as others have noted there's a connection between these deaths and right wing "Antifa" paranoia. musk designed and advertised this thing as apocalypse proof which in his smooth brain meant "able to protect riders from dangerous hordes of poor rioters". this also makes rescuing passengers impossible
Reposted from
Warren Wells, AICP
What an absolute nightmare. A high school student saw his friends crash their Cybertruck and rushed to help, but was only able to rescue one of them because the car's doors would not open from the outside.
He watched his three other friends burn to death.
He watched his three other friends burn to death.
I suppose money can't buy you taste. Cybertruck when they have so much money for something so much better.
Sorry about their deaths though. Tragic for everyone.
It sucks so much ass, I hate it
“Lissencephaly is a rare congenital condition that causes a developing brain to appear smooth instead of having normal bumps and folds. Lissencephaly is often caused by a genetic mutation, though non-genetic factors can also cause it.”
I'm not consistently involved in disability spaces or ableist discourse, so thanks for this, I really appreciate it
It's the exact same colonial mindset that produced the anti-carjacking flamethrower.
"Eh, he probably deserved it"
• Obsession with Tesla
• Uses Doge meme
• "Dark MAGA"
• Thinks he's cool for sieg heiling
• Names his children in leet speak.
Keeps screaming "Why won't people like me, I am cool, guys!"
Literal manchild.
Dismantling capitalism is an intervention at this point.
Have we learned nothing?
The number of conversations I've had with people who just regurgitate talking points about homeless people as if they've never spoken to one is nuts.
I'm just saying I trust mid-'00s SyFy construction more.
Joel Hodgson was potentially the progenitor of all modern humor, at least stylistically speaking.
MRAPs can be accessed from the outside to take soldiers out if they are set on fire/flipped.
Vehicles that fail closed is just one of the stupid design decisions taken that will get users killed.
Does this count as Apollo's Dodgeball?
Unfortunately it's only what Elon thinks is cool. So it lacks both function and "cool factor".
Other models have a latch hand operable in their doors.
The same crippling fear cutting you off from the people who can help you.
Also I'm guessing than even an uparmored humvee would be easier to get into in an emergency that this bullshit.
What other car catches fire like that, in what otherwise could be a regular accident?
I can't believe people pay $100,000 for that glorified Pinto.
BTW, I’m selling 2 #churches & leaving #USA if you’re interested.
Good night, 🦋
A perfect fortress makes a perfect tomb.
And Elon will learn nothing from this.
Wait til they find out the dimmer switch is on the floor.
Her Mazda 6 crumpled like a napkin but she walked away without a scratch.
The firefighters running it explained that the only way to reliably get people out of a Cybertruck was going to be using hydraulic cutters; and that's why they did not want them to be added to the roads.
Who knows, you might need to rescue a dog from an overheated cybertruck or something
0. Don't get seen
1. If seen, don't get identified
2. If identified, don't get acquired
3. If acquired, don't get fired on
4. If fired on, don't get hit
5. If hit, don't get breached
Cossie turbo lag meant you needed the touch of a midwife to not die
I think about this every time i buy a new vehicle
his garage to rescue a couple of kids from a very crumpled car that went into a pole outside his house. I want a car that a 50 year old can get me out of with a tool from his house.
I know Elon Musk would NEVER do that.
just assume I'm going to have to save you some day in the middle of an active highway in deep fog and have some area of the undercarriage marked FLARE STORAGE so it doesn't rely on me having restocked mine
people argued against backup cameras and didn't really engage with the fact that they were primarily to prevent killing children
the American public is not great at understanding bad things can happen to them
Because a simple manual handle you pull to open the door from inside is one part too many for Mr. ‘Best part is no part’.
What would Nader Say?
You want regular ass people to be able to bust through your vehicle's glass. Cuts and scrapes are far preferable to burning to death waiting on EMS.
Any part of this shit box could explode or shear metal anywhere. The batteries catastrophically explode. Rain could shatter it. I'm just a regular man.
Argument is they are anti-theft. Cool and all. Except when Firefighters are trying to pull your limp body out.
The situation changes when the car is on fire. It becomes even more of a problem when the fire is lithium based and impossible to put out in a timely manner with the tools we have.
The cyber truck is a nightmare combo of both things. Other than possible petty vandalism. It’s far more likely this vehicle will kill you rather than save you from a nut job or crime.
Musk Sycophants: masterful Gambit, Sir
At least I know the kids won't ding any neighboring cars with the doors?
Is only true in the "I will die a deeply ironic death within 90 minutes." sense
Which he thinks he deserves.
type: rosebud
I don't.
Even AI knows that claim is just dumb.
Cars crumpling/falling apart=dissipation of energy, so you aren’t turned to jelly by a violent impact
Have you considered the demographic of dudes who want to be entirely unlikable at all times getting trapped in a burning vehicle?
Even in black and white some of those pics were still incredibly grisly
Agree on the windows though. Those need to be breakable.
Tempted to say it's a solved problem on that basis
When he says “zombie-proof,” he’s not thinking zombies.
i'll never understand the world elon musk and co live in where apparently the people most likely to be trying to get into your car are dangers to you and not paramedics or emts
Pedestrian fatalities reached a nadir in 2009 and then steadily rose again as the share of large vehicle sales rapidly increased.
Lucid, for one, have the right idea -yes, the doorlocks are electronic, but for emergency release, you pull on the regular door handle, but harder.
They were speeding, but the flames from the battery were so intense that rescuers could not even get close. The kids burned to death.
The ratatouille sits, some feet away, cold, in memory.
But filmed
And then posted him being a dumbass online tbh
And then you see the admiration drain from his eyes when he found out it's super easy to peel off the panelings
*rubs old motor oil on face*
*gathers up the rusty hacksaw blades*
Dump Tesla
Even their approach to car design reveals that line of thinking.
Not so much for John Doe going to pick up his kids from school in a bay area suburb.
He is not an engineer.
He isn't smart enough to make those decisions.
Just like he isn't a rocket scientist.
and while we're at it...
how many people have Teslas KILLED or injured because basic safety was ignored.
People shouldn't have died, deaths were probably avoidable and injuries were also probably avoidable.
In comparison the Wankenpanzer’s death rate is 14.52
Bulletproof , impenetrable doors make you driving a coffin.
Normal cars get around this by having the manual handle that physically unlocks the door when you pull it.