Even one of the takes expressing revulsion at the treatment of trans people also says that the administration's policies aren't consequential because they affect a small population. Would anyone say the same about the explicit persecution of an ethnic or religious minority? This is extraordinary.
Imagine every single person in the San Diego metropolitan area peeing behind a bush because none of them are allowed to use a public restroom.
Imagine every San Diegoan dying and saying it's inconsequential.
Protecting trans rights is essential to all people's rights.
That law they overturned in Iowa? That's the same right that let women wear pants without being fired.
Easter x International Transgender Day of Visibility 🏳️⚧️
Easter x Hitlers birthday
It's really primarily the courts, with some legislation, that has protected Mormons, JWs, SDAs, santería, indigenous practices, etc.
- these people see “1% of the population” and think that means “basically no one” and not “literally millions of people”
- actively trying to kill a group of people simply because they belong to that group no matter how big the group is is a very important issue???
Of course identity is important but what will you do with it now?
Everyone involved deserves exactly what the Nazi fucks who orchestrated other genocides got. Line them against the wall, chop and drop.
I couldn’t rank those issues, tho. Everything is terrible and consequential.
what THE FUCK are we doing here holy shit
(Reposted for corrected gendering)
I bet he wouldn't say the same thing when it's his life on the line.
I hate this argument so much.
No identifier that’s not actually harming others should be fucked over. Plain, simple and undeniable.
That should be everyone’s motto for everything going forward.
I hate it so much, too. It's a gross calculus that leaves all of us targets and poorer.
Most folks do not believe this when told.
“Sure, these policies torture people over an extended period of time to the point of suicide for no reason other than bigotry, but it’s a relatively small amount of people so it’s not *that* bad!”
Like, did they really think that poem was only about the cited groups?
Even Niemöller didn't acknowledge who they really came for first: The same people they've come for this time.
Add everyone together and I think we're up to between 2 and 3 percent, a considerably
“First they came...” —Martin Niemöller
Deeply harmful and wrong, but also highly consequential in the larger social context.
- What % of the population were Jews in 1933 Germany?
- How many trans women raped & tortured in prison will make it "consequential?"
- When the next short-haired athletic teen girl is kicked off her team & ostracized by her community, do we call you?
We really need to start calling shit for what it actually is. No more couching of terms in "politeness".
Be blunt as a warhammer crushing a skull.
This evil shit of letting people die of neglect or disease has got to stop.
I'm going to guess, "Poorly".
thinking they can fucking judge it inconsequential because only … 1.6-2.5 MILLION people (in the US alone, nevermind those who travel here), and their families, are treated as outsider class with lesser rights
Can't wait til they close down all gay bars as potential terrorist cells and start taking all non-straights in for questioning. Lavender scare, coming to a neighborhood near you.
With no one holding them back, how long before they decide to do a)?
“Davon haben wir nichts gewusst"
("We knew nothing about that")
i don't know why people don't understand this very basic concept.
1% of people being dehumanized is too many.
have you met 100 people? odds are, one of them is having their essential characteristics dictate their rights.
it's very simple.
It's consequential now because it's the beta test. If they get away with it the sights will be turned on a new target, and one after that, and one after that. It's MUCH more difficult to stop once it has momentum.
Yes. Whomever wrote this drivel would absolutely try to find a way to excuse it away.
The FUCK?????
Like I don't want to live in a world where this much hatred exists.
Like I was already on the edge before, now I'm being pushed closer to said edge.
I literally do not know what to do anymore and I legitimately want to fucking die.
There's fewer billionaires than there are trans people. Are we to believe that this person wouldn't find significant things that happen to them to be consequential?
Two people are not inconsequential.
People are not inconsequential.
"It is what it is".
It's 1.3 million negligent homicides is what it is.
They have something wrong with their brains. And they've trained their cult over decades that if it hasn't happened to them personally - why, it hasn't happened!"
Institutionalized insanity, right there.
Astounding that the people most vocal about their right to the tools to defend their person utterly and absolutely surrendered even the most basic defense of the mind; evidence-based belief.
They make a signaled virtue of (dis)believing without seeing.
(i am fucking fuming right now)
They've explicitly stated that the goal is to erase us "from the entire world".
It's explicitly genocidal. It always was genocidal.
Genocide was their goal from the very beginning.
Much appreciated.
My mom and dad went to a fundamentalist church with my aunt and uncle and came back talking about furries. They leaned about it at this militarized church. I had to explain to them what it was. Why?
Evidently, she has terminal spreadsheet brain