there's currently massive unrest in the venomous snake hobbyist community bc some dumbfuck who owned an inland taipan in the US, encouraged free handling and didn't have anti-venom (insane) got bit and now he's in the hospital on a ventilator and also he posted this one (1) week ago
I could guess his social security number.
No grey area!!
Unless he spent all his money on the exotic animals.
“Antivenom is for pussies”
THAT cover photo…
And then he looks like this?!
I'm not about to argue the point, I'm with you on the snakes are cool but not my friends wagon.
buuuuut the world will be a better place if he just owns up to what he said
Some people shouldn't even have snoodles, but this guy had nope ropes. Bonkers
It ended up under a neighbor’s porch, and there was a multi-day standoff on the news as the police found someone trained to handle a pissed off cobra.
Police ended up killing 49 of them.
Is it good that this is notable?
There’s another super-deadly snake from Australia that’s just called the “common brown snake” and it looks like a common brown snake.
In Australia I guess it’s just assumed that every snake is deadly so they don’t show it off.
Imagine fucking up so badly that you make Wikipedia editors have to update an article, because of your fuck up.
I understand nowThe hole is deeper. He is allowed by the State to raise a non-native venomous snake and no one, not even him, is required to have the antidote.
Or to a domestic antivenin production facility.
Just one more reason not to get hot snakes -- if one hits you, and the cops end up getting called, they could be killed.
I've seen a taipan chase a man on a rally bike.
They are INCREDibly territorial and quite aggressive.
A rattlesnake will warn you. A taipan will chase you across tarmac. Also they can get up to 25km/h
if you're a tourist visiting any touristy parts of australia you will not encounter an inland taipan unless you go to a zoo.
There are many people who go to outback Qld. And most of them respect the snakes
Play with fire, got burned indeed.
This Facebook author is metal.
He straight up has angered whatever deity those snake handlers in the south are praying to (look it up) and now he is going to feel Snake Wrath throughout his entire body, and because he will no doubt do worse if he survives, he has to die. He Fucked Up. Royal.
Tai Pan? Dead Man.
Let me hold that danger noodle.
I understand some people want to end their own lives, but dear god this is such a painful and unpleasant way to do so.
i am snek with smol head
i bite i keel you ded
I'd bet money he'd been dicks to people associated with that zoo before
Did this guy die yet
specialty or speciality?
I only see that as an antiqued spelling in the 1 on line dictionary I looked at
so you have venom and antivenin?
Just to make it more clear, and all that.
Ahem. "They should call it anti-poison"
Anyone: Casual language use observation
(honestly I just like saying "antivenin")
Don’t shit on safety precautions and then cry when you can’t get them from people who do things safely. Or safer, anyway.
What an asshole!
They really need to contact CSL Limited in Melbourne, and see about getting anti-venom - if he lives that long.
Also random note autocorrect keeps pushing antivenin
(For the non-snek folks: The inland taipan, aka the "fierce snake", possesses the most toxic snake venom known (based on LD50 in mice). Fortunately relatively CHILL for hot herps, but U still want to have antvenom)
I don’t trust someone who thinks freehandling without anti-venom is a good idea to keep a dangerous animal notorious for escaping
(spoiler below)
I've seen a 700 man rail maintenance depot in Mackay shut down for 2 hours because someone "thought" he saw one.
Even in Queensland, no-one fucks with Taipan's
And also lmao.
the what now
I bet if he flexes hard enough it would all work out fine.
The "didn't keep anti-venin", and "doing it to show off, not because you like snakes" bits are a little over the top.
The problem is that those wouldn't work very well for counteracting the venom from the snake that bit him. Better than nothing, but not by much.
I still hope he survives, though, and that people learn from this.
MacGyver would’ve made one from polyester fibers, baking soda, 9V battery, and a half-full soda can.
That guy SUCKS
Oh well, we had a pretty good run as a species.
Two snakes are slithering through the jungle when one says to the other, “do you know if we’re venomous?”
“No idea”, replies the other snake. “Why do you ask?”
“I’ve just accidentally bitten my tongue.”
These are the sort of folk Ellie Musk would want to be running the world with.
Explains why Australians live on the coast.
That’s a warning.
It’s like Rogue Waves. People saw them alright, they just didn’t live to tell any scientists about them.
Related q- does someone dying from a highly toxic snake result in different handling for a mortuary/cemetery? If you know.
If someone were really worried, get the deceased cremated.
But a body -- especially a dying or decaying one -- is full of all kinds of chemical processes that will not leave the venom alone just because it was the cause of death.
I've been bitten twice by Diamondback rattlers (dry bites). Dirty yucky bites, no venom. It happens fast
Mr. Leibowitz had a long career as a reporter for the New York Times.
He also owns an exotic Serval cat, which - as shown in videos - is clearly not socialised to him.
This man wanted to die
(Only joking, no need to get more wild animals involved, hopefully the guy owns a Tesla that will finish him off)
Wild servals are BEAUTIFUL and if I ever encountered one “here kitty kitty” would be a tempting way to go, but they really wouldn’t WANT to hear kitty kitty.
God, I'm a fucking nerd.
(For the record: pussies and vaginas should symbolize strength and resilience, in all cultures… but most cultures don’t have enough ovaries to admit it’s true)
I’m ready to hear it.
(So tired of the physical/economic threats.)
I mean, they're not particularly aggressive snakes, but that's just asking to die.