Quick little health-related thread:
There are measles outbreaks happening in the US & Canada because of pockets of very low vaccination rates.
I wondered if maybe I might need an update to my vaccines. I got them in the usual way as a kid, but sometimes immunity doesn’t last. So I asked my doctor.
There are measles outbreaks happening in the US & Canada because of pockets of very low vaccination rates.
I wondered if maybe I might need an update to my vaccines. I got them in the usual way as a kid, but sometimes immunity doesn’t last. So I asked my doctor.
(I knew it would probably show immunity but… I wanted to be sure)
It sounds like that part wasn't a big deal?
From NPR, Feb 25, 2025
but my wife dodged it and neither of us got rubella.
Cash prices for the titer test and the shot are about the same,
but I might have needed a doctor visit to order the test,
and Medicare covered the shot at CVS with no questions.
Thanks for bringing this up.
I'm glad you checked!
Me & partner took the same tests when we couldn't produce proof of vaccination when applying for green cards - we too got vaccinated as kids, and the paperwork was lost to time.
We both found out we were no longer immune.
Amazing right?
I’ve also messaged my PCP to check this as well.
Thank you for getting the thought process started, Katie.
Is there any truth that some diseases (like measles) can reset your immune system?
If so... any chance COVID had that potential?
(I’m 71, I had measles)
If antivaxers were right, I'd glow in the dark.🤣
Seriously, though. Scary! Glad you were smart about it.
I think I'm just going to schedule a booster if they'll give it to me.
My partner asked his new doctor and they dismissed him immediately - "you got the shots as a kid, you're fine." Wouldn't check titers.
I’ve been vaxxed for MMR at least 4 times, the most recent was probably 20 years ago…I think I’m good?
My insurance is USA, so I’m not able to go get “checked out” without paying toward my $3500 deductible…
That said, when in doubt, I am told there is minimal risk of re-doing your MMR as a healthy adult.
I the US, they say if you’re not sure if you got it as a kid you just get another one, titers are expensive and take more time.
This works for people who have moved states after childhood bc we only have state immunization records, not national. For once our shit system benefitted me!
The test do have a decent false negative rate mind, but they just jab you again if you’re negative to be safe.
My doctor said that there's a time period, especially for the Gen-X crowd, where it's more like to have worn off. I think because we were only getting one dose and not two back then?
Thanks for this tidbit! Makes sense.
It takes about 2 weeks for them to get the result because it is routed via public health.
I'm guessing since I got an update (after 35 years) when my first kid was born (4 years ago) I should be good.
With our second kid almost kicking the door down, and the outbreaks, I've been wondering myself.
(For those unaware Rubella is dangerous during pregnancy and can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, and birth defects. The best way to protect your baby is to get vaccinated against rubella before pregnancy)
Most important: Don't listen to your brainworm!
He wouldn't check me afterwards because there wasn't anything else they could do if it didn't work... but I was checked recently for another reason and yes I'm immune now 🥳
Guess who just got their titers back and is somehow good for measles and rubella but NOT showing an immune response against mumps? 🤦♀️
Also apparently for some of us here born from (IIRC) 1960-1984ish, we only got one dose. So good to get another.
The cost/benefit analysis was very simple for me-- as a healthy individual with no immune conditions, it was an absolute no-brainer to get a booster.
Next time I attend my Dr I will ask about this.
Thank you for sharing.
Thing is, most people got their shots as kids and you don't keep track of that stuff, your parents did so who knows now.
I got my MMR before they started using the live virus in 1968.
I redid my DTAP & am thinking about a couple others.
Knowing what we know now I was lucky (though numbers with serious consequences are relatively low)
Not going to drive into the minute details
If it's negative I will get the vaccine
Have been checked my entire hospital career for all of them
I keep it simple
Neg = shot
- a doctor (retired)
Experts demonstrate humility regarding their own knowledge and specifically predictions.
My doctor said no to authorizing the titer test, then said I didn't need the shot.
We both got the shot, now I'm looking for a new doctor that doesn't bend over for insurance companies.
I remember because the nurse asked 14yo me if I was pregnant in front of my mom. I said “I’m not pregnant but, if I was, do you think I’d tell you in front of my mom?” She was pissed but my mom was proud!
Get vaccinated. IT IS HORRENDOUS. The photophobia was awful and it left a friend deaf.
Is being infected a good bet for lifelong immunity?
I took the tact of there being no harm in a booster even if my immunity had tested immune (obvs assuming I had a titer).
Honestly, isn't this a relatively logical approach (assuming ins pays for it) - it's what we do w/tetanus?
(Also that other countries have a real medical system, instead of the insurance-corrupted bullshit of the USA.)
But about 5 years ago I tested zero immunity for chicken pox. I got vaccinated, but it was a real pain in the arse. (too old for regular vaccine but too young for shingles vaccine)
What's the cost?
I imagine it is mostly guesswork - but you did the intelligent thing.
So far we haven’t broken any laws & Ziggy has been minimally vaxed. He’s due for a couple boosters soon, before he gets his passport.
(Also not immune to mumps anymore.)
Will inquire. Wheeeeee. Tempted to get titer testing for all the things I can while I can.
Also, glad you checked!
I mean, the vaccine isn't that expensive, I paid out of pocket for mine (needed for documentation purposes).
Just noting, it seems like an attempt at cost savings that actually backfires.
I still envy Canada.
I had a heart transplant thanks to autoimmune disease and the vaccine is live virus, so it's too dangerous.
Good news is that I did test positive for antibodies.
I still don't feel safe around my crunchy SIL and her unvaccinated motley crew.
Good point for folks to ask their doctor to add mmr test to the typ titer test.
My immune it was gained the old-fashioned, shitty way, in 1979.
For me, that would be concerning.
it's been decided... calling tues for advice (giving them a monday morning break for all the other *emergency* calls they will likely be getting)
So… never been vaccinated, never had symptomatic measles, but happily immune.
Have you posted about what it was like to have measles? I did, got some fair traction. People want to *know* what they've been missing
The outbreaks here in Texas originated with the Mennonite community on the Texas/New Mexico border...
Turns out it has some protective effect against covid, likely one reason why healthy vaxxed kids weren't heavily affected.
I have never had covid even tho hubby is frontline.
Surprisingly quite a few different vaccines have seredipitous protective effects against diseases they are not formulated to target. The immune system is a wonderful thing.
First time in my life I had good timing!
I ordered my own titer test through Quest Labs & had it shared with my PCP. I too need an MMR booster.
Check with your healthcare professional to see if it is recommended for you.
Started with MMR and TDaP, added pneumococcus & meningococcus because I'm over 50 & practice pediatric medicine, & doing the zoster & HepB series now
I'm over 50 as well and made sure I got my Hep and Shingles done the year I turned 50. Very important and all people who can get them, should.
I had all mine redone and have fresh energetic antibodies to every idiot's disease reemergence.
In 1991, I had to prove that I had all my childhood vaccines and get a few extras before Clemson would let me go to classes.
(And NOBODY should suddenly become aware of their tongue, or realize that under their clothes they are COMPLETELY NAKED. 🤣)
(Also: see rest of thread.)
Had mine checked. Strongly recommend.
Just FOLLOW YOUR DOCTOR's ORDERS, they know better than you!!!
The parents need to be charged with negligence and child endangerment.
I spoke with my Primary Care Physician on this last week. He noted that he had been receiving many inquiries recently surrounding MMR vaccines and antibody testing.
The country seems to NOT be moving in the right direction.
My husband followed suit in BC that same year
My remnant immunity was enough, so I didn't need to be vaccinated.
Cancun Cruz has a degree in law. So does Li'l Marco Rubio. And Mitch McTurtle. And they ALL swore to protect and defend the Constitution --
Doc agreed. Had the blood draw yesterday.
(Talk to your health care provider - chart is a general guideline)
With my new insurance, they want a titer test first (even though I've read it's more expensive than the shot) and will cover the shot if it's needed.
Got the test today.
Out Them! They Run!🏃♂️
Even worse: I only recently figured out the reason 8-year-old me's favorite-est shirt in the world disappeared is because my parents burned it. I wore it for reassurance with the pox.
So yeah. Our kids got the Varicella vaccine.
That is why I suffered through chicken pox in the 1970s. No vaccine.
That is why my kids, now teenagers, did not suffer through chicken pox. They were vaccinated.
That is why I had to get the Shingles vaccine, because I probably still carry the virus. My kids won't have that worry.
A booster if in doubt won’t hurt
Anyone who’s had Covid might need an MMR update.
Anyway, Vaccines are awesome. Get ‘em into ya.
Say it was covered, others no because it’s “not medically necessary”. It’s a crap shoot.
Got mine today - we'll see if I need the vaccine! No chances will be taken here **roarrrr**
At least I won't get it again.
Current requirements for kids to go to school or at least one local university is two doses.
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I got my HPV shot recently and I asked the doctor if getting an MMR booster would be a good idea given the outbreaks, knowing I got an MMR shot as a kid
he said that it's not a terrible idea to get one just to be sure
And if a vaccine "takes" in 95% of the people who get it, that's top tier.
Many doctors would have skipped the titer tests and gone straight to the booster shot, but as always in the US, insurance has final say.
All my kids are vaxxed.
It’s reassuring to know I’m not the only person who can’t cope with blood tests. I don’t even like to have my blood pressure taken!
Zero side effects. I never bothered to do a titer. You should be fine just getting a boost.
I got them again this year for work. That's 3x now.
Amazingly, with all these vaccines no side effects.
there is a test to check immunity levels but i’m immunocompromised so i decided it wouldn’t hurt just to be sure.
as of 7hrs post, no issues, not even soreness. hoping that holds 🙂
Infants and elderly are a no touch or breathe near right after you get it.
Thank goodness for robust vaccination programs.
“Making Cod Liver Oil Great Again.”
You know if there's any kind of repository?
More recently some bloodwork found that my Hepatitis immunity was waning so I had to get those shots again last year.
Is there any reason for me to get another vaccine?
Based on my age, my MD and I presumed that I had only received one shot and that it was pre-MMR, so just do it.
I declined a titer then, but may get one now!
Being exposed to the public "a lot" doesn't much matter
You just have to pass through a space where someone passed through within the last two hours and dropped the virus
A Starbucks, the grocery, an elevator
It's really, really, infectious
I don’t know that anything further would be covered by OHIP.
got that too.
So I’d probably ask your Dr :) but you might be ok!