everything the trump campaign says its doing — trying to turn out secret trump supporters and campaigning in places he can’t win — looks and sounds like the actions of a losing campaign https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-rallies-solidly-democratic-states-unorthodox-strategy-rcna174674
they’re above such things
what always counts is the numbers they can come up with
It sure seems dumb, but this Republican operative said it isn't, so it must not be!
I'll still be knocking doors either way.
Harris can only tread water w/o the House/Senate! No court reform, gun legislation, Health care protections or tax reform.
Every vote counts; in every state, for every office!
🔥Your vote matters!🔥
This is all about ginning up mobs throughout the country.
The best Dem pick up chance is Syracuse’s NY-22z
(Upstate cities are growing while rural areas are declining)
Albany/Syracuse/Rochester/Buffalo upstate? NYC might as well be a different country.
and in trump's case, is probably he doesn't honestly think campaigning in specific places helps him at all
Also, if his base is more rural, I'm sure a MSG rally will really resonate with them.
Hope MSG got payment up front.
how can he represent the United State on the world stage?
(example of a commercial the H-W campaign should air)
But then again, he had Comey in 2016.
For the best democracy, please re-skeet.
Trump doesn't think this way, anyway. Trump legit thinks he can win California and New York. Trump is not of this planet.
In ‘16, the governors and election officials in PA, WI and MI were all Republicans. From voter purges, to limiting polling places etc. the GOP could fuck with the process with impunity.
Not so now. And he needs all 3 states.
georgia resisted trump the first time.
and what "crazy people" do you think are in charge in arizona?
Going to places where you are certain to lose is just pissing time down the drain in an election campaign.
Big crowds keep Trump happy, lets you repeat the "but our crowd sizes!" excuse when you lose, gets coverage, etc.
I'm not going to feel comfortable until the election is at least certified.
I'll breathe a sigh of relief on Jan 20, 2025 (assuming things go our way).
just to avoid the ridiculousness of the Electoral College
There's just no justification for it anymore; its rationale for being long since left the building
but with it, Republicans can "win" elections they'd lose if we had a popular vote instead
Clinton knew that any presidency with a Republican Senate majority in 2017 would have been strangled in the crib. The SCOTUS seat would have stayed vacant. The midterms would be bloody. She couldn’t play small ball.
I assure you they care very much about winning. Running a bad campaign isn't the same as trying to lose. And winning an election fair and square is MUCH easier than "stealing" it and getting away with it.
for example, Elon joined the campaign and now they're going to Coachella (when no one else is there but still)
Not impossible, but if there IS a legit plan it'd be the first one this guy ever made.
I'd bet against it, but not much.
but he is absolutely testing that prediction and if he wins it will be in spite of this stuff
Also, no one thought Trump could actually win so it wasn’t a big deal.
Plus Harris running one hell of a campaign.
The rest just enable the shit out of him.
So he's on 24/7 call and gets like 3 hours sleep per night.
This is not, obviously, normal.
They're EXHAUSTING. But some people seek this shit out voluntarily. I've no sympathy at all at this point.
I hope Trump make him sleep less than an hour a night until Nov
*they are in no way censored and just mad white dudes aren't the only source of "authority"
Discuss amongst yuhselves
Dump campaign now is not quite Puppet Show - Spinal Tap (yet) but there is a last bits of a tired washed up band tour smell to it
Pennsylvania is his only path to victory. He wins it, he has a shot. He loses it, he is toast. But he isn't gonna get with his favorite escorts in Pa.
I hope.
And the media will carry his water, making sure that the "success" of these is trumpeted.
That paranoia is offset by how inept The Kraken was in 2020.
Then I remember our Supreme Court.
Also, is it liberal paranoia if one only thinks this is his plan? (As opposed to thinking it can actually happen.)
I don't think it will work but it's probably the plan.
He will lose. Hopefully Big Loss.
He will then say "I couldn't have lost by that much! I should be given all the power!"
And the SCOTUS will just...do that.
And then we'll all just...accept it.
That's the plan. That's the whole plan.
Following polls is a waste of time.
tbqh i kinda feel like 2016 Trump was a combination of racist reaction to Obama combined with a fad. Just don't feel like people are having fun with Trump this time around.
Nazi Rally at MSG ✅
They’re going to gin up some fake data that suggests they had a huge cache of votes that were somehow suppressed, maybe?
I am 1000% behind Kamala Harris but I know Trump and they will do anything to win.
There is no line they won't cross.
I mean there could be a big shake up in the next two weeks. No one can know for sure but.... yeah