Cats are obligate carnivores but are completely convinced they are actually omnivores.
They're like "no you are wrong, our ancestors clearly made sandwiches out of their prey, check the fossil record"
They're like "no you are wrong, our ancestors clearly made sandwiches out of their prey, check the fossil record"
Cat, scurrying off with a stolen broccoli floret: I hunted this so it counts as meat!
My mom got a gift basket with spice mixes to mix with spur cream to make chip dips and my one cat was *obsessed* with one of the packets. He spent the whole holiday season rubbing his face on the gift basket and rolling around under the Christmas tree.
Try. We're too fond of it to let him even try a taste.
(The taste for fats leads them to flaky crumbs, yogurt, or greasy fries...)
Cat, with supreme confidence: we invented this.
They are true gourmets.
*eats houseplant, promptly barfs in four separate places*
so they're doing it on purpose
The plan backfired, and now the cat won't eat anything that doesn't have the spicy seasoning added.
me: opens package of cinnamon graham crackers
cat: I understand that you are opening cat food packages now, please give to me.
me: I don't think you like cinnamon
cat: What is wrong with you that is not food
Cat: food!
Me: not really.
Cat, after i turn away: eats a bit of one potato, doesn’t like it
Cat: oh this no like, but surely if i try 10 more of these one will be good.
(Even when they nibble and ruin an entire half dozen little pastries from the good bakery in town, a feat decisively worse than ruining a dozen baked potatoes😈)
The good old
Cat: give me some
GF: you won't like it *breaks off a little bit* here, have a sniff
Cat: delicious! *promptly eats it and tries to get more*
My departed ginger oriental shorthair, bless his skinny little soul.
that said, yeah, we've had that too
*apparently historically garnished with fresh cat barf
He ate it.
Later in night will bring me a rat to train me.
But Cheddar Popcorn fits him well.
Where did they get cheese in the wild? That's none of your business, what are you, the Feds?
He licked up the ketchup and left.
Another will literally eat one nugget of her food at a time and resentfully stare at you while pretending to bury it like the trash that it is.
"Meh, I'll get to those in my own time. Leave me to sleep, peasant"
"What's this? Why are you putting my food in a box? Give it all to me at once!"
One time I had eggnog and my cat knew in his bones it was ice cream. When I put a little down for him, he looked at me like he'd suddenly lost all respect for my taste buds. Like, How can you even??
"No, Chungus, is not food."
"It so is, monkey, give meeeeee."
Cat: It's recreational
The last two want/wanted no 'human' food, but insist on being offered a but of everything. 🤷♀️
(On my YT is a video of her eating sourdough bread. May be unlisted, can share a link if anyone wants it.)
She would literally climb your arm to get to a cheese danish.
Cats are such glorious creatures that they manage to do things like this, and we still don't strangle them. 💜
And they have zero remorse.
She lived to the ripe old age of 20, still stealing pastries right up until the end.
the current kitty has a thing for butter and cheese. and mayonnaise.
I think it’s mostly the husks and corn silk he’s interested in though.
Me: "This plate doesn't need washing yet. I'm not finished."
My family once had a cat who would strip popcorn off the Christmas tree as high as she could reach and grab cornmeal pancakes off of people's plates - risking syrup on her head!
Curent cat just wants meat.
And croissants.
Butterfinger loved beef in all its forms. Beancat teleports to the kitchen whenever we open canned chicken.
Until it'd dry out and crumble into pieces and he'd forget.
My current little guy doesn't do veggies, but given half the chance, he will nom a Christmas cactus into oblivion.
Also, in his 18th year, he discovered he loves crackers.
(Radar very much could have been her owner’s familiar)
Our much missed tabby Maine Coon: this tomato sauce is MINE and I’ll take the cheese
The tabby of my teenage years, standing under the tap licking desperately: maybe I regret the head of garlic, maybe not
"the big clumsy cat that talks funny loves to eat this thing, surely is good for me too"
Clearly my lil' doggies ancestors made sausage links after stalking a steppe bison across the... steppe. 🤪
And then eat it, obviously.
They are also hypercarnivores: a diet that is over 70% meat.
Not that I would personally do that; I think the closest I would try is moving toward mealworms etc.
The kitty who used to live with me was a fiend for wine. Could not open a bottle in the house without summoning a meowing cat.
Has stolen spinach off my plate
Licked clean thru a stick of butter
Eats salsa and jalapeños
Loves Reddi Whip
Will eat every houseplant, including plastic ones
Relentlessly pursues and eats hedphone cords and chargers
Will stalk you for miles if you have black or baked beans
A beloved tuxedo cat I imaginatively named Cat would grab the bag of cheese popcorn out of my hand! She loved that popcorn!
She once rushed in at the sound of zucchini being peeled and boy was she disappointed.
Yes, he's not just licking it to get any butter residue, he's having a good chew on it.
He also bloody loves chips (fries) and will steal them from your plate if he gets a chance
#cat #cats
In conclusion, cats are inexplicable.
Nobody told Purrito. 😆
My cat won't eat anything but crunchy food (kibble). Chicken? No. Prawns? No. Cheese? No. Dairy butter? No.
But put shea butter lotion on your hands and she'll lick it off like a demon.
I spent quite a while Googling whether it's dangerous.
Mac n cheese, ice cream, buttered popcorn, Tim Hortons double double, whatever
Our other one just loves raw spinach.
I cannot turn my head when eating or preparing food.
raw spinach.
but at least he eats his veggies 😂😂
Yes he was orange and his name was Boris Johnson. 🤣 I did not name him, but it fit so I kept it.
She's so bad that if she sees the humans getting out the pasta pot she immediately starts screaming for the noodle.
Bread, gluten is technically a protein yes
(It's probably the sugar in both)
'Nana's, well, how ripe?
unsure if this was personal taste or emulating the boston terrier he grew up with who was also a peanut butter fiend
our female cat would occasionally deign to try it and then look supremely disappointed in the tasteless goons she had to share space with
Cat, neither tea nor rose nor soy are cat food!