to say “bring it”
When you live on a budget there is a limit to how much you can afford to replace to give off the “bring it” air. Especially when that damage can be done to living creatures like livestock.
Here in Kansas City, oftentimes the only way you can tell signs for Democrats versus signs for Republicans is the "Union Bug" indicating that the sign was printed at a Union shop.
I live in a conservative county in Southern Washington. Except for the one guy why has a two post size Tr*mp sign that's at least four years old, while we were out and about we saw not another one. Anywhere.
Friends who have a cabin on the other side of the UP report many less trump signs than last time when ppl had them on the road & on their docks so boats could also see them. But it’s such a small & insular community up there, everybody knows everybody, there’s not a lot, it’s a risk
Orlando exurb here. Many more Harris signs than I remember Biden from 2020. Far fewer Trump signs than 2020. Some houses with other local Rs but no Trump. Almost zero Trump flags (noticable difference from 2020). In 2022 this area was swamped with DeSantis signs. Still could change by Nov.
There are a lot of Democrats near me and a lot of signs for DEM candidates but not very many Harris/Waltz signs because there aren’t many available - can’t imagine northern Illinois is a priority for early delivery.
Which is funny - there was definitely a slew that came in just before the VP pick because we nabbed one (Biden-style HARRIS) here in suburban Chicagoland. But definitely few and far between - I'm seeing more down ballot signs. Also glad I had mine up early now that my neighbor put up a Trump.
There’s always been a shy Dem vote going on in conservative Rep areas. One of those two groups is very vocal about having guns and reserving the right to use them against those they disagree with. Tends to make opposition shy.
I think there is some of that but it’s also been challenging to get signs. I’ve seen more homemade/Etsy Harris signs than official ones in left leaning GA neighborhoods.
I lived in reddest Idaho for years and always put out my signs. I was also chair of the Dem party of the county I lived in. It's true, some people were weird about it. Few things in life are without risk. Everyone's situation is different, an I'm sure there are cases calling for more discretion.
It's also vital to remember that likelihood of voting/enthusiasm is EXTREMELY hard to accurately poll, & I believe the part of the equation most reliant on modeling. (Someone who knows polling, please check my facts)
1000% in our very red, tiny town. The blue dot brave enough to have them out keeps getting them stolen, and she is afraid it will escalate. Our gravel road boasts all manner of TFG signs, and it just doesn't feel safe to put out Harris signs.
signs are a signal not of voting intentions, but of socially demonstrative people who own their politics as a matter of forward personal identity demonstration. So people who don't see their politics/vote intention as a core part of their social identity to invest in and advertise don't both w signs
There might be! I’m in Wyoming (which is like Trump+9 or something) and I bought a Harris yard sign and baseball cap and thus far I’ve been too chicken to put up the sign/wear the hat
It's legitimately a question my wife and I have had. We love in a pretty conservative area. There's an anti-abortion van around the corner. So the question is what do we do? Do we provoke the neighborhood?
Anecdotally, (from a rural, deep-red area) only one of the handful of Democratic households I know of around town has any signs up at this point. Don't know why.
Looking at how elections have gone post Dobbs, I think there's a real possibility that there are white women who are voting for Harris but won't admit it because their husbands are Trumpers.
I think so. There was a lot of backlash from the Obama years among people who were shamed for being proud of electing the country’s first Black man. I mean the Boondocks took the piss out of things and not for nothing, but it felt like a “you’re stupid for hoping for racial healing, idiot” pessimism
I live in a swing state, and I haven't seen many political yard signs for anyone. Not many Harris, Trump, or local. Maybe local will come more in October (less money), but I would have thought there would be more by now of at least city, county or state candidates. 🤷
I live in one of the more conservative LA suburbs and I see plenty of signs for Republicans and none for Democrats, but I think the city voted Dem in 2020 and 2022 and I don't think that's going to change. California doesn't map to swing states but I think there's something going on there
My parents live in Texas and there are some very aggressive Trump supporters in the neighborhood -- pretty volatile in just everyday interactions. My folks aren't typically lawn sign people, but they think Trump is a real danger. They'd probably have signs if they didn't fear the neighbors
I wouldn't doubt that at all. I'm in Texas and I'm not the only Harris supporter in my neighborhood, but none of us have put signs out this time around. Neither have most prior Trump supporters. Can't speak for all of them but I am locked in for Harris but not promoting it, for safety reasons.
Had mine up when biden was running now a nice blue Harris/walz sign. My neighbors all know what party im with but they also know im basically a good person so i have no problems.
Good to hear that, but when my wife put up a Biden sign in 2020 our Trumpy neighbors didn't give a damn how good she'd been to them for years, and we were vandalized for it. So I can't share your positivity based on prior events, sad to say. I'm glad you have it better at least.
I caused a ruckus in our purplish VA Beach neighborhood when someone's 4chan surfing teenager came by and slashed all the Dem candidate signs with a knife. Multiple times. He finally stopped when I chased him down the street at 2am. This year it ain't worth the effort or stress of putting up signs.
Heard some party folks worried that voting by mail would make it tougher for some women to vote for Harris if they were filling out their ballots with loved ones at the fabled kitchen table.....
I discovered during the pandemic that several neighbors were Dems. We text late at night supporting each other through the OMG. We mask when others won't.
We are this quiet local pocket. I am always encouraged when I drive past a farm brave enough to put out anything w/out 45's name on it.
I’m from the Midwest, and live in NYC. Every time I visit home with my Jewish wife I think it’ll be the time she’s confronted about it. I see the white supremacist and neonazi truck stickers. Feels like only a matter of time.
A guy pointed a gun at a bus full of middle school kids (including my sister's kid) in rural Charles County, MD last week. There's no reason to believe the incident was politically motivated, outside the fact that waving guns around in public is GOP-coded. But I wouldn't want to canvass out there.
I hope so. But I made that mistake with Hillary (“maybe they’re just not as keen on her”) and look where that ended up. Making sure to get people out to vote like it isn’t the case this time round.
Maybe I'm missing the point of the video (or maybe it's in the longer piece, but not the TikTok edit), but isn't the video saying that they have run out of signs to give, not that Harris voters are reluctant to state their intentions?
I live in a pretty pro-Trump area. No one puts out presidential election signs in my neighborhood. I tried putting out a Biden sign four years ago, but it was stolen immediately. Now that I know the "rules," I'm not putting a sign out, but I'm 100% voting for Harris.
In central PA, we've gotten dozens of scam-ish texts from maybe Dem fundraisers, but nothing about signs or volunteering from the county org, which used to have our numbers. Going to their HQ for signs on Tuesday.
Don't respond to poll requests for [reasons], so, yeah, maybe a shy Harris thing.
I’m waiting for a neighbor to fire the first shot and put up a Trump sign. It’s a small neighborhood, and we already have an abortion is healthcare sign in a window that has been there for a couple years. I’m not interested in rocking the boat too much unless someone wants to start shit.
Yeah, I would never put a sign out where I am. It’s not safe. And I’m don’t even live in a heavy Trump area, but the ppl who are pro-Trump are whack-a-doo. They feel too emboldened.
That can be really useful for non-partisan races like many city councils. It's a real bitch trying to get across to voters who are already only barely tuned into local politics who are the liberals/leftists and who are the conservatives and whackjobs.
Also, at least in the Midwest, where people are bit shy about being aggressive about their political views, the lack of Trump signs, I suspect, is making shy Democrats hesitant about making the first move.
I’m a woman living alone in a swing state (except for my cat lol). People are insane and I don’t want to risk it which does kind of feel like a cop out
I wouldn't call it shyness. More like an awareness that some Trump voters are violent/destructive, and that by advertising you're not one of them you might be putting yourself/your property at risk.
Yes, I’ve come to this place too. I used to love a bumper sticker but some people are very loosely wired right now and it isn’t worth the risk. I’ve come too far to die in a road rage accident with a bigot
My Unsubstantiated Vibes Hypothesis for this election is basically that: we haven't really seen the anti-Dobbs coalition get a chance to flex on a national scale yet and that Harris's numbers will probably be the place to find them
My parents live in Kern County CA and live in a community where their neighbors are guards in the prisons in Tehachapi. They are MSNBC all day on the TV liberals and my mother has flat out said she’s too afraid to put a Harris sign in her yard because of her neighbors.
Rural western NC here and the only signs around are Trump signs (though there aren’t many, the ones there are are large, loud and proud). I hate feeling intimidated this way and am still thinking about it. But the fact that we’re relatively secluded makes me nervous to invite commentary or worse.
I commute to a city about an hour away a couple times a week and on my way, pass a store called “Dixie Republic” that sells confederate and, until recently, “Let’s Go Brandon” gear, with a truly huge confederate flag out front. Not linking to them but if you’re curious, it’s in Travelers Rest, SC.
So, you know, enough of those people in the general vicinity to be concerning. Which is a shame, because I’d like be able to put one out to let others know they’re not alone?
Yeah, there seems to be a correlation between aggression, hostility, and the people still willing to openly praise and support Trump, after everything he’s done. I suspect it’s fewer people, but… the more concerning types.
We have friends in one of the redder sections of Wisconsin who do not discuss their politics in public and have no yard signs. I don't know that they feel unsafe, but they definitely have no interest in borrowing trouble.
Also in a Trumpy part of WI. Close to a dozen houses on my street with Trump signs, only two for Harris. But a lot of empty yards like mine, and I don't know if I feel like advertising
My neighbors know we vote for Democrats and I was just thinking if I support Harris and don't have signs up, they might start to realize how outnumbered they are by empty yards.
In swing PA. I’ve never put up signs. I’m not sure what the value of it is, aside from signaling to fellow voters that we’re picking the same people. Signs don’t get me to vote for anyone and I’ve been sick of seeing them since… all my life.
I see fewer signs for both parties than I used to but 🤷🏽♂️
Here in Ohio I know people in very blue neighborhoods and communities who won’t put out signs more out of fear of being targeted/vandalized than anything else.
It's the same here in this part of PA. Vandalism ratcheted way up in 2008 and 2012, all the racists came out to play. You never see much visible support for the blue side anymore. I mean yeah I'll vote, but I'm not gonna replace my windows for Democrats
A lot of normal people who will vote at 7am on Election Day, do not want to discuss politics with their neighbors, friends, coworkers in this environment.
Not shy in Atlanta! Very blue where I live but I still could not get over the number of Harris signs that went up seemingly overnight. The volume and variety are incredibly impressive.
Just for some variety in the stories here, I live in Philly, I have Harris signs, all my neighbors have signs, there are tons of signs, the suburb next door also sign-topia. I am really sorry that so many in this thread fear some kind of repercussion over this, that just pisses me off.
Menominee is isolated. Small.
The entire UP is isolated and sparsely populated.
It wasn’t such a big deal before trump.
Now, Yoopers have a lot harder time due to division of their communities.
Yeah i think so, I cannot personally imagine engaging in any behavior that would invite a stranger to discuss politics with me. Doubt I'm alone in that.
My sister and I aren't shy voters - we wear our Harris T shirts with pride. But we live in a very red county, and fear that we'd end up with slashed tires or broken windows should we fly a flag or put up a sign. A friend with a flag has had it stolen several times already.
Hoping the shy Harris voters outnumber the ones who say they will for a black or a white woman President but when the time comes, won’t cast their ballot in line w/what their public comments are.
Anecdotal, and only one person, I'm in a conservative area in MI, I absolutely would not put out signs, etc. At the height of the pandemic my kids lost friends because their parents told their children not to talk to ours anymore because we were encouraging masking. You dont talk about it out here
I’m seeing social media pictures of notes posted in women’s bathrooms reminding women that their vote is private and encouraging them to vote Harris. No idea if this is at all widespread, but it’s interesting.
I live in a blue county but my signs get vandalized or stolen whenever I put them up. Feeling I am not the only one in this boat. Quiet, annoyed but resolved.
In my voting lecture I remind my students to not let anyone bully them about their vote bc it is a secret (after I discovered that some of them didn't know). When I was canvassing for Beto we accidentally outed some women as being Democrats to their husbands. So the restroom signs make sense. Sadly
While going door to door yesterday, one woman who answered the door was polite but not willing to share her political views. Then her 12-ish son arrived home and immediately told me he loved Harris. She opened up and we had a deep discussion of policies and politics.
There is, I believe, an ever-growing contingent of Sick Of This Shit voters, who’ve lived through 9 years of Trump infecting their everyday lives, who know they have at least a chance of making him finally go away, even if they wouldn’t classify themselves a Harris voter until they hit the booth
Right, but the thought is that they’re more motivated to do so, whether by just being more sick of him, or at least feeling, with Biden gone, like something has meaningfully changed
I live in a Virginia district that flipped blue just in... 2018? Tons of partisan Dems in the area now. I've seen nearly zero signs for either side. The super-partisan Republicans also don't have anything out.
Did they have signs the last go round? Because my VA HOA bans signs and there were a number of people saying the same thing when I stopped by the Harris table after early voting.
The city I live in went 64% Biden in 2020. That October, someone went around vandalizing houses with Biden signs, primarily by smearing dog feces on the signs and sometimes the houses.
Already in 2024, Harris signs have been repeatedly stolen. And ~10 miles away, this happened a few days ago.
So, even though my wife and I have two Harris signs and a giant Dark Brandon head, those have remained hidden away in the basement and absolutely no one in our neighborhood or community knows our political preferences. My wife was excited to put those up - until the driveway spiking over the weekend
It means many things, such as what people have said in this thread 🙂. Also, regarding “activation”: most people can and do turn out to vote without putting signs in their yards. I expect the people do who put up signs are a minority of voters.
I felt a moment of shyness before putting ours out. There's a stretch of street if you take a right from our stop sign that's like 5 Trump signs in a row, including a cop. This brief pause of "now they're gonna know, and they're gonna do what they do." I could see others sidestepping it.
I live on the only pretty diverse street in my fancy golf course neighborhood and me and another middle aged white lady are showing our Harris swag. I get that my neighbors might not want that kind of political attention so the absolute least I can do is a harris sign and my Coach VP running shirt.
I'm in a pretty diverse neighborhood of single-story homes built in the 60s with no HOA. More enlisted types than officer types, fair number of work vans that spend the night in people's driveways. The Trumpers are the ones, by and large, who are putting out signs.
I live in a recently red, pretty pro-Trump county, and I know a lot of anti-Trump pro-Harris people who are afraid to indicate that support via shirts/signs/bumper stickers out of fear of/concern about reactions from Trumpers.
I’ve ordered a kamala Tshirt but I won’t be putting out a sign or putting sticker on my car. Because some of these people aren’t rational. I’m happy to confront them in person, but I’d rather my car and my home didn’t become a target.
I have a couple Harris/Walz shirts, but I'm genuinely nervous about wearing them for errands and the like. I'm a giant white guy, and I told my wife "I want to let people know that not all white guys are pro-Trump," but I'm still nervous about confrontation.
I do get that. But I can deal with face to face confrontations. And im 68 year old white woman. I’m just not entirely comfortable with putting a sign out. I’m still considering it though.
Plenty of Trump and Harris supporters in battleground municipalities in Michigan have timid tendencies towards yard signs.
Harris supporters are afraid of retaliation from Trump supporters, and a percentage of Trump supporters, conservatives in general, refuse to announce their affiliations.
As a red state “lib,” I’ve been thinking about this for a while. For all the “conservatives scared to express their views because they live in blue states” pieces published, where are the “liberals afraid to talk politics because they live in red states” articles?
Actually, I live in a conservative county in Michigan, and this exact thing happened: the local Democratic Party office ran out of yard signs; I had to wait a couple of weeks to get one. Anecdotal, of course, but I'm curious to see the margins come election night.
I mean, I love merch but election lawn signs is pushing the boundaries a little on the electorate consumer relationship. sorry, voter consumer relatio…err, electorate comsum.. nevermind your probably right
I live in Indiana and have made two trips to rural S. IN recently and NO Trump signs in sight! Even on county roads and highways where it’s been basically wallpapered in previous years!
I was in Bend area last week and I saw a small cluster of trump signs (4 houses) but that was it. I remember seeing more when I was in the same area in 2022.
I recently got my Harris sign from the AZ Democratic Party in Tucson and one for my Congressional candidate. Trying to find a Ruben Gallego sign, so I stopped by the Dem’s table at the farmers market. They said “we ran out of Harris signs everywhere in the state because there’s such a high demand.”
I live in a suburb in a large Arizona city and wouldn't dare put a Harris sign in my yard out of fear of what the neighbors would/could say/do. These are the types who do their own Trump truck parades displaying flags and guns.
Ahh, the U.P. Welp, years ago, my parents lived up there. My mom was a bit of a firebrand and pretty liberal. Their house was vandalized, sprayed painted green. Their Andersen windows had to be replaced. The incident BROKE them. Ignorant mouthbreathers up there.
My local dem office in a WOW county of Wisconsin didn't have any signs that weren't already spoken for, so I took a bumper sticker. My car's 8 years old, so 🤷🏼♀️ if someone scratches it.
In rural Texas, I’m rather ashamed to admit I am worried about the attention a Harris sign would bring. Most likely it would either be left alone or just stolen/trashed, but I don’t rule out a moron setting fire to it and triggering a wildfire, or an outright cultist campaign against me. ☹️
Both my mother and aunt (rural North Carolina voters) turned down an extra Harris bumper sticker I had because they were afraid their cars would get vandalized.
I only put political stickers on my truck which is old enough to vote, if someone keys it I’m not sure I’d notice. (I live in a very blue area but I work in a purple area and the clientele at my workplace trends red.)
I thought that they might be exaggerating because it’s still a blue county, but it’s only blue because the largely Black city of Rocky Mount provides the Democratic votes. The rural portion where they live is predominantly white and full of Trump signs. Lots of racial polarization.
I don't put things on my car anymore because during 2012 a man screamed obscenities at me & tried to run me off the road for my Obama sticker. I have tons of yard signs and have never had an issue with them being stolen/vandalized. It sucks that some people are so unhinged.
It’s interesting how there’s no gradation from blue to purple to red. Like Chapel Hill is obviously blue blue but you pop on 54 for a 20 minutes and boom.
The ancestral Democrats in the east just flipped and flipped hard. I sometimes wonder what it was about my parents/aunt that kept them blue but I’m pretty sure the answer is just college.
I have no idea about how things are in the United States but in all three countries, Germany/France/Netherlands in the more rural (and that means *much* whiter places as we had no big plantations with slaves here, we kept those overseas) areas the biggest factor in not voting fash is uni.
In the tri-cities area here and while there are still too many trump signs, it's not nearly as overwhelming as it was in 16 and 20. I'm sure there's tons who will vote for him but don't want their neighbors knowing they're with the couch fucker
We have 15 acres in rural central Wisconsin bordering a county highway. The county Dems *just* put up a large sign here (with permission) last week and I offered up our property in early August! And they have zero small Harris signs. People are constantly stopping in and asking for one.
For the past 4-8 years my area of NH has seen only Trump signs. 4 or 5 months ago we started to see a few Dem primary signs. Primaries over--now yards are full of Harris/Walz and down-party ticket signs. I've never seen it before.
And anecdotal but, big trump guy last two election cycles a few houses down from me only has one sign up this year and it’s for a local dem running for state senate…
What do you think Joyce Craig’s chances are? Weird that the Trump campaign is starting to write off NH but Ayotte seems a real possibility for gov. Then again, that would fit recent NH politics.
I wonder why other tik tok links allow me to view in a browser, but not when you share a tik tok link.
Tik tok is already unfriendly to browsers, and the website always prompts the viewer to download the mobile app. But the website usually lets people at least view the linked post in a browser.
Massive demand in NH. Many orgs have printed their own Harris-Walz signs. Plus a bunch of home made signs. I'm invited to a sign-painting party this weekend.
My parents had a large Harris-Walz sign put up on their property in rural Wis. & it was stolen within 3 hours of being put up. Wondering how well the campaign will be able to keep up with ass-hattery.
whether or not there's a shy voter thing, I've definitely noticed a plethora of different signs in Des Moines (probably a 65/35 blue neighborhood where I'm at). Different colors, different styles - can't tell if some are handmade or not but it's striking that it's not monotonous
I live in the coal region of PA and I have noticed that there are far more signs for Harris than are typical for Dems in the area. What is more interesting, to me at least, is that there are far fewer Trump signs. Houses that have been flying them since 2016 have taken them down.
I live in Mid Michigan. I've been seeing Trump signs/paraphernalia for years. This year, I'm seeing Harris signs. This county has never gone dem. But, I'm seeing more and more Harris signs. Funny part is most people support dem policies, they just don't know it.
This is a true statment if all the good dems have done for the working class of america and published as so no one would vote for the orange mass of blubber
Living in a 80+% Trump town, I didn't like picking up the beer cans hurled from pick-up trucks. That was my last year putting out a sign back in 2020. My window isn't much further. I think it was 3 beer cans from the same guy.
The revelation that there are people who drink beer while driving around and then throw their cans out the window was staggering to me. Its terrible on multiple levels.
I live in Knoxville, TN and there are at least 25 Harris/Walz signs just on my regular dog walks (usually do a 2.25 mile loop). There is one crazy Trump house (two signs/two banners) and two regular ones. It leaned Biden in 2020 but not this hard and there were WAY more Trump signs then.
I live in East TN, I'm not seeing as many Trump signs but unfortunately not seeing as many Harris signs that you've been seeing either. I live in Scott County TN.
Ahh, that's so nice to hear! My TN people are further east (Knoxville looks metropolitan from there!) and I know that part of the state won't go blue (we still contribute to the popular vote, etc), but this kind of news is still heartening. Love y'all!!
I live in Scott County TN, vote democrat and we're afraid to show any sort of support with signs, shirts or anything. The people here are ridiculous hateful to anything democrat.
I bought 11 from another WV county party and we distributed those, but we have a waiting list of 30+ sign requests for when the state party actually gets signs to us .. or we lose patience and print our own.
We had ONE Trump sign this year, but it's gone (dunno why) down from like 20 (and one big-assed flag) which all went away by January.
We have about the same amount of Harris flags as before.
she ran out later in the day but was taking names and addresses down so she could deliver them when they came in
Before you ask, yes we have filed charges. His lawyer keeps getting delays.
But it matters down the ticket.
You see a Harris sign, you know who to vote for down the ticket, including judges, who often don't have party affiliation listed.
It’s quite possible in 2024 some drunk MAGA gets angry after coming home from the bar one night and starts harassing some rando with a Harris sign
Grow some fucking empathy.
Heard some party folks worried that voting by mail would make it tougher for some women to vote for Harris if they were filling out their ballots with loved ones at the fabled kitchen table.....
We are this quiet local pocket. I am always encouraged when I drive past a farm brave enough to put out anything w/out 45's name on it.
will this be a meaningful vote swing, I have no idea, but on that yard sign front it makes a lot of sense
"I'm not afraid of them coming on to my property, but those fucks will absolutely throw a poisoned steak over the fence to kill my dogs."
So shy? Maybe, or maybe they're just sick of replacing windows or scrubbing the walls.
Don't respond to poll requests for [reasons], so, yeah, maybe a shy Harris thing.
My own little sign attracting the insatiable ire of whatever hellspawn lives in that domicile is shit I absolutely do not need right now
It's wild here, there are NO signs at all.
I see fewer signs for both parties than I used to but 🤷🏽♂️
We put up a Harris/Walz banner and signs for other Dem candidates. The comments thus far have been + and more Dem signs are sprouting.
Hope & Joy are gathering momentum.
The entire UP is isolated and sparsely populated.
It wasn’t such a big deal before trump.
Now, Yoopers have a lot harder time due to division of their communities.
Already in 2024, Harris signs have been repeatedly stolen. And ~10 miles away, this happened a few days ago.
I’ve ordered a kamala Tshirt but I won’t be putting out a sign or putting sticker on my car. Because some of these people aren’t rational. I’m happy to confront them in person, but I’d rather my car and my home didn’t become a target.
Harris supporters are afraid of retaliation from Trump supporters, and a percentage of Trump supporters, conservatives in general, refuse to announce their affiliations.
im also no longer seeing lifted pick up trucks flying us or trump flags, which is nice lol
I also like their solution.
Get pulled over all the time.
See people avoid the business my parents founded.
Have my mom ostracized in her church.
Risk someone harming one of my animals.
If it was just me that would be one thing…
Tik tok is already unfriendly to browsers, and the website always prompts the viewer to download the mobile app. But the website usually lets people at least view the linked post in a browser.