So a wannabe DOGEr at Brown Univ from the conservative student paper took the univ org chart and ran it through an AI aglo to determine which jobs were "BS" in his estimation and then emailed those employees/admins asking them what tasks they do and to justify their jobs.
Go f&%k yourself.
All the best,
[First name Last name]
Fuck you."
Oh, this kid is BEGGING for a job at DOGE. He'll probably get hired too.
Entire departments and corporations would implode.
Slightly more plausible than dealing with the plumbing, but also not realistic.
The entire thing is predicated on believing that everyone else is stupid and you’re the only smart one.
Aka, miserable customer service, expensive, and further makes working in technology horrible.
Only techbros and corpo slimeballs like them.
Also, $77k/yr and the best he comes up with is copying someone else's smarmy bullshit "employment categories"? Sad.
Step B: weld it shut
Dan Abrams hired one to write for his website
He proceeded to declare on it, as fact, that Hezbollah had invaded N. Israel & the U.S. embassy in Leb. had been evacuated. None of which happened
Among other humiliatingly basic falsehoods
Your fault, then?
That said, I do think there is some research to be done to study if kids like this would have benefited from it/ from more of it.
applicable to many angles on this story!
Hazing is something you put someone through in order to permit them to join a social group.
Hazing is evil. You either let someone in on their merits, or you don’t.
What you need for this situation is good old fashioned tar-and-feathers and out of town on a rail.
* looks at email
* snorts
* searches sender’s drive for cartoon porn folder
* zips and uploads folder to Providence PD
* cuts off network access for sender’s devices
* makes another coffee and waits
The Browndoger, Elon, Trump, etc.
this is not new
That dude kinda sucked, huh
Jesus, this author is an embarrassment.
The companies I worked for literally could not function without me and others like me.
This kid is a spoiled little monster who is in for a very big surprise if he ever tries to work a real job.
(*We all have separate jobs now.)
He is in for a rude awakening.
What the late and brilliant David Graeber would have to say about any of this is the opposite of what anyone 20° of Separation away from anyone DOGE thinks. This is rolling-over-in-grave level offensive.
Loser has zero idea who he is referencing! 😫
Buddy seems to be gunning for exactly the kinds of bullshit jobs (just tech adjacent) the Graeber wrote about
Taking cues from the techbro children, everything’s a scam - *especially* in higher ed, where people come out knowing things
What about just responding in-kind? "Yes, I'd also love for you to tell me about your grades and progress toward degree. How many hrs studying?"
What does that mean? Nothing.
1. Fucked your mom.
2. Fucked your dad.
One guy is at risk of redundancy because the dept has a manager and coordinator.
Typical LLM bullshit that takes as much time to track down the idiocy as it might to do whatever the task itself.
Too lazy to actually do any real work and arrogant enough to imagine that he’s the arbiter of what constitutes necessity.
I mean we can all be hypocrites when we are in our early 20’s.
This guy sets a low bar for self improvement.
Surely Brown does search all family trees when organising admissions.
If it bothered him so much why did he mention it?
Kids can't get laid so they just never figure it out I guess
Ironically, he wrote a paper titled "Students Lose Out in the Politicization of Education".
He claims DEI hurts students like him.
I did not expect the job coaches at universities to recommend “be a piece of paid propaganda”, but hey, bills gotta get paid
Fuck these impotent, aggrandizing, LARPing, jizzstain, crybabies into the sun.
Attach the bill for expelling him to his account so that he can't get a transcript until he's made full restitution.
If we ran an honest analysis of CEOs and upper management, they would be on the chopping block if we judged their compensation vs. actual performance.
You know, like actual employees are evaluated.
These acolytes are absolute dipshits. What a farce.
Conservatives are worthless as participants in society. this anything?
(I guess it's also just regular fascism.)
Alex Shieh ’27’s father went to Brown and the freshman still wonders whether he got in because of his own accomplishments. “There’s sort of an imposter syndrome—nobody can walk up to me and say ‘you would have gotten into Brown if you hadn’t been a legacy,’” Shieh says.
Shieh, known on campus for his outspoken opposition to affirmative action of all kinds, believes admissions should be based entirely on merit.
Leads to funny shit like this.
I hate this timeline.
This is what every simpleton dudebro with no tech industry experience misses.
The faculty from BOTH colleges would have beaten me with rocks if I had attempted a stunt like this
"Ah yes, we don't need someone to vet the code for exploits, that's a bullshit job. Push it to prod."
"yer mom"
Vile little lick-spittle shit-snitch
he should be at least be expelled
Someone who has no understanding of why those jobs exists is engaged in an exercise of abject stupidity.
I only just heard of him and already hate him so much.
I’m sure he has all of the wisdom and experience necessary to figure all this out.
This coming from someone that hasn't even learned how to spell 'jeopardizing' correctly yet.
Why the f**k are universities wasting time, money, and resources on student newspapers?
Ruin this fucker’s email
"Box Ticker: Is the employee's primary responsibility to creat superfluous outputs (e.g., memo writers, newsletter writers, etc.)?"